"Director!" Xiaomiao is also very aggrieved, looking at Ding Yu, the chief director! I bought something to see the director, but I was sneered at. I was just a girl! The director doesn't care about the ladies and girls at all!

But Ding Yu didn't mean to be spoiled in the slightest. He also looked at him coldly, "Why are you here? With such a little difficulty, you want to find this one and that one? What's more, it's just a few miscellaneous fish in front of you, and the big crocodile behind it doesn't show up at all. This is your virtue? "

The words are quite heavy, Xiaomiao is also down his head, really dare not have any argument! "Director, it's not that we admit it, it's mainly because we've just started. We don't know where to start. The people above look at us and we're all tied up! I always feel like I can't do it! "

"A bunch of idiots!" Ding Yu was not polite to scold up, "at the beginning, it was also true to hold you high! But no wonder, after eating too much sand? It's not so strange that there will be such a result! "

Xiaomiao also understood the reason why Zong Taiping didn't come here. If Zong Taiping had come over, I'm afraid it would not be as simple as a bloody nozzle! But now can only be hard to stand, because things are not so beautiful! This little seedling itself is also very clear! How about yourself? After all, she is a girl. Although the director is not so satisfied, she will not be too "unscrupulous".

Theory is theory, reality is reality. All things are changing. It is not to say that if you catch people after you come, all problems will be explained. How can things be possible? What's more, it also involves many problems and situations, which are quite troublesome and troublesome! I really feel like walking on thin ice!

"You come up to think of big cases, important cases? I think a lot. Why? Must you give yourself a long face? On the surface? " Ding Yu disdained to hum a, "on your this pussy? There are not so many mouse tails

"Director! We were so rash when we were earlier! But people's ideas have begun to change! " Xiaomiao was also careful to say, "at the beginning, we couldn't grasp the key points at all, so we were quite passive, and we didn't even know how to deal with it. Next, we won't be able to do it any more."

"You! I always feel like I can do it! What could be more dangerous than this, even though we have been on the battlefield? Actually? It's just bullshit! Is that what you call going to war? It's all in the shell, but the problem is that you're still complacent. I don't know what you're proud of! "

Ding Yu is really rare, but today? Ding Yu also let go! There is no need to save face. "I always feel superior to others. Now it's OK! Being teased by others is not only disheartened, but also makes you feel inferior? "

"Well!" Xiaomiao's voice was even smaller. "Originally, I thought that even if they were playing, those things must be the things left over from our playing in Beijing. But I didn't expect to find out after contacting them that this was not the case at all. They were not only playing, but even playing with flowers! It's hard for people to know what to do with it! "

"What about the things you played in Beijing? It doesn't depend on the brain, but on the family background. Sometimes even the so-called face doesn't mean to worry about. It's too embarrassing to eat! " Ding Yu summed up and said, "but what about the people below? It is impossible for them to go out and look for food. They have to look for food on their own land. What about this? There's a need. You can't make yourself act in vain, or make it too hard. At the same time, you can't show it too clearly and so on! "

"Director, do you mean that they eat a lot of free food, but there is something that people can't feel. Is this possible?"

"All right! I've already told you so clearly! How come it's not enlightening at all? Go back and think for yourself! What happened? They are just miscellaneous fish, or actively sent out to catch big fish? It depends not only on patience, but also on a comprehensive understanding and observation! "

Xiaomiao seems to understand something. What is it now? I don't know it's just miscellaneous fish! In other words, it is actively sent out, and the reminder is already quite obvious! That is to say, they are now investigating people who are already on the list? In fact, it doesn't make any sense! Everyone knows that their end will not be too good, it's just time!

What about the people who didn't come out? What are they doing now? Now exactly how to install this fulcrum, at the same time, how should crowbar come to security? Xiaomiao is also frowning, but looking at the people's appearance, Xiaomiao also stood up, even did not dare to do too much stay, directly left!

In the evening, Xiaoni came back tired, carrying the gifts brought by the day in her hand. When she saw Luo Zhuo, she showed bitterness on her face. "Mr. Luo, the things didn't go out, and he gave me a good education. Originally, she was willing to give up her own face, but she didn't think that Yu Shao didn't care about fragrance and jade, so she threw me directly Above the ground, let me accompany the child in the afternoon, my feet have already worn out blisters"It's just to accompany children. How can you grind out blisters?" Luo Zhuo really is not blame, but feel that there are some doubts and puzzled, unless Ding Yu intentionally!

"Mr. Luo, you didn't encounter that child! I really don't know if there is such a bear child under the heaven and earth, but when I meet this one, I dare not say that I really live a few years less! Only you can't do it. There's nothing he can't think of. If you want to say that bear boy is the second, I don't think anyone will dare to be the first

"In this case, Ding Yu is deliberately aimed at you!" The expression on Luo's face is also fretting. Obviously, it seems to associate something with this thing!

But in Xiao Ni's opinion? It is understood as another meaning! "Mr. Luo, it's really hard to say whether he deliberately aimed at me or not. Anyway, in front of him, there is basically no so-called face. I have really learned that! Although I really want to pay, this time I really give up! "

"He didn't take things down and give you a reprimand. Is this a deliberate search for trouble? How do you feel like you're waiting for me to come here? " Luo Zhuo is also squinting his eyes, the expression on his face is all thinking.

See Luo Zhuo's appearance, small Ni knew that the matter has so some deviation! What about director Ding's performance? Obviously, it is to let Luo Ji have some meaning to retreat! What about Mr. Luo? However, when there is a little movement, they all turn around and run away. Now that there is such a situation and he describes himself as such, it is strange that he does not scare too much. He seems to have made a fool of himself!

"Mr. Luo, it seems that Yu Shao is not ordinary, but what about him? There are some that are not very similar! "

"What do you say?" Luo Zhuo has already felt the meaning that the big and small boy passed on to himself, but what about Xiao Ni's performance? Let his heart sigh again, woman! They are all the best actors. How could they not see that their secretary had other thoughts? You can't judge a person by his appearance!

"I think this one has less feathers? The purpose is definitely not to visit mountains and rivers so simple, there must be something hidden behind this, but it has not been revealed at this time! And as far as I know, some people from Zong Taiping went to see Ding Yu in the afternoon, but the time was not very long! "

"Zong Taiping and they went to see Ding Yu?" It is obvious that this news has already let Luo Jiong have so many moves.

"Yes! But that's one of them! And I left without staying too long! "

Luo Zhuo also stood up at this time, walked to the window position, saw Luo Zhuo's appearance, Xiaoni also knew what she had done? Finally played a little effect, but exactly how the effect, this problem is still unknown, but he is very clear about the habit of general Luo, he has been moved!

"From what we have now! Ding Yu didn't bring many people this time! "

Xiao Ni was also stunned for a moment. She didn't know what Luo Zhuo really meant, but she nodded quickly, "as far as the news is concerned, he really doesn't have much contact with there. As for Zong Taiping, what about the four of them? That is to say, someone visited Ding Yu before! As for other contacts, no! "

"What do you think of the opportunity?"

Xiao Ni, who was suddenly asked, was stunned, but she also responded quickly, "Mr. Luo, do you mean to cut off the connection between them? What if you directly aim at this feather less? I'm afraid it's very difficult, but it seems that there are some difficulties in directly cutting off the contact between each other. Although they are all in our territory, we can't control them all in our own hands. We can't do it! "

"No matter how powerful he is, he is just a man." Luo Zhuo also hums and laughs and says, "since is a person, then easy to deal with! What about Zong Taiping? Throw some bait and wait for them to bite! I don't believe that if you put something in front of them, they don't eat it! "

"Mr. Luo, you mean to isolate them!"

"Ding Yu is just a person! What if you do something to him? There are some people who really can't make up my mind. There's no news from the capital. I'm really worried that there will be other troubles in the future. But if I don't start with him, it doesn't mean that he can't be restrained! This is two things! "

This news is not particularly friendly to Xiao Ni, and even goes against the plan. However, Xiao Ni also knows that this is probably the best result! Luo Ji is too slippery! Especially when it comes to such things, he is more slippery than ever! If you want him to fight, don't even think about it!

"General manager Luo, the question is whether Ding Yu will be cheated?"

"It has nothing to do with being cheated! Let's give it to them directly! " Luo Yao did not know where the courage came from. "Since we have this time to find Ding Yu, then we will let them not have this time. Don't they want to investigate? okay! Let them investigate! ""Let them investigate?"

"Yes Luo also waved his arm, "let them investigate, but what is the investigation, this problem? It is not that they has the final say, we should lead them. We do not force them to walk the dead end. Who knows whether they will wake up immediately or not? We will give them another way. I will not believe they will not be interested in anything. What's more, even if they don't have interest, pressure will force them to put all their energy on it! "

"Will there be too much investment?" Xiao Ni is reluctant to do something, but think about it? This idea is really bad enough to let Zong Taiping separate themselves from each other. At the same time, it can cut off the people around Ding Yu to the greatest extent, making him basically helpless!

The important thing is that on this issue, Luo Zhu doesn't need to be involved in it at all. He just needs to sit firmly in the Jinluan palace? You can see the wind and clouds surging. Is there anything more comfortable than this? As expected, he is indeed a fox who has been around for many years. How could he not have thought of this problem before?

"Investment? We don't need to invest anything! " Luo Zhu seems not so excited at this time. The whole person has already controlled the things. So he is very confident at this time, "what about looking for a three legged donkey? There may be a lot of trouble, but there are still not many problems for people with two legs! "

This makes Xiao Ni also quite speechless, "general manager Luo, open a line for them first, this problem is not big, but who is going to act as the candidate? Need to be able to pull the peace of living with them, and at the same time not to get angry? It's a little difficult! "

"I need to discuss this matter with those guys in the province. I can't do it alone. At the same time, I also need a lot of support. I just want to let me carry the impossible thing alone!"

What about Luo's performance? Xiaoni is also really helpless, but at the same time, there are so many admiration, at least they did not think of, but also some can not do! Although said each other is not the same heart, but he or really on Luo Zhuo have so many convincing! This is true!

"Mr. Luo, what can I do for you?"

"Since it is selected, it should be a dead rabbit, not a living rabbit. Don't play with the eagle, but play with yourself. In that case, the gain will be more than the loss! The selected characters must have weight, and at the same time they need to have complicated relations. I want to make Zong Taiping uneasy for them

After Xiao Ni came out from Luo Zhu, she made a phone call to Gong Shao in the capital city. "Gong Shao, Luo Ji has so many worries and fears. This is a problem that he has left behind in the past. There are always some foresight and foresight in doing things, but he has paid attention to it!" Immediately also is the thing that Luo Zhuo said, all of a sudden to say out.

After listening to Xiao Ni's words, the Gong Shao didn't say much for half a day, "this attention is so coquettish! Restricted Ding Yu, restrained Zong Taiping and let himself come out. What kind of ghost ideas did he have in his head? I'm really interested

"He should have a discussion with the people in the provincial and capital areas to see who they want to throw out. He will never take this risk and do things very smoothly! From what I know, the provincial government should agree to his request! "

"Well done! Although he can't fight with Ding Yu directly, can he hold him? It's also a beautiful thing! If you can, it's better to let Ding Yu fall into it, but this matter may be very difficult, so there is no need to deliberately do it! "

"Gong Shao, you didn't finish what you told me! ..。”

"I've told Yangzi about you. Although it's not so beautiful this time, you've done your best! I've called you two million, and then watch Luo Ji. This guy is very clever

"Yes, gongshao, I will deal with it!"

After putting down the phone, Xiaoni didn't check the accounts at the first time. There was no need for her. Although two million yuan is a large amount for herself, this large amount has not yet dazzled me!

It's a pity that this time we didn't let Luo Zhuo get set again. What if we said it? I don't have any complaints about Luo Zhu, is the main reason? I want to be superior, but Luo Zhuo blocks in front of me, so I can't help it!

What about the provincial capital? All of us agree that Luo Ji is the most recognized one, but what about ourselves? It's just the Secretary around Luo Zhuo. Although he can take charge of his own affairs now, there are limits and limits to this! I really have some unwilling!

What about ability? It may be a little lacking, but what about your personal relationship? It's totally different from Luo! What about Luo Ji's set? For myself, it's out of date! It seems to be colorful, but actually it is like walking on thin ice. I don't want to look like this.

It doesn't matter what betrayal, everyone's idea? It's not the same! That's it!As for Luo Ji, what will he think? This problem is not so important. Anyway, he has paved the road. If Luo Zhu is willing, he doesn't mind giving him a way to live. If he wants to die, he is not good at making other choices!

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