Ding Yu left very quickly, but Wang Xiaogang had some unfinished things. However, during the past two days, he was not so happy. He ate a lot of delicious food, played with many toys that he had not touched before, and saw a lot of new things, which gave Wang Xiaogang quite a shock.

For a child, the impact and impact of such new things is huge! At the same time, it is unforgettable, and the nanny next to him is also at the right time to guide, the effect is immeasurable!

Only from this point of view, Ding Yu's goal of waiting for Wang Xiaogang to come out has been achieved, but the time is a little bit short! Time is long, the effect will also be slowly displayed on Xiaogang's body!

"Give grandma a call! It's been a long time! I don't know how to get in touch with my family. I don't know how to worry about it now? " Ding Yu blinked his eyes when he spoke! Obviously, I didn't make a phone call these two days. I also realized some problems and conditions!

"I miss my mother!" Wang Xiaogang is also staring at his big eyes at Ding Yu! But looking at the appearance of uncle, is also the first to his grandmother dial the phone number? Or uncle told his phone, I really can't remember!

Wang Xiaogang talked here for a little longer. After all, he was a child. He said a lot of things in a long way. He didn't have any central idea. Anyway, he said what he met! And Su Yuan is also listening to the phone with interest, has been waiting for Wang Xiaogang said dry mouth, then put down the phone!

Ding Yu also handed another mobile phone to Wang Xiaogang, and then he also received Wang Xiaogang's mobile phone, "Mom! It's me

Hearing the voice of his eldest son, Su Yuan, who was still very happy at first, pulled down his face at once, and his voice was also a little annoyed, "I said that you have been out for a few days! Xiao Gang didn't suffer with you, but what about him? After all, he is still a child. I heard you went to Xiaobao's place? "

"Let's go and have a look. What Xiaobao has done here is pretty good. I'll come and have a look! Now we're on the bus and ready to leave! During this period of time, I may take Xiaogang out for a walk and have a look. There is no big deal! "

You? It's all over the mouth? Su Yuan or to swallow down, have been out of the door! Even if he said this, what can he do? Will the eldest son listen? Su Yuan is really not sure about this! Since we have said that, we are not happy, why do we have to say it again? Right?

"How about going out? Pay attention to safety and hygiene. After all, Xiaogang is not comparable to your two children. What is his age? Or are there so many small aspects? You also need to pay more attention to it! "

"I see!" Ding Yu's words are very concise, which makes people feel a little speechless after listening to it. Even Su Yuan, who has been used to it, feels that there is fire in his heart after listening to it. But the eldest son is such a person. You have no way, so now? It can only be let go!

Ding Yu put down the phone. Wang Xiaogang still kept talking to his mother. Until the end, Wang Xiaogang handed the phone to his uncle, "uncle, mother wants to talk to you!"

"Big brother! I'm sorry to have caused you so much trouble! Xiao Gang is a little naughty Lin also apologized and thanks and said, "I know! That's it

A word directly to Lin Qiuyan to tie back, let Lin Qiuyan even the next sentence do not know how to say! Hang up after the phone, but also to find their own husband Wang Yang, he is no way to give big brother how? But can't you get angry with your husband?

Wang Yang is also really convinced, his wife "die miserably rotten hit", but he did not have any way, can how? To be able to turn to his wife, what does his wife think in his heart? Of course, he knows that his son is still so young, so he took him out. Obviously, there are some things that are not very decent.

After his wife's mood calmed down, Wang Yang himself poured a glass of water over, "you! I can understand the feeling of thinking about my son. I want to know who doesn't want his son, but it's not easy for big brother to take it with him in person! "

"But Xiaogang is still so small? Another two years will be fine! "

"How can I say it's good? What about this? I will tell you to listen to it, but you can listen to this, but you can't say it outside! " Wang Yang's attitude suddenly became serious. Lin Qiuyan was also stunned. Obviously, she felt that things were different, and then she nodded heavily.

"Brother, why don't you take your nephew and niece with you just because you go to school, don't bullshit?! When does big brother think school is so important? What's more, why didn't the other children take them with them? Ding Ding's two sons are also at home! It's about the same as Xiaogang. Why didn't you take them with you, just with Xiaogang? "

Eh? Lin Qiuyan is also obviously stunned, and then shaking his head, "I really did not think about these problems!""You don't know big brother. What does he do? Not willing to say, at most sometimes point you two, if you can understand, better, do not understand the words, also calculate! You're an elm head! I see! For a while and a half, I'm afraid it's hard to figure out what happened! "

"What are you talking about?" Lin Qiuyan also took a picture of her husband, but she really didn't think about it. If it wasn't mentioned by her husband, she didn't think about it.

"Big brother, with Xiao Gang? It's intentional. It's for home. What's the meaning of another layer? It's that big brother has no interest in the family all the time. It doesn't matter who will carry the cauldron in the future. " Speaking of this, Wang Yang also heaved a sigh.

What's the big brother's value for his son? It's not to say that there are no other children in the family. It's not true that there are no other children in the family. But the elder brother picked Xiaogang out from another aspect? Is also for oneself and Xiaobao two people to support a waist.

But the elder brother never wanted to tell himself and Xiaobao clearly. At most, he ordered two sentences, just like what he had said before. What you understand doesn't need to be said. What you don't understand doesn't have any use. Big brother! Big brother, all the things are considered in front of us all the time! Shelter from the wind and rain!

"No! Is Xiaogang so big? How can you shoulder this responsibility? "

"Big brother's meaning is very clear, he is in the rear! What about the Wang family, the Su family and the Zheng family? If big brother doesn't get involved, how can others get involved? Big brother doesn't care, but what about me and Xiaobao? No one else can move! So the elder brother also carried Xiaogang out, which is quite obvious already! "

"Will you be satisfied at home? Will other people have any ideas? " Lin Qiuyan is also worried.

"The family will certainly be satisfied, as for the outside world? I'm sure I'll be satisfied! " Wang Yang also gave a wry smile, "the reason why the family will be satisfied is very clear. If big brother comes forward, it will involve too many problems. What about these problems? No one wants to see it! No one in the house wants to be in chaos. As for the outside world? Naturally, I don't want my brother to come back. What will they do then? Why don't you just stand outside? "

"It's not so serious! It's inside, it's outside! "

"What about the people outside? Now what about big brother? Is really afraid to the bone! All the time? Big brother has never wanted to get involved in domestic affairs, and he has never been involved in domestic affairs. At most, Xiao Bao and I are two people. Big brother can still lift his eyelids and look at others? I don't mean to be too frivolous, but I don't look at it at all

"I didn't think there were so many problems in it!"

"There's a big problem here. I don't know if our family can survive. If we have half of our nephew, I don't think there's any problem. What about the two of us? Enjoy yourself when you are old! Otherwise, it's really the problem, even if the elder brother is in the back

Wang Yang is really not saying this for nothing! And what about that? It can only be said to his wife, but also to warn her, this can not be casually said, if it really provoked anything, then the first to bear the brunt of it? It's my eldest son!

What about Wang Changlin? This problem has been considered for a long time! Even when Wang Xiaogang went to Siheyuan, Wang Changlin was already considering this issue! What about the older son's practice? I didn't discuss with my family, but to some extent? But it is also the best choice!

Why do you say that? The elder's two children are surnamed Shen, not Wang. What about the outside world? Always is an ambiguous attitude, is not so hope the boss back! As for the reason? Of course, it is very clear that the boss's attack is too cruel and merciless, which makes people feel chilly!

What about the Wangs? I hope the boss can come back, but the boss himself does not agree. What about the two children? In the future, we will inherit the family property of the eldest son. Now the eldest has only two children, and the professor is so good. We are also worried about this. But after the boss dragged Wang Xiaogang to the quadrangle, all the problems suddenly stopped!

The boss is also telling everyone with his actual actions. What about the Wangs? He will never come back! But it's not to say that all relatives are disregarded. If you are progressive, the boss doesn't mind pulling or even pushing, but if you can't make progress, then you're sorry! It's OK to eat and dress well!

What about the Wang family, Su family and Zheng family? There's nothing to say, even if you want to come? It's also a very good thing. If the boss doesn't come back, it's also a strong pillar outside. Even if Ding Yu is not so interested in domestic affairs, he is still at home, isn't he?

What about now? Has also put down other things, for this aspect of the matter also did not have any concern, even did not have any inquiry! Power has been gradually handed over to the next generation. What about this matter? It's also a big thing for us to face!Now it seems not a bad thing to be able to smooth the transition! Right?

Since it's not a bad thing, don't ask and disturb. What's more, although Ding Yu didn't communicate with everyone's opinions and ideas on this matter, we really don't dare to disturb Ding Yu. What's his temper? It is true that no one is allowed to enter. Anyway, there are not many people willing to lean on Ding Yu's side!

What about Ding Yu? It's not a hot social thing, so sometimes we only hear the name, but we don't see the person. It's a strange thing! But from inside? What about Ding Yu? It's also true that there are some small fears! Not everyone is as good as Ding Yu!

Now Ding Yu has left the capital? It's also a good thing. As for what's the reason for leaving? This problem is really not as concerned as imagined!

Ding Yu doesn't even mean that Shangyu's heart is not a thing for everyone? It is also quite estimated, but Ding Yu really has no intention to attack. What about the matter? Can't seem too abrupt!

But I have always been a vindictive character, I have nothing to sit at home, unexpectedly someone came to the door voluntarily, if I don't give them a little color to see, I'm afraid everyone will cheat the door in the future! Such a thing? For Ding Yu, although it can't be said that it's a handgrip, it's not difficult to clean it up!

Wang Xiaogang played for a period of time, but also lying on the bed in the box fell asleep! Ding Yu took the book in his hand and read it with great interest. He didn't mean to be disturbed by foreign objects. Hou Tianliang, who was with Ding Yu, didn't sit in a serious position, but he had to peek at Ding Yu from time to time. This director is really able to sit down!

Ding Yu's action is not very fast, and even from time to time, he needs to write his own notes. Seeing Hou Tianliang, he feels itchy in his heart. Ding Yu seems to have noticed something. Then he pushes one of the books to Hou Tianliang's front. He has read the book himself, and there are a lot of notes in it.

Hou Tianliang originally wanted to say thanks, but he didn't mean to look up at the director at all. He also stood up and bowed himself. Then he read the book. Some of them could not understand, because they were related to medicine. However, the director's handwriting was very good and powerful.

When the bus was about to arrive at the station, Ding Yucai put away his hands. Of course, he also put away the books in Hou Tianliang's hands. Hou Tianliang is quite sorry about this! What about storytelling? It's not very useful for myself, but it's written by the director himself! The meaning of representation is different!

Wang Xiaogang rubbed his eyes and was not satisfied with his expression. However, looking at his uncle, he snorted twice. Then he took a warm towel to wipe his cheek and hand, but he didn't mean to use other people to help him!

After wiping, he was also lying on Ding Yu's thigh, "uncle, I want to eat drumsticks!"

"Eat and sleep, sleep well, eat? This is a little too small Ding Yu rubbed Wang Xiaogang's head, "but I don't really know what's going on here. Let's go to find a good place to play! And see if there's anything good to eat? Fill your stomach

Wang Xiaogang a listen to eat, but also all of a sudden, it is not like just get up so listless! Ding Yu pinched his body a few times. Wang Xiaogang was itchy, but it was quite comfortable. The whole person was leaning on his uncle's arms, so he didn't mean to get up.

When getting off the bus, Ding Yu looked at Wang Xiaogang's appearance, so he didn't use the nanny to help him. He walked out of the car with Wang Xiaogang in his arms. The air outside was very ordinary. After all, it was the station and the most complicated place. Fortunately, it was not the peak of passenger flow now! So it's not so crowded!

Ding Yu didn't mean to get out of the station immediately, but stood for a while, "Xiao Gang, what about the traffic and people? Going back and forth, what about here? It's the simplest place, and it's also the most complicated place! "

Lying on Ding Yu's body, Wang Xiaogang was also interested in it all of a sudden. What is the simplest place? Why is it the most complicated place? It seems that there is a contradiction between them. Although Wang Xiaogang is young, he has received considerable education. Otherwise, when Ding Yu talks, he will not have such interest!

"And the station? What about the joy of arrival, the pain of leaving, the feeling of disappointment and joy? It's all mixed up! So what about here? Is the place where the emotion releases! But the same, there are places where all kinds of people gather. Taking the station as the center and spreading around, you can basically find all these streams! Although said that now the country has begun to gradually clean up! But since ancient times, it's really a headache! "

"Uncle, what's the meaning of three religions and nine streams?"

Ding Yu also looked at two circles with his eyes, and explained simply what it is called "three doctrines and nine streams." but what about three doctrines and nine streams? There is also a word called wuxingbazuo, which used to refer to various schools. Now? It refers to all kinds of people! Although everyone is human, but everyone has their own difference! This requires considerable observation! "www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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