Looking at his son's appearance, Luo Shengli also snorted, "I said you really don't believe it, do you give Ding Yu shoes? Do people want to talk about everything? Maybe I need to see your father and my face! Don't boast that if you don't have your father and me, what nest do you know you are? "

Luo Zhuo has so many silly eyes looking at his father, feeling that his father is totally different from the father in the impression! After watching for a long time, he said in a low voice, "I met him once, but the conversation between them was not so friendly, but I can't say how bad it is, but I really don't know him very well! But he gave me a lot of pressure, I don't feel so good now! "

"He! About the situation, the old chief has mentioned to me some, so say it! The reason why Zheng Yu's and Su's family have not been depressed is that they are not so glorious! At that time, the elder sister was found back, and she really found a needle of sea god

"No! I really haven't heard of it! "

"And his name? He is a very low-key person, but he is very influential abroad! How big is it? The old chief didn't tell me, but let me see! You are just the ant in front of him. If he wants to crush you, it's not even effortless! "

"I'm a character at least." Luo Zhu argued about it!

"Forget it! You are not a character in my eyes. You can be regarded as a character in this eye. You are big or little! His vision is very high, so old Su also has some exclamations, there are successors in the family, otherwise, it will be the body of the old chief! I'm afraid it's really hard to stick to it now! "

"Just a few dollars?"

Hum! "How much money?" Luo Shengli also looked at his son contemptuously, "how much does your estate add up? Over the years, you have played a lot of edge ball, it seems that you have also made a lot of money, but I tell you! What about your stuff? It has not been put in the eyes of others. It was donated to the country many years ago. Multiply your total wealth by 1000! Maybe enough! "

"No way!" Luo Zhuo estimated his fortune, "hundreds of billions? Dad! Is this joke a little bit too big? I know he is the grandson of your old chief, but it is not so exaggerated! What's more, if it's such a big thing, why haven't I heard of it? "

"You?" Luo Shengli stopped his steps and looked at his son, "you are just a piece of stinky dog excrement! You want to know. Others want to know! But how could it be! There are so many things you don't know! It's not that I look down on you, people! Give me the face of this old fellow, or you will be destroyed and you will not know how to die! "

"I feel his power? But I didn't expect him to be so powerful

It is obvious that Luo Zhu is already in a soft position. What about Ding Yu? All the people I met are so different! You say he's tall? It's just bullshit, but you're saying he's greedy? There is no wind and no shadow! It's just that you can't hold your hands!

"He is so good! It's beyond your imagination. There are many problems involved in it! On that day, the old chief executive was very interested, so he talked to me more about it. Although I didn't inquire much about it, there was still a way to do it! "

After saying that, Luo Shengli also looked at his son, "where are you two going? It seems to be the same, but in fact there is a big difference. Ding Yu's main body is not in China! At that time, he wanted to develop at home, but he was in a mess! Hundreds of billions have been paid for it! "

"Dad, are you really not lying to me? That's hundreds of billions, not hundreds! "

"What am I doing to deceive you? But what about this? Also because you are my son, coupled with your language is relatively strict, so I say to you to listen to, but you do this aspect of preparation! If someone in the outside world knows what problems and conditions are, don't come to me! Don't blame me for not being able to save you, because I can't do anything about it

Luo Yan licked his lips, it is obvious that the news he heard was not so simple as shock! It's totally hit, hundreds of billions? My Lord! Is that money really money?

"Dad, did Yu Shao really agree?" Luo Xuan still doesn't believe it.

"There are some other things involved in this. What are the details? Don't ask, I don't know! But Ding Yu! The relationship with some aspects of the capital is rather stiff. There are some shadows of this matter, those guys! It's a bunch of pests who are greedy for their own interests, regardless of the interests of the country! It's almost like you

"Dad! Although I played a lot of edge ball, but it seems that I am still a person who knows right and wrong Luo Zhu also argued that, "and I don't earn all the money. I don't earn the money with black heart, but people are in the river and lake? If you don't see your head down and look up, you can sit down and have a chat. The superficial relationship still needs to be maintained! ""I've heard about things in the province! Although I have already retired very early, but this time things seem to be very important! If you want to mix in this muddy water, I really don't think much of you! Although you don't have too much contamination, who knows if this time will be filled? It's hard to say

Luo Zhuo also slightly nodded, "I have now roughly clarified it above! What about some people? Maybe it's not very pleasant to see me. Of course, it's also possible that I'm quite smart at watching me, so now I hope I can catch Ding Yu! Don't let him have too much time and space! "

"So you came to me? But it doesn't seem to be of any use to me! Most of you have already given me considerable face. If you don't have a direct answer, you will be chopped and fed to the dog. If other people dare to shout in front of him, what will happen to you? "

Heard his father said so, Luo Zhuo really remember, his good friend? Are you still lying in the hospital of Hong Kong City? Their own people have been dispatched in the past, but also with the phone, there is no reason to speak, there is no reason to speak! Everything is clear at a glance!

It's just an ordinary car accident. People have already confessed their guilt! As for the issue of compensation, there is no pursuit. As for the remaining problems? It's good to lie in the hospital to recuperate! Everything is too perfect! It's perfect to make people feel like it's a real thing!

But the problem is that Luo Zhuo has got the news from Ding Yu, and piluan's leg was broken by him, but now PI Luan dare not admit it! There is no hint even in the words! This guy! It must have been frightened by Ding Yu! Even now it's not much better than a quail that's scared!

"I have some worries. I really can't figure out the context of this little feather! No one knows what he is thinking! And I was really a shame to you yesterday! If it wasn't for your sake, it might have been buried in that grave at this time! "

"Big and little! Not ordinary people. What does he care about? It's definitely a matter of the province. As for the small miscellaneous fish like you? As long as you don't jump in front of him, he won't drag you into the net! Even a piece of meat around the mouth is not counted, why open this mouth? It's so boring

Luo Zhuo thought for a while. When he came back to the aftertaste, he saw that his father had gone far away. Luo also rushed to catch up with his father. However, he had not yet waited to speak. Luo Shengli sighed, "how? You want that one? "

Hey, hey! Luo Zhuo awkwardly snorted, "Dad, you know, what about me? I don't want to get involved in official career. I'm too tired! What's more, there are some people in our family! What about me? It's just playing the edge ball, but who knows when the edge ball will be able to play? Now there is such an opportunity! I'm also a little bit hot with my eyes! "

Luo Shengli, who had always said something before, didn't immediately say something. Instead, he fell into a moment of thinking. "This is really a problem, and it's still a big problem. How much is it? It's not that he doesn't rub sand in his eyes, but his eyes are different from others! You ask yourself, have this ability? "

"Yu Shao mentioned one thing to me. Let me temper Zong Taiping well." As he spoke, Luo also paid attention to his father's expression, "if it were the four of them, I would not be afraid. Comparatively speaking, what about the four of them? It's not small, but it's all young rabbits! "

"Let me give you an opinion! If you think it's OK, do it with your heart. If you can't, you should leave as soon as possible. The muddy water in it! It's really not something you can mix together! "

"I see!" Luo Zhuo also said to his father in a firm tone, "Dad, I won't follow you back! In fact, when I came here, I was very quiet. Where's my secretary, Xiao Ni? I don't know when I joined other people. I just knew that. I don't know if there is such a person around me! "

"I can't even see the people around me, and I don't know how you are the general manager!" Luo Shengli really did not give any good face, "go away! It's not eye-catching here

Xiaoni made two phone calls in the car, then went to the bathroom, and then sat in front of Ding Yu again. Ding Yu didn't seem to have much to do. Even to Xiaoni, this guy was like a wooden block!

What did you look like when you left, or when you came back, only changed? Maybe it's the string of hands rotating inside the hand, but what about the speed? There seems to be no change!

"Mr. Ding, I don't know what you like, but what about us? It has a rich history Xiao Ni's eloquence is still very good, and she has just consulted a lot of people, so now she is the first to speak. She absolutely does not give Ding Yu any chance to breathe. She strives to control the initiative completely in her own hands.Ding Yu was calm and looked at Xiao Ni who was talking. She had been waiting for Xiao Ni to say something dry and dry. She even didn't know what to say. Then she nodded, "what about noon? I won't leave any food! There's something else on my side! "

"Mr. Ding, you are a guest, and I? I'm more or less familiar with the local area! "

"What about the children at home? If you like, you can play with him for a while This is not what I asked of you, and it is my own initiative!

Ah? Xiaoni also slightly bit her own back teeth, and she really fell into the pit. Ding Yu just set a trap for herself, but she stepped into it directly, and didn't even know how to respond! Is this a riot? How to put it?

There's no way to disagree. If you don't agree, what's your passion like before? But if you agree, with a doll, Ding Yu doesn't mean to be there in person.

Looking at Xiao Ni who left, Ding Yu didn't have much expression, but Hou Tianliang shook his head so much, "director, is her mind a little heavy? Is this the time? Still holding on? "

"The purpose is different! So the performance and the idea are quite different! "

"Director? Her purpose is to get close to you? "

"You! This alertness is still quite poor! " Ding Yu was dissatisfied and said, "who did she represent? Luo Zhuo! But what happens when she comes? How much Luo Ji was mentioned is very limited! If you can't understand this, I think I should change someone! "

Ah! Hou Tianliang, the whole person is so silly, "she is not Luo Ji's person? How could that be possible? " Then Hou Tianliang also thought of something, "but after she came, it seems that she really didn't mention too many things about Luo Ji! What's more, it is obvious from her mouth that she doesn't respect Luo Zhu so much! "

"The reaction is OK! What about Luo Ji? Is his boss, she is Luo Zhuo's close secretary! This article is really interesting! Luo Ji is also very interesting! " Ding Yu has given Hou Tianliang quite a lot of tips, but looking at her appearance, it seems that the perception is not as much as imagined.

When he heard the director say this, Hou Tianliang didn't answer immediately. He thought for a while. Then he looked at his director with some doubts. "Director, do you mean that Luo Zhuo deliberately asked her to come today?"

"It must be. We mentioned to Luo Zhuo a certain situation yesterday. Under such circumstances, we deliberately asked his secretary to come over and tell us the relevant information. All these are enough to explain all the problems! Sometimes, don't look at a thing alone, but look at it comprehensively and extend it to a certain height at the same time! "

"I really didn't expect that there would be such a hand! But director! Is Luo Zhu not afraid to play with fire? It seems that he has done something that is not very authentic! "

"It has nothing to do with this. He asked Xiao Ni to come here? That is to deliver a message to us, and even he will deliver a message to us next. It's interesting! Is he really very cunning? "

"Is he so good?" Hou Tianliang is really not optimistic about this, "even if he has his own heart, but this thing is not a bit too big!" Obviously, Hou Tianliang's heart also has quite the idea?

"What? You want to end up playing too? " Ding Yu thought about it for a while and nodded, "it's OK. What about Luo Ji? He has not been wet for so many years. It's not easy for him to get wet. Since you are interested in this aspect, go to challenge it! "

What will happen? This point is really not as important as imagined. Ding Yu doesn't value it at all! If you win, you win. If you lose, you lose? A sheep is a driver, a group of sheep? Let's go! What's more, this person is still Hou Tianliang. It's no harm to let him be contaminated a little!

When Xiaomiao came, Ding Yu was sitting there reading a book? Xiaomiao is also carefully standing next to the director of the position, put the things brought over on the table, with the previous small Ni sent things completely different!

Ding Yu did not hesitate to think about the gift box, looked at the things inside, but also hum and smile, "even if I am not very provocative, but you made such a thing come here, is it to deceive foreign devils?" That is to say, but Ding Yu really did not have any hesitation. He took up the things in the box and ate them.

"Director, I bought it after two rounds of kindness! This thing is very hot here! We tried many times before, but it's a pity that the waiting time is a little longer! "

"Well! It's delicious! " Ding Yu had a big appetite and ate a lot, "but you should be very busy. It seems that you are not normal to come here today! I'm here? Just take Xiaogang out for a stroll. If you have nothing to do, you should be busy"Director, we're here for help. It's too tricky!" Xiaomiao also said in a low voice.

"It's your own business, it has nothing to do with me! Of course, if you feel bad, you can also apply to go back! I don't have any opinion! "

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