For Xiaogang's unknown, so Ding Yu also explained in detail, but also pointed out what, so the station when a little bit slow, but no one as a matter? They were not in such a hurry.

After leaving the station, Ding Yu asked others to find a place to go. He took Xiaogang, his nanny and Hou Tianliang to find a good taxi! When looking for a car, Ding Yu also took a look. The driver's age is not very big, but he is not a young man. It seems that he has considerable experience!

"Where are you going, sir?"

"Let's take a stroll first! Although I'm not the first time to come, but when I came first, I was also in a hurry! Come here again, feel different! Also ask the teacher to introduce! The children at home have so many greedy. When they got off the train just now, they still insisted on eating drumsticks

Ding Yu is not conservative at all. It's a pleasure to chat with the driver. Hou Tianliang, who sits in the back, is "eye opener"! I never know that Mr. Xiao is such a person. It's so exaggerated! If the people in Beijing know that the director is such a person, I'm afraid their eyes will fall to the ground?

"Sir, are you looking for the right person?" Of course, the driver was hospitable. After Ding Yu got on the bus, he also opened up and said that since the guests had this preference, they had nothing to do with themselves. They didn't tell themselves what the so-called price was, and he was also very happy. Such guests were really available but not desirable.

Wang Xiaogang is really not interested in scenic spots, but when he hears about food and drink, Wang Xiaogang's interest comes all of a sudden. Sitting in Ding Yu's arms is also quite dishonest. He moves back and forth, grabs Ding Yu's hand and touching his stomach!

"All right, all right! I know you're hungry Ding Yu also felt a little funny, "master, just what you said just now, find us a nearest place, little guy has so many greedy?"

Ding Yu just finished, Wang Xiaogang began to wriggle his body, the meaning is very obvious, he is not greedy, but hungry! This matter needs to be distinguished clearly! It must not be confused!

Ding Yu didn't mean to compare with Wang Xiaogang. When he got to the place, he also handed in a red ticket directly, "it's rare that the master introduced it, which made the master hard!" Ding Yu didn't mean to let the taxi driver change. He didn't have much money. Sometimes? Just a few words!

Now that he got off the car, Wang Xiaogang didn't mean to continue lying on Ding Yu's body! The nanny at the back is also leading Wang Xiaogang. Under Wang Xiaogang's help, she is also the first to enter the shop. Ding Yu looks at the outside for two times and then goes in. Hou Tianliang doesn't really understand the director's preferences, so it's just follow!

"Uncle, I've ordered something. I'll give it back to you and uncle Liang!" A pair of hasty praise my posture, Ding Yu also used his hand to knock Wang Xiaogang's head, but his mind is good!

"You are in a hurry!" What about diet? Ding Yu is really not so concerned, Wang Xiaogang more curious, point also point, no big deal! Hou Tianliang is staring at Ding Yu, "director, let's eat here?"

"What? Can't eat? "

"No, it's just that I feel so uncomfortable all over my body!" Hou Tianliang also looked at Ding Yu suspiciously. "In my impression, the director is from the home of Zhongming Dingshi. What he eats should also be yupan delicacies, not such street corner snacks!"

"There is so much exaggeration about that! No denying it? It's good to eat at home, but at most it's just that the nutritional value is slightly different, as for others? With TV and rumors? Of course, it's not the same. I don't like to pay attention to the so-called ostentation, and it's not always Manchu and Han people, right? Dragon liver and chicken gall, grains and grains are all just food! One is taste, the other is eating, but in the end? It's just filling your stomach! "

"I wanted to be able to eat different treasures from the director. I felt a little disappointed! I'm afraid there is no place to show off after I go back! " Hou Tianliang also said jokingly.

"Whether it's a person of the highest rank or a common person, eating different things has different tastes. At present, I'm afraid there is no taste in what you eat. If you are extremely hungry and have little water, you will have a different taste! At that time, our hungry eyes were green. At that time, not to mention the lack of water, even the roots of plants and trees were also seized and chewed! It can also be regarded as something special. Now I think of it, it is more memorable than the so-called delicious food, just like pearl, jade and white jade soup! "

A small taunt, also do not know hou Tianliang is understand!

"Uncle, can we eat plants and roots?"

"You boy! I haven't tried the taste of hunger, and you haven't tasted it at dawn! I tried it when I was a kid. What about my parents then? Although there are public offices, what about public offices? They also need to support their parents and other people in a big stall in the family. What about that time? Absolute moonlight clan"I really want to hear from my parents about it!" Hou Tianliang is not so impressed by this.

"When I came home from school, I still needed to collect firewood. At that time, I didn't dig wild vegetables, but sometimes I ate them. At that time, my head was not so smart. In order to have a bite, I went up the mountain to hunt birds and went down the river to catch fish. It was not just for playing. There was nothing to add at that time, only these! Now the country is better, not only is the food enough to eat, but also the style is rich, but some things can't be forgotten! "

"Director, it's against the law to shoot birds now!"

"At that time, there was no saying of breaking the law or not. I didn't know if I had broken the law. I took two matches from home and started to run all over the mountains. At that time, there was no hygiene. I caught the bird, rifled my stomach, and then I started to burn it. There was no salt or monosodium glutamate. But my friends were all watching, and there was no meat at that time I know if it's raw or cooked, it's all stuffed into my stomach anyway! "

Not only Wang Xiaogang, but the nanny and Hou Tianliang were also very interested, "director, did you eat everything at that time? You didn't eat any rare animals, did you? " The following sentence is obviously a bit of a joke!

"I don't eat everything. The difficult time is not so long. After my sister was born, the conditions at home have been improved a lot! In the future, I will eat a rare one! I still remember that when I caught a lot of dragonflies, we lit a torch and tied them with bamboo sticks. Although the meat was poor, it was also meat! But the best is the grasshopper. I remember that there were frogs at that time. Anyway, for everyone, the green is vegetables, and the moving is meat! Basically! "

Hearing Ding Yu's words like this, the people sitting next to Ding Yu are also listening with great interest, "brother, this is a wonderful saying. All the green food is vegetables. I don't feel this, but it's all meat. It's really authentic!"

"Old brother, I heard that he was a northerner!"

"It's been more than 30 years since I left home!" Some people talk to each other, and their relationship is also familiar. "Listening to your words, I really feel a lot. In those years, when I was running on the mountain, I was swimming on the water side. But if it was alive, I couldn't see it. If I saw it, I couldn't walk! That eye is brighter than a wolf

"Wolf, grey wolf?" Wang Xiaogang also asked curiously.

Ding Yu shook his head helplessly, "the wolf in those years! In those days, they did not look for any other bones! However, we are living on the mountain, relying on the sea and making things in a disorderly way. It's not easy to live like this! "

When talking, things were also sent up one after another. However, the middle-aged man who had been chatting next to him looked up and down at Ding Yu. "Little brother looks unusual!" Deliberately took a look at Ding Yu's watch and bracelet!

Ding Yu took a look at the things on his wrist and said with a smile, "what about other things? I really don't have too many hobbies, but now I'm rich, I have more thoughts in other aspects. In the past, in order to stutter, I didn't care about anything. Now? right now? I have taken everything into consideration, but if I think about it carefully, it is still for the sake of stuttering! "

"Popular, authentic!" Hearing Ding Yu's words, the middle-aged man felt that he was very right in his temper, "little brother, come to travel! What about the house? There are two grocery stores and two hotels. If you don't worry, go there for two days

"Don't I look bad?" Ding Yu also said jokingly.

"The middle-aged man shook his head," little brother, looking at the righteousness, talking? It's also about appetite! What's more, there are so many bad people in this world. I'm just soliciting customers from home! Is this also against the law? "

"What about boasting? I'm not a good man, but I've been told by my elder brother that I still have some righteousness on my body. I feel much more comfortable in my heart. It seems that when I have time these two days, I should visit my elder brother. But now it's really not suitable. There are some other people! "

Two people exchange telephone, middle-aged people have already had meal, also have no intention to stay, this is a bad person? It doesn't look like it. It doesn't sound like it. What about the watch on his hand? Can not buy their own grocery store, but its value is absolutely extraordinary, ordinary people have a few will wear that kind of watch, don't joke!

What's more, what about children? Will not lie, looking at his smart appearance, the head of the family is absolutely extraordinary! What's more, I've already said it just now. It's not a bad thing, is it? One more guest, one more profit!

As for whether he came or not? This is really not so important! Come on? It's a friendship. Don't you come? It's also a matter of common sense, but it won't seem so abrupt!

"Director, I found that you are really different from ordinary people. At least ordinary people will not come to such places to eat. Although the food here tastes good, the place is still too small?""Haven't you studied the inscription of humble house? Mountains are not high, immortals are famous, water is not deep, there are dragons and spirits. Is it really that good for big restaurants? I also have a few chefs in my house, and I have learned a lot from them! What about the big place? There are special places, but small places have the flavor of small places. What's more, if you want to understand the customs and customs, small places are the best! What's more, I'm here? It's just a tour of mountains and rivers! "

There's nothing wrong with that. What about Ding Yu? It's just to urge the four of Zong Taiping. It's not Ding Yu who wants to take the initiative to fight. There's really no need for that!

Hou Tianliang also felt that he had been taught a lot, and he had a lot of business trips, but most of them? They are all within the scope of the system, so we really don't remove some external situations. But what do we see now? It seems that there are so many people who have separated themselves from the society. The so-called real Kung Fu can only be seen from the details!

"Director, I really haven't heard of it before. You have such an understanding of secular people's feelings!"

"Me! It's just a half baked thing. If you look at it more, you will know a lot of things! What about me? It's also one of the three schools. It's more or less contaminated. Is there anything bad about it? Naturally, but is there a good side? In the words of idealism, being is rationality! "

"Director, you are still a half baked boy, then I will not live!" Hou Tianliang is very emotional!

"I'm a half baked man, don't you think? what about you? It's just a matter of emotional management. What should we do in the future? I don't know. What about those things in the officialdom? Now even if it is to learn, there is no use not to say, on the contrary, it will harm you! Don't understand? "

"Don't understand?"

"You! Now is the stage of laying the foundation! What about flattery and so on? It's OK to know and understand. There's no need to mention it. It's more important than anything. Just like fried rice with eggs, what's the most important, eggs and rice, and other things like carrots and scallions? Better, you can eat without it! It doesn't affect the whole egg fried rice. If we say that the whole egg fried rice is scallion, and there is no egg or rice, then what is the strength of it? "

Xiaogang has already gone back with the nanny. Just now the security guard came to pick him up. Ding Yu was hanging out on the street with Hou Tianliang. Anyway, there was nothing else! It's like coming out to see the scenery! What about the scenery here? It also has a special flavor!

"Director! If you put this in the capital, I'm afraid everyone will come out to see the Western scenery? "

Ding Yu pondered for a while, and nodded slightly, "it's also true. If I go out in the capital, I basically go out quietly. There's no way. There are too many tails to follow! Although I have tried my best to avoid some troubles, but some things? I can't help but find the door! "

"By the way, director, it seems that you've been very skillful in the car before!"

"And this one? It's really not what you want to learn. There are some other problems involved! A matter of principle! " When he saw Ding Yu's hand Stroke slightly, Hou Tianliang was stunned. He saw that Ding Yu's other hand was also carrying a lot of guys.

Hou Tianliang's mouth also showed a little bitter smile, "director, you are too shameless? Good. You didn't even bring out my shorts? Too much exaggeration? I don't feel anything! "

"Some of the little things I learned at the beginning are not worth mentioning!" Ding Yu also gave back the things in his hand to Hou Tianliang, "is it good or bad? Two sides! But what about learning? It's really very difficult. At least I haven't reached the peak yet? "

"This is not the best yet?" Hou Tianliang also looks at Ding Yu suspiciously! The expression should be more aggrieved.

When two people were joking with each other, a police car pulled over. Ding Yu also laughed at Hou Tianliang. What about hou Tianliang? Looking at Ding Yu, his expression is quite helpless.

What about the action just now? Obviously, it has also attracted considerable attention, but is the speed of the police so fast? What a joke? What's more, it's just a small joke between each other, as for the use of such means and methods? Are the eyes of the police too fierce?

But anyway? The police have already arrived? What's more, it seems that there are still some tension, and when there is no response, there are two more police cars! Is this posture a little too big?

"Have you ever been to the police station?"

Hou Tianliang is only shaking his head, "director, I am a good man!" While speaking, some people have also stepped forward, but still keep a considerable distance with Ding Yu and Hou Tianliang, which is obviously to prevent any unexpected events! And it seems that more and more people are watching.

"Don't talk about good people at this time. Even if you take out the officer's certificate, I'm afraid they won't believe it. Let's go! Why don't you take a seat in their Bureau today? Anyway, I came out to see the scenery! "Two people also did not have any resistance to go with more! What about the back security? Ding Yu's gesture has been seen for a long time, so there is no so-called obstruction! If you really block up, maybe things will be more turbulent, why bother to ya? Right? It's not good for anyone! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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