The efficiency of the British side is quite good. Although the Intelligence Department of the Chinese side has not made it clear, they also understand what happened when Ding Yu sent a piece of white paper? Previously, Ding Yu took a lot of things. What about this time? It doesn't matter! Or have been used to it!

So the British side also prepared everything, and then sent a turnaround to deliberately send it over. As long as Ding Yu doesn't make trouble, what about everything? It's OK to say that although this guy said he had solved Harry, he didn't detonate the bomb, but he just embarrassed MI5.

If the bomb is really detonated, then there will be no room for maneuver between each other! What's more, Ding Yu still kept his previous promise and didn't mean to move at all! This action refers to the move on the capital market.

If Ding Yu detonated the bomb, then the capital market will certainly cause riots, then the situation can be really big trouble! No matter Ding Yu did it intentionally, or for any other reason, as long as Ding Yu didn't do it, we can now face it as if nothing had happened.

Harry's problem? That's a good solution. He was fired and then retaliated deliberately. It was just that the bomb didn't explode. Fortunately, the dismantling personnel worked well at that time, which did not cause serious consequences. Anyway, Ding Yu would not come forward. How to say this depends on what the MI5 thinks! Official characters have two mouths.

Will the British side feel that there are so many oppressive, natural will feel, but what can be done? What happened in France? Ding Yu didn't mean to investigate, but what about the assassination? It also makes Ding Yu feel intolerable. Now he handed over a piece of white paper. Is that not surrender?

Therefore, the British side quickly prepared all the things, only a lot more than the last time, and from the perspective of value, there is no so-called comparability. As long as Ding Yu can stop, everything is easy to say!

Ding Yu just took a look at the list, picked two things from it, and then others? All of them have been handed over to Wang Li, and everything has been brought back. As for how to deal with it next, I really can't control this problem!

Anyway, we won't get quadrangle here. The quadrangle is not small, but there are so many protection measures to protect these cultural relics? I really don't have so much interest in it, or even choose it by myself? Can't say is that they like, that is to look good just!

When Deng Rong took things back, he shook his head and said something good? What about that, sir? Is really do not care, if you really care, even if all to pull back, no one can say a what, after all things? It's from Britain!

It's not necessary to talk about any reason, but the gentleman let himself choose two kinds of things, but this one almost makes him cross his eyes, and his eyes are almost impossible to pull out. They are all good things!

"Sir, things have begun to be checked step by step. Judging from the current situation, there is no big problem. Our things are the most beginning to be checked. When we come back, we deliberately check them again with instruments, and they have been put into storage!"

"If you look good, take one back!" Ding Yu said it casually.

"Sir, don't frighten me! If I take it back, I'm really blind! There are no protective measures or conditions at home. If you take something back, you can only let the good things go to dust! " Objective explanation reason, Deng Rong is said to open his mouth, "is to take back our quadrangle things, some less!"

"I was robbed by the British. Now what about taking it back? It should be all national, but there are other things involved in it, so I took two back, and after two days, when the spotlight is over, I will donate them. It's meaningless for us to keep them! There are a lot of things at home! There is no need to take advantage of this, what's more, if there is no national support behind this, we are eggs? It's strange that you can't be destroyed

"Is it too much trouble, sir?"

"If it's too much trouble, it's better! It's better than some people chewing their tongue. There's no shortage of three melons and two dates in the house. Don't be so careful! " Ding Yu also comforted and said, "how do you know that the British side will not harbor evil intentions? These guys! What about the shade? So it doesn't hurt to be on guard. "

Deng Rong didn't understand things. When he heard Ding Yu say so, he nodded in a hurry. "Sir, I'll do it right away. Anyway, it's already in our house. I'll send it back now. You've already loved it. It's meaningless for us to keep it. It's just that we should know that the inspection over there hasn't been finished yet!"

"By the way, Wang Li has just given birth to a baby. Is she not at the scene?"

"No! It is to make a few phone calls, two young lady now a mind is in two children body above, still have so some small! But the two children are very healthy now! It's also very cuteSeeing that Ding Yu didn't mean to speak, Deng Rong quickly packed up his things and sent them back. After careful consideration, it seems that what Mr. Ding said is not wrong. What about these things? What's more, it's better than what's in the house. What's the origin of this? There are also some people who can't explain clearly the way, and they stay in their hands? It seems to be a disaster! It's better to send them all back!

Ding Yu has just entered the study for a long time. Wang Xiaogang comes in with a stick, and Taylor goes to his uncle. What about the two children? Went to school, so Wang Xiaogang became a lonely family, no other people harm, now this time is also to come to find their uncle!

For Wang Xiaogang who wants to make trouble, Ding Yu really doesn't have much meaning to pay attention to. Wang Xiaogang is holding his mouth. There are not so many people playing with him today. He feels a little lonely. Uncle Wang doesn't want to pay attention to him, which makes Wang Xiaogang feel quite unhappy, so he also plans to find some trouble!

But who is Ding Yu? Wang Xiaogang, this is a big bean? Even if you are smart, how can you play with Ding Yu? Each other is a completely unequal situation, Ding Yu is totally playing with Wang Xiaogang. What about Wang Xiaogang? Originally, he liked his uncle very much, but Wang Xiaogang was quite dissatisfied with his uncle's attitude.

Exactly? Ding Yu really didn't mean to tease Wang Xiaogang, but picked up Wang Xiaogang's interests through necessary means, and at the same time, he did "activities" for him. At least, there was no problem with his body bone. From the perspective of growth? It's quite comparable to my two children.

When it comes to noon, Ding Yu also grabs Wang Xiaogang for dinner. Although the time is still short, what about Wang Xiaogang? I've started to get better at it. Now I can use chopsticks fluently! The rules of eating are good too much.

"Sir Just after dinner, things have not been removed, Deng Rong ran over in a hurry, "someone wants to see you, he said his name is Sun Jun!"

Ding Yu scratched his eyebrows with his hand. He had just met captain sun. What does he mean when he came here at this time? After a long time, Sun Jun came in with a big stride. Looking at the things that had not been cleaned up, he also sat down without ceremony, "is there anything else? Give me some, I haven't eaten yet

After getting Ding Yu's signal, Deng Rong also quickly asked people to send all the things up. Sun Jun didn't pay any attention to it. He didn't have five minutes to fill his stomach. In terms of speed, he was really so fast.

"Play for a while and then go to bed. Do you hear me?"

Wang Xiaogang also aimed at Sun Jun to drum up his mouth, even made a face, and then was a slip of trot, "what's in such a hurry? Didn't even have time for lunch? "

"There are not many people in the courtyard. What about the environment here? It's still very safe and confidential! "

"I'm in a bit of a situation. What about other people? I really don't know how to solve it, so now I can only find you! " When speaking, Sun Jun is also slightly embarrassed to look at Ding Yu.

"Troublesome?" Ding Yu also frowned, "my third uncle asked you to come? You or yourself

"Director general Su doesn't have so much free time now!"

"He really looks at me as idle." His third uncle didn't make this call, but it doesn't mean he didn't know about it. What about Sun Jun? Although said that did not get inspiration, but should get a considerable hint! Ding Yu also snorted coldly, his third uncle! I'm not afraid that I'm tired, but this thing is very strange! What does his third uncle want to do?

"What's the matter? How could you be so embarrassed? "

"Where are our special children? There are some problems that have not been solved very well. What if our identity is going to solve these problems? I'm afraid there are some troubles that will cause unnecessary influence! What about someone else? It's easy to appear

"Then don't you ask me?" Ding Yu is also quite puzzled, "if you look for someone, it will be over. There are not many others in 49 cities, but what about those so-called dandies? It's more than the king eight of the moat. If they heard of such a thing, they would not be so stupid? "

"Things are more difficult. What about these people? Typical is bluffing. What if it's something else? It may be a little better, but such a thing? Isn't that easy? "

Ding Yu looked at Sun Jun's appearance, then suddenly laughed, "I understand, there is quite a involvement in it, isn't it?" After that, Ding Yu also knocked on the table with his hand, "Well! Show me the things first. What about me? Think about it. If it can be solved peacefully, it will turn into a big event and a small one! "

"It's hard, I'm afraid." Sun Jun took a look at Ding Yu, and then he thought of something, "by the way, Hou Tianliang made a report there. The director said that he was a clever monkey. What happened to Tao Jin? At the beginning, there were a lot of problems, and there were more involved. You should be more tolerant! ""Forget it! Let that monkey come first! Some things? It's really convenient for him to connect with each other! "

When Sun Jun sent the detailed information to him, Ding Yu looked at it roughly and then shook his head! It is really related to some aspects. What about the so-called information? All were thrown on the table, Ding Yu also looked at Hou Tianliang standing in front of him.

"Come to me? It's still on probation. What about me? I'll give you a time to adapt. If you can't adapt to it, where will I come from? They don't feed idle people! "

"Yes, chief!" Hou Tianliang also stood in front of Ding Yu honestly. When he came, the leader had already talked with him. Director Ding Yuding took the initiative to ask for him. What about such a good thing? It's not so much. What about it? There are their own unilateral reasons, and of course, there are also reasons for the intelligence and governance departments.

No matter which aspect, I don't want to miss such an opportunity!

Ding Yu took a document and handed it to Hou Tianliang, "because it's your first time to come here. It's ten minutes."

In ten minutes, Hou Tianliang soon understood what he meant. He was also from the Department of emotion management. He even looked at the documents in his hand and read them carefully. In five minutes, he put down the documents inside. Ding Yu looked at Hou Tianliang, but did not mean to ask questions.

"Five minutes? It's a little bit too long to even pass. What about this? There are only more than 500 words. What do I need? It's not just that you remember the words above, but what I need is that you can analyze the contents carefully and remember them at the same time! "

"Yes, chief!"

"My security is not around now, but I don't need you to act as the security guard. Someone will teach you how to do it and how much can you learn? Look at your own efforts! Should we ask? Do not ask, should say should not say, do not say, these? I don't think I'll teach you! " After a pause, Ding Yu then said, "go and call the four of Zong Taiping to me. What about this matter? They are the best

When Zong Taiping came, there were still some puzzles. Ding Yu threw the things in his hand to them, "have a look carefully! I don't want to say what is involved in this matter. But even if you haven't done such a thing in the original time, you should be very clear about it. Please tell us all about it! "

Jing Guanghe looked at the information above, and did not speak. Instead, Zong Taiping and Xiaomiao looked at each other and said, "director, this matter has been so dirty! But if there is any so-called practical evidence, it really does not exist. I have not done it, but I have contacted it. Who has not had a few "white gloves" around? How can there be no messy people around the white gloves? This is inevitable! "

"Just take the white gloves? I won't get you all here. What about you this time? It seems to be an opportunity to save you from going on a rampage in the future and make other things come out. I won't go to wipe your ass at that time. What about this time? The four of you are going to rush in front of you

"Director, we have no problem in front of us, but we have no identity!" Zong Taiping also called.

"Yes, the quality has been improved a lot." Ding Yu also praised and said, "what about this matter? I still need to discuss with your father. After all, with you unfinished products, you really need to have a tiger skin hanging on your body. Otherwise, what do people know about you? "

"My dad?"

"Don't worry, your father would like to do it. What about you now? It's just unfinished. Let it go? It's worrying, but don't you let it out? You will never have any experience, so this time as your experience! I really have some doubts. Did I owe you anything in my last life? "

"Director, we owe you!" Zong Taiping also said with a smile.

"And this one? Hou Tianliang, a little monkey, is responsible for the contact between you. The situation is like this for the time being. Go back to prepare! The time of study is not short. What should you learn? It's all out! "

When they just left, he ran to Ding Yu's courtyard to the left. Looking at his tearful appearance, Ding Yu sighed, "life is changeable! Your thirteen uncle is a character, but heaven will not do what people want. I have already said this before! "

"My family wants to bring uncle thirteen back to Hong Kong!"

"Isn't it difficult? Is there anyone else standing in your way? "

"My old bean says, the human sentiment is cold and warm, the world is indifferent!"

"There are many problems involved in this! But I don't think it's the port city side? " After saying that, Ding Yu also shook his head, "these guys! It's really ugly

To the home is to complain, Ding Yu knows this heart, Xiang Shi's heart is probably also choked a stomach gas, this matter? What about Ding Yu? It's also in my heart."After a while, Deng Rong will come back and let him go on behalf of me!"

Ah? Heard uncle so said, to the left is really close to kneeling down, "uncle, I replace thirteen uncle..."

"Come on, don't cry and wipe your tears!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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