Be despised by his father, there is no place to reason? Luo Zhuo is also looking at his father, but the eyes turn two circles is not good to say what! After all, he is his own father, not to mention this matter? Also quite let oneself quite helpless, the fact is in front of you, how to refute it?

"No wonder that Yu Shao has such a watch. If I were, I would do the same! Money

"You?" The old man PIA took a look! "Forget it! If you don't have the confidence and vision, can't other people see it? Others, of course, saw it. Why didn't they see someone reaching out? It's not a thing at all

But then the old man also responded, "I told you for a long time, how do you feel that this painting style seems to be so wrong! You came to me today to get in! Come on, I'm ready for it! What about what happened after you went in? You can take care of it yourself

"Dad? Are you my father? " Luo Zhuo is very suspicious to say! "How do you feel like you're going to let me in? This is not a small thing for me

"I'm not worried. What are you worried about?" The old man also stood up secludedly, "the so-called don't be guilty, you are not afraid of ghosts calling! In the past, quite a lot of things have been done, otherwise, how could it have been so! "

"Dad Luo Zhuo screamed, but it didn't have any effect. The old man drifted away! Luo Ji is a little helpless to go to his own company, and the provincial government has received quite a report, Luo Ji has already been in the line of sight of the investigation group and the supervision group! Now it's better to deal with it!

What about the so-called assistance in investigation? It's really not an empty word! Luo Zhuo looked at the door of a few people, but also blinked their eyes, before the time although Luo Zhuo said it was in the range of sight! But no one touched him all the time, and now? The paperwork for the investigation has come down!

But what about assisting the investigation? 24 hours at most, even if it is approved by the superior? Not more than 48 hours! Luo Zhuo used to play with this, so it is really a very clear door! Since the door is clear, then naturally there is no so-called fear, what's more, the inside story of the matter, he has been very clear!

"Hello, Mr. Luo!" Zong Taiping is also looking at the man in front of him, not much bigger than himself, but he is really famous for a long time? He has a lot to do with him, but what about the people who are on the record now? But no one can completely correct the guy in front of him.

For the investigators and inspectors, this is a blatant contempt! So today, Zong Taiping also came here in person. I need to have a look at the prestige of the general manager Luo in front of him!

"Zong Taiping?! Chief Zong Looking at the document Zong Taiping put on the table, Luo also nodded, and even signed on it, "I don't know what group leader Zong wants to know. Did you go there? It's this routine. It's the same way to stay here. It's not worth wasting everything on the road, isn't it? "

"Now it's just to help with the investigation, but what about our investigation? There may be other unexpected situations. There is an express provision in the law that anyone who destroys or forges evidence, including those who collude in confessions, can be detained! "

Luo Zhuo looked at the tea in front of him and nodded slightly, "what do I do? If you are upright and sit upright, you really don't have any worries. It's just that there may be a little bit of hard work on the job! "

"Mr. Luo, your secretary Xiao Ni suddenly disappeared! We investigated the records, she went to Hong Kong, although she was not in the whole range! But it has a considerable relationship with you. We have reason to suspect that you are deliberately destroying evidence! Once we check it out! We have a reason to start the next step! "

Luo Zhuo held up the teacup in front of him, and said, "this is really my thoughtlessness. I asked her to visit a little girl in Hong Kong. He had just suffered a car accident and both legs had been broken! It can be said that the situation is very serious, and then I asked Xiao Ni to go to Beijing to help me with some things, but the phone has been unable to get through, and I don't know what the situation is! But is it too arbitrary to say that I destroy the evidence? "

After hearing about it, Zong Taiping was also very interested in sitting in the opposite position of Luo Zhuo. "Since I came here, I have heard your name all the time. It can be said that it is quite legendary, but I only heard the name, but I didn't see the person. I also felt quite strange. When I saw it today, I found that it really deserved the reputation!"

"Laugh! In fact, they are just ordinary people! " Luo Zhuo was not polite at all. He looked at Zong Taiping with a smile, "I heard that the leader of Zong came from the capital? The wind is strong in Beijing

"Is the wind strong in Beijing?" Zong Taiping snorted, "but general manager Luo is very carefree, even complacent. It's not easy. The investigation team has been here for such a long time, and there are not many people like the group leader Zong to sit on Mount Tai.""I didn't do anything wrong, and naturally there was no so-called fear! If I really do something against the law and discipline, I don't think group leader Zong will let me sit here so safely! "

Luo Zhuo really doesn't eat Zong Taiping. If you really have the ability, you'd better catch me! If you don't have the ability, then don't pant in front of me, I can't see it, and I can't stand it at the same time! Although this words did not say so, but Luo Zhuo's performance is enough to explain all the problems!

"I have enough evidence to prove that Mr. Luo played a leading role in some transactions."

"Enough evidence?" Luo Zhuo disdained to hum a, "Zong group leader, this word can have so some frightening people! If there was enough evidence, we would not be sitting in my office now! It's in a detention house! I'm afraid you can't scare people! "

Zong Taiping's mouth slightly twitched for a moment, but it was just a word, but it was caught by the handle, so that they really have some speechless, because people said a bit wrong!

If there is enough evidence, we will not speak here at this time, but talk about some issues in the detention room! He did not scare him not to say, but was ridiculed, this let Zong Taiping's face have so some embarrassment!

"Mr. Luo is very proficient in law! So what did you do? "

"I know the law, but what have I done? This problem needs to be discussed. You can't just put some charges on me out of thin air! This seems to be quite inappropriate! At least I don't understand that personally! "

Looking at Zong Taiping in front of him, Luo also blinked his eyes, "if there is anything that Zong group leader wants to know, I know everything and say everything! Even if group leader Zong brought me back to the Bureau, I had no complaints. Anyway, he cooperated with the investigation, and I was one of the good citizens! "

Zong Taiping has investigated Luo Zhu for such a long time. How could he not understand the situation of Luo Zhu at all? Everyone said that he could not keep his hands, and he still had some doubts. When I saw him today, it was true! A good talker! Let oneself all have so some eat shriveled! The important thing is that we can't give him any more!

"General manager Luo, take the liberty to ask, I heard that your father was an old leader in the province before!"

Ha ha! Luo Zhuo also took a long breath, and then ah, it seems that there is endless pain and suffering! "My father used to be an old leader in the province! But now? I still live in the same house, but if my father thinks about it for me, I am now! It will not be reduced to this! Just open such a small company! A few lousy people! I really can't do it! "

"I've seen your company's accounts and taxes! Everything seems to be in order, without any omission, is really very rare! It's amazing

"No way! What can be done? No sooner has the person gone away than the tea cools down! What's more, my father was not very satisfied with me. If I dare to carry his banner, he might break it one day! In order not to trouble other people, but also to avoid being bothered by others, so it is better to be troublesome! "

He said a circle of words, but in fact, there was no use at all. At least Zong Taiping didn't ask about any problems. This Luo Yao is not a general slip without hands. He can't catch him at all. What about him? Even if it is to bring him back to assist in the investigation, it will not have much effect! In vain!

"If you know the situation, Secretary Luo must think about it

Luo Zhuo pondered for a while, but he nodded with approval, "I really didn't borrow credit from my father's body. At the beginning, there were some hatred in my heart, but now this emotion is much lighter! If really, if I had been contaminated with my father's light, I could not tell what the situation would be now! "

"In this case, general manager Luo is very satisfied with the present situation!"

"The heart is not enough for the snake to swallow the elephant! It doesn't matter whether you are satisfied or not, as long as you feel comfortable! "

Luo Zhen really didn't mean to fight Zong Taiping head-on. He always took him around. Before Yu Shao allowed himself to exercise Zong Taiping in front of them, he also played them around. Even if he was sitting in front of himself, he was deliberately relaxed and happy to finish it! It doesn't take much effort at all!

Compared with feather less one, the difference is really too big! In front of their feather less, there is no way to breathe, but are they in front of themselves? Just a little bit pathetic! The momentum gap between each other is too big, they can slip them away, and they? It can only follow their own!

To be exact, they are too inexperienced! No practice at all! If there is an old man with them, it may be better, but the problem is that if no one takes them, they can only rush forward, understand and taste themselves! So what about this effect? It's totally different!"From what I know, Luo is always a man of self-knowledge! In other words, Luo is always a man of great self-control! What about this self-control? I have seen it on a person, and I respect him very much! "

"It's really flattering to say this by group leader Zong!" Luo also slightly shook his head, "what is my self-control? No bullshit. It seems that I haven't brought me any money or power. In fact, there is nothing! What about personal feelings? Leader Zong, you have found the wrong person

"That is to say, to open a breach from you is not to say that there is no possibility, it is just my personal problem." Zong Taiping seems to suddenly understand what! But looking at Luo Zhu's eyes is still quite calm!

"I always need something to show you when you come here."

Zong Taiping looked at Luo Zhuo and said, "I didn't see any banter in your eyes, just like everything is so normal! Even I almost believe myself! You really don't have a problem! "

"And me? Normal and legitimate businessman! Of course, if there are any other problems and situations in the process of dancing and drinking, I really don't dare to do too many guarantees and things that I can't do! Consulting company! Always need to deal with all aspects! "

"Consulting company, the book is very beautiful, even can not find out what the problem is! But the more there is no problem? On the contrary, it shows that there is a certain connection in this. I think Mr. Luo has considerable consideration in your own mind? "

"Do you have any?" Luo Yao asked himself, "maybe there is! I do things? I still know what to do, what to stop and what not to touch. Otherwise, this consulting company will not exist for so many years! It's still that word. I'm afraid of greed! "

"Yes! I'm afraid of greed, so we should keep our pace! " Zong Taiping immediately took out a box of cigarettes from his pocket. "Mr. Luo wants one. I brought it from the capital. The taste is absolutely different!"

He lifted his hand and shook it for a while. Luo also pulled his desk. "I don't like smoking other people's cigarettes. I'm not without them! At least I can afford it now! So we are just trying to make the best of it! In fact, my cigarette is also very good. Do you want to have a taste of it? "

"I've already talked about everything that should be talked about! General manager Luo is very good, so we can only let him go back to help investigate! There may be different results! I don't really dare to make any guarantee! " When he said this, Zong Taiping seemed to have some taste of taking in defeat, but there was no sign of disheartened on his face!

On this point is really let Luo Zhuo have so many different meanings! The dialogue between each other, he had no resistance, he even deliberately leaked out flaws, but Zong Taiping did not catch, and even was deliberately teased by himself! But even so, Zong Taiping did not get angry!

It's not easy! Luo Zhuo's heart is also secretly, there are so some surprise! What about failure? It's not too terrible. Who won't fail? But to be able to face failure calmly, this has to make people look at you with a new look! No wonder Yu Shaoxian asked himself to "take care of" when he was in front of him!

Luo Zhuo flicked the ash in his hand and said, "it's OK to finish smoking! I don't care. I'm here to talk about it. I'll talk about it when I go to you. There's nothing to say. But the performance of group leader Zong is impressive! At such an age, there is considerable performance. It is extraordinary! "

What if this word is placed in the ordinary, like a compliment, put here? If it is ordinary, I may feel that Luo Zhu is begging for mercy, but Zong Taiping is very clear that Luo Zhe is deliberately ridiculing himself! It's ridiculous that you want to take something out of your mouth!

"I hope Mr. Luo will have a chance to give advice in the future." Lose people do not lose array, in front of Luo Zhuo suffer losses and be deceived, this is no big deal! What about myself now? Really can't give him how! Is oneself too too young, but for oneself, this is a sharpening process! Let oneself can be more outstanding in the future!

After smoking, Luo Zhu also stood up and tidied up his clothes, which was to assist in the investigation. It was nothing else. So Luo Ji also drove behind Zong Taiping! Zong Taiping looks at the car behind him, and is also biting his own teeth. Obviously, the influence of Luo Zhuo on him is quite huge!

"This guy really underestimates him. It's really hard to deal with it!"

Xiaomiao also tightly pursed his mouth, "we investigate a lot of people, and are willing to cooperate with not a few people, but in this process, there is really nothing to do with Luo Zhuo! By chance, he took people to toast, and then it was over! But the problem is that he didn't get involved in the following process! "

Zong Taiping also sighed, "yes! The difficulty lies in this point. There are many people and enterprises to consult! And they all paid a lot of consulting fees, but the question is what about consulting? It is also said that enterprise management, information and other aspects, even including medicine, technology and other industries! He can say it"Said he was introducing bribery? I can't find out the facts! He doesn't communicate with each other, and he doesn't match each other. What's his situation now? If once said! We really have no way to pursue the responsibility. What is the final result? He may also be exempt from punishment! This guy! It's so tricky! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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