When the old man came back, Ding Yu said it almost! Wang Xiaogang for uncle's education method or feel very agree with, and did not force himself how to do? This is much better than Mom's slap!

At this time, it's really not appropriate to transmit the great truth to Wang Xiaogang. He can't understand it at all. Even if he is asked to practice painting red, Ding Yu is to discipline him, not for real education. This is a question of two natures. Is it at this stage? Guidance is the best choice, too much cramming, can only let him slowly mediocre!

Because he showed resistance from himself, this kind of resistance is not really able to change in a moment and a half, even with life! It's troublesome!

Taking a look at things, Ding Yu nodded slightly. Obviously, he was very satisfied with what the old man had brought over! Then he took the two bills and put them on the table directly. He didn't mean to go to the counter. Looking at the old man, he was also a bit silly! But Ding Yu has quickly wrapped things up!

"It's for your boy. Take it!" Ding Yu then also handed the bag to Wang Xiaogang, who was pleased to carry the things in his hands, and was also very proud to sway!

Looking at the one big and one small leaving, the old man also felt quite amused, such a scene is really too rare to see! I watched carefully. The young man carefully checked the package before. The way of checking was totally different from himself! But I can be sure that his inspection method is much better than his own!

Did not expect to be able to meet such a lord? It's strange, but there are many kinds of people. It's really hard to say what the problems and conditions are. As for the children who follow the young people? It's lovely. I don't know if it's a bear child!

What about Ding Yu's training of Wang Xiaogang? It's similar to two children, which is almost the kind of stocking. When the professor should be taught, but absolutely not forced. Of course, what's the significance of Wang Xiaogang around? It has been said a long time ago. It can also be regarded as an explanation to the Wang family!

Their two children will never change their names, so what about Wang Xiaogang? It's hard to be the target. It seems that there are some ruthless and cruel things in it. After all, Wang Xiaogang is so old, so Ding Yu treats his nephew? It's also quite good! Even some places are better than their own two children!

Take advantage of others, not to give a little sweet, it seems that there are really so some can not be said!

What's more, this man? Or his nephew, psychologically? There are some really can't be said!

So what about Ding Yu and Wang Xiaogang? How much or so some spoiled taste in it! What about your two children? I seldom enjoy these things in my body! It's totally different!

By the time they came back, the hamburger and the French fries were ready, not to mention the orange juice! Everything has been ready for a long time. The hamburger is a little bit small, but the sandwich is very good. Ding Yu takes two bites and eats it! Wang Xiaogang also widened his eyes!

Hamburger also did not eat, swung up the sandwich next to his mouth, eat is a package of joy, no wonder his uncle ate so quickly! It's sweet and sour. It tastes so sweet! While eating, Wang Xiaogang also thanks his uncle and chef. After all, it's uncle's request and chef's efforts!

But what about Luo Ji? Not so happy! I made two phone calls to Xiao Ni, but no one answered. This situation is really too abnormal! People have been to the capital, but do not answer their own phone! Although Yu Shao mentioned quite a situation with himself, he had expected it before! But after the fact happened, I still felt a little sigh!

I cleaned up the things in my hands, but when I left home and got on the bus, I didn't know that it was a little wrong with that tendon! Luo Zhuo also made a phone call to his father. There are still some early days on the time, at least relative to his past living habits, he is a little too early!

"Dad, have you finished your exercise? Have breakfast together

Yeah! The old man over there said yes or no! Then he put down the phone in his hand, and the old man was also a man who had been wandering in the official career for a lifetime. How could he not understand the situation at all? But the son suddenly to himself to such a hand, is really to let himself quite have so many accidents.

When Luo Zhuo came over, the old man had already ordered to eat, and the food was very ordinary. It was not as colorful as you could imagine. In his words, health and satiety are good. Where should we pay attention to? Pay attention to blind and poor!

"Dad, have you eaten this for so many years?" Luo Zhu also took a bowl of porridge and sat in front of his father. He tried two mouthfuls of Shaomai and small dishes, not to mention, the taste was really so different!"What happened?" The old man spoke slowly, as if he didn't see the appearance of his eldest son in his eyes! It is the thing in front of the opposite side is very interested!

"Who knows? Yesterday, I let my secretary Xiao Ni fly to Hong Kong, went to see PI Luan, and then let her transfer to the capital, but there was no news, what about her? It's an insurance, but it seems to be broken! "

"Is she from the province?" The old man was very delicate. He took a look at his son, "so it's quite related to the capital? What are you provoking? "

Luo Zhuo is also joking. It's really embarrassing. After all, his father's official career has been mixed for so many years, and he really has no comparability on this issue!

"Dad, when Yu Shao just came here, I was a little confused, so I sent people to the capital to inquire about it. I went to the capital two times in a row. But what about the things that came back? The same thing, my heart has a murmur! I'm also quite suspicious of Xiao Ni. What about this time? It's just like "beating the grass to scare the snake!"

"What about Xiaoyu? Different from other children! I've talked to the elder leader a lot, so I've kept this in mind. What about you? If you go on the official career, it's much better than your brother, but you don't have the mind. If you really force yourself, it will be a disaster in the future. "

"I have mentioned this matter with Yu Shao, and Yu Shao also means it. How about my performance this time? But what about these years? Although played a lot of edge ball, but really did not do anything evil, I see this feather less, in the eye? It's also true that you can't knead the sand. You're not an ordinary person! "

"That's natural. I've met him and talked with him for quite a long time, but it's similar to your situation. If you really enter the official career, you won't find any good thing. However, the number one scholar in 360 lines of business can be seen most vividly in his body."

Luo Zhuo nodded, "Dad, where are these guys in the province? I may have to take my knife, but there is no problem with me. Yu Shao gives me a group of people who are specially responsible for my affairs. I am mainly worried about you. After all, you have been down for quite a long time! Pay more attention to your body! "

Why did you come here deliberately? Also have this aspect worry! Although it seems that the relationship between father and son seems to be so perverse, in fact, what is the so-called overnight feud between father and son?

"I'm not old enough to get up and get out of bed!" The old man looked at his son, "want to earn a face in front of Xiaoyu? You're not afraid to fold yourself in? You have a lot of guts

"Dad! Success or failure! Always need to do something! Do you regret what you say? Such a thing is not to be reckoned with! At least I won't! And what about the lack of feathers? Even if this time is not cast name, at least it is also mixed in a face familiar, not to mention the Father your face in! Do you think so? "

"You son of a bitch! It's kind of clever, but in my opinion? What about Xiaoyu? On the surface? There may be some people who don't pay attention to it, but they have their own measurement in their heart. The old chief executive once mentioned one thing to me. There are many children in his family, but only one Su Chen is in the eye of Ding Yu. Are others? That's just one thing? "

"Don't you see that? Feel feather less this person still very good to talk about Luo Xuan has so some puzzled said.

"Did Su Chen get into Ding Yu's eye? It doesn't have much to do with his identity. For Xiaoyu, the only one that can make him feel gratified? It's Suchen who is very hard-working and progressive. This is the fundamental point! "

"Trying to keep up? Dad, does this seem to be so far fetched? "

"What about the so-called effort to keep up with progress? It's not three minutes of warm blood, but a kind of solid. You generation of people really can't see this. How to distinguish the so-called good and bad? People have their own reasons. It's really difficult to distinguish them! But what about hard work and progress? This is a good point to judge! "

"Dad, I didn't feel how hard Yu Shao has been trying to keep up with her

"What do you know?" The old man scolded without hesitation, "what you see is just the surface! I haven't even seen anything on the surface. What about the hotel villa where Xiaoyu lives? I've inquired. Do you know what time he gets up in the morning and when he goes to bed at night? What is he doing in his spare time? You didn't look at the big, so-called luxury toys, watch beads string and so on. What about those? It's just for people to see! "

"If you only see these things, you are just a superficial person!"

Luo Zhuo scratched his head. "I have asked people to inquire about this information. It seems that there is no difference. At most, it is playing with his nephew. Although he is very humble, he really doesn't know what other articles there are? Is Li Fu Zhen that woman? ""Bullshit!" The old man said, "Ding Yu is a child! He usually goes to bed in the early hours of the morning and gets up at more than four o'clock in the morning, practicing martial arts, reading, practicing and so on! This is how many years to develop the habit! What about you? Hum The old man also disdained to see his son!

"Isn't that bullshit?" Luo Zhuo's face did not believe, "his sleep is not enough! If you don't even have enough rest, how can you have the spirit to do other things? I absolutely don't believe it! "

"Do you believe it or not? That's your own business! This has nothing to do with me. I'm just stating a fact! Whether at home or abroad, he is like this, looking at everything? Can't just look at the surface, you so-called spirit is not good, that is just used on your body just

"How did he do it? Is it medication? " Luo Zhuo said suspiciously, "but look at the appearance of feather less, not quite like, full of vitality, if you really use something prohibited, absolutely not that kind of eyes and spirit!"

"I said," is there water in your head? Or was it jammed in the door? What do you want? What about him? Martial arts training background, to be exact, should be Taoist Origin! But I don't know what Kung Fu is like! The old chief executive has not mentioned too much about this aspect to me! "

"Is that too much exaggeration? I really haven't seen such a person! Four hours of sleep a day? Isn't it fun? "

"What about the industry under his hands? Most of them are abroad, so even the old chief executive doesn't know a lot about it. But the old chief told me about a farm, that is, the vegetables you took back from home, which is Xiaolang's farm! "

"I really don't know about this, but I heard it's a joint venture! And it's very big! I have investigated the relevant situation. When the vegetables were taken over, I even went to a special department to test them! It's obviously different from the organic vegetables with sheep's heads and dog's heads on the market! The organic vegetables from their farms are really authentic. I even want to go and see for myself how they are grown. How can we save them? It is not a big agricultural province, but there are also vegetable basket projects. Why can't we do it? Is their land better than this? "

"What a fart?" The old man also scolded! "I asked Ding Yu about the children's land. Their land is the same as other land. There is no difference at all. But what about their land? After three or even five years of gestation, not planting land is a simple pregnancy, and some other steps are added. What about the investment of three to five years? A big astronomical number! The cost of contracted land, the cost of pregnant land, the cost of manpower, and the cost of machinery and so on! Who can hold up? "

"What else do you need? What is the reason? "

"So you! What about me? Even if it's not a farmer's son, it's a half son. You're good! Just throw this away. I really have some doubts. Are you my son

"Dad, that's not a joke!" Looking at the old man's appearance, Luo Zhuo is also hastily pacifying to say, if according to the old man's tone, perhaps will swing up his slap! I really can't stand it!

"Building a house needs to lay a foundation. You can't build a house in any place, nor can you lay a foundation in every place! What about the pregnant land? That is to lay the foundation, but not many people can afford to live in such a pay, three to five years can not see any benefit, how do people outside? What do you think? "

"I don't know what I think, but if someone drinks the wind, it will cause a chain reaction."

"Yes! Once someone drinks from the northwest, it will cause a chain reaction. We should know that the fundamental problem of agriculture is still involved. But what about Ding Yu, who is involved in the construction of the farm? There are schools, foreign capital, and others. Now everything is booming. What is the performance? It's what we eat in our mouths! "

"Well, what about other dishes? There is little water in the soup, but the food from the farm has a taste, which gives me a personal feeling? It's like when I was a child, I ate a big pot of vegetables. Yes, it's called a fragrant! At that time, there was seasoning in the house? But the food is delicious. Now the food is put with so many seasonings, but it still has no taste! "

"And behind it? There are farmers and scientists. What about Xiaoyu? Provides a considerable platform, all the resources are united together! Other things are better, but this dish is a little more expensive

"Dad, this is expensive! If I say that the price will be doubled again, everyone will follow the same trend. They are healthy and nutritious. But whoever has two money in his pocket will not rob him? Even to a certain extent, there is a price but no market, but I really haven't heard of anyone who started it. Now I finally know the inside story! "

"What about agriculture? It's not just about growing vegetables, but also about food, including animal husbandry, and so on. I've heard that it has been structured step by step! " Speaking of this, the old man also suddenly stopped for a moment, "what about the others? I really dare not say, but the day of the common people? It's really better. Quite a lot of people are living a better life than before! ""I don't know about it!" Luo Ji also has something to say, "but although the input is large, but the output is also quite large. Anyway, I dare not say anything else. This farm is definitely making a lot of money!"

"I really can't tell you how much I've made. But it seems that farms don't mainly supply domestic products, but mainly supply foreign ones. Japan, South Korea, Southeast Asia and other places also export to the United States, quite a lot! When the old chief said, I also stopped two sentences, this is called doing business! You guys! That's bullshit

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