On the way back, Luo Zhen was also thinking about some problems. How to choose one side? It's a river dragon. On the one hand? It's a local snake. How about all the time? They are standing in the middle of the position, two do not rely on, but now, it seems that we need to do some choice in this respect!

There are other people on the car, so what about Luo Ji? I really don't mean to call my father. Xiao Ni is my secretary. But what about some things? I really don't feel at ease, maybe I'm too cautious and careful, but there's nothing wrong with this! What's more, there is no need now!

"Mr. Luo? Isn't it a bad conversation? " Xiao Ni is very cautious to ask a question.

"This guy is so How can I say that? Luo Ji sighed! "I've never met such a person, to put it bluntly? It's just a bit of a miser, but in fact, there are so many too thorny! I really don't know where to start! Not soft or hard top me a few words, let me almost did not come up! "

"Mr. Luo, you have never been so self-confident before?"

"You are not sitting with him! Otherwise you will know what it's like Luo Zhuo snorted, "say so! I'll give you a chance, not today! Tomorrow? What if you could sit in front of him for 15 minutes? I'll double your salary. In 30 minutes, I'll give you a five fold increase! In an hour, I'll give you a twenty fold increase in salary

"Really?" Xiao Ni also exclaimed, and the driver seems to have so some not quite calm up! Xiao Ni's salary is so high that I still know it. One hour's time, twenty times the salary, my Lord!

"I don't believe it, do you? Why don't you give it a try? I've told you my word

"General manager Luo, you are really unheard of who you can't make a decision on."

"Not today?" Luo Zhuo also shook his head, and then took out his phone, but after dialing two numbers, he also stopped, "Xiao Ni, people who go to the capital still don't have any news?"

"There is some news, but what about the news? The origin of this seems very simple, father is a doctor, mother is a teacher, and now retired! People from small places! There's a sister! But Ding Yu is in the hospital? It's a very famous doctor, but it's only spread inside the system! "

"It's no use in the hell!" Once again, he scratched his chin with his hand, "is there any special situation between his parents and his sister? And the hospital is very famous? And it's just inside the system. Does this message have some meaning? He likes fame? I didn't really see that! "

Although the words are so said, but Luo Zhuo's heart has made a murmur! Anyone here? Although it was arranged by myself, Xiao Ni was the one who handled it. Only myself and Xiao Ni knew that they had gone to the capital, but now they would send back such news to themselves? There is something wrong with it!

Parents from small places? If we say that both parents are from a small place, and my father went to see his grandfather, the old chief of his father, where did this come from? What's more, there's PI Luan over there, brought it back to people, and then sent it back to the port city! Back and forth.

No one gets any information and doesn't even deal with the following things cleanly, even if it's themselves, even if they are in the local area? It doesn't seem to be able to do that, right? Didn't leave any clues? Is it possible?

After that, Luo Ni didn't mean to call again! I said if you didn't tell me the truth, this guy is so hard to deal with! My face is about to be rubbed on the ground by him

"Isn't it? And people you can't handle? How can this sound so playful

"I want to find something useful from him, good fellow! I can't get that watch even if I'm broke. I can get a bracelet, but it's too cheap! No way, I can only see him in person! At this sight, I almost didn't come out! "

"You went to see him?" The voice on the other side of the phone is obviously a little different!

"I don't know his context. I can only go to see him personally. There is a deviation in things here. Pilun let people go to his trouble. Good guy! Pieron is lying in the hospital in port city now! Both legs are broken! I also just know, the matter is arranged by him! What did I say he came from? So fast to find PI Luan, and people here, you can inform the other side of the port city? I don't like muddleheaded accounts all the time! "

"Ding Yu! It's really magical! It's really not easy to find some relationship in any aspect! " The person on the other side of the phone sighed, "Luo Zhu, what about this time? It's my fault. I'll make amends to you? ""Don't do that? I have never suffered such a loss! I have never met such a person who can't get into oil and salt! What about me? No matter what he came from, say so! What are the consequences? "

"And this man? Originally, they came out of the army, so there are some relations between them! "

"Because of this? What the hell are you doing with the foreign devils? Don't think I don't know. I've sent someone to the capital to inquire about it. It's just a doctor, but only a doctor, who can connect with Zong Taiping? Tell the ghost to listen, the ghost does not believe it! You have to have a yardstick for teasing a three-year-old, don't you? "

"Don't worry! He! At the beginning, he saved a man. What about Wang family's father? I used to have real power, but now I'm retired! At the beginning, Wang Sange got him into medical school, so there were some relationships between them. When he was studying, he helped some people do something! Is that clear? "

"Just a doctor? What can be done? " Luo Zhu is also suspicious! "They even got mixed up with Zong Taiping and they were totally wrong! Does he have another identity! What's more, his style is something I haven't seen in my life! I can't handle such a person at all! "

"As I said, he helps some people do things! I think I have some identities! But you don't have a way! You are the Bodhisattva of Guanyin on this acre of land! Buddha! No matter how smart the monkey is, he can't escape from your Wuzhishan, can't he? "

"Well, don't give me the so-called high hat! I don't eat this set. I heard that he is quite famous in the hospital. If it's money, I don't have the ability. His watch has already interrupted my mind! As for the string? That thing needs to throw in its favor, otherwise it will not be so simple! It's easy to be mistaken for being smart. What about our territory? There are really not many people who play with this thing. You can help me find some very good ones. It's not necessarily hand strings, wood and other things to play with, but not too big! "

"Not too big? What is it about? "

"You don't understand! Is it too big? He is not good at playing, that is to say, he is not good at playing. I have seen the strings in his hands. They are shiny. Obviously, they are only effective after playing for a long time. What about general good things? How can you make a hand string? Basically, it's all on the fringes, and the whole thing has to be wasted to make beads. Isn't it bullshit? Buy Pearls and give them back! "

"Oh, I'll go. I haven't heard such a thing before."

"Who can make beads of good things? So find a small handle for Ding Yu. As for what kind of handle you can handle, you can find two more experts in the capital! What about my side? Think about how to start with Ding Yu's reputation, and after finding it, immediately send it to me! "

After putting down the phone, Luo Zhuo also frowned on his brow and thought about it alone for a while. Then he also looked at Xiao Ni sitting beside him, "Xiao Ni! Look for someone to go to the capital again. Be careful. Ding Yu's situation will never be as simple as that! There must be something wrong with it! "

"General manager Luo, do you suspect there is a problem in the capital?"

"There are so many things that people can't see clearly!" Luo Zhu also frowned and said, "but I'm very sure of one thing. Ding Yu is really a bit hard to provoke. But what about the news from the capital? Even encourage me to rush up, if there is no problem in this, it is really the hell! Can we get to this point today? It's not easy, but don't capsize

"Yes! Mr. Luo, I will arrange it now! "

Luo Zhe's heart at this time has already had quite doubt to his secretary, even has certain aspects affirmation, but Luo Ji is experienced many things old bird! Even if the heart has done certain aspects of affirmation, but also will not show this in their own face!

As for who Xiaoni is? This question? I really don't need to think about it. It must have been made by some people in the province. Who on earth is it, that is, the number of five fingers. But Luo zhe really doesn't mean to pierce it!

Do you show your worries in front of Xiao Ni? Is to let her give feedback back. She has always been very cautious, so she reveals these doubts? It's very normal! If you don't doubt it, there are some abnormal things! These guys let themselves charge in front to find Ding Yu's trouble! Do you underestimate Ding Yu, or do you want to play with yourself?

After returning to the company, Luo Zhuo is also standing in the window position, holding his chest in both hands and looking at the situation outside. The position is really a little bit interesting now! I have a good understanding of Ding Yu's "face-to-face" opponent, but the people in the province do not seem to understand this situation! This is my advantage!

Let Xiao Ni have a try tomorrow. I have told the relevant people to get some pieces. Before tomorrow morning? Certainly will be sent over, let Xiaoni send it in person, let her know the power of it, just don't know whether this feather little can see his intention!What about this little feather? It's really neat. Of course, what about the so-called clean and tidy? It refers to that he was defeated in front of him, and there was no chance of resistance at all. Now I have a careful aftertaste. It seems that there is no strength to fight back. Headache!

When Xiao Ni came in, she found Luo Zhuo was knocking on her head. She also helped her glasses with her hand. What about the general manager Luo? I really admire you, but what? Each has his own purpose, doesn't he? I can't hang myself on this tree!

What's more, he didn't betray Mr. Luo. He just reported his message to some parties! Everyone knows Mr. Luo? It's a clever person. It's not guaranteed that there will be decoupling and other conditions in the process. So in order to ensure the interests of some people and their own interests, we can only let Mr. Luo take the bait!

It doesn't matter what's good or bad. Although Mr. Luo is good for himself, the problem is that someone offers a higher price. He won't refuse, and he doesn't want to refuse! Mr. Luo has been around for so many years. Although the relationship with all aspects is quite good, how can we say it? It's still a lot worse than money!

"What's the matter?"

"Mr. Luo, there is a message from the capital. He has searched for several things and has sent all the photos. Would you like to have a look! There may be these things in the capital, but you are right. Where are the strings? Basically, they are all copied, and good things are basically not used to make strings! "

"Tomorrow you will go there in person!" Luo Zhuo looked out of the window. "I really have some doubts about this guy. What about fame? I have several ideas, but I feel that there are some defects. I have made an appointment with president Dong of the municipal hospital for dinner this evening! What about professional things? Still need to consult professional personage

Hou Tianliang also followed Ding Yu at this time, "director, I feel that the situation inside seems to be so serious! Although I can't get a glimpse of the whole picture, but from the arrival of Luo Zhuo, I can still know some of the problems! How dare he face the temptation like this? How arrogant

"There are problems in this, and they are quite serious problems, but what about this one? It's not that we need to intervene. What about this time? It's mainly because someone told me something. I'd like to experience the four of Zong Taiping by the way! We! It's all human beings, not gods! "

"Director, you are God in our mind!"

"I'm not used to this kind of horse, and I don't like it very much." Ding Yu gave a small warning, "what's more, you forget the most important point, our identity!"

This knock, let Hou Tianliang immediately understand come over, Zong Taiping they? There is the identity of the investigation, but the question is what about the director and himself? There's no identity to investigate at all. What about PI Luan? He just came to the door on his own initiative, so it doesn't matter if he asks about some relevant information, but what about others?

"Director, I don't think in detail and detail enough!"

"Then we need to see if Luo Ji is really a smart man." Ding Yu also said in a low voice, "if he is a smart man, he should know his own situation. We are not convenient to come forward, but he is not the same! Many things he did not participate in, also did not participate in, but does not mean that he did not understand

"Director, is he too weak on his own?"

"Don't underestimate him! I can start with pilun, but if I don't, I will do it to him. It's not a question of daring, but whether I can. It has nothing to do with the power behind him. What about this guy? Even if we do it, the problem will not lead to him. This is the trouble

Ding Yu is still not in the face of Hou Tianliang mingluo Xuan identity meaning! It's hanging there.

"Don't believe he has no problem at all!"

"Man! Is that a saint? Even if it is a sage, is it not selfish? It's just a difference in some things! Other people don't say, I do things with selfishness, and this is quite selfish, always want to be able to satisfy themselves, but in your opinion, I am a good person or a bad person, is it not clear?! So! What about Luo Ji? Even if there are some minor problems, they are not major ones. At most, they are not informed or confused. "

"Can we still play with flowers?"

"It's just a matter of people and ways! There is nothing strange. Are there few people like Beijing? Just them! The courage is too big, and the family background is thick, so many things are not so scruple, but what about Luo Ji? His family background is not so good, how about doing things? Just a little more caution and care! "

Hou Tianliang also shrunk his mouth, obviously for such a thing? Not so fancy! "Director! Do these guys really have nothing to do? Just watch them as pests do harm to the crops

"What about pests? In the end, it will be eliminated, but the problem is what kind of ways and methods need to be taken. It can't be said that in order to eliminate pests, the crops will be eliminated together. In that case, the gain is not worth the loss! What about the problem? It needs to come step by step. It is irresponsible if it can't be one size fits all! "www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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