When he came to Harry's door, Ding Yu also looked at the back, and Hou Tianliang in the back also took a step forward. "Director, according to the summary of the prison, he has been closed for a whole night, but the effect seems not so obvious! After all, this is a prison, not a small black room! "

"Open it! Have a good chat with Harry?! What's more, we just let him understand something! "

When the light is on, Harry is also squinting his eyes. Suddenly he comes into contact with the light, which really makes him feel that there are some things that are not suitable for him, but what about the light and the sun? It's really two times. After his eyes get used to it, Harry also looks at Ding Yu with sharp eyes.

"Mr. Ding, it seems to be a little early?"

"Early? You should have had breakfast! What's more, it's only one night's time. In addition, there's time report outside, so it's still possible to control the time and regulate your own physiology by the way! "

Harry looked at Ding Yu and sipped his mouth. "So, you have to prepare to attack me. If only one person confesses to me, you will never do it. The two of them have not only confessed so simply, but also all of them! What a pity

"Can't we not give MI5 without warning? There is an old saying in China, which is called "to come but not to be impolite". We still need to give some fruits to MI5 to let them know how powerful they are. If other people really give up, there are some reluctant to give up. At least I have promised him, but Mr. Harry is not the same. If you choose to endorse them, I can not Enough to refuse, isn't it? "

"It's not accurate to endorse them, but I can understand that I'm dedicated to the British Empire!"

"Are you devoted? I just don't bother to pay attention to it. We have a personal feud with each other, so what kind of choice do you want to make? Let's listen to it. Maybe, maybe it will move me. If I am moved, there may be unexpected harvest! "

"I didn't think what Mr. Ding would do?" Harry also stretched out his hand immediately. Ding Yu took out his cigarette and lit it for Harry. As for the wound on his body? Now there's no need to worry about it. As the cigarette curls up, Harry sighs, "at least you can face death, right? This is also a choice, although it is not so friendly! "

"And you? They will be sent to Britain, or even to the building of MI5. Of course, they may have some special seasonings on them. Even if they can't get into MI5 buildings, they can drive into them? It's not difficult, and then the fireworks will be set off! " What Ding Yu said is very understatement.

"Dare you?" Harry struggled to stand up, but then also sat down, as for the body above the wound is also split, obviously the previous time a little too ferocious! On the other hand, Harry's injuries were so serious that he would not have sat down as soon as he got up.

"Why don't I dare?" Ding Yu is also a rhetorical question said, even the words with a little puzzled! "You can all come to China and do something to me. Why can't I go to the UK and do it to you? You are only allowed to steal chickens, but I'm not allowed to beat you. What's the reason?! Do you take yourself too much as a matter? "

"This is not in accordance with our mutual agreement!" Harry bit his teeth and insisted.

"The agreement, the agreement between us? It's because I didn't take the initiative to fight the British capital market. It doesn't mean that I can't use a knife or a gun. It's totally two things. What's more, it's your active provocation. Originally, you're not the one for the dead, but the problem is that you surrendered too late, so I'm sorry, I'm going to ask you now? Also out of humanitarian concern, before death? What else is required? "

"I will not commit suicide! I want to open my eyes and watch! "

"It doesn't matter. How do you think about it? It's your own business, but from the next moment on? You will be dead After saying that, Ding Yu also took out a needle tube from his own hand, "special medicine, at least ordinary forensic medicine can not be detected, before parting, say something?"

"The British Empire."

Before finishing this sentence, Ding Yu has injected the medicine into it. Looking at the fallen Harry, Ding Yu also snorted, "sudden death, Hou Tianliang's signature, I'll take the person away!" During the whole process, Ding Yu is also very cold-blooded and ruthless, completely without yesterday's calm.

And the British side is the first time to know the relevant information, their head is really not the general big, Ding Yu this guy! It's definitely a hedgehog. It's an ancestor. What about MI5? Good dead again to touch his ass, this can have good just strange?

It doesn't mean that he has already put things down. How can it be? He is not such a person. If he can be honest, the sun will rise from the West.What about MI5? Has it been given to the Chinese intelligence department? If it is MI5, it will not be able to hold down Ding Yu. Of course, MI5 does not expect the intelligence and governance Department of China to suppress Ding Yu. It just hopes that he can be a little more rational and have a good discussion! Right?

If you can't solve the problem by yourself, it doesn't mean that other people can't solve it. However, MI5 also knows that it needs to give China's intelligence and governance departments considerable benefits. Otherwise, why should people help you solve this problem? We don't wear a pair of pants!

Originally, MI5 was not in such a hurry, but after knowing that Harry was dead, they really couldn't sit still. Since Ding Yu has started to fight Harry, it shows that he has made some moves. As for what kind of action it is, it is not easy to say!

But the more difficult it is to say? The more worried about this aspect of MI5, because Ding Yu is never a guy who plays cards according to common sense, let alone this time? What kind of revenge would Ding Yu use if he really killed Ding Yu and what happened in France? Will there be a direct armed raid?

Other people dare not do so, but it does not mean that Ding Yu also dare not do so. His courage is bigger than the sky, so don't underestimate Ding Yu. But what about China? The lion opened his mouth! How can they miss such a good opportunity? What's more, the British side took the initiative to ask for the door, not to knock you dizzy with a mallet, it's just sorry for yourself.

The British side also feels that there are some difficulties in this aspect, especially in the five aspects of military intelligence. Even if they ask for your help, they can't do so, right?

Harry also came to England when he was sober, because he could clearly see the scene outside. In addition to himself, there was a man sitting opposite him. "Mr. Harry, I'm sorry that you didn't get to see the scenery. What's on you? There should be some time, but it's better not to act at will, because there are people upstairs and downstairs. For the sake of a patriot, I think you will make the right choice! "

Looking down at the objects on his body, Harry's mouth also twitches. As for using so many steel balls? "You have two choices. One? It's waiting for someone to demolish it, but what about the whole process? It's better not to move. What about the other one? I don't say, you know! What about the police? I'll help you! I hope you are ready to pray! "

"This is terrorism!" Harry just said.

"Well, don't be so aboveboard. When you went to ambush Mr. Wang, you didn't seem to be in such a state of mind. Now when you talk about terrorist activities, it's like a thief calling out to be a thief! But you should feel lucky, at least not all the people upstairs and downstairs are buried with you, so cherish this opportunity! Whether you go to hell or heaven, don't forget to say hello to your old friends. I think the number must be quite large! "

"Just a moment, please." Harry, too, called out to leave. "I wish I had died alone. There was no need for everyone to follow me to the funeral! I admit there are some mistakes in the previous practice! "

"What do you say? It's just the previous problem, now you have no other choice! I hope that MI5 can have better luck. They can dismantle this big guy on you. If you can't, the sin is really too big! All right, I'm going to call the police! " Before leaving, it is also a wave, at least there should be a farewell.

But just after two steps, the man turned back! "Forgetting one thing is not a souvenir, but I don't want to leave any trouble for myself. It may hurt a little. I'm sorry!" He pulled two knives in Harry's wrist and then stirred it twice in his mouth. The process was extremely cruel.

After waiting for no more than two minutes, the harsh siren sounded, and the people upstairs and downstairs were still unknown. Therefore, the police started to evacuate the crowd as soon as possible. Meanwhile, the isolation belt was opened. The details of Harry in the room have been shown on the video.

When Harry's face is clear, people from MI5 immediately understand that this is Ding Yu's revenge, and it's also the Revenge of growing up. It's not clear whether the bomb is true or not. But after seeing such a scene, I'm afraid no one will regard this bomb as a fake! Just kidding!

It is not clear how powerful the bomb is, but there is absolutely no problem in destroying the whole building. What's more, how can those small steel balls on his body think of such a vicious trick? What's more, how did Harry enter the British territory? Isn't he dead?

Soon, the bomb disposal experts came in, along with the person in charge of contacting. The bomb disposal experts need to see if they can move. If they can, Harry will be removed as soon as possible. But what about the situation? It's impossible! And what about the time above? It was also when the bomb disposal personnel came in that they started to jump.Harry sat there numbly and could hear what the people in front of him were saying, but he couldn't speak any more and his body couldn't move. So at this time? It's just sitting there honestly.

The bomb disposal men were evacuated, and the remaining men looked at Charlie. "Harry, when did you get back? Aren't you dead? " Harry shook his head slightly and opened his mouth. When he saw this, the speaker bit his back teeth.

Can't speak, at the same time, there is no way to move hands and feet, in such a case, how to deliver the message? Nodding or shaking one's head is a way, but does it still allow the bomb disposal personnel to come in? What about the outside world? Quite a number of reports have been started. If the bomb really exploded, the consequences would be unbearable.

"Ding Yu asked you to come back?" Looking at Harry shaking his head, the visitor seems to understand something, "Ding Yu sent you back? They were escorted back! " When Harry nodded, the visitor sighed.

Ding Yu deliberately sent people back, but there is no evidence to show this, relying on Harry's proof? It doesn't make any sense. Besides, there is another problem. Harry is a traitor. At the beginning, MI5 issued an order in this respect. It's troublesome.

If Harry died here, then who's going to take care of everything? It's definitely not Ding Yu, a traitor, who died in his own country, and his body was also covered with bombs. How can this matter be explained?

"Does Ding Yu have any other requirements?"

Harry shook his head slightly. Ding Yu didn't have any requirements at all. He just wanted to give MI5 a little color to have a look. What's the point? It's so simple, now the MI5 people are in front of themselves!

"And the others?" Harry shook his head, but then nodded again!

Yeah? What's the meaning of this? Sacrifice? No, Harry shook his head? Betrayed?! Seeing Harry nodding, the visitors also closed their eyes. This is even worse. If they were all dead, it might be better. But it fell on Ding Yu's hand. What's the harm? Maybe even bigger!

"Is there anyone else besides the three of you?" Harry shook his head. The meaning was very clear. I don't know! At that time, I didn't understand the situation at all. I have already mentioned this. Harry also suddenly laughed and closed his eyes. The meaning is very clear. It is now this time. Don't say anything else. Give yourself a decent way to die!

However, before anyone started to do something about it, his earphone suddenly rang. Listening to the words inside, the visitor's face also changed greatly. The outside world had received considerable news, and the external news had begun to report. Harry was opened by MI5, and he deliberately retaliated.

"Shit!" The comer scolded severely. Who released such news? Do you need to explain it? It must have been released by Ding Yu. It doesn't even need to be proved. But does MI5 dare to pierce this layer of window paper? Not at all!

"I'll have it disassembled. I hope you understand!" Immediately also stands at attention, salutes! I can only do this now! Can't watch the bomb explode! What about the chance? We need to fight for it, but the two bomb disposal personnel who went in were really scared at this time! There is no way, who is not afraid?

The fifth military intelligence office also scattered all the personnel at the first time. Ding Yu could not have done this. He must have other followers. This guy is a complete madman!

Fifteen minutes later, the bomb was dismantled. The bomb disposal personnel looked at the so-called bomb, but they were also angry and said that it was a bomb? It's really a bomb, but what about its power? Don't say to blow up a building, even if the whole room is so unlikely!

The people waiting at MI5 below had already smoked their noses when they got the relevant information. After such a long time of effort, did they come up with such a thing? Ding Yu is completely deliberately teasing people! But under the circumstances, what can be done? There is no other choice!

Harry said he was rescued, but how? It's totally detained, but what does he look like? You can't do it yourself! Some of the setbacks are too serious!

What's more, Harry had a problem just after being sent to the ambulance! Seeing Harry's relevant situation, the people sitting in it obviously thought of something. At this time, they didn't care about Harry, and they ran out as if they had poked a hornet's nest.

What about the effect of this association? It is the people not far away that caused quite a panic, it is not really able to stop for a moment and a half. Of course, Harry also saw some of his own problems and conditions, but there was no spontaneous combustion problem and situation. Ding Yu teased everyone again!

But Harry seems to feel something at this time, Ding Yu! It's really a devil. He's on purpose! Is to tease MI5, after teasing, and then in front of all people to solve their own! Even there is no reason to speak! Because they are MI5 people, took over after the death!It's a bit unfair!

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