Ding Yu takes Wang Xiaogang's hand and describes a few large characters. Wang Xiaogang also drags Ding Yu to go shopping. It's too much fun to play alone! Although delicious and fun, but no fun, but their uncle around, the situation is not the same!

Ding Yu with Wang Xiao just came out, really attracted a lot of people's attention, but really there is no one to take the initiative to go forward! What about Ding Yu? There's no movement! Stay here now? It seems to be quite honest. Since this is the case, there is no need to tease him? And come up with something else? How is it good?

What's more, what about Ding Yu? He seems to have no intention of leaving at all! Playing with children, or sitting idly by yourself, may deal with some documents, but no one knows what kind of documents they are! No one dares to try! Don't be kidding!

It can be said that the city is particularly clear about the relevant situation. People have transferred all the special departments. Under such circumstances, they still have to provoke this person. Do you really want to live? Or what?

Cai Heng has made full preparations, but what about Ding Yu? Living in the hotel's villa alone, the door does not go out, two doors do not step, there is no meaning to move! Since he doesn't move, what about his own side? Don't make trouble and make another one!

As for what Luo Ji has told us? Although they did not do it, but the goal has been achieved! Isn't that enough? If even this is not enough, I really don't know what to do!

When the provincial capital saw that Ding Yu didn't make any action, it was strange! But strange to return strange, the provincial capital side really did not have what action, after all, the provincial capital thing still has so many troubles!

As long as Ding Yu doesn't come out, it's more important for the provincial government to do something about it. As for the things that the capital city has explained? ha-ha! After all, things still need to be prioritized! It's not that we have to do what you ask us to do! If everything is according to your plan, why is Ding Yu still so carefree now?

The capital is quite concerned about Ding Yu, but there are not many people willing to cooperate with him! After Ding Yu took Zong Taiping out of the capital, he directly abandoned the four of them to one side! There's no meaning to come out at all! As long as not blind people, all know how this is a matter!

Isn't it clear that this is to temper the four of Zong Taiping? Even now hou Tianliang has joined in! Ding Yu sits firmly on the fishing platform in the back! If things really come to an uncontrollable time, Ding Yu will try his best to turn the tide around. If he can't use Ding Yu, then he will surely earn this reputation! Is there anything better than this?

"Uncle, I want to eat it!" Wang Xiaogang drags Ding Yu's hand, but in Ding Yu's opinion, this is not interested in things, should be more interested in the girl next to it! The little girl looked at the pink and tender, with a big balloon in her hand!

How old is his nephew! How did you start to like this? Ding Yu also felt a little scratching his head! "I said, Xiaogang, they have already left? Are you going to follow her home? "

"Uncle, I miss the children!" Wang Xiaogang is also shaking his hand, although these days, are eating, playing, very happy, but after all, it is Wang Xiaogang alone, and he and the cultivation between two small is completely different!

"I have really neglected this matter!" Ding Yu looked at the little girl who left, and nodded slightly, "I'll find you a kindergarten later! Let you stay in the past two days. Originally, your brother and sister often experience such education. For you, I'm afraid it is very obvious that Ding Yu can feel Li Fu's real depression. But what about this? It's really not clear in one sentence or two sentences. I have mentioned this to her before, but this time she came to visit her again. It must be that she feels more and more pressure! Otherwise, it would not be!

Wang Xiaogang played for a long time, and then he also took uncle to go back! Even to find children to play with things, almost forget! Until Ding Yu mentioned this matter, he fell into the confusion of choice!

"I didn't see you with two children. Why did you take Xiaogang?"

The nanny took Wang Xiaogang to the kindergarten. Ding Yu and Li Fuzhen didn't mean to get off the bus. They didn't really need it. They just wanted to find a place to find some children to play with Wang Xiaogang. What about the kindergarten? There is really nothing unacceptable!

What about the nanny? Of course, it is the whole process of escort, but there is no meaning to interfere! When Wang Xiaogang was playing, he even left his uncle behind! But Ding Yu and Li Fu Zhen were quiet for quite a long time! Even in their spare time, they found a place to drink a cup of coffee!

But after drinking, both of them pushed the coffee forward. Obviously, the taste was too special! This word should be the best description! Look at each other, two people are also a smile, as for the snacks sent over? Ding Yu and Fu Zhen both have no intention to try!"By the way, Dashan sent you a lot of blue mountains when you went to Japan! Many of the global blue mountains have been controlled by Japan! As for other places, it seems that the so-called blue mountain is not as simple as the real one! "

"In this respect, I'm afraid no one can compare with it. Dashan's gift to me is very satisfactory." For Dashan's performance, Ding Yu is still very satisfied. In the hands of Dashan and Tanaka, the Japanese side has been quite good development! This is obvious to all!

"Dashan's family has already declined! But this time, I've heard that there are some problems with the tangerine and apricot. Now I'm showing some thorny and even decadent performances! "

"I haven't heard the name for a long time! Yes? Can we still find you to plead? "

"It was Tanaka who found me. His research has played a significant role in me, so I often ask him for help! They are familiar with each other. What about you? I'm afraid there are still some worries! So I don't dare to come to you directly. What's more, I hope I can build a bridge! "

"What's the matter? He dare not say it. It seems that the matter is not small."

"Did someone in the U.S. like her? What about her family? There are not many good ways to solve this problem. What about oranges and apricots? I don't think so much of America, but her family seems very willing to set up such a thing! "

"Is there something strange about this? How do you feel a little confused? I don't think there will be any marriage between them! "

"It's really not a marriage, it should be sent by their families on their own initiative! It has nothing to do with the rest! "

It's a wonderful thing What about limited information? It seems that you can't judge anything! "What does Tanaka say?"

"What about oranges and apricots? With considerable potential, and with Mr. Tanaka also has a considerable friendship between teachers and students, so Tanaka also hope to be able to intercede with you! What about Japan now? No one really has the power to convince their family! "

"But it doesn't seem to have anything to do with me?"

"Tanaka rarely mentioned the requirements, but the Japanese level is too strict! It's really hard to talk about such a thing! They will worry about other influences! "

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