As soon as the car got to the door, he saw the people waiting at the door. Ding Yu's lawyer and all the security guards arrived at the same time, which scared the people in the branch office. The car came and then stopped at the door, but there was no intention of coming in. After waiting for the police car to come, people also went straight to the police car.

What about the police? Naturally, it won't be any stupid person. If you look at this situation, you will know that you have made a mistake! It's a good thing? They didn't mean to make trouble at that time, but chose to come to the branch directly. In this case, don't be dazed! People have already given the stairs, don't take the ladder away by yourself! When the time comes, everyone will not be able to stand down. What about the last unlucky person? I don't know who it is!

Hou Dingyu and two people are in the office at dawn! They didn't mean to talk to the sub Bureau. Otherwise, why would the lawyer come along? "Director, do you think this is a riot?"

"People? There will always be three disasters and nine difficulties! It's no big deal! " Ding Yu is not as upset about such a thing as he imagined. Is it intentional or an unconscious action mentioned by the police? After all, there are some inconveniences. Ding Yu is really not such a character!

Since the director didn't mean to ask questions, Hou Tianliang naturally did not mean to be more serious. He found that no matter when, the director? Are very stable performance, I am afraid that this word is the most appropriate, not tight and slow, but when people stand around, they will have a considerable sense of confidence!

Where are the people from the sub bureau? It's not that they didn't ask about the identities of Ding Yu and Hou Tianliang, but the provincial documents were directly photographed on the table. The sub bureau also felt that there were some troubles when looking at the documents. They didn't know which eye was wrong, so they had to make a fuss about it!

Even in a short time, people from the Municipal Bureau have come! There is no way out. Obviously, what about the City Council? Also follow to eat melon drop, so came after also did not give any good face to see! The people from the sub bureau! This is called a grievance!

"Director Zhu, if it's convenient for me to see the operation personnel alone?" Ding Yu didn't mean to stand up at all. What about hou Tianliang? It's also an honest stand behind Ding Yu. As for lawyers? He didn't mean to come over at this time. There are some other procedures to deal with!

What about the bureau directors and political commissars? Obviously, he also noticed Hou Tianliang standing in the back. Naturally, he also noticed the security guard standing in the corner. Although his armpit is not a kind of drum drum drum, both of them are policemen. Naturally, they know that the bodyguard has a guy style on his body!

You should know that this is China, not foreign countries. The bodyguards with them actually carry weapons and equipment. Although the bodyguards are intentional, for the people in the sub Bureau, it is still quite shocking! Obviously, what about this time? I'm afraid it's on the iron plate! But what about this young attitude? But it is not the arrogance and desperation in the imagination.

Talking? It means request, but what does it feel like? More like a request!

A group of four people, Ding Yu also took turns to ask a few words, are alone to meet! When Ding Yu inquired, Hou Tianliang followed Ding Yu honestly. It was not the first time that Hou Tianliang met the interrogation. Hou Tianliang was not the first time that he was interrogated. However, for Hou Tianliang, he was still impressed!

After asking four people, Ding Yu once again called one of them into the room and sat face to face with each other. Ding Yu also put one of his hands on the back of the chair and looked at the person opposite him! "What do you think this will be like at dawn?"

Hou Tianliang carefully looked at the situation of the young man on the opposite side, and then he also looked at his face and said, "I'm very nervous. The muscles on my body have been tightened! A lot of other small actions also show a lot of problems. If we are suspects, even if there are some problems, we should be more reasonable. It won't be so! "

Ding Yu also slightly nodded his head, obviously also recognized this question! He coughed slightly, "OK! That's it! Where's Xiaogang? May have to wait for a hurry! It doesn't seem like a thing for us to stay here. Since we are not the so-called suspects, we will leave! "

Obviously, Ding Yu didn't mean to make a thorough inquiry at all. This was to make the people sitting opposite Ding Yu happy. Hou Tianliang understood what the director really meant. So he sighed at the policeman in front of him!

When he left, what about Ding Yu and the leaders of the Municipal Bureau and the sub bureau? It's also a handshake. Since it's a misunderstanding, there's no big deal. Now the misunderstanding has been lifted. At least there is no problem on the surface! Hello, Hello, everyone.

After out of the sub Bureau, Hou Tianliang also looked back, "director, there must be some trouble! Your goal is still so big! Even came to such a place, can be watched! But also used such a small means! When I first came, I was given a demoralization, and I was still in such a bad way. ""It seems peaceful. Where are they? It's not going so well! " Ding Yu also said jokingly, "otherwise, how can we have free time to trouble us? What about such means? It's true that some of them can't be on the stage! I don't know what the people behind me think? "

"It feels like it too!" Hou Tianliang also can't live to shake his head, "aftertaste up to really have so some small family spirit!"

"But it should not be the means used by the parties. What if the parties use such means? I'm afraid it won't be in today's position! Should it be the people below? Want to flatter, or have other ideas! That's why it's out there? It really makes people speechless

It's no big deal, if it's true! Ding Yu and Hou Tianliang were walking on the street, and they were helped to investigate for no reason. Who would believe such a thing?

As for why Ding Yu didn't make a big fuss at the branch office, the main reason was that he didn't have any interest. The place was still a little bit small. Ding Yu's character was true. But for such small ants, it was not Ding Yu's character. Isn't this a typical wrong target?

So Ding Yu really didn't want to go to those kittens and puppies to trouble, I believe that the Municipal Bureau and the sub Bureau there? It will certainly deal with it by itself. How is it digested? Ding Yu doesn't care about it. There's no need! It's not something, you need to get involved! Otherwise, why should we have so many people down here?

Ding Yu doesn't care, but the people from the Municipal Bureau and the sub Bureau don't care. People pat their butt and walk away. It seems that they don't pay attention to things. It doesn't mean that they haven't paid attention to them. They just don't want to embarrass everyone! And if you don't wake up a little bit, it's really on the head!

In fact, things are very simple. After all, what are we engaged in? This is the business, so in less than an hour, all the context will be clear! But after getting clear, I feel that things are so difficult. Obviously, there are some other problems and situations involved!

The following things come out, but let the sub Bureau and even the Municipal Bureau wipe their butt. This thing is really a little disgusting, but what about this butt? He had to wipe it again. Although Ding Yu didn't mean to investigate, he gave an explanation!

Otherwise, if there are any problems and situations in the future, who should be consulted? Sugar is not sweet, but vinegar? Absolutely sour, no one wants to bear such a result and price! So in the evening of that day, I also reported the problems and conditions to the provincial department. Let's see how to deal with them!

The provincial government also felt that there were so many kind-hearted people. This matter is definitely not as easy to handle as imagined. What about Ding Yu? He is definitely not a nobody. We have read the reports of the provincial government. If someone like him is found, how can it be possible to say that he has no temper at all?

Therefore, the provincial department also issued relevant instructions at this time. What was involved in the matter? We explained it clearly with Ding Yu! Although Ding Yu's heart may not be too happy, but at least we can let the provincial department take it out, which will cause other problems and troubles in the future!

Who came to explain to Ding Yu? The political commissar of the Municipal Bureau, however, did not see Ding Yu himself. Hou Tianliang went to receive him. If such things need Ding Yu's presence in person, then Ding Yu would not have to do anything else in a day!

Hou Tianliang sat down with the political commissar and looked at the things handed over. After he looked at them twice, he also meant to put them on the table. However, he didn't have any words. He just looked at the political commissar with a smile. It seemed that it was such a thing. But what about the things inside? It's just fooling the foreign devils!

However, Hou Tianliang really did not mean to be angry. He followed the good people to learn from the good people and follow the witches to jump into the false gods. Of course, this is a vulgar saying. If you are close to the red, you will get black if you are close to the ink. This is still easy to understand!

However, the political commissar sitting opposite Hou Tianliang looks at Hou Tianliang and smiles slightly. Does he know this one? It's a soldier, but what kind of identity is it? I don't know. Although I have found some people, I know that I haven't got any news now. What's the origin of this one? I'm afraid it's extraordinary!

"Everything has been investigated." The commissar's words are also very cautious!

Hou Tianliang just nodded, "since the investigation is clear, the director has no intention to investigate!" The top of this speech is to make the political commissar in front of him feel that there is some gas blockage, but there is really no good way. What's the matter? It's from my side. I have to draw a full stop!

And what about the young man in front of him? It seems very young, but what about this talk? Not stiff, but quite old-fashioned. Would you like to say that? Don't care, even indifferent things, anyway, our side is not in a hurry! But after this village? I'm afraid there won't be such a shop!The political commissar did not hesitate at all, "Comrade Hou, does the municipal bureau know about this? We are not working properly, please forgive me! So we must ask director Ding. "

"And the director? It's very inconvenient to be quiet and not to move, but also to take the children at home. " Hou Tianliang directly refused, "and the director has other things. What's your intention? The director is in charge Hou Tianliang also expressed his intention very clearly, so don't be cocky. If you have something to say, if you have nothing to do, you have other things to do!

For Hou Tianliang's failure to enter the oil and salt industry, the political commissar also felt that there were some thorny problems, but what about thinking about it? I still think it's better to disclose this matter directly. It's better for them to get involved, and there's no good fruit to eat! What's more, the matter itself? It has nothing to do with them!

After simply explaining the context of the matter, Hou Tianliang also slightly nodded his head, and then stood up, and then took the lead to extend his hand, "the reception is not good! Please forgive me After understanding the matter clearly, there is no tea here. Naturally, we can't talk about the issue of serving tea and seeing off guests, but the purpose is the same!

"It doesn't matter. Please don't blame Comrade Hou!"

When Hou Tianliang went back, he found that his senior director was having a good time with Wang Xiaogang? If it wasn't for such a thing happened in the afternoon, maybe we would go out together in the evening, but now? There are some that are not suitable, but what about each other? It's not that restrictive.

Taking advantage of his leisure time, Hou Tianliang also told Ding Yu about the situation, and Ding Yu nodded, "let's check it at home! I don't know what they want to make a fuss about? It seems that we have not yet made a move, but we have been demoralized! "

Ding Yu's words seem to be very light, but how much has revealed a little anger, himself? I really don't have other meanings and ideas. I wanted to stay at home quietly, but what about some people in Beijing? Obviously, I can't stand this point and force myself out.

OK! Come out and come out! As a distraction, I have experienced so many things before, and always hold back at home? It's not like that, is it? But how about yourself? Come up to be trampled on a foot, and still straight to their own head step over, this has so some can not tolerate!

What's the matter? I haven't killed anyone for a while? So some people feel uncomfortable and come to the door by themselves? How fast is your arrival? In that case, what else can be said? You're going to hit your own door! If you say you want to continue to bear it? That's really the tortoise king!

But Ding Yu really did not mean to move rashly, everything? Still need to investigate clearly, interact disorderly words, when the time comes! I'm afraid it's your own fault! Any questions? You can't just look at the surface!

After Wang Xiaogang took a bath there, he took a rest. After all, he was a child, and his education was not the same as that of Ding Yu's two children, so he went to bed earlier. Ding Yu took a look at the information submitted to him by the security guard!

"What is the origin of this preserved egg! Business is not small? It's quite a toss

"I've just seen it. I heard that there are quite a lot of relationships in the province. But what if we talk about it? It seems that nothing is involved, but I personally think that the more irrelevant it is? The more serious the contamination is! "

"He did it directly? Or did someone else do it? "

"Arrange for someone else to do it!" Hou Tianliang also quickly recovered and said, "but I am not in China now! It's said that it's over there now! The one who runs is called "fast!"

Ding Yu also hums a smile, "harbor city? What a wonderful place Then Ding Yu also indicated to the security guard nearby, "since he is in the port city, I will see him here tomorrow morning. Anyway, the port city is a part of our country, isn't it? It's more convenient to go back and forth! "

Ding Yucai didn't pay attention to where this guy went. If he wanted to see him tomorrow morning, he would have to see him. He made such a thing for himself, but he hid in the harbor city. What kind of a thing is this? As for whether other things are involved in the process, Ding Yu really doesn't mean to pay more attention to it.

What about taboos? It's not the first time I've done it myself. Is it more or less? It doesn't matter! More lice do not itch, more debt do not worry! I really don't believe it!

What about other places? Ding Yu may also feel a little bit of constraint, but in Hong Kong city that acre above, it is really too easy! Even more simple than eating and drinking water!

To ten there to make a phone call, all of everything on all happy! What about Xiang Jia and Ding Yu? Is it really the kind of desperate, the previous thing? It's all laid out! During this period, he helped Ding Yu to do things, and his return can be said to be quite a bumper harvest. When his thirteen younger brothers were in the capital, Ding Yu also paid a visit in person!What matters is to the left? Is also favored by Ding Yu, if these are not satisfied, then it is really dissatisfied with the ravines! What's more, what's more, Yu Shao's account is just a little bigger for Xiang's family! It's not worth mentioning! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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