The dialogue between Luo Zhuo and Cai Heng is relatively private. Xiao Ni outside has always wanted to come in, but the problem is that the door is locked and the second door is closed, so she won't have any chance. If we break in at this time, I'm afraid it's not just a simple matter of arousing Lai Luo's suspicion!

All his previous plans and efforts have been abandoned! This is the most lethal. At that time, neither Luo Zhu nor the capital will let go of their own. What's more, there is a Ding Yu behind this one? He won't let himself go! So you're at this time? It can only be tolerated! If you can't bear a little, you'll make a big plan.

Of course, there is also a reason why Xiao Ni gave up so easily. Is that the conversation between Luo and Cai Ju? Even if it's private, it's no big deal! A discussion between two people? Is to let Cai Bureau drag down that Yu Shao and the investigation team! It's better for them to be unable to move, as long as they can delay!

What problems and situations may arise in this process? It's no big deal! Anyway, what about these people led by Cai Heng? It's their turn to play their surplus value now! There is no other choice at all. Even to a certain extent, it can only be left alone!

But what I am interested in is how much Cai Heng can pay? What about this? I really hope to learn from Mr. Luo! Compared with the way Mr. Luo handled the matter, what about itself? There is no any contamination, but it is very good to the feather less and the inspector group to restrain!

From a certain height, what about this? General manager Luo is not dealing with the general beauty, in addition to less feathers? The capital, the province, and even the city are acceptable, and Mr. Luo is not without any benefits!

As for whether it has attracted the attention of laizong Taiping, is it? It's not as important as I imagined. Even if it is to attract the attention of laizong Taiping, what can it do? There seems to be a so-called interest exchange between each other, but what about such an exchange of interests? Not even the hidden rules! No evidence, no evidence!

When Luo Zhuo came out, Cai Heng didn't mean to see him off at all. Instead, Luo Zhu, who was sitting in the car, looked at the gate and shook his head slightly. "Mr. Luo, is that old guy not very sensible?"

"You're a veteran! Experience a lot of things! And still in such a thing, if you don't let him see some real things, he will not be so moved, no matter how nice the words are, there is no effect! " Luo also patted his head, "go back to the provincial capital! At least this matter has been explained up to now! "

"Mr. Luo, do you want to see Yu Shao?" Xiao Ni suggested that!

"See him? Or is it a deliberate provocation? " Luo Yao directly refused, "can you trap this feather less? It's just our imagination! It doesn't mean that we will be able to achieve it, not to mention my details about this little feather? I've always had a lot of doubts! What's more? Now to touch him, who knows if he will pick up his anger? I don't do things that I'm not sure about! "

After saying that, Luo Zhuo seemed to suddenly realize what the problem was. He turned his head and looked at Xiao Ni deliberately. He looked at Xiao Ni carefully. He saw that Xiao Ni also had some hair in her heart. "Mr. Luo, is there something wrong?"

"How do I feel like you're interested in him?"

"Mr. Luo, during these years in the provincial capital, I've seen a lot of young men from all over the country, and I've seen a lot of so-called high-ranking officials, but I really haven't seen anyone like this one! So different, so different, it's so strange! Can arouse the curiosity in the heart, but dare not go too close

Although the words are blurted out, but in fact, Xiao Ni's heart has thought of such scenes countless times! Luo Zhuo is not a fool. If he doesn't have any feeling in this respect, he will doubt it! But I really didn't expect that he would have doubts in this respect so soon! Fortunately, I was prepared for it!

Otherwise, it would be very difficult to answer his question! I've been wandering in the provincial capital for so many years, and I've always been safe and sound. Just be careful, not everyone can have it!

"So it is!" Luo Zhuo is satisfied with the answer, "in fact, my heart is also quite skeptical! This is also the reason why I have been afraid to give a cruel hand! What is the origin of this fellow

"Mr. Luo, are you always doubting

"I don't want any news from the family? It's smart, but there's no movement at all. This is quite strange. What's more, what about him? It really doesn't have that kind of smell, but to say that this guy is an ordinary person, Xiao Ni, you have been in contact with him, do you believe it? "

"I don't believe it! Who dares to say that he is an ordinary person just because he is wearing and dressing up! Unless this eye is really blind, or has not seen the world at all! Otherwise, who dares to underestimate it? ""Yes! I also have no way, so just infected! But what's the good news? What about me? Even if it's true that the future accounts, I didn't do anything extraordinary. At most, I was beaten and punished! Do anything! You need to leave some room for yourself! It can't be reckless! "

What does Luo Ji say? Naturally, there is a warning to Xiao Ni, but from the corner of her eyes, Xiao Ni seems to have no understanding of her intention. There are so many sad and some lamentable!

The original time is very good a little girl! Why can't you stand the temptation? Do you want to know whether it is in the workplace, or on what other platforms, the primary control? It's her own greed. What about her now? I really walked into a dead end and didn't know how to reflect at all!

The so-called good words can not persuade the damned ghost! She wants to climb forward with one mind, and it's hard for her to do anything to stop her, isn't she? She wants to climb the so-called Lingyun road. If she is in the way, she will not kick herself down! So forget it! If you can wake up better, if you can't, don't resent yourself!

Two people on the way back, the provincial capital has already known the news, we have run a run for Luo Ji? I really feel satisfied! The others are here? Can we do this? Can it even be so perfect? It's impossible, Luo Zhu, this guy! There are still quite two brushes!

If this thing is replaced by Xiao Ni, can he do it well? When Yangzi was in the provincial capital, she also thought about it for a long time. I'm afraid Xiaoni is really hard to do this! It is true that she has taken refuge in herself, and her ability is not lacking, but her qualifications are quite poor, so her experience is also quite deficient.

An important question? Xiao Ni doesn't have as many resources as Luo Ji! What about this so-called resource? It's made by Luo Zhuo for so many years. It's really not one sentence or two words that can be held in your hand!

Is Xiaoni trying to show off? This is a good thing, can completely lean on, but Xiaoni left Luo Zhu, can still stand stable, this matter is really not easy to say! What about this? It is still necessary to mention Xiao Ni, so that she will not be too elated!

So far, everything is OK! However, we can't relax our vigilance. The wind on the provincial capital is relatively tight. The work of the supervision group has begun to make progress. This progress is not particularly good news for the provincial capital! Fortunately, Ding Yu doesn't have much news now. This is one of the few good things!

What's more, Luo Zhuo's idea also has a considerable effect. Don't you want to investigate the situation? okay! Take the initiative to put the relevant situation in front of you, you want to investigate it! You're so tired!

"Everything's done?" Looking at Zhou Tian and Xiao Hao standing in front of him, Ding Yu asked!

"It's almost done!" Zhou Tian looks complicated and looks at Ding Yu. Up to now, he still doesn't know who the person in front of him is, but Zhou Tian feels this one? It is quite dangerous, so in the last request to leave, I also brought my brother to see you!

"What do you want to say?" Ding Yu's attitude is still quite cold, not too much warm gas, usually Ding Yu is also like this, so it will not appear particularly strange!

But just after Ding Yu's words were finished, Zhou Tian and Xiao Hao heard a burst of Shouts. Then they saw a little child, just like a little milk dog, rushed directly over, and even made two rounds around Ding Yu, and then they threw themselves on Ding Yu's thigh! "Uncle, they won't let me eat!"

Ding Yu, on the other hand, picked up Wang Xiaogang and touched his stomach. "In another two days, I'm afraid you will really become a little fat man! At that time, if your father and mother come to me for accountability, I really don't know how to explain it! Touch your stomach! Is it like a pig now

"Uncle!" Wang Xiaogang is also in Ding Yu's arms, can't stop twisting, "I'm a little hungry!"

"I don't think you're hungry! It's a little greedy! " Ding Yu talked about Wang Xiaogang's forehead with his hand, "and what you wrote in big characters these two days is not good enough! Not even paying attention! What about the ruler? I didn't bring it here! But after a while, I'm going to go to the street myself! Do you think there are any other needs? "

"I'll write!" Wang Xiaogang, like a reptile, came down from Ding Yu's body! It is a slip of smoke run, his uncle like himself, this did not say, but start to move it? It is also absolutely unambiguous, looking for your own big uncle mill, obviously does not have any effect! Wang Xiaogang's age is not big, but also quite has the eyesight to see!

Looking at Wang Xiaogang running away, Ding Yu looks at Zhou Tian and Xiao Hao and finds out what happened in their eyes? All is envy! I'm afraid this kind of scene appears in their dreams!

"In terms of your age, you are still teenagers, and you should study freely in school. But what about now? You two have already begun to have different responsibilities, Xiao Hao, how about you? No longer for yourself, but also for Sunday and sister-in-law! What about Sunday? What do you carry? It's what two families expect of you! What about others? It's basically bullshit. I just hope you can keep your heart and nature in the future"Uncle Ding, we don't quite understand!" Look at your brother on Sunday! What is the original heart and nature? There are so many too mysterious and ethereal! What about these things? There is no understanding at all!

"What is the so-called original heart and nature? You need to ask yourself this question! " Ding Yu is also a little sigh! "You contacted the society prematurely and did not leave a particularly good impression, because the society has caused considerable harm to you! Even this injury will accompany you for a lifetime, but one day you will find out, what about the so-called injury? In fact, it is not worth mentioning at all! "

"Uncle Ding, I'm afraid we'll never forget it all our life!"

"And you now? To put it in a bad way, the hair doesn't grow well? How big is the world you see? It seems like great, but in fact, you are just frogs sitting at the bottom of the well! The tempering of the society to you, will create two consequences, one is to beat you thoroughly! What about the other one? Although black and blue, but it may be brilliant! At least you now have such a platform, cherish it

"Uncle Ding, what do you do?" Although Ding Yu didn't make a deliberate performance, they still felt a lot of pressure, so when they spoke, although they didn't jump out of a single word, they were still quite cautious!

"And me? Is a doctor, then sometimes does something for the country! Of course, sometimes it's selfish to do some business of your own! However, I don't interfere much in this aspect. Generally, I just master a general direction. "

"It's a little different!" Zhou Tian murmured a word!

"Is it?" Ding Yu asked, "I'm really a doctor. If I have time, I can go to the top to check. What about my operation? Still have a bit of assurance! But really, what if we talk about it? It's not a big deal. Although I study western medicine, I want to learn traditional Chinese medicine, but I don't have many ways to learn it! "

Zhou Tianhe and Xiao Hao didn't believe it at all! Previously in the hotel, they can say that they witnessed the uncle's behavior and conduct! It's really not a bully to be able to describe! Such a person should say that he has no way out. Even if he is cheating a ghost, no one will believe it, right?

"Uncle Ding, we are not little children!"

"When I started my career, I entered western medicine! In fact, how about learning Chinese medicine? It takes too long, and a good master is needed in the whole process. What about modern society? It's too fast! As a result, not many people have such water grinding skills. It's really hard to find a good master and a student! "

"Tell you a little story! At that time, I went to a family to ask for a copper man. I offered a very high price, but they almost refused me. I had no choice. At that time, I was really hard hit by my enthusiasm! But now? The mood is also stable! So learning is also relatively fast! But do you want to leave? I'm afraid it's not a meeting for a while and a half! Therefore, although I say that I am a doctor, I am just a western medicine. I really don't control our traditional things, so don't be shameful! "

The words are very good to ease two people slightly have so some tension mood! "Uncle Ding, I'm afraid of the previous events. It seems that I'm really not that material!"

"What about you and Sunday? It's not the same at all! Congenital conditions determine, as if some people are tall, some people are short! It's not to say that after you exercise, you can be as tall as two people. It's impossible! What about modern society? I won't see how tall you are and how short you are! Not to play basketball! So it is not so important, let alone the composition of society? How many nails can he make by relying on a man on Sunday

"I can do it!" Sunday is very stubborn to say.

"You can do it? I don't dare to say such big words. Do you really want to open this mouth? What about you now? Not even a screw! What about the structure of society? It's not one person, it's all the people in the whole country that make up the present China. There's no industry, no agriculture! There is no other, etc. it is unrealistic to rely on one person to fight and kill. It is unrealistic to have the existing roads, railways and airplanes! "

What he said was almost to drop Zhou Tian directly into the pit. Zhou Tian was full of blood, but Ding Yu's words made Zhou Tian fall directly into the ice hole! But what about his eyes? There are still some stubborn, but at the same time? There are also some confusion! Xiao Hao is also laughing on the side, did not expect big brother will be like this.

"If you always think that way, what do you think then? It's not far from death! You're just one person! Want to develop, in addition to maintaining their own competitiveness? We need to unite other people. As I said just now, what is the composition of society? It's all people, white, black, grey and so on! Specific problems, specific analysis, this is my advice! But what about this one? It's for your father's sake, nothing else! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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