The place for two people to eat supper is not as luxurious as imagined, but there are quite a lot of people. But Ding Yu and Hou Tianliang chose a good place. Both the environment and the service were impeccable, and the things were delivered quickly!

"Director Ding, I didn't expect you to have a good taste?"

"It's just food. How come I eat scallion cake every day, with a gold hoe and a golden shoulder pole?" Ding Yu didn't care about it! It seems that I didn't take it as a thing at all!

"No, it's just that I can't imagine that I can sit in such a so-called fly restaurant with director Ding. There are no other places in Beijing, but there are so many luxurious restaurants and restaurants. That's where the director should stay!"

"It's just a habit of poverty!" Ding Yu took the chopsticks in his hand, and started it very quickly. "What can best embody humanity? It's just such a small restaurant. What's the point? All of us are human beings, just ordinary people. In the past eight generations, who is not a farmer, is just a matter of one time! It's no different! "

When the two people were talking, they heard a cry. Looking at the people standing next to him, Ding Yu did not say anything, but Hou Tianliang was slightly stunned for a moment, and then he also looked at director Ding Yuding opposite him.

"Uncle, how do you eat here?"

Ding Yu this time just looked at two people standing beside him, "you pour is quite leisurely?" Pointing to the position next to him, "come back to have a supper? If you go home, up and down too busy! Moreover, there are several evil lords in the house, which is quite a headache

Zhou Chengtie looked at the things on the table and said, "uncle, my husband and wife have just come back from my uncle's side."

"sit down! I'm busy these two days, just let two bastards pass! They said that Shi Shuzu's health is pretty good! "

"Well!" Zhou Chengtie also nodded to his uncle. Both of them had already eaten. If it wasn't for seeing his uncle, they would not have come in. What's more, there are people nearby? So it's OK to say a couple of sentences, "I happened to be there when younger martial brother and younger sister came, but I'm so happy that I'm so happy!"

"Although I called my martial uncle, I still couldn't find the time. Of course, there was a little shirking about this! Is it me who is a junior? There are so many unfilial

"No, uncle, you must not say that!" After a look at Hou Tianliang, Zhou Chengtie is also leaning towards his martial uncle's side position, "martial uncle, in fact, where's your uncle? The rest are better, but what about his children? What do you want to know? My uncle is so upset

"Why didn't you mention it to me?" What about Ding Yu's face? Obviously, there are also some unhappiness.

Hou Tianliang also took a look at Ding Yu at this time, and he had almost eaten, "director, I'll go back first!"

Ding Yu looked at it and nodded, "I'll send you back to the subway station at seven o'clock tomorrow morning." Hou Tianliang didn't refuse Ding Yu's good intentions. He nodded with Zhou Chengtie and soon left his table. How about staying? There is something wrong with your eyesight.

After waiting for dawn to leave, Zhou Chengtie was also embarrassed to smile, "sorry uncle, I delayed your business!"

"No, I've just come back here, so we can have some food together. What's the situation with martial uncle? When I took my uncle to leave, I told them and gave them considerable material treatment! And really, what if we talk about it? The relationship between them seems to be very general

"Ah! Martial uncle, what do you say? Black eyes can't see silver? "

Ding Yu snorted, "it's the son! It's been many years

"By the way, I should call elder martial brother, but what about this elder martial brother? It's too much to be too much! I don't know how this guy got here. Let's get rid of it! There are some problems, but if we don't get rid of them, it seems that there are also some problems. It is really a toad jumping on the instep of his feet, not biting, but responding to people! "

It can be seen that Zhou Chengtie was so excited, and Ding Yu also shook his head. "When the martial uncle married that Shiniang, she had two children. The son's attitude towards the master was very ordinary, but the daughter was quite good to the master. At least when the martial uncle was in hospital, she could go to the hospital to wait on him!"

"I really haven't heard of it! I've seen it before, but I feel very warm! "

"It's all about old sesame and blue millet!" Really, what if Ding Yu said it? There is nothing to say. It involves some family affairs of martial uncle. "I gave them a house for each of them. Although it is a small county, by the way, you seem to have been there! I went back with my uncle. "

"Yes! Shishuzu took me out to sweep the tomb, as if there was no other contact! But did not think that this elder martial brother suddenly came to the door again, look at this meaning? We must fight for the so-called inheritance right. My uncle is angry, but I have no sense to tell you about it! It's a chance today"How do you say that? It's true that you don't know what's good or bad! " Putting down the chopsticks in his hand, Ding Yu sighed, "what about this matter? I really can't handle it too much. If people see it, they will say that it's not martial uncle. What about you? It's not easy to get involved. I'll deal with this matter! Whether it's the capital or the hometown? I can still say something more or less! "

"Uncle, you are in a dilemma!"

"It's not a matter of embarrassment or embarrassment. There is no such problem, but what about tomorrow? Maybe it's true that there is no such time, involving some other things. I asked people to take three children to the uncle's place. It's a little girl from abroad. What about the uncle? You can show it! He has nothing to do with him anyway

It's hard for others to dictate, but what about Taylor? Ding Yu is really plug and play. Anyway, it is quite easy to use. It is also a kind of useless one! And Ding Yu believes that Taylor is definitely interested in this matter, and is still very interested in it. Of course, Ding Yu refers to seeing his uncle's affairs!

"Foreign girl?" Zhoucheng railway was also stunned.

"Yes, but don't underestimate this little girl. She's cruel? If you don't pay attention, it's easy to follow her way. Originally, I wanted to be a disciple's son, but I didn't have the chance, so I'll forget it later! "

Zhou Chengtie, who was drinking water with a water cup, also gushed out of his mouth. However, he let his wife beside him give him a white look. He didn't have a napkin. He just wiped it with his hand. "Martial uncle, you want to accept apprentices. This qualification is not ordinary!" Zhou Chengtie knows this martial uncle very well. It's hard for ordinary people to get into his eyes!

"No chance, ordinary or unusual? That's just one thing! " Ding Yu also sighed, "what can I tell you? Is to let you be careful, this little girl? It's very unusual. At the same time, this identity is quite unusual. Let's have a look at it again, martial uncle! "

"Well, I understand. Don't worry, martial uncle."

"OK, you two are smart enough this evening, but why don't you drive back? I remember you have a car, and you are already going to have children? Don't scatter dog food everywhere Ding Yu also said a joke.

Zhou Chengtie is also smirking. Anyway, this is not a criticism. His husband and wife have a good relationship, and even his uncle admires him. This is a good thing! Right? After his uncle left, he also took his wife's hand and walked back slowly!

It was a headache, but now? There is nothing more! I really didn't think that my luck was so good that I could meet my martial uncle even when I walked. Otherwise, I really didn't know how to talk about this matter with martial uncle, because what about shishuzu? I don't want to trouble you, martial uncle!

When Ding Yu returned to the courtyard, the two children had already had a rest. However, Taylor did not have a rest. However, she did not want to wait for Ding Yu. Instead, Ding Yu deliberately called her over and said, "what about tomorrow? Take the three of them to visit my uncle! "

"Your uncle?" Taylor's eyes were round all at once!

"Why do you look like that?" Ding Yu is also slightly dissatisfied with some of them, "just go to see my martial uncle, but it's not something that can't be done. What about martial uncle? Should not have seen you, so let him show you! He is an old man! The comparison is unique! "

"Yes, Mr. Ding. I'll go and get ready."

"You don't have to make any deliberate preparations. You just take three children to have a look. What if you can get into the eye of martial uncle? There may be unexpected benefits, but who knows? I'm not really going to make this guarantee! "

"I won't let you down, Mr. Ding!"

"It really doesn't exist. Am I disappointed or not? It has nothing to do with my martial uncle. What about martial uncle? He is a man who has been through many hardships, and his social experience is also relatively deep. Therefore, the vision of people is naturally quite different, so you can grasp it by yourself! "

When getting up in the morning, the two little guys grabbed their father, which was a farce. However, the time was not very long, and Ding Yu's exercise time was not very long. He simply ate a little food and left! They didn't ask what happened, but Taylor knew what happened.

MI5 has been very busy these two days, and even asked for their own door.

Mr. Ding has been very busy these two days. It should be about this! I've heard that. What about the cannon fodder from MI5? It seems to have been sent there, even the location? I also know, I heard, so many people already know, but what can I do if I know? Who dares?

What about the place? It's not an ordinary detention house. It's a prison, and it's also a prison with armed guards. What's more, if there's any problem or situation near the capital, it's too much of a slap in the face! At that time, the whole Chinese side will be furious, and no one is willing to bear such a price.When Ding Yu came to the subway, Hou Tianliang was there, followed by two people, but Ding Yu didn't mean to ask. Looking at the card in Ding Yu's hand, what about the people behind? I also twisted my mouth. What about this? I really didn't think of it, especially the people who followed me.

Why take the subway? It's not that Ding Yu is in order to catch up with the fashion, but that if he takes a bus, he may not be able to get to the place at noon, and the traffic congestion will be there? It's not a day or two. It's the capital after all.

"Director, these two are my colleagues!"

Ding Yu nodded. After two people said their names, Ding Yu was also leaning his head, "what does it mean? It's impossible that there are no regulations at all

What about the relevant personnel? All are handed over to Ding Yu to deal with, but Ding Yu really doesn't mean to act recklessly on this matter. Is he a man or something? Don't need to be too harsh, give others a third of the room, so for their own good, not to mention the back of the third uncle?

"I respect director Ding's opinions and opinions!" Hou Tianliang also said cautiously that he had asked the director general for instructions. The director also expressed his attitude towards this matter. At that time, he only needed to look at the relevant materials. As for other things? Just let this director Ding make trouble.

What's more, what's the relationship between the Secretary and director Ding? I really know, the nephew of the director! What about the capital? But what about those who have some power? Basically, they all know it, but they don't deliberately make it clear.

Out of the subway, people get on the car prepared by the prison side. Ding Yu comes to the cell side again. Yulil has already begun to express the relevant issues, so Ding Yu just delivers the prepared things to yulil.

"Royal whisky, Japanese beef, and other things. I've prepared two chefs for you, the chef in my courtyard. How about the money? I also brought it to you. You can withdraw it anywhere in the world. Of course, there is an ATM! The principal is two million US dollars. If the things you provide are valuable, I will make a considerable judgment and give a certain reward! "

As for Ding Yu's promise, it is a question of credibility!

"Some didn't think of it!" Yulil nodded. "You can do it, and I will do it, but I need quite a bit of time. It's not that I want to procrastinate, it's that these things can't be done in a moment and a half!"

"I understand that if there is anything, you can contact me anytime, anywhere! Out of consideration of your safety, you may want to stay here recently. After all, it is safe here. If you insist on it, I.. "

"Thank you. I think it's good here."

When he came to park, Ding Yu waved his hand to the people behind him and looked at Pike who was sitting there. Ding Yu hesitated for a moment. He really didn't mean to sit down.

"Mr. Ding didn't do it?"

"It's not that it hasn't been done. I've asked people to investigate the relevant situation. I've brought the people here. Before tomorrow night? You'll see him, along with two other women. What about the inside story? I don't think you'd like to hear it. I'm also hesitant to tell you the relevant information! "

"What if I don't believe it? He won't betray me! We used to

Ding Yu listened to Parker's story patiently for a long time. After waiting for pike to leave, Ding Yu did it again. "This is the information I brought here. There is no so-called clip. What else is there? I will also bring it back, separate custody, you go to inquire by yourself! This is the greatest sincerity I can show! "

"Why did he betray me?"

"Why? This reason should not be explained by me. What about this problem? It should be attributed to your own body. I think it is right. There is another question? I hope you can attract considerable attention. We are equivalent exchange. I have done what I should have done, but I need to get considerable results! "

"I wrote something last night, but if Mr. Ding wants to get more, I think the mobile hard disk in front of me is absolutely not enough!"

"It doesn't matter. What about people? It will be delivered before tomorrow evening. How do you want to arrange it? It's your own business. I don't want to interfere. But in advance, I know love? It can destroy a person completely. I don't want to see it happen! "

"But you've done it already!" Parker said sarcastically.

"How do I do it? It's my business! You will greatly stimulate me

"That's your own right. I just hope you don't burn the fire too much and hurt others and yourself!"

"I even fought for him, but what did he do for me? Is it still romantic? Deceive me, and then kick me away, such a thing may not be what for men, but for women, is absolutely can not be forgiven, since there is such an opportunity, why don't I use it! ""Well, what about this? Let's wait until he comes! It's your own business. I don't interfere. I just want what I need! That's all! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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