Deng Rong's arrival, or let Xiangjia feel more gratified, especially Xiang Shi couple, Ding Yu's appearance? It's impossible. Ding Yu has a good relationship with Xiang Shi. As for Xiang 13? Ding Yu has been here before.

I came here earlier, no matter what the reason is, this face has been given, not to mention the arrival of Deng Rong at this time, meaning has arrived! Xiang Shi and his wife are also very grateful for Deng Rong's arrival! Although let to the left to see feather less, but quadrangle there will be people, is really in the heart of ten.

What is the identity of their own family, others do not know, do not they know? There are so many problems in this! But did not expect feather less unexpectedly so heavy affection, let Deng Rong come over! Who does not know Deng Rong is the quadrangle housekeeper, he appeared, to a certain extent, is representative of feather less.

Therefore, Xiang Shi and his wife are also holding Deng Rong's hand, and Deng Rong also expressed his wish for change! I don't know why Mr. Zhang asked him to come here. But since he has come, he has to be proud of himself. Especially at this time, this is a white matter, and we need to be cautious. In other words, the dead are bigger, isn't it?

However, when Deng Rong came back, he did not see his husband, or even Wang Xiaogang, which made Deng Rong have some doubts. At this moment, Ding Yu took Wang Xiaogang to Wangyang. Although he knew that Wang Yang worked there, Ding Yu really was his first visit!

Ding Yu also spent some time outside, and then went to the so-called office building. Where is the place? It's not very big. It's just three floors up and down. But Ding Yu just walked in and was blocked there by the front desk and the guard. However, the front desk and the guard didn't mean much impoliteness, and their attitude was very harmonious.

"Hello, sir. Do you have an appointment?"

"No, I don't feel like I have anything to do today, so I'll come and have a look." Immediately also caught Wang Xiaogang who wanted to run, "don't make a fuss, or go back to clean you up at night!"

"Not afraid!" Although Wang Xiaogang is very afraid of his uncle, but from time to time? Still need to jump pedal, show their own existence, children are more mischievous, and Wang Xiaogang this kind of dog dislike the age, is even more so!

"I'll see you later. I think you're afraid!" Pick up their own phone, found Wang Yang's phone, Ding Yu also dialed out, "I'm here at your door, but the security and front desk have blocked me here! Come down and pick us up? Otherwise, you will not be able to enter this door! "

Ah? Wang Yang also exclaimed. It didn't take long to see Wang Yang running out under everyone's gaze. Looking at the elder brother standing at the door, he felt a little silly. When Wang Xiaogang saw his father, he also called out, "Dad!" Dad made the security guard and the front desk feel confused.

One to his son to embrace up, "brother, how did you come?"

"There's nothing to do at home, so come and have a look! There's nothing to be afraid of here, is there

"Brother, look at what you say!" Wang Yang took his son to the next position and led his son into his office. The area of the office is not small, but there is no luxury. Obviously, Wang Yang doesn't seem to like it. When Wang Yang pours water, Ding Yu also takes a look and then sits on the sofa.

"Brother, when you came, you didn't say hello in advance, so I didn't have any preparation?" Respectfully put the water in front of his elder brother, Wang Yang also sat down beside him honestly, as for Wang Xiaogang? Curiosity about the new place has already made him explore! It's a pleasure to be busy.

"There has been a lot of trouble in my home these two days. I'm also going out to hide?"

"I haven't heard of it." Wang Yang also scratched his hair, saw his son ran to the back of the sofa, but also a to pull out, to embrace his arms, want to struggle? How can it be? But the boy's strength is very big. It's really hard for him.

"I may go out recently, but what about this boy? Is it a trouble? " Ding Yu looks at Wang Xiaogang and also picks his chin. It seems that he has no intention.

Wang Yang was stunned, but he also understood his brother's meaning in an instant, "brother, do you want to take him out? Did I hear you right? This kid still has this luck? I feel dizzy now! Anyway, as far as I know, you don't seem to have taken anyone else except your nephew and niece! "

"Nothing, anyway! So maybe go out for a walk! " Speaking of this, Ding Yu also took a breath, "always sitting at home? I'm afraid there are some people? There are also worries about this aspect in my heart, so how about going out for a walk? It's not a bad thing Ding Yu also ordered a little.

"Who is this?" Wang Yang also felt a little unhappy, "if things are done like this, there will be some falling behind? eldest brother! If it's not convenient for you, Xiaobao and I will come forward. Anyway, we don't have so many scruples. At least we can do it by shouting! ""Forget it! What kind of thing are you yelling at? " Ding Yu also said with a smile, "after coming back? There has been no too much stop, so go out for a walk, seems to be a good thing, is this small troublemaker? The situation is a little bit special! So I'll have a good discussion with you, the father

"Brother, you are my brother. You give me a face. If I don't carry it, am I still a human being? If Qiuyan dares to say a word there, I will go back and beat her. This is for the sake of the future of her child. What about her father and mother? It's good to hide it first. If you don't, it will be a real trouble at that time. "

What about the other things? It's easy to say, but only parents? It's not really a problem to say! Although these two days because of Wang Li's affairs, many do not pay attention to, but if you really take Wang Xiaogang away, I'm afraid there will be big problems at that time. Wang Yang really dare not claim to be able to withstand the pressure! After all, I don't have the courage of my brother! Naturally there is no elder brother's courage!

"This matter has not been settled yet. I need to mention it to my third uncle. I called earlier and ate at home in the evening. What will happen? Not so sure. You and Xiaobao? The more times like this? The more we should be careful! Who knows what will happen

"Don't worry, brother! What about Xiao Bao and me? Now it's just a horn. What if it's true? Also be regarded as jobless vagabond, also have so some pitiful! What's more, I'd like to check as much as you want. Xiaobao and I pay special attention to this aspect! "

"Do it yourself." Ding Yu warned a little, "Xiaobao is not here. In the past two years, you two have retreated more thoroughly. I know that it is a little aggrieved, but it can not be regarded as a bad thing."

"Understand!" Although big brother did not disclose directly, how could he not understand?

"What about the office building? It's all gone. What about this office? It's not mine. I come to use it sometimes. What's more, you can see the layout here! It's not my style to be a tourist! It's easy. "

Wang Xiaogang, who was sitting in his father's arms, was not honest at all. He moved violently, "elder brother, I heard that there was another batch of things coming from the Forbidden City. It seems that there are still a lot of them?"

"How do you know that?" Ding Yu asked suspiciously.

"I knew when I went to the second elder sister last night. It seems that her position is going to be changed! I think so. It seems that there are many problems for the second elder sister to fight in the front line at this time. After all, she is the mother of two children, and what about her brother-in-law? How inconvenient it is to work! "

"See what she likes! Originally, I reminded her many times, but you also know her temperament. If you really let her stay at home, who knows what the situation is? Your house may not be full of trouble, but where is my courtyard? I'm afraid it's really going to suffer! "

"Brother! Anyway, this is not my place. Go to my house and have a seat. I can just clean it up and go! "

"There's no need to go to your house! Find a place to eat ice cream When talking, Ding Yu also picked his chin at Wang Xiaogang. After listening to it, Wang Xiaogang naturally jumped three feet high, and even dragged his uncle's hand to go out. Wang Yang was quite helpless.

Ding Yu and Wang Xiaogang sat down for a long time. Wang Yangcai came here. It seems that they have really finished packing things! Wang Xiaogang's face was full of food, but no one helped him. He could only wipe it by himself. Even if Wang Yang came, he didn't do it! At best, take a look at him in the mirror!

"Elder brother, is it a big trouble? But I haven't heard anything from the capital! What's more, it's already this time! Who dares to attack you? Isn't this for death? "

"What about the people who cleaned up these two years? A lot of them, but they all take their own blame. These guys! It's too greedy. If you want to have a good view of Sichuan, you're dissatisfied with the ravines. It's hard to tell why! From the common sense, it's already delicious, but people! It's all like this, even me! "

"Brother, if you say that, I'm really ashamed! If it wasn't for you, how could Xiaobao and I handle such a big plate, but sometimes we really don't have the ability of big brother. Even if I and Xiaobao are tied together, it's not your opponent! "

"Not a year or two! be it so! You're all clean up there? "

"It's been cleaned up for a long time! But what about Xiaobao? It may be worse. After all, he went to Shanghai, but it belongs to an emerging industry and has not snatched food from anyone's mouth. On the contrary, many people do? Dug some corners of him, but is Xiaobao a man? Or very smart, always abide by some bottom line, some? They all changed hands and went out, but he didn't like to play the edge ball! ""The market is bigger? Big cake? We will eat more enjoyable! What about the corners? Even some old sesame and rotten millet? They really don't need to nest in their own hands, and all of them are sent out. As for what kind of situation they will be in the future, this is another matter! "

What Ding Yu said is quite straightforward. Naturally, Wang Yang also understands that the market is such a thing? If you can't do everything you can, it will be desolate. No one can get a bite. Xiaobao has cultivated this market very well, even more and more. Moreover, he still controls some core things.

A considerable monopoly has been formed. What about everyone? Also need to see Xiaobao's face to act, this only how long! There has been such progress, people? Really can't underestimate! What if you let yourself do it? He is really not so suitable, the same, let Xiaobao do these things? The same is not appropriate!

Although Xiaobao has been here for a long time, he has never been so bold. But after going to Shanghai? I'm very happy about this. What's the only thing I feel uncomfortable about? I'm afraid it's about his marriage! It's really a headache!

"Where's Xiaobao? It's far away from the capital. What about you? Just be in the middle! Just the identity? Maybe it's a little bit special, but fortunately, they've all been withdrawn, so it doesn't matter! "

If Wang Yang was not more progressive, Ding Yu would not be so wordy. Now what about Wang Yang and Xiao Bao? It has also become the economic pillar of the three. The important thing is that they did not encroach on other interests. Instead, they made a new cake by themselves! This is not an easy thing!

Now no one will move this big cake. There are quite a few reasons for this? It is also out of Ding Yu's body. Ding Yu has never been on the side of Wang's, Su's and Zheng's, but who knows about Ding Yu? He is the legitimate son and grandson of the Wang family. What about this? I'm afraid Ding Yu himself can't deny it!

With Ding Yu standing there, who dares to stretch out his hand? Not to mention Wang Yang and Xiao Bao? Although it is said that it controls the big cake, it doesn't mean to eat it alone. If the cake is made bigger, it is not said, and even a lot of it is divided out. In this case, other people have nothing to say!

How about giving it to you? It's emotion. Don't give it to you? It's normal!

"Brother! It's easy to talk about my problems, but I've heard about some other things. It's not that my ears are long. It's mainly because someone mentioned something about this aspect to me! I don't know what you mean, brother? "

Ding Yu snorted, "something? It doesn't seem like a thing! What about going home? I let Deng Rong go, this is no big deal, but where to go? You may know the relevant information, but how can you know about the prison? " Speaking the last sentence, Ding Yu's tone has been a little harsh!

"Brother! You transfer Hou Tianliang to your side position, how many pairs of eyes are staring at this matter! Dare not stare at you? Don't you dare to stare at Hou Tianliang? " Wang Yang also argued.

"Is Hou Tianliang a member of the intelligence department? It seems that some people are brave! Is it really hairy? "

"Brother, are you brave enough to grow hair? I'm not so clear about this matter. Anyway, some people are now? There are some people who are ready to move, which is very clear, but after Hou Tianliang is transferred to your staff? This aspect of the news is basically not! Obviously, what about big brother? It's still taboo! "

Ding Yu pondered for a while. Wang Xiaogang had almost eaten at this time. He was playing with his fork and spoon. He felt that it was really beautiful! Children? I'm most interested in eating, drinking and playing. What else? May need to rely on the guidance of parents? Relatively speaking, Ding Yu's guidance to Wang Xiaogang is still very good.

"What about hou Tianliang? It's from the intelligence department, and I'm still smart. How about I move to my side? For a while, it's very interesting that such a small thing can cause quite a stir! "

"Who knows what those guys are thinking about in their heads, but it is obvious that after going through the first and second echelons, we should pay special attention to some aspects of things!" Secretly looked at his big brother, Wang Yang also continued to say, "I heard that you have this aspect of the meaning! But what happened? It's not so clear! "

Ding Yu also hums and laughs at this matter, "what kind of beautiful things do you want? I'm so free? "

"Who knows? Anyway, that's what I said personally, but no matter which aspect I see the people of the first and second echelons? Everyone's saliva all flowed several feet, envied unceasingly, is only in the way of the second echelon people? We haven't finished yet, so we don't have much news! "

"It's beautiful to think about it?"

"Brother! It's not what you think is good, but the performance of the first and second echelons? It's really amazing to see people like that! " Wang added, "what if they behave in a mess? There may not be the next problem! Since you can't move you, it's just another way, isn't it? ""How about me? I don't care about such a moment. It's such a truth! " After saying that, Ding Yu also looked at Wang Yang, "forget it! Let's call it a day! I know what you mean

Ding Yu finally ordered a sentence. Wang Yang said this to himself? There is definitely the meaning of home, but Ding Yu really won't take a stand on this matter! Do you really have that leisure? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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