This scene shocked everyone in the room, but Ding Yu didn't see the same thing at all. His eyes were always on Zhou Tian and Xiao Hao's body and closely watched their reactions. Xiao Hao's expression was so excited, while Zhou Tian's reaction was a lot more insipid! Even some indifference!

This makes Ding Yu have a considerable interest. Maybe he feels something. Ding Yu also looks at the sister-in-law! Then slightly shook his head, from the two children's performance and reaction? Xiao Hao obviously has some inappropriate, but what about Sunday's reaction? It's not indifference, but being able to hold down one's emotions.

What about family discipline? Let him be really excellent! Ding Yu and the woman looked at each other, and then took back his own eyes. What about the one whose hand was strung on the ground? After the two legs were trampled on, they already fainted. The sharp pain of the body is really not what ordinary people can resist!

When the little head woke up again, the security guard took out his mobile phone and said, "call! I've called the police for you! But they may have to wait quite a while before they can come! What about this crime? You can't afford it. If you are honest, you can avoid the pain of skin and flesh! "

This one on the ground is incontinent! After he came up, he broke an arm first. When he said something bad, he nailed his hand on the table. He even took out his gun and didn't say anything. He just kicked his two legs. There is no bully like this! In the past, when he bullied others, he was not so cruel and merciless!

It's impossible to call now! Unless I break my legs with my tongue! One hand is broken! What about the other hand that hasn't been broken? Also nailed to the table, after unlocking the phone, also said the contact information of the correspondent!

Security directly by the release, what words directly said on the line! There is no taboo at all! The person on the other side of the phone did not have any words for half a day. This time, it seems that it is not as simple as stepping on the iron plate!

The police didn't come here, but after they came, they took a look and then stood outside. They didn't mean to get involved in it immediately! What about the situation in the room? I've already seen it. The young people sitting there don't have the slightest intention to avoid it, which has already explained the problem!

Before long, a gust was parked at the door of the hotel. The people who came down from the copilot trotted to the back and opened the door! The people who came down from the car looked at the situation outside and frowned slightly. They already saw the police car not far away!

But they were all parked at one side of the car. They didn't mean to turn on the police lights. Even the police on the car didn't mean to get down! What about the hotel? It's also a normal business, as if nothing happened at all! Oh! This time! It's a real kick to the iron plate, maybe it will really hit the dead!

Take a look at the dog leg like brother-in-law, he is also a burst of exclamation, things have been made to this point? Now what about others? There is no use at all. People have already sent things to us. It's good to finish here! Why do you have to make a scene like this?

He walked in quickly. When he came to the door of the box, he looked at the security and police standing in the corridor. His eyebrows were wrinkled. The policeman at the door knew himself and was quite familiar with him. But now he didn't even mean to make eye contact with himself. This is not a good sign!

The security guard looked at the person who stretched out his hand to push the door, and without hesitation, he waved and cut down. He looked at the middle-aged man with golden glasses in front of him, "Hello! What are you, please

"Jia Dong, the party is my brother-in-law, I heard the matter is also rushed to come!" Then he also took a look at the people next to him, "there may be some misunderstanding about this matter! So come and see if you can sit down and have a good talk

The security guard took a look at the slightly obscene person next to him, and then started the inspection without hesitation. After the inspection, there was no irony in looking at the things in his hands. Jia Dong looked at his brother-in-law, but he was helpless. It was already this time. You still took these things with you. It's really impossible for dog meat to go on the mat!

After knocking on the door twice, the door of the private room was finally opened! Seeing those people squatting inside, naturally they are looking at the one nailed on the table. Jia Dong also directly put his eyes on Ding Yu's body!

So young? Sat there calmly, and even came in, without any movement. What about the expression on your face? There is no change! "Hello, I'm Jia Dong! Trouble at home! As a family member, I am responsible for this matter! "

Ding Yu didn't take a look until this time, and nodded his head slightly. His attitude was pretty good. Was it true or false? It doesn't matter! Waving, the security guards also took other people out, to be exact, to get rid of them!

"Sit down! I don't introduce myself! " Ding Yu took a look at Jia Dong, "what's the matter? It was already over! But now there's such a scene again? It seems that there are so many unreasonable? What did Mr. Jia say? Oh, by the way, the guy who yelled just now has evil spirit in his eyes. He should have seen blood in his hand. It seems that he is not a good man! ""Although I don't usually care about this, what about him? After all, it is my family. Since they have made mistakes, they should be corrected. One million plus one house! I've got people ready! If there is anything else you are not satisfied with, you can say it! "

"There's no need for a house. What about the three of them? I want to take it out! What about in the future? You don't see it. As for money? " But it has not finished waiting for Ding Yu's words! Jia Dong is also in a hurry, should come down, "three million! Full! As long as you are satisfied! I'll deliver it later! "

"Give up so soon? It seems that there are many problems! " Ding Yu said slowly, "what about money? I really don't have much interest. What about their two families? It's very quiet. I don't want to investigate your business. Anyway, it has nothing to do with me. I'm just asked to come and have a look at it! "

Jia Dong's heart is so cool. After so many years of wandering around the world, can you see the young people in front of him? Is really open to their own conditions do not have any interest, his eyes are too flat! Insipid let a person even have so a few heart inside flustered!

"Sir, I don't know what else you want! I can compensate them unconditionally

"As I said, how you do it is your own business. It has nothing to do with me. This time I was asked to come and see my sister-in-law and take the child away! There are some embarrassments on the face of those guys for such a big thing. Those guys! Sometimes it's face saving! "

Jia Dong took a deep breath. What is the origin of the so-called gang of guys? I really don't know, but I can let the young man in front of him personally. At the same time, what about the police? Even dare not to reach out, this is a big problem!

This is really not to say that their little money out? Can solve all the problems! You can't do without money, but what about money? It doesn't mean that everything will be OK! "Sir, I don't know who you are? But I think you should have a solution. What about you, sir? Maybe not. I just hope you can give me some advice! Thank you very much

"Point one or two?" Ding Yu's words are more like asking himself, "what's the relationship between me and those guys? I can only say it's very ordinary. They usually pit me, and I have no words to say. Although I don't have much good feelings for them, I can't say that I hate them very much. It's just a little bit! "

But Ding Yu's words did not finish, "but although I have some small disgust, but I really do not want to provoke them, because the consequences of provoking them will be very troublesome, just like the maggot of tarsal bone!"

Jia Dong took a deep breath. "No matter how I say, I'm a parent. The people in my family make mistakes. I can't ignore them. If they still have the opportunity to correct, I hope they can correct it. Even if they can't, I don't have any other regrets."

"Well! It's good. It's easy to take it up and put it down! " Ding Yu was very satisfied, "I hope your ass? It's cleaner, otherwise I don't know what the consequences will be! But one thing is certain. What about your family? The result and the end will not be too good, if there is no today's things, it's OK to say a little bit and kill them all? Ha ha

Jia Dong also has the bottom of his heart! "Sir, I'll do it right away!"

"How you do it is your own business, but to remind you, as far as I know, there will be no good end for those who are involved in this matter, whether they are in the open or in the dark. What about this? It's based on the fact that they don't have any problems. If there are problems, they will be punished together for several crimes! "

Having said that, Ding Yu also knocked on the table, the words have already said here! "Let the police at the door come in, and you two can go! What about the others? You don't have to worry about it! Think about your own problems

Jia Dong also did not have any hesitation. At this time, he said that other things were useless. However, when he stood up, he did not leave. Instead, he went to his wife and two teenagers and bowed! "I'm sorry, because I'm not strict with my family, so these problems and situations have arisen. I deeply apologize once again!"

Madame nodded, but did not show any uneasiness! "I accept your apology!"

Now it's not going to kill you to say such a sentence, let alone this matter? Ding Yu is in front of him. What is his only concern now? This is my eldest son! His performance is excellent! But I know that the better he performs, the farther away he will be in the future!

After Jia Dong went out of the room, he also looked at the person standing at the door, "director Cai, the gentleman inside please go in!" Then he stretched out his hand. When the two people contacted, Jia Dong also said in a low voice, "Lao Cai, handle carefully. I have been soft, but it seems that he is not the most direct! Be careful

And Ding Yu in the room looked at Zhou Tian again, "your performance! It's really good! Even I have a little interest in letting you follow those woodlouse? It seems that it is true that there are so many talents who have been given up! ""I can give it to my brother!"

"He? He can't! " Ding Yu directly shook his head, "even if you are lucky enough to pass the test, but I can guarantee that you will receive his ashes, the flesh and blood millstone. After entering, it is even an iron body. What about the last one? It will never be too complete! "

"You can't believe it. Where's one of my captains? Now I am one of them. He used to be the most elite soldier. At that time, I was just a small soldier under his hand! But what about him now? It's all flesh and blood! I mean spiritually, which is absolutely not what ordinary human beings can resist! As for the physical blow? It's nothing. Death is normal for them! There are dead people every day! But if you go in one hundred and you can leave ten in five years, you have already counted your luck! Half of them are because they can't resist the mental pressure. Some of the remaining 40 are not suitable. What about others? He became a martyr

"That's all?" Sunday is not too much accident and surprise, but next to Xiao Hao there are so some scared!

"This is just a talk! What about your trial? There is no problem, originally I was ready to take you two to leave! This is the task assigned to me, but Xiao Hao is not suitable, so I give him a place to go to university! But what about you? It's not the same! Is it life or death? I don't know. I hope you'll have a little bit of luck

"What can I get?" Sunday asked without slackening.

"What do you get?" When he said this, the knock at the door also rang. The security guard saw that there was no movement inside, so he did not continue to knock on the door, so he also made an apology gesture to the director Cai at the door! Keep waiting!

"I don't really know what I'll get when I enter this door? You're not you! Who the hell are you? This question is more profound! " Ding Yu took a deep breath. "I didn't enter this department at the beginning. I took another route at the beginning! More blunders! But the retired team, in my impression, there are basically no good people! Missing arms and broken legs? It's all good! The most serious mental trauma is the one that can't even stand up for a lifetime

"You can't either?"

"I was kicked out. Although I have a firm foothold in that team and may even go further, I still failed to evolve to that level in the end. What a pity! Not everyone has such opportunities, ability, talent, luck and so on! The same is true of the Department you want to enter. Of course, you just see the gate now. As for whether you can go in, it is doubtful! "

Then Ding Yu waved his hand, and then the director of CAI also came in. When he saw Ding Yu, he saluted him. Did the security guard show him the certificate? Already let oneself be disheartened! Who could have thought that would be the result?

"Hello, director Cai!" Ding Yu was really not as angry as he imagined, "what about the matter? I don't know who said hello this time! But what about checking it out? There should not be too many problems. I think this is not too big a problem for Director Cai! "

Not a big problem? This is a big problem! It's a series of relationships, even if you're not immune to them. Do you want to fill them in at this time? In this regard, director Cai also expressed serious doubts.

Hearing Ding Yu continue to say, "in fact, can't you check it? It doesn't matter if it's better. If it's better, it can stay alive. If it's not good, what about the whole life? That's it! Of course, this is not what I said, but you do evil by yourself, can not live, not what people, you can bully! It's not that we don't report, the time has not come! "

"We have begun to re investigate the situation of the two people in detail."

"I don't need this one! I think what about their files? Now it should be sealed up! " Ding Yu is not light or heavy point of a, but this words let that director Cai's face is not from big change! "It should not be allowed to investigate the two of them now, but who knows?"

Ding Yu's words seem to be joking, but for Director Cai, it's not a joke! What about the files of ordinary people? There will not be such a situation of sealing up, just their two little dolls will be like this? This is not a good omen!

"We will cooperate

"Previously, I told Jia Dong that if his buttocks didn't have any problems, he would still have a life, so I also sent this message to you, and even all people involved in this matter! Can you save your life? Let's see if they have done something wrong! "

The more understatement, the more confused the director Cai felt in front of him! Originally, I thought it was just a little loach, even half dead by trampling! But where do you think of the one hidden below? It turned out to be a giant dragon, and the Dragon even wanted to kill in turn! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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