How did director Cai leave? There are still some things that are not clear, because no one pays attention to this situation! But I can feel it. When he went out, he was confused and stiff! You can't do it yourself! But now Ding Yu didn't mean to put his eyes on them!

"Xiao hao? You may be a little unconvinced in your heart? " The expression on Ding Yu's face is still not much changed, "you think I'm scaring you, don't you? But I can give you a chance to have a good look! But I'm not sure if it will do you any harm! "

The next Sunday stood a step forward and saw Ding Yu slightly waving his hand. "It doesn't matter. If he doesn't feel comfortable, there are other protections. You are a brother, but you can't protect him for a lifetime. What's more, you have your own responsibilities! This is also a test for you

Immediately Ding Yu also stood up, "sister-in-law, go back and tidy up! I'll have someone with you! " Looking at Ding Yu who left, the woman didn't say anything. She just looked at the two children around her, "Xiao Hao, I don't want you to step in. I hope you can grow up well, get into a good university and find a good daughter-in-law!"

As for Sunday? The woman is also forced to hold back the tears in her eyes, trying not to let it stay, but this is not to say that they want to control can control! After all, it's your own child, and it's the meat that falls from your body. How can you give up so easily?

"Brother in law, I'm in trouble for you!" The co pilot looked at Jia Dong and said cautiously that everything was in his eyes, but he was very clear that leaving his brother-in-law, he was not bullshit!

Jia Dong is looking outside, but there is not too much reaction. He has been waiting for his brother-in-law to poke himself, and then he reacts. However, he continues to drive. After returning home, he does not pay attention to his wife's greeting, and goes straight into the living room!

"What have you done? Make your brother-in-law so angry? "

The man looked at his sister, and then muttered to himself, "I seem to have caused trouble!"

Jia Dong looked at his wife and brother-in-law who came through the fish. He also loosened the tie on his neck, "Xiaobo! You have caused too much trouble this time! I'm proud of myself? It is not to do what immoral smoke things, so check also check, even if the company in this side does not hold water! It doesn't matter, but what about you? What you have done in the past is the clearest in your heart! You can see what happened then! I don't have to scare you

"Lao Jia, what happened?" When Jia Dong's wife saw her husband's appearance, she was obviously aware of the problem. Then she threw her hand on her brother's body and said, "I'll let you disobey my orders and make you behave recklessly."

Jia Dong waved his hand, "OK, what's the use of beating him now? Now the question is not to pursue his fault, but whether he can save his life! Wavelets! You can see what happened just now! It's not that I won't save your life. I will try my best, but I can't do anything beyond my personal ability! "

"Brother in law, I know I'm wrong!" Xiaobo didn't care at this time. He knelt down in front of Jia Dong directly, and this action was completely frightening the woman beside her. What happened when she made a mistake before? He sings white face, husband sings red face, but what happened this time? Women also feel some palpitation!

"I said, I will try my best! But this time things are different! What have you done, my sister and I? I don't know. You need to explain these things clearly! And this time? There should be a lot of people you dragged into the water! Under such circumstances, it is impossible for the company here to keep it! "

"Lao Jia! Our company can't survive? " Women are also staring at their husbands.

"This time, Xiaobo did some things behind my back, and many people followed me to cover it. But this time, it really hit the iron plate. Even if the gods came, there was no way! Now we two people can keep their lives, are two said things, don't say other! It's too late to say anything! "

Taking off his eyes, Jia Dong also rubbed his eyes. He was really not tired in general, "get up! There's no point in kneeling now! Do you have the time? Think about your own problems! Think about what you've done, and maybe you'll live! "

In Xiaobo's memory, Zhou Tian and Xiao Hao were also arrested in a special warehouse. Looking at the one lying on the bed, he was the previous one. Now he is fixed there! The security guard looked at Zhou Tian and Xiao Hao, but also paid attention to them. After all, it was Mr. Zhang who told him!

"Interrogation is a test for both the interrogator and the interrogated. What about these? You may or may not have contact in the future, but there is one thing I need to explain. What about these? It's not within the normal range. Strictly speaking, it's against the law, but it's within the allowed range. ""Within the limits allowed? How could that be possible? " Xiao Hao looked at the people on the bed. Although he hated him very much, and even wished that he was himself, he didn't know why he was lying on the bed. He was extremely resistant in his heart. Such resistance made him even have so many people who could not help running out!

"If you are on the battlefield, the person who catches the other party must ask for valuable information at the first time. This requires the extremely high ability of the interrogator, because the time is too short! If you can't ask for valuable information in a short period of time, you may be buried to yourself! What will happen to prisoners? Said is a death, not to say is also a death Security said without hesitation! "It's just that the one who died faster."

"Surrender is death?"

"Do you watch too much TV? Capture prisoners? On the battlefield? Basically, they won't capture too many valuable people. At least, their information and data will not be as much as imagined. Of course, we can get a judgment in this respect through a little interrogation, but few people can do it. For example, people who are in the office and go to the battlefield in person do not mean that they have not, but such people are very rare No one will give up! "

Zhou Tian took a little time, nodded slightly, yes! Just like a good student, how many of them can fight? And fight good? How many good students are there? Of course, there are both, but what about such people? It's really too few! Less let oneself have not met!

However, Xiao Hao next to him has some chilly feeling! Are there some that are too cruel!

"What about today's time? It's just for you to show, so I'll show you some details! " Security is ready! "First of all? Is to give him an examination of his fracture, after fracture? Unless it's a special case, it's rare to have a direct operation in general! "

When he saw the scalpel, Xiao Hao fainted directly, and some of them couldn't bear it. However, the security here didn't mean to be embarrassed. He quickly took it away! It is always standing there on Sunday!

In the morning, when Xiao Hao wakes up and looks at the Sunday, it is not very interesting! On Sunday, he shook his head, "I'm ok! I'm also interested in this, but promise me to take good care of mom! What about things at home? It may be up to you in the future! I may not be able to help much! "

"I'm sorry, I'm too weak!" Xiao Hao is also hanging down his head, now said that other are useless, last night even before the start, he has fainted in the past, now think of it is too humiliating!

"You have such a timid and personal character, but what about the future? You need to take these responsibilities alone! I'll call when I have time! " Sunday is also looking out of the window, some things? It seems that you can't make up your mind. Since you can't make up your mind, take the initiative to bear it!

However, Luo Zhuo took Xiao Ni with her in the morning, and didn't even eat breakfast. She came over directly! What happened last night? They didn't get involved, but at least they heard some news! I didn't expect such a thing to come out again!

After coming, Luo Zhuo didn't really see Ding Yu. Just like a joke, you can see him when you see him! What about Luo Ji? Also with small Ni directly found Jia Dong, although he is not the most direct party, but the matter is he involved in! What about some cases? I'm afraid only he can say it clearly!

"Mr. Luo, how are you? Come here so far?" What about Jia Dong? There are some surprise in my heart, but I really don't know what the general manager Luo here means! What about each other? It can't be said that there is no connection at all. When I go to work in the province? I've looked for him, too!

"Mr. Jia, don't be polite!" Luo Ji also shook his head. "I heard that you had a conflict with Yu Shao last night, and it seems that things are more serious. As far as I know, you Jia is not an impulsive person."

"There's something wrong with my wife and brother!" Jia Dong then also hit his own legs, "general manager Luo, the provincial government for this matter as far as such attention? Even if it is involved, it seems that the problem will not be too big

Luo Zhuo wryly smile for a while, "general manager Jia, Ming people don't say dark words! I want to know the details of the matter, as a price? I'll try my best to help you deal with the things on the surface. I don't know if the price is enough? "

Jia Dong couldn't help but move in his heart. After thinking about it, he slowly said, "his wife and brother have made some ridiculous things. People have already sent him the evidence, but he still does not give up. He always feels that he is the local emperor and can not afford to lose this face. Therefore, he also bumped into that gentleman, and everyone is also affected! This is roughly the case. "

"More than that?" Luo Zhuo looked at Jia Dong's eyes and said, "which feather is less? Although he is not a magnanimous master, it is impossible to stir him up if he wants to do so! What about the people on the surface? Taishan, they have nothing to do with me"All right." Since Luo Zhuo has opened the conditions to here, he can not refuse! "From what I went to yesterday, what about Yu Shao's goal? It should be the two children, that is, the two children who have conflicts with my brother-in-law. If the matter is really exposed, I will feel humiliated! What's more, I heard that Yu Shao showed his special certificate yesterday, and director Cai was standing outside for a long time! "

"Two children? How old are you? "

"Are you going to be an adult?" Jia Dong is obviously a little puzzled. Why should he ask? "He at least showed great respect for that man's feminine sister-in-law, and from what I know personally, he seems to have been entrusted by some force to solve this problem! It can be seen from the words and actions. "

"Dedicated to this matter?" Luo Zhuo's interest is coming soon! And the little girl next to her? I can't help but lift my head. It seems that I've never heard of it! I little interesting!

"Which organization is it? I'm not so clear. What's the phone call from Lao Cai? cannot get through! I didn't call other parties. Even if I did, it doesn't make any sense! But can let this feather less personally appear, I am afraid the beginning will not be too small! Otherwise, Cai Bureau will not have any reaction now! "

"I will find someone to solve the problem of CAI Bureau, but general manager Jia should have some plans in mind?"

"You, you! It really makes people speechless. Do you know, it's really a disgusting behavior! " Jia Dong also expressed his dissatisfaction with this, but what about this dissatisfaction? But there was no anger. "You know, I've been here for two years? It has been separated from the industry here, otherwise wavelet will not make such a fuss. However, it is also very good now. I will sell all the industries in my hands here! "

"Enough!" Luo Ji is also satisfied with this condition, "I will try my best to find a buyer for you, and the conditions will be as generous as possible. If you have time, drink tea together. I'll see Cai Ju now!"

When Cong Jia Dong came out this way, Xiao Ni also expressed her incomprehension, "general manager Luo, this time, it seems that the matter seems to be very abrupt, and we do not seem to have too much contact! And now it's time to get involved? Will it cause other passivity? There seems to be other identities on this little feather! "

"What do you know?" There is no other person around! This time, he personally went out to explain what he was very important to this matter. Originally, I was going to give him such a hand in the provincial capital, but I didn't expect that there was pie falling down here! Then you can't waste it! "

"General manager Luo, will this offend Ding Yu?"

"Offend Ding Yu?" Luo Zhuo also snorted and laughed, "anyway, what about these guys? It's a damn life! Do you want to surrender to Yu Shao at this time? It's just a matter of time before death, but I can help them solve a lot of problems, even if it is to drag more people into the water, so what

Luo Zhuo said so, Xiao Ni is immediately understood, this Luo Zong ah! I can't think of any time to relax! Now feather little side has no other people! That is to say, no matter what the matter, this feather little all needs to personally go up!

"General manager Luo, you want this feather less to be separated from the body and lack skills!"

"I'm going to keep you here!" The expression on Luo Zhuo's face suddenly became serious. "I didn't think of any other way. Even if I thought of it, I didn't dare to try. But the problem is that last night's incident gave me a chance. What about Jia Dong and them? It's not much use anymore! But what about CAI Ju? It's very useful! "

"Will they listen?" Xiao Ni is also showing a little worry!

"They will listen!" "Because they don't have any chance to choose any more! Explain your own problems? It's just a matter of time. Now we have to delay this time as long as possible. As long as Yu Shao doesn't leave here, everything will be easy to say! "

While Luo Zhuo left, Xiaoni called gongshao again, and explained the situation here! "Gong Shao, will there be any other problems with Luo's choice? I always feel a little uneasy and uneasy! Is this a bit too big? Directly challenge Ding Yu

"This guy is really bold After a long time, Gong Shao sighed and said, "but how about doing this? It can't be said that he is completely challenging Ding Yu. Where is Ding Yu? After all, he is not familiar with the place of life. Does he want to move? There are bound to be constraints, which is a very good note! "

"It's a good one, but I'm worried about it!" Xiao Ni is still reluctant!

"There's nothing to worry about, but what about those guys? They are all damned goods, just like Luo Zhuo said. It's just the time. But what about now? But it has a little use value, since it has this value? We can't waste it! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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