Listen to Gong Shao's words, Xiaoni's heart is also not from a little frightened, feel oneself already enough cruel, but did not expect Luo and Gong Shao they are more ruthless, so many people are so thrown in! No hesitation, no compromise!

What do you mean by Luo Zhu? He is very clear, let these guys trap Ding Yu, at the same time? It is also the meaning of further understanding Ding Yu! Obviously, he doesn't know enough about director Ding, so what about him this time? It's just a push. It really doesn't mean to start!

But what about Gong Shao? Is he aware of Ding Yu's identity and agrees with Luo Zhu's practice? It's just these guys who are going to die! Anyway, there is no value in staying, so it's better to use the waste! There is no pity!

What about the final result? But what about each other's thoughts? It really makes Xiao Ni feel chilly and even chilly. If she is in such a position, can she do so? Even sitting in this position, can you think of such a way?

But soon Luo Zhuo also took Xiao Ni to see Director Cai! Two people are hard to break in, very direct! "Cai Ju, it's so abrupt! I'm sorry, but I think you'll understand? "

Cai Heng looked at the two people who came in and sighed, "general manager Luo, come here at this time? You heard something? Come fast enough! Nose is also sensitive enough! What's more, even if I'm not happy, you seem to have broken in. What else can I say? "

"It seems that Cai Bureau has already made some plans in his mind?" Luo Zhuo's face also showed a considerable smile, "it should be said that I came at a very opportune time! If earlier, it will not have any effect, if later, everything will become a foregone conclusion! So now? It is just fine! Isn't it? "

"So, Mr. Luo should have met Mr. Jia?" Cai Heng seemed to ask at will!

"What do you say? To eat meat Luo Zhu also can't help shaking his head, "put this matter down to Jia Zong's body? How much does it seem that some of them are not worth it, more exactly? General manager Jia was no longer here when he was first! Industries and so on have already been transferred! So say it! Jia is always smart

This word already point is very clear! What is the purpose of Jia Dong's expansion of career in the past? Is it because the industry is big? Is there really no other reason in this? Think about it carefully? Will Jia Dong throw away his foundation?

Luo Zhen saw clearly that there were some problems? It's rotten to the bone! Therefore, Jia Dong also chose to protect himself. The jars and jars left behind are meaningless. It's better to throw them away directly. Whoever wants to take them will accept them. It doesn't matter! It's just a little bit sudden this time!

"He's a smart man, but everyone is hurt by him, no, by his brother-in-law!"

"It's just a little life of my own!" Luo Zhuo said scornfully, "but I'm here today? But I have a few words to say. I'm not a heartless person. You have known each other for so many years. Now you have no way to go! How about sitting down and talking? "

Cai Bureau's face is also mutation, look hesitant looking at Luo Zhu, this guy's reputation? It's good, but it's too slippery. Now he's going to negotiate terms with himself. There's something wrong with it! And it's a big problem!

"Mr. Luo, you seem to have gone too far! And what about such behavior? It's a little out of line! "

"Cai bureau must have seen Yu Shao yesterday! What about the prestige of feather less? Really is not the ordinary person, at least you in front of him, is a slag just, I also really is not underestimate you! Of course I'm in front of him? May also be a slag, but there is no way! I'm entrusted! It's just a matter of encouragement! "

Luo Zhuo is to express his feelings directly. There is no hidden meaning at all! And this is what makes Cai Heng's heart move! "Oh! So lailuo always comes from the provincial capital. It seems that there are some bad wives in the provincial capital. Why? This Yu Shao has a lot to do with it? It's not easy! "

"Yes! It's not easy! " Luo Zhu really didn't have any hidden meaning, "but I advise Cai Ju, what about you? It's better to put this mind out. It doesn't make any sense. How can we do it? It's our business. What about you? There is only some surplus value! It can be said that you do not have the capital to talk about conditions! But look at the division of friendship for so many years, I give you a chance! If you don't like it, I don't care. What about the time? It's not my family who has been ruined or separated. Don't worry, I will never be ruined! Everyone knows me, although sometimes? The bottom line is a little bit small, but it's a little bit bad! "

With these words finished, Cai Bureau's spirit was gone all of a sudden! Now I'm just a fish on the chopping board. How do people want to eat it? How to eat? He did not have any resistance at all, the so-called no eggs under the nest, if he was unlucky! Can the family be all right?Luo Ji, this son of a bitch, what about this? Is really poked in their own waist, so that they do not have any resistance ability! Now although it is not easy to let it go, it seems that it is not good to go there!

"Mr. Luo, what about me now? There's nothing I can do about it, but what about things like this? It's really bad to do too much. Mr. Luo doesn't worry that someone will settle accounts with you in the future? " Cai Ju also threatened, "I know you always do? Are not willing to participate in some aspects of the broken matter, but this time has been personally ended! It's not easy! "

"In person?" Luo Zhuo murmured a sentence, as if suddenly fell into confusion, but next to the small Ni see Luo Zhuo this appearance, is also secretly inside hate to stare at Cai Heng, this guy is really too annoying!

If Luo Zhuo goes on like this for a long time, he will surely fall into it. Even if he wants to leave then? There is no way, but now Cai Heng said, how can Luo Zong not wake up at all? It's not easy to get to where we are today? Even because of one sentence, all of them are destroyed! This guy is really damned!

"What Cai Ju said really made me wake up from a dream. I seem to be involved in it? It's really a little bit too much! Even before you know it, have you come to this step today? This is not what I should do Luo Zhuo deeply exclaimed! Then he also looked at Cai Heng, "since Cai bureau gave me a hint, then I can't get any reward at all! I know Cai Ju's daughter is in Beijing! I can't say that, and I don't think you will believe it, but I don't think the problem will be too big to guarantee her future life and expenses! The conditions have been worked out! Look at Cai Ju, your choice

"The capital is not much, but the target is directly hit! I really have nothing to say

"It's just that there's a lot of squalor!" Luo Zhuo didn't mean to be ashamed at all, "but what about such a thing? If you are someone else, you will not be able to achieve such a situation, even more than you imagine? More unbearable! It's all about business! If Cai Ju doesn't mind, I'd like to ask a few questions. What about you and me? They all have considerable benefits. What about CAI Ju? Don't mind too much! "

"You are interested in those two children!" Seeing Luo Jiong nodding, Cai Heng looked at Xiao Ni next to him. Luo immediately understood, "Xiao Ni, go outside and have a look inside the car. There are two bottles of wine in the trunk!"

Xiao Ni stood up for the first time, and Luo Zhuo said that if he didn't leave, he would be really disrespectful! But I hate Cai Heng more and more in my heart, because I have already noticed the action just now, which is Cai Heng's attention! This guy is really.

After Xiao Ni left, Cai Heng also snorted at her, "general manager Luo, you have thorns in peach blossom!" Ha ha, a smile, also brought this word to the past! "What is the reason for this? It's two children! What about President Jia's wife and brother? Some of them are too much! The two children are also clever! Let Xiaobo suffer a little bit! What do I know? That's all? What is hidden behind this? I don't know! "

"Yu Shao is here for both of them? It's a bit inappropriate! " Luo Xuan murmured to himself!

"Should or should not be? These questions are really another one. What about the files of two people? It's Sealed! Is this the time? It should have been transferred! This is really not what I can say! Two people's origins are not simple! Last night, the people around Yu Shao showed me special certificates

"Special documents, these two children are from special departments! It's not very likely either

"I don't know what happened, but it has something to do with special departments! What do I know? That's all! What about President Jia's brother-in-law? There are some cases in my place, but the problem is not particularly big, that is, three or five years! At most! "

"These two children can make Yu Shao pay so much attention to them. It seems that they are not ordinary people!"

"Is it true that all mortals are like this! This time we really hit the iron plate! Estimate! There's no chance of survival! Last night, one of wavelet's subordinates voluntarily turned himself in! He even told me what happened many years ago. At that time, everyone in the Bureau was shocked! "


"Yes, I turned myself in. I even went to the Bureau deliberately in the evening! After listening to the situation at that time, exactly? Apart from two broken legs, an arm and a palm were penetrated, there was no other injury on his body, but what about these? It happened in the hotel completely! As for what happened to him later, I don't know yet, but he shows great fear

"How can he turn himself in like this?" Luo Ji also doubted a question!

"How on earth did you surrender? You don't have to ask! But did it come? And we've retrieved the files! I also said hello to the neighboring provinces. Today, they will send relevant personnel to come here and suppress important cases for many years! The one with the name in the Department! If everything is verified clearly, it will be almost the same if it is not implemented immediately! ""So serious?"

"Yes! Gang crime! What about that time? We haven't caught any of them. Now that the principal and the chief criminals have been caught, the remaining problems will be solved! I heard that the neighboring province had already started last night! There may be a joint trial today! But what about these? It's all details. What? Are you interested? "

"This is a good thing! Maintain public order! It should be well publicized! " Luo Zhu obviously also wanted to fight something, "but Cai Ju, what about between us? It's clear that people don't speak in secret! Even if you want to carry this credit, I'm afraid you can't recite it. How about Yu Shao sending this credit? It's on your necks that you've put another yoke on

"Yes! It adds a shackle to us. After all, what about the bureau? I'm not alone. There are many other comrades. Before slapping? Give a sweet jujube, and still can't refuse sweet jujube, let alone be slapped? It's us again! Who cares? This is a dead end

"So! You can't escape! " Luo Zhu also said with a deep sigh, "I don't think I can beat this Yu Shao. Of course, I don't mean to compete with this Yu Shao. But Cai Ju, you have no way out anyway? Why don't you try it? "

"Mr. Luo, what do you mean? You're stepping on the dead man's head? Isn't this a bit unreasonable? " Cai Heng expressed dissatisfaction!

"Did you step on it? Don't blame me for this problem, Cai Ju. How about you? It's from the public security system. I think I've heard news from some aspects. What about the provincial capital? It's not so quiet. What about this little feather? It has a considerable relationship with the members of the inspection group, even the group under the supervision group? This is the little feather student

"Students?" Cai Heng Leng for a long time, "his bearing? It's not much like a teacher! "

"That's what the provincial people told me, but now? What about the people around Yu Shao? They are all in a hurry, there is no free time, this feather is little! Now I'm alone! "

"Let's go up and fight with Yu Shao directly? Mr. Luo, are you taking it for granted? "

Luo Ji also heavily nodded, "what about this matter? I am a messenger. What about the provincial and municipal people? Obviously don't want to make things too embarrassing! So let me come over and clear up one or two. If Cai Ju is not willing to do so, there will naturally be other people willing to. I can only guarantee that there are not too many problems in the general direction. If we want to say that we have embezzled hundreds of millions of dollars, we still want to leave them for our wives and children, or take them into the coffin. I think this is too taken for granted, and it is not realistic at all. "

"It seems that I have no other choice!"

"It depends on what you choose from Cai Ju! I can do what I say, what I can't do? Of course I won't say it

After saying that, Luo Zhuo is also watching, looking at Cai Heng sitting opposite him! Cai Heng didn't really think much about it. He directly put out his hand and said, "the end is like this! I have to continue to toss and toss. It's like adding several nails to my coffin! "

"Three feet of land! Not much! If it is not too greedy, sin is not as good as family! Everyone knows this truth! What about the little feather? It's not to say that we must have a positive confrontation, as long as we can hold down the feather less! Even the provincial capital? It's the same idea! Just because we want to take this Yu Shao, it's too wishful thinking! "

"Hehe, it seems that the provincial government is quite afraid of this little feather! In this way, you should have seen the little feather, but there is not much good fruit to eat? "

In the face of CAI Heng's ridicule, Luo Zhuo really didn't take it as a thing. Since his own goal has been achieved, it's no big deal to let him live this mouth addiction! And a lot of their own meat!

"I really went to see Yu Shao! But it's a pity that I feel ashamed! It's not worth mentioning! It seems that everyone is not at the same level at all. If it wasn't for white money, I wouldn't have been involved in it. But so far? I really don't mean to go into it! "

"Mr. Luo, I know you are a smart man, but I really can't understand this matter! You know it's a pit. Do you want to jump in it? At that time, even if it is to keep this small life, I am afraid we will have to eat melon drop! "

Oh! Luo Zhu also sighed, how many are so reluctant, "do you think I really want to? What about my company? You should know more or less about what to eat by. Although I said that I was just playing the edge ball, there was still a considerable relationship between them. Otherwise, how could someone stare at me? I can't help it either

"You're being watched, too?"

"I don't have a handle, but the problem is that someone looks at me badly. What can I do? Calm down

Luo Zhuo didn't really mean to put this matter in his heart! Of course, this is also because he has his own plan in his heart. Previously, he had contact with Yu Shao. Although they have not met each other again, they have a good heart! Luo Zhuo for this feather less, or quite admiration! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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