After Ding Yu solved Pike's problem, he also waved to Hou Tianliang behind him, "you boy is very smart. Are you interested in working here for a period of time?"

Ah? When Ding Yu said this, Hou Tianliang really had some silly eyes, but Ding Yu didn't mean to force him immediately, "OK, you go to report work first." What about this one? It's just a new hand for the intelligence department. What kind of choice will the intelligence department make? Is this a question? Another one.

After coming out of the prison, Ding Yu also went straight to his uncle. As soon as he got to the door, he heard the babbling voices coming out. It was obvious that the three children were too noisy. From such a distance, we could hear them shouting at their own voices.

Seeing Ding Yu, Liu Daochang waved with a smile, "is everything finished?"

"The temporary end, just came back from the prison side, may stop for two days, but the time will not be too long!" Looking at the three children who were going to surround him, Ding Yu was also a pretentious person who gave them a kick and drove them away. "Uncle, these two days have made you tired. Are they noisy enough?"

"Hey, it's only when there are more children." It can be seen that Liu Daochang really likes children!

Two people sat down separately, Liu Daochang also raised his chin, not far away Taylor is still in luck, did not mean to come over, "from where to get it, it is really not general smart, qualification is also very good! I've been tricking some things out of here these two days

"Do you remember what happened to the Dragon sect? It's just for their family therapy, but even now, the problem has not been solved perfectly. At the beginning, I was quite optimistic about her qualifications, but there was no predestination between them, so let's forget it! "

"The qualification is really good! As our old saying goes, Zhong minlingxiu is not more tolerant than the two children in your family, but his temperament is so cold, and his hands have a quite bloody smell, which is a little worse. What's more, the previous road is not quite right! I wonder how they taught it in their family

"Why, are you always interested?" Ding Yu jokingly said.

"It's not a matter of moving one's mind. If you're not of our race, your heart will be different. I still remember this word!"

"In fact, this statement needs to be divided into two sides. It really can't be too absolute. What about her qualifications? There is no problem, but you may not know about their family. There are two barriers. One is at 18 and another is at 60, because what about life? It's too fragile, so their family shows a lot of glory

"What caused it?" Liu Daochang is also curious.

"At that time, too much emphasis was placed on the so-called lineage, so the problem of consanguineous marriage can be said to be extremely serious, which led to considerable problems in the blood of the family. However, as long as it is infected, don't try to escape. Otherwise, it will not be as simple as a big family or a large consortium now."

Liu Daochang also shook his head, "a peck and a drink, it's really universal! I have taught some breathing methods, which can still play a quite regulating role for her! By the way, how did you know about me? Did the Metro go to you? This son of a bitch! I said earlier, don't disturb you

"When I came back that night, I happened to meet him. He mentioned it to me!" Ding Yu also laughed, "uncle, what happened to it! If you can't, give me some money! If you don't look at monk's face or Buddha's face, you don't need the money at home? There is a sentence how to say, out of sight, out of mind, there is no need to be too angry for such a thing

"Ah! What is good for me to say? Greed is not enough Liu Daochang also said helplessly, "what if it's a little money? It's nothing. What about me? Life does not bring, death does not take, on their own, there is an aunt, can eat how much, can use how much! But the child! Some of them

"What's going on at home? I haven't been home for a while, so I'm not so clear! "

"One day, a hundred days of love, what about that year? I also belong to the inverted gate, if there is no other people's reception, how can I really not know, with the girl? Still have a little affection, her family life is general, these you at the beginning also know, this child went to university, in the capital this side? That's why things get noisy. "

"The heart is not enough for the snake to swallow the elephant." Ding Yu shakes his head! It's very emotional!

"Yes! People are not enough. What does this word say? It's true, right, but what about me? I really can't bear to take this hand. Anyway, I had a lot of affection with their mother at that time. Without their mother, I would not have been? They did not bring any good life to their mother, the regret of life

"I understand. You are not easy to deal with, so I will deal with this matter! At least give that teacher Niang an account. If she really has the ability, it's not a bad thing. Her generation didn't, but who knows the next generation? Isn't it? "Yeah! Liu Daochang was stunned at first, and then he also laughed. He already understood Ding Yu's meaning, "look at it! However, the three children play with me for a few more days. As far as we two old guys are concerned, we really don't have much meaning. The bastard of urban rail doesn't know how long it will take to have a baby? "

"By the way, martial uncle, didn't you find the people in the family at that time? It's been so long? "

"Yes, but they are basically settled down! What about the next generation? Also basically did not have too much understanding, even many people do not know that has me this one person! I don't want to disturb you either After thinking about it, Liu Daochang also went back to his room and handed Ding Yu a piece of paper, "is there any future in home? If only these two people can help one, they can help one. If they don't make progress, they will forget it! "

"Uncle, are you too cruel?"

"It's not a matter of ruthlessness or not, giving too much? On the contrary, it's not a good thing. Let them develop on their own. Maybe they have a good future! Who knows? Maybe my ideas are a little bit old-fashioned. "

Two people said this, Taylor luck finished, but also went to Ding Yu and Liu Daochang's body in front of the position, "Sir, Liu Daochang!" Although that is a simple address, but from this address can still feel unfamiliar.

"It looks pretty good!" Ding Yu points to the position beside him. Taylor takes a look at Liu Daochang and then sits down. He shows a very good quality. Liu Daochang is also quite satisfied with this point! What about this little girl? Although said to be a foreigner, but at least this etiquette has no problem.

"Thank you, sir. Thank you for your advice!"

"What about Britain? It's over. You've been quiet for a while, but you can have a good grinding. Uncle, it's quite quiet here. It's not the same as my environment! But it depends on your own! No one can replace you! "

"Sir, I will pay attention to it!" Taylor hesitated for a moment, and then he said tentatively, "Sir, can I ask you something about Britain? They just stop it?! It's not their style! "

"I gave them a warning, and then I gave them a piece of white paper. If things really get noisy, it will not do any good to anyone. Moreover, I made a mutual agreement with the British side in advance, so I can't be a fat eater! This is not my style! "

"We can all think of the fact that the British side is able to stop. They do not want to have a great impact on the economy. Sir, we have raised a lot of funds. Although we have reached an agreement, it is only a verbal agreement. Even if it falls on paper, it is just a piece of paper!"

"This is not the way to think about things. How about being human and doing things? Still need to have a bottom line, want to say what I do is excessive or unqualified? From my personal point of view, it's a little bit over standard, but I always stick to my personal bottom line, the root of life, and I hope you can do the same! "

When she finished speaking, Ding Yu also took a deep look at Taylor. She was very smart. Ding Yu didn't really want her to walk into the dead end. That would be really bad! Although she can't become her apprentice and successor, but it's just that the chance is not enough. It doesn't mean that she will completely deny her!

When the three people were talking, there was also a voice coming from the door. Then he saw someone noisy coming in. Ding Yu motioned to Taylor beside him. Taylor also went to the three children's side. Since the husband was sitting here, he didn't have to follow him blindly. Such a thing could not happen to him.

"Dad, I'm coming!"

But when people see Ding Yu, they are stunned. Ding Yu also looks at the people carefully. Can you see someone? He was also chatting and laughing, but he knew how good or bad he was. He really didn't mean to sit down. "Hello, Mr. Ding, do you smoke?" It's not exogenous at all! Very polite!

Ding Yu waved his hand and directly refused, "I heard that it's been a long time since I heard of it!"

"Mr. Ding, I just came to see my father! By the way? Send your children to school in Beijing! My niece has been admitted to the University in Beijing. I should try my best to be an uncle! "

Ding Yu also nodded, "martial uncle, I brought my children here today. You can't let me open my mouth and drink the north and west wind! What's more, I've brought other guests with me, so I can't be too shameful! "

Taoist priest Liu took a look, and then he turned to leave. However, he ignored the man standing there. What happened to Ding Yu after his uncle left? Is also looking at the person in front of, but the expression on the face is also quite severe! "How long has it been since school began! It's enough to stay here! I remember at the beginning, I once said, what about all the martial uncle? I'll take care of it. You don't seem to understand! ""No, absolutely not!"

"I heard you are very interested in the courtyard of martial uncle?" Ding Yu narrowed his eyes. "What kind of quadrangle should be placed? It's uncle's business. It doesn't seem to have anything to do with you. Who he gives it to is his pleasure. How he does it? It's all uncle's business. You think a house is not enough, so you want to contaminate the courtyard?"

"Mr. Ding, he's my father!" This is a little hesitant!

"When he was in the hospital, you never seemed to have been there, so the elder sister came to see him, and he also sent meals and even took care of him for a long time. But what about you? You didn't see a grain of rice. At that time, why didn't you think that he was your father? I tell you, fortunately, the master looked at his aunt at the beginning. Otherwise, who do you care? "

"This is the capital city. You are just a kid. I don't believe you dare to give me?"

Looking at his appearance, Ding Yu also suddenly laughed and made a finger ring. Ding Yu also pointed out, "take him to the Yamen for a stroll, let him go for a good stroll, and let him have a good talk. Since he has a reason, then we should let him speak this truth well. The reason is not clear, right?"

"Yes, sir. I will go at once!"

Without saying a word, he directly pinched this one and left. He took the car and went to visit the Yamen. Where you said something reasonable, you could do it! When he was brought to the door of the public security department, he was already soft. He really didn't expect that his stepfather's nephew was so powerful?

Before even waiting for a circle to stroll down, walked two departments, this one's leg has been soft. When he came back, Ding Yu still saw him. Looking at his appearance, he snorted coldly, "what about you? Is belong to the base skin bone son, does not hit you? You feel bad. If it wasn't for the sake of your mother and my uncle, I'll break your leg

"Mr. Ding, I.."

"I don't want to see you in the same way. I just hope that martial uncle? Can you be happy and happy, so what about your crap? Throw it away for me. What if I know there's another time to kill you? What about the law? There are still some who say, but make you worse than death? I think I can still do it! "

"I dare not, Mr. Ding. Am I really afraid?"

"And a house for you? You can't repay my aunt's kindness? It's good to change to someone else. At least that elder sister is not bad. More directly, I don't want to see you. After that, do you have anything else to do? "

Out of the courtyard, this one also spit with hate, but this curse to the mouth and then swallow down, there is really no way, just now he came out of the Ministry of public security.

My heart was too big in the past, always thinking about good things? But they beat themselves to death with a stick! People don't like to see themselves. How can they appreciate them? It's just because my mother had a partnership with her stepfather. Now I really regret it when I think about it. Who could have thought that this old guy had such a relationship?

My sister just washed the clothes for the old man, sent two ends of rice and took care of her for a while. But what about her? It's not just about getting a house, it's 200000? What about yourself? It's just a house. It's really unfair!

When the old guy went back to his mother's grave, he also left a heart. When he came to the capital, his mind was really vivid. It was a quadrangle! I've also inquired about it. It's over ten million!

The old man has no children. He must have his own in the future, but this dream was awakened by a big bus before the beauty bubble! It's really painful for me to slap myself in this meal! You know that's money! More than ten million.

Heart can be said to be extremely unbearable, but did not expect to return home, just get off the car was blocked! Zhao Hongyang looked at the guy who got out of the car and got on the bus directly!

"You are Zhao Pu? Big guy? Why is it that there is no future at all? " Zhao said impatiently.

Zhao Pu, who got off the bus, didn't know what was going on. However, he looked at the police car parked beside him and Zhao Hongyang. He was a little sluggish and said, "what about me? Zhao Hongyang, there is no way to compare with Dr. Ding, but in our small place? There are so many nicknames. How about beating you? No, what about scolding you? I also feel humiliated, is to warn you two words, do not find yourself uncomfortable, hear it? Otherwise, you don't have to start with Yu Shao. I'll shovel you first! "

Not enough for a house? After hearing what Ding Yu said, Zhao Hongyang almost got angry? Where's your mom? But Ding Yu saved it with his own hands. This is the kindness of saving lives, but he has not found any good opportunities.

Director Ding Linding and Ding Yuyu are little. They are really not worthy of saying. In this small county, who doesn't give a thumbs up? If it was changed to someone else, I'm afraid it would have gone to heaven, but what about others? It's still the same.What did Yu Shao tell himself today? Also let oneself angry unceasingly, if you really filial piety? No problem, but what about filial piety? Without you, when it's your turn to be strong, you'll be ahead of anyone else. Such people deserve to be fooled! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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