"Director, how do we work? Is it... "

"See that?" Ding Yu didn't have any taboo. He mentioned the relevant issues directly, "what about this? I've noticed it a long time ago. What about my way? It's totally different from the normal way, at least it's totally different from the way you use it, because what? To be more precise, I am not a member of the system. "

As soon as this word was said, Hou Tianliang was stunned at first, and then he suddenly realized it. Yes! It seems that the director is not a member of the system, so how does he do it? There will be no impact, because there is no impact, so the director will not have too many taboos! This is a very normal thing! It's also a very natural thing!

"Director, that's how it works. It seems to be quite different from the previous prison!"

"What about different people? Need to adopt different ways and methods, for piluan ah! He doesn't need anything. If he comes up to beat him violently, he will give him an illusion of high pressure. He will tell him all the problems honestly, but these have no effect on Luo Zhu. He doesn't eat this set at all. He can play with water all year round, but he doesn't get wet. He is very clear about the door and road inside! Even more proficient than the people inside the system, in such a case, only he plays other people around, and others have nothing to do with him Having said a few words, Ding Yu also looked at it with a little deep meaning, and didn't know whether Hou Tianliang understood it?

"Director, just now Zong Taiping called and said he would like to visit you."

"Let him restrain his mind and do things attentively, which is better than anything. When he comes to visit me at this time, what is he thinking about in his head?" Ding Yu criticized and said, "I can wipe their buttocks and give them considerable support, but I really don't have time to drink tea with them!"

"I see!"

Director has said so clearly, how can Hou Tianliang not understand? So Hou Tianliang called the first time! I have talked about the director's situation carefully. Obviously? The director is not so satisfied with their work!

The next day, Xiao Ni also visited Ding Yu with a gift box. In order to make a good impression on Ding Yu, Xiao Ni dressed up when she came. Hou Tianliang also looked at Xiaoni more when she saw her! I can't say whether it's good or not, but after watching it, it really makes people feel itchy!

Yes! Is itching, with the heart is completely different concepts! However, Hou Tianliang did not show any other performance. After looking at him, he also made an invitation gesture and then turned to leave. However, Xiao Ni was slightly dumbfounded. When he came, he made considerable preparations, but he didn't expect that Hou Tianliang had a closed door!

There is nothing else in his eyes, which makes him feel very discouraged. How can he do this? Is it too hard to beat your self-confidence! However, Xiao Ni still followed Hou Tianliang's position, but she stepped on her high-heeled shoes very loud! When he came to Ding Yu's side, Hou Tianliang just whispered a few words and then turned around!

"Hello, director Ding! I'm Xiao Ni! Mr. Luo asked me to pay a visit to you When speaking, the corner of the mouth is cocked up, and there is a little smile on the face. The voice is like a hook, which makes people feel uneasy!

But the problem is that both Ding Yu and Hou Tianliang are like a piece of wood! Basically did not give the little nit too much reaction, let this mutual meeting also slightly show so some embarrassment!

"Sit down!" Ding Yu didn't look at her for a long time. Although she said that Xiao Ni had made considerable preparations when she came, she didn't have much amazing feeling for Ding Yu. After eating the delicacies on the jade plate, she looked at Xiaoni again, which was insipid!

"Thank you, director Ding! It's a great honor to meet you today, director Ding! " Then Xiaoni also opened the box she had brought with her. "Director Ding, I know that you are erudite and profound, but I dare not show my axe in front of you. I just brought two small things with me. I hope you can give me some advice!"

Ding Yu really didn't pay much attention to the things in the box. He just looked at Xiao Ni in front of her. She also looked up and down at herself. What's wrong with director Ding? Why look at yourself with such eyes? What on earth does he want to do?

And what did his eyes say? There is no desire to reveal, and even a little fluctuation can not be seen. Frankly speaking, he did not show any interest in himself. Even though he was not a great empire, he was also prepared for it, so indifferent? Isn't he a man?

No, it's really impossible to say so. What about director Ding? It seems that both children are complete. Although the message from the capital is not so detailed, what about this guy? It's not gay, but it's certain that I'm not as good as his eyes. When I think of this, Xiao Ni's heart can't help but be annoyed.No wonder Mr. Luo sighed and sighed when he went back. He just met him just now. He didn't even say a word. But what about his heart? There are already so many can't hold back the chagrin! However, Xiao Ni knows what kind of identity she is and knows something about Ding Yu, so there is no discontent on her face!

The difference between each other is too big. If you say that you are so-called petty, then you will suffer a loss? It must be my own ability to act according to the wind? They may not have too much, but look down on the dishes, such things can still be done!

Ding Yu looked at the things in the box for a long time. The two things are not very big, but they are very delicate, which makes people feel a pleasant feeling!

"The box of ruichengzhai?" After taking a look at things, he also looked up at Xiao Ni, "is the thing from the capital?"

Xiaonian is also TANKOU micro Zhang, for a while I really don't know what to say? I really don't have much mastery of this. People call it breaking the origin of things. I really want to make myself a little flustered!

"Director Ding, see you Suppress the surprise in his heart, Xiao Ni is also very careful to say, since he came, it seems that he has been in the downwind, what do you want to say? Dare not say, even do not know where to mouth? Previously, he didn't take Ding Yu as a thing. Now I know that director Ding is really tricky!

"It's good, but what about the price? It seems that it's really good! "

"Director Ding, in some people's eyes? It may be priceless, but in some people's eyes, it may not be better than a piece of bacon. Each has its own advantages, so the value it represents is totally different! Isn't it? "

Ding Yu snorted, but didn't mean to cover the box. Instead, he looked at Xiao Ni who was sitting in front of him. After examining for a period of time, he also slightly nodded his head, "your luck is pretty good, but what about your face? The family is a little sad! And the hit is broken

Ah? Xiaoni this time has not opened her mouth so simple, the whole person felt so uncomfortable! But Ding Yu didn't finish saying, "what about your face? You should have children already

Hou Tianliang, standing behind Ding Yu, is also looking at Xiao Ni's face. What about this? He has never been proficient or even a beginner. For this reason, I have consulted many people. However, after the prison incident, Hou Tianliang has no doubt about it.

"Mr. Ding is joking! I'm not married yet? " Although the words are so said, but the small Ni expression above how many already have so some uncomfortable! "Director Ding, you have come all the way, and you don't know

Before he finished speaking, Ding Yu shook his head. "No marriage doesn't mean there are no children. This seems to be two things! What about your face? It should be far away from each other, separated for quite some time! There are so many pities

"Mr. Ding, this joke seems to have been played a little too far!" The expression on Xiao Ni's face is as cold as ice.

"Face comes from heart!" Ding Yu said with a slight sigh, "it's very normal to think every day and dream at night! What do you think in your heart, I'm afraid only you are the most clear! I just pulled it out a little bit, not everything! "

Xiao Ni's mouth twitches so much. Although she says that she wants to control the fear in her heart, the problem is, where can I control what I want to control? Even his calf has begun to tremble!

It's no wonder that Mr. Luo was not pretending to be. He was scared by Ding Yu. He didn't even dare to come to see Ding Yu today. But the problem is that he didn't know what to do and came here in person!? What about? Ding Yu almost killed himself!

"Excuse me, Mr. Ding. I'll go to the bathroom!" Xiao Ni stood up in a hurry and made an apologetic expression. She also left soon! Hou Tianliang takes a look at Ding Yu, but finds that Ding Yu has no other action at all.

"Director, is this really Rong Baozhai's?"

"The style and style of the box are all the same. This craft is really not what other families can do!" Speaking of this, Ding Yu more or less came to some interest, "there are a lot of things in the house, a lot of time to go to their home to order, more contacts, so I also have some understanding!"

"They're using their skills as a teacher!"

"Did you teach your family? This question? It depends on how you look at it! It's like a string of hands in my hand. What if it's true? Eight hundred dollars is a lot! But what about kneading? Is it heart? It's not what's in your hand. If you like it, keep it yourself! ""Director, you are making me make mistakes!" Hou Tianliang also shakes his head so much! Some things can move by themselves, but what about some things? I can't touch it! If touched, it is easy to have problems, and it is still a big problem!

"Is it a mistake? To distinguish to treat! Instead of simply following the rules, sometimes don't be too rigid, try to balance yourself! Don't be cocky! What about this scale? It's really hard to control! "

"One head up?" Hou Tianliang seems to understand what, himself? Yes, I came to the director's side, but the problem is that I'm a member of the information management department. What about the director? Obviously, I'm waking up. Don't talk about the problem near the other side, but try to stand on the middle of the store, otherwise the result will not be very good!

"In your position? It's easy to lose the left and right! Because the temptation of the outside world is too big, what about me? Give you a little advice, in front of the big right and wrong? Don't lose the bottom line. What about other issues? Look in the eyes, remember in the heart is good, impartial! This is the essence! Of course, this is just my humble opinion. Is it of any use? I don't know! "

"Director, I'll think it over!" Hou Tianliang is also thinking about it.

This is not to say such a simple, but Hou Tianliang's heart has a considerable consideration, the director's words? What I said is quite clear! The director does not need to rely on himself, nor does he need to get close to the information management department, because he is the person of the emotion management department!

The director hopes that he can be in this period of time? To be able to think about problems in a down-to-earth manner and learn something, what about these? Is the fundamental, is the key to their future road, as for other? Those are just passing away, seemingly beautiful, but in reality? It's not worth mentioning at all!

At this time, Xiao Ni didn't go to the bathroom, but went to her car. After getting on the car, she also took out a mobile phone and dialed the number in the capital directly. "Gong Shao, I just went to see Ding Yu, but I couldn't look up at all. I felt that he was too mysterious! There are even some mysterious nagging! I didn't even know he was investigating me? Or are there really some mysteries? "

"Mysterious?" Gong Shao was obviously silent for a while, and then he agreed and said, "Ding Yu seems to be really like this. He is cold and heartless. There are basically no expressions on his face. What about the smile? Don't even think about it! And even if it's a smile, it's also a kind of skin smile that doesn't smile, which makes people hate their teeth itching! "

"Gong Shao, the feeling is not so simple. This guy is holding the so-called fate theory. It seems nonsense, but it makes people feel scared! I really feel a little scared! "

"He was born in Taoism, so he would have some strange things, but what did he think of those things?"

"Come up, just one word, and you'll give me a straight answer! I don't even know how to react! He made it clear that the box was custom-made, and it was also made by a time-honored brand in Beijing. He never looked at things. He was always playing with his string. I inquired about it. Even if the price of the hand string was the highest, it was only a few thousand yuan! "

"He is a strange man. It's hard to say that you can carry it. How about Luo Zhu?"

"Yesterday, he was deeply hit and even lost his soul. Judging from his past experience, he would consider it even if he didn't have to report his revenge. But I'm afraid it will take some time for him to recover. At the same time, he may deepen his understanding of Ding Yu. What about the personnel in Beijing? More information needs to be released! "

Gong Shao also took a long breath, "what about the capital? There are not many people who can specifically understand Ding Yu's news, so there won't be too many problems. But what about you? We must try our best to let Luo Zhuo and Ding Yu bite together. We don't ask who wins or loses. It's best to be able to hold on to this time! And the Yangtze side? I'll get in touch with him! "

"Gong Shao, how to deal with it here? I feel I can't cope with it!"

"It's good to tell Luo Zhuo some truth. He won't give up so easily! What's more, Yangzi will give him a price, this guy! Has always been an interest animal, as long as you entangle with Ding Yu! So what's left? It's another thing! Don't need you to have much victory, just hold on Ding Yu! "

Luo Zhuo early in the morning, has run to his father there, father every morning exercise, this little habit I still know! When Luo old man saw his son, he also had some silly eyes. When did this bastard get up so early, was he dazzled? Or is the sun coming out of the west?

"What are you doing here?" After thinking about it for a while, Luo Shengli also snorted, "I said yesterday, how could Ding Yu call me, how? Did you provoke him? " He looked up and down at his son, "you! Is it all the same for people to bring shoes to him? "

"Dad, is he your son or am I your son?" Seeing his father without any hesitation to continue to move forward, Luo Ji is also closely behind him in the position, "Dad, I feel almost falling into this mud pit! Is there something so weird about it! And all of a sudden, my secretary has become an outsider! ""What do you want to know? About Ding Yu

"A little bit interested!"

"He is the son of general Su bochen and the grandson of Wang Pu and Wang Lao!"

"What?" Luo Zhuo is like a rooster crowing all of a sudden, but he is suddenly choked by his neck! This news came too suddenly, too shocked, so that they even have no time to do any response and response!

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