"Coffee? Should it be from Dashan? " Ding Yu is also smiling!

Looking at Ding Yu's appearance, Li Fu Zhen knew that this matter had become! Whether it's Dashan or Tanaka? Will not because of this matter with Ding Yu, but their own situation is not the same! You can open this mouth yourself! But at the beginning, I don't know whether this enemy will give this face?

Do you know what this involves? But it's not just marriage. It's also about interests! I was born in such a beneficial family, for such things see too much! In the eyes of businessmen, is there anything more pure and noble than interest? No,

My father is a businessman, so I really know it too well! Because understand, so oneself have worry! But did not expect Ding Yu to give himself such a face! Really is to let oneself have such a feeling of flattery!

"There is no other idea, orange apricot or the people behind it? It will certainly bring about considerable benefits! "

"It doesn't make any sense!" Ding Yu was very happy to deny, "what about Japan? Not too much favor, but not everyone! What's more! What about orange and apricot? Although the relationship is general, but at least there are a few sides of the fate, just such a small thing! You can't do it! "

"Then I'm going to take down this great favor!" Fu Zhen is also proud to say! "To Japan? I still feel very good. In fact, the relationship between Japan and South Korea is quite complicated, even more complicated than that between China, Japan and China and South Korea. But what about the personal perspective? Politics is always a troublesome thing! "

"Play with fire at home!" Ding Yu snorted, "originally, the house is not big enough, even the so-called protective measures are not available. All the food, food, clothing and housing are all gathered together. What about a small fire? It is possible that all the things are burned clean, so can it not be dangerous? Even if you are more prepared, there will be mistakes! "

"But what about people? Is the most easily confused by the things in front of you! What about this thing? It could be money, it could be women, it could be something else! Dazzling eyes! Isn't it? "

"This seems to satirize me Ding Yu felt helpless, "but what if I said it? As for you women, I don't mean that I can't cope with it, but I really don't have the feeling in this respect. But to say something, what you said is quite standard! At least ancient poetry is very clever

Hum! If it is in South Korea, but where to Li Fuzhen a few courage, she also dare not do so, admit that he is his woman! But now the situation is different! What about the relationship between the two? There is no need to use those so-called tricks! Therefore, I also seem to have some "wanton"!

Naturally, the waiter also noticed Ding Yu and Li Fuzhen, but how did they feel? It's really quite different, whether from the sitting posture or from the temperament of two people, there are so some differences! Even if it is to add water to two people, their attitude is not indifferent!

But what about the coffee on the table? Basically, there is no movement, especially for snacks! Obviously, two people are not here, you, me and me, but if it is really an old husband and wife, it seems that they should not come to such a place? It's out of date! But the cultivation of two people is really good!

What about the rest? Not only is politeness so simple, but also includes the self-restraint of two people. Many people come to the coffee shop, but there are really few like these two! Even if two people just sit there and don't want anything, I'm afraid no one will persuade them to leave! Because it's beautiful to look at!

Stay in the coffee shop for a little longer, then two people also deliberately went to pick up Wang Xiaogang! Wang Xiaogang is a little excited. Today is Sunday. There are not many children in the kindergarten. But Wang Xiaogang is still having fun with a few children!

"Happy?" Ding Yu looks at Wang Xiaogang who is on his body and plays with him for a while. Li Fuzhen, sitting next to Ding Yu, wipes the sweat on his forehead for Wang Xiaogang! This child is really lively, but when Ding Yu deals with other people? It's a cold face, but what about dealing with children? It's very rare, all smiling faces!

Back to the residence, Wang Xiaogang looked at the boxes on the bed, but did not immediately jump on it. Instead, he took Fu Zhen and chewed on it. Then he rushed up like a tiger. Looking at the saliva on Fu Zhen's face, Ding Yu passed his handkerchief to him with a smile!

"I've been looking after him for so many days. I'd better take care of this thing you brought him! A little exaggeration

Two people did not stay too long, and soon left! But Wang Xiaogang opened his own tablet computer. He didn't need the help of a nanny. He could video with his father and mother! But it seems very convenient. Wang Xiaogang's exhibition also makes Wang Yang and Lin Qiuyan so jealous!

Li Fuzhen is the first to take a bath, and then he is lying on the bed. Ding Yu looks at Li Fu Zhen's languid appearance, and also finds some medicine. He massages his body carefully. After all, Fu Zhen's body is not as good as Taixi's! Personal situation is not the same!However, under his own conditioning, he is definitely much better than his peers and the vast majority of people. Ding Yu is very cautious and careful, and he doesn't mean to borrow people's hands. Such a thing can't be handed over to others. Fu Zhen is willing to give up, and he still has some reluctance to give up!

"Uncle, I'm hungry! Do you want to eat? " When Wang Xiao just came in, he was very careful. Looking at the big aunt lying there, he was also as careful as possible. At the same time, he put his little short finger on his mouth to make a quiet appearance!

Ding Yufang lightened her steps and picked up Wang Xiaogang when she came over. "You are hungry so quickly! I remember that you ate a lot of food today, although you also had a lot of exercise, but is this really good? Your father and mother didn't say, are you fat? "

"Dad says I'm fat, mom says I'm thin!"

Ding Yu shook his head helplessly, which reflects the different care and love of his parents! It's really a very direct expression of feelings! He directly brought Wang Xiaogang out, from the emotional point of view, for Wang Yang and Lin Qiuyan two people, can be said to be quite cruel, at that time he had so some disregard!

After dinner! Ding Yu also took Wang Xiaogang out for a walk, and even looked at it deliberately with a map. Obviously, he was looking for a suitable place for a trip tomorrow. However, Wang Xiaogang was not interested in such a trip. It was totally different from going to the amusement park! I've been here for a few days! So tomorrow or go to play with more children!

Since Wang Xiaogang has made such a happy decision! Ding Yu didn't have too much force!

After hearing the news that someone came to Ding Yu's side, Luo Zhuo also felt quite surprised. A woman? Look at the meaning of the posture seems to be really not small! But no one can find out who it is! The news is tightly sealed!

"I remember we left people there?"

In the face of Luo Zhuo's question, Xiao Ni also shook her head, "it's been a night, and there are quite a lot of feedback back there! Yesterday afternoon, the woman just came over. Our investigation also asked the CAI bureau to investigate the place where she went. The result only showed that this woman was a man of considerable accomplishment! More beautiful people, in addition to this, they know nothing about it! This is the general situation! "

"Beautiful, cultivated women?" Luo Zhuo snorted, "this is the information that has been investigated. Is it possible that there is too much information? With so much information, how can I judge at this time? "

This is absolutely ironic. Anyone can hear it! Xiao Ni's heart is also a dark cry, suddenly come to people, there will be considerable variables, this point everyone knows! I also asked the capital, but I didn't get any results and answers, because "there's no proof of what you say."!

There are not many women around Ding Yu, but they seem to be quite a lot. Therefore, Gong Shao did not check some aspects of the situation at the first time. This is a very normal thing. Even Gong Shao did not make a clear investigation. Then Luo Zhu did not make a clear investigation, which made it more normal!

"Mr. Luo, would you like me to go in person?"

"Even if I go there in person, what can I do? People give you this face, meet with you, but if they don't give you this face, you will be shut out! What can you do? Do you have to tear this face? " Luo Zhu's words obviously have the meaning of reproach!

"General manager Luo, could that Yu Shao please come here?"

On this issue? Luo did not think for too long, but gave the answer directly, "no! From the information we got, she came all of a sudden, and Ding Yu didn't seem to have much preparation. What I'm not sure now is whether she came to help on her own initiative! This is very doubtful! "

"Is this different?" Xiao Ni also felt that her understanding seemed to have some problems!

Oh! Luo Zhu doesn't know why this secretary is so stupid now! "It's just two questions. What if she was invited by Ding Yu? It shows that Ding Yu has felt a little difficult and difficult to act. If she comes to help on her own initiative, it shows that Ding Yu still has considerable control! We didn't kill him at all

Xiao Ni suddenly realized! Even subconsciously, he slapped his cheek. How could he not understand such a simple question? However, before waiting for himself to speak, Luo Zhuo said quickly, "find out the identity of this woman as soon as possible. If you know the identity of this woman, you can make a considerable judgment on Yu Shao's identity! I really want to see who Yu Shao is

"By the way, people in the hotel said yesterday that Yu Shao asked about the surrounding scenery with the little child. Mr. Luo, is this a deliberate diversion? And then he went straight to the provincial capital. In the past two days, he was quiet and strange

Oh, my God! Luo Zhuo is also really don't know what to say! Say she is stupid, is really stupid home! Where did all her former abilities go? Did you lose your basic ability after you got into the ox horn?"Xiao Ni, have you got something recently?" Luo Xuan looks at Xiao Ni with abnormal eyes!

Ah! Ah? Xiao Ni is also scared a big jump, holding their own flat glasses, there are so some do not understand! Why does Luo always ask? Although there is no problem in the movement, but the heart of Xiao Ni is extremely jump up!

"If you don't have anything, I feel your IQ is often not online!" Luo also glanced at the past with the rest of the corner of his eye. "If you don't want to understand such a simple thing, I'm afraid you can't be qualified for this secretary position!"

Ah?! What about the scream of distance? It's just a little bit worse. Maybe it's what I feel. Xiao Ni also covers her mouth for the first time! "Sorry, Mr. Luo, i..."

Luo Ji waved and let Xiao Ni leave! From the analysis of the situation, Yu Shao will never leave! Because it is absolutely unnecessary to leave at this time. What about the investigation team and the inspection team? Although the progress is slow, it is not without effect at all! If you go out of the mountain with less feathers, you will be overqualified!

What about this? It should be very simple. What about this woman? It should have a certain relationship with Yu Shao. Otherwise, Yu Shao will never take this woman on a trip. But if you think about it carefully, although the scenery nearby is OK, what about the local people? Should not have too much attraction!

Even for outsiders? It's just a place to travel! It's not a famous mountain. You have to appreciate it in person. At most, it's the villa in the hotel. Some of them are too boring! So go out and look for this sentiment!

Such a simple question, Xiao Ni didn't even think about it! So Luo Jiong will feel quite angry! Xiao Ni's stupidity doesn't show how smart he is. Instead, he appears to be the boss? More stupid!

In the morning, Li Fu really got up early, not because of Ding Yu's physical exercise, but because of his own body taste? There are so many unbearable! Ding Yu felt Fu Zhen's wringing and slapped her two times. "Go wash it first, and I'll consolidate it for you. It's good for your health."

But even so, Fu Zhen didn't mean to bypass Ding Yu. He had to let Ding Yu carry himself to the bathroom. The washing process was not so troublesome! But this process appears to be so ambiguous, back on the bed, Ding Yu again for the rich really on the medicine, and give a massage again!

"It's been a long time since I've had so much fun!" Hands on his cheek position, Fu Zhen said softly, "I also have special medical staff, but they can't do your level, feel the technique is not different there!"

When Ding Yu came back clean handed, he also snorted, "if the old Peyton guy asks me to do it for him, I need at least eight figures, and the unit is still US dollars! He still needs all the medicine and so on to be reimbursed to me! But even so, I still need to think about it! "

"So you did it for Tyler?"

"No! She is not my apprentice. What about money? Really did not have too much interest, at least now has not much interest, each other does not have this fate! As for her treatment, that's another thing

There are also some other reasons involved. Although Ding Yu didn't say that, how could Li Fu Zhen not understand? So he also smiles at Ding Yu with his heart. After waiting for more than 40 minutes, Li Fu Zhen goes to the bathroom again and washes himself again. The time for washing is a little longer!

After coming out again, Li Fu Zhen didn't have a top coat. He simply dried and combed his hair! Looking at myself in the mirror, I feel several years younger. What about this one? It's not through chemistry, it's just through the internal regulation of the body! Don't say eight figures, even if it is more, I'm afraid there will be people flocking to it!

In other words, this is really not something you can buy with money. Apart from the family members, Ding Yu has never seen Ding Yu do this to others. It must be a considerable loss to the body! It's like the blood on the body. If you keep consuming it, you don't need too much, you will have problems and problems!

After light makeup, Li Fuzhen also took Wang Xiaogang and Ding Yu for breakfast. However, Wang Xiaogang looked at the big black framed eyes on the aunt's face and felt a little strange! "Xiao Gang, are you really not going today? Your aunt and I won't come back at noon, and we don't know when to come back in the evening

"I wish I had my aunt with me! Uncle and auntie are going to play! "

"Really? Isn't there something wrong with the name Auntie? " Ding Yu did not know whether to ask Fu Zhen or himself, "from the identity, it seems more appropriate to call your big aunt, but forget it! Call him what he will

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