"I think it's a little strange!" After getting on the car, Xiaomiao also did not understand!

Zong Taiping, who was driving, also nodded, "yes! It's really strange! Although he said that he has been in our monitoring! But we can't find any clues. Now? Luo Zhuo should not take the initiative to deliver to the door, if not, ha ha, then this thing is really interesting

"It's not active delivery, that's passive delivery!" Xiaomiao's face could not help showing an excited expression, "group leader, this seems to be a very good breakthrough! What about this guy? It should not be as simple as a broker! There should be a considerable depth in it to dig! "

"He knows the law, so it is not feasible for us to detain him by force." Zong Taiping also snorted, "if we can't deal with it, then let the people behind us stand out! Let them bite each other's dog, this will definitely be a very good attention, what's more, his secretary is not here now, he can only deal with it by himself! "

"Chief, his secretary went to Hong Kong and then turned to Beijing. What does that mean?" Xiaomiao felt that there must be some articles in it, "I can understand when I went to Hong Kong. His secretary should know something, so he went to Hong Kong City to take refuge, but he transferred to Beijing. Is there any other article in this

Zong Taiping, who was driving, also twisted his rearview mirror and looked at the car behind him for a while. "If we transfer to Beijing, we should be able to find out. Just check the flight! To the capital? It can only be for two purposes, either to seek help or to investigate something! However, the possibility of asking for help will not be particularly large, and now Luo Ji has not reached a desperate step? But investigate something? What is the investigation? Especially now? And let his personal secretary to investigate in person, this is very strange

"I'll have people check it out. We may need a little trouble in other places, but is that place in the capital? It should be very simple! " Xiaomiao is also quite confident. It's really not blowing. After all, everyone comes out of the capital. If you can't do this, go home and have children!

On the way back to the office, Xiaomiao also took out his mobile phone and showed the relevant information in front of Zong Taiping. "He arrived this morning. His personal secretary really went to Beijing, but he didn't open a room in the hotel. We didn't investigate the relevant information. It seems that someone picked her up!"

"Take it?" Zong Taiping's chin is also shaking from left to right. Obviously, he is thinking about the message from the message, "can you be sure that it was picked up?" Looking at the little seedling nodding, Zong Taiping also took a breath of cold air, "it's impossible! If Luo Zhu asked his secretary to investigate the matter, how could he send someone to pick it up? Let the receiver investigate some things directly! Why bother? "

"If you don't say that, I really don't have this feeling. I've sent people to the airport to retrieve the video! It will be delivered by noon, but what do you mean? It's not like being held hostage. It should be taken away! That's really interesting! "

"Xiaomiao, what do you mean by Luo Zhu? Or the Secretary

Before Xiaomiao has any response, Zong Taiping has opened the door of the car, and Luo Zhuo behind him has parked his car in the parking space. He just came to assist in the investigation. It's not a terrible thing! But Luo Zhuo came here, really did not have any panic performance, walk steadily, also really let Zong Taiping Gao have a look!

You know, after the investigation team and the inspection team have been stationed, there are not a few people who come here. There are more people than Luo Zhuo. Relatively speaking, Luo Ji is just a little guy, but no one is as calm as Luo Ji, as if nothing can hold him down!

Think about it carefully? It's true. The nature of the problem may be more serious, but if it's really punished, it's definitely to hold it high and put it down gently. What about the legal provisions? That's the rule! What's more, what major performance has Luo Ji made? Maybe it's a different punishment for him!

"Mr. Luo, this way, please!" Zong Taiping did not really show any frustration. Luo Zhen also looked at Zong Taiping with a smile, and even deliberately held back. This kind of examination is not a kind of indifference, but a lot of appreciation! "What? Is Luo always surprised? "

"It's not an accident, but a sincere feeling of difference!" Luo Zhu nodded, "now I understand why I chose you to be the group leader. The city government may be a lot worse, but the self-regulation ability is outstanding! I also have a lot of perseverance. I'm beginning to appreciate it now

"Thank you for exaggeration Zong Taiping is a little puzzled, but he doesn't feel any complacency. Now Luo Zhu will never plead for himself. If he pleads, he might have revealed it when he was in the office!Luo Ji just walked behind Zong Taiping's back, but others saw him, but there was no expression of his attitude and expression. What about Luo Ji? Is to come to assist in the investigation, is a very simple matter, now this time still does not need to make a fuss about!

The time to assist in the investigation was not very long. Soon Zong Taiping also sorted out the relevant materials, knocked on the door of an office and put the information on the table, "Captain, this is the detailed information about Luo Ji's assistance in the investigation, and I have finished sorting it out here!"

"Sit down!" The person at the back of the office picked up the data and scanned it at a speed. The content on the top seems very simple, but it is also something that can be compared with the review. "He explained it very clearly! I even picked myself out. What if I said it? No matter the briber or the briber, it seems that there is no way to correct him! Because there is no actual evidence, briber suddenly mentioned things, there is no evidence to support

"Captain, I think this thing is very strange! The briber is in our custody! The relevant evidence is also in the gradual summary, now suddenly put in front of the Luo Zhuo that we did not try to pull out before, too suddenly! Suddenly, there is no preparation

"Yes! Come too suddenly! Although Luo Zhuo has always been on the list, and he is still a heavy weight person, but from the understanding of him, he is not a greedy person. He has considerable self-control, and is also very much in charge of the handling of matters. Therefore, everyone is willing to go to his consulting company to investigate some things! "

"Consulting firms? It seems that there is such a famous consulting company in the province! "

"Yes! His scale is not very big, but the ability is very outstanding, the achievement is also quite obvious! However, he is also very good at controlling the accounts and other aspects. There is no savings in water, electricity, gas and other expenses, including tax. I have consulted an expert in this field. His consulting company has avoided taxes reasonably, but never evaded taxes! For people like him, there are so many unimaginable

"Yes! From his social relations, it may be that in a word, he can avoid a lot of expenses for the company, but he did not do so. Obviously, he wants a lot! What's your next plan as a team leader? "

"Captain, I think so. Where's Luo Ji? Just came back to help with the investigation, and his secretary? Now we go to the capital, is there any inside information we don't know, and how Luo Zhuo was pulled in! Why did the bribery party suddenly disclose Luo Zhu at this time? Is there any change between them? I think it's this time? It's either custody or release him back! "

The person sitting opposite Zong Taiping also nodded, "the question is very good. Why does the briber bite Luo Zhu out suddenly at this time? Is there so many coincidences in the world? It seems that we have a leak here! This is not a good thing! Go and investigate. Once you find something, you will never let it go! As for whether to release or close up, I can't make this decision alone. We need to have a meeting to discuss it. "

"Yes! Captain, I'm busy! "

"Go to see Luo Zhuo and disclose relevant matters to him at an appropriate time. If he stays calm at this time, it is definitely not a good thing, at least for our investigation group and supervision group!"

Ding Yu didn't pay much attention to it. He prepared the medicine for Wang Xiaogang, and then he threw it into the barrel and processed it. The water temperature was a little hot. Wang Xiaogang was also shouting. Ding Yu was careful to dredge Wang Xiaogang. If there was no external force, relying on Wang Xiaogang himself, all the medicine would be wasted!

Of course. What about the medicine? It's just an introduction. What's the biggest public use? It's a great medicine to stimulate the human body! This is the most fundamental place, and I don't know how many layers Wang Xiaogang can play. Ding Yu really can't say well, but he still needs to have a try!

At the beginning, Wang Xiao still felt very happy, although it was shouting, but more was pretending to look, but soon also sat down, big eyes were closed, beside Ding Yu didn't say anything, but there was no pause on his hands! This is really not as simple as cooking!

After the water temperature slowly cooled down, Ding Yu also fished out Wang Xiaogang, wiped his body with a towel, and held him on the board, where Futon was placed. Fortunately, the room was still very warm, so there was no need to worry about the occurrence of a cold!

Wang Xiaogang is still sitting there, but there is a model, Ding Yu is also behind Wang Xiaogang carefully knead, try to play the greatest effect, as for the outside people are carefully waiting, now this time will not let any outsiders come to disturb, even when they walk, they are also trying to relax their own pace!However, this action really aroused the curiosity of the outside. Ding Yu has been living here all the time. Although the outside is loose and the inside is tight, it is not like what it is today. The performance is so serious. If you look at the people outside, you almost have to take out the guy's style. Something must have happened!

But the problem is that no one came to visit and Ding Yu didn't mean to meet other people! However, the security of the side suddenly came with such a hand, which made everyone feel quite abnormal. What happened? Why?

But in the past, there was no way to approach, and now there is no way to approach! After all, what about security? There are already some extraordinary! But those who have such a little vision are far away from three feet at this time. No one wants to open a hole in his head suddenly!

"What happened to Ding Yu Although Yangzi is in the provincial capital, it can be said that he is particularly concerned about Ding Yu's affairs. Ding Yu is not involved in any things, but he is placed there, which is enough to make people feel uneasy! Especially such a big move!

"Yang Shao! The specific situation is not so clear, where is the feather less? No one went to visit him or see him meet with anyone else. As for the investigation group and the supervision group on the other side of the provincial capital, no one has been there! All of a sudden, martial law! Seems to be particularly afraid of being disturbed! But I got some other news! Two days ago! "

Oh? Yangzi is also slightly a Leng, "say to listen to!"

"Previously, someone sent a wooden barrel to Yu Shao's side, and Yu Shao went to the drugstore and bought some medicinal materials. The two kinds of medicinal materials cost nearly 30000 yuan."

"Ginseng or goubao? So expensive? "

"It's really not. I have investigated that the medicinal materials themselves are not so expensive. The main reason is that they have the desired requirements on the number of years, so they seem a little expensive! But what do you mean? What's more, it's because we can find such herbs, so we don't care about the price! Besides, there are not too many problems! "

"Even a bath? It seems that you don't need a barrel! What does Yu Shao want? Is there something strange about him? I didn't really hear about it before? " Yangzi is also very curious.

"It doesn't seem that Yu Shao has any quirks, because the barrel is a little small. It seems that it's not for adults. It should be for that little guy! But it seems that I haven't heard anything wrong with the child, and it seems to be quite healthy these two days! I don't understand some of them

Don't you understand? I want to understand, but the problem is that people don't have any meaning to pay attention to at all, and after coming here, Ding Yu's performance is quite low-key. Except for what happened in the small hotel, he doesn't seem to exist at all!

Stand by him alone! It seems that some of them are not worth it, but if they are not prepared, there are some who are worried that they can not bear the pressure from all aspects. Now why does Yangzi care about Ding Yu? It also has a considerable relationship with Luo Zhu. What about his assistance in the investigation? He really made it!

There is no problem to make it out, but how to further promote it next? The problem is a little bit big! Xiaoni is in the capital now, but she wants to push forward further. What about Xiaoni? You have to come back and stand on the opposite side of Luoji!

How about now? We need to crack down on Luo Zhu in all aspects. What about the relations in the province? There are not too many problems, but Ding Yu is there! Yangzi really has some worries. Will Luo Zhuo go to find Ding Yu! If you really come to the door, then how should things be handled and dealt with?

So now, whenever Ding Yu has any movement, Yangzi is quite concerned about it. Of course, there are also some urges from Gong Shaoqing! What about his attention to Ding Yu? It's beyond imagination! It is to want to pull Ding Yu in, but there are so many worries! I'm afraid to beat the wolf at both ends!

"Gong Da Shao, this time you are here! Here I am

Yangzi personally arrived at the airport! Special to meet Gong Shaoqing, as for Xiao Ni? It is far away from the position of the back, now forward! It's not a good thing! What's more, he didn't expect that Gong Shaoqing had come in person! And brought myself back!

"Yangzi! Just come and have a look! And let you go in person! Excuse me At this time, Gong Shaoqing didn't make a lot of pretentiousness, and even had a very harmonious attitude. But both Yangzi and Gong Shaoqing understood that, what about this? It's just a superficial article! No one will care too much!

When she got on the bus, Gong Shaoqing mentioned it intentionally or unintentionally, "I heard that Ding Yu seems to be cultivating immortals?"

"I don't understand!" Yangzi shook his head. "Things seem to be sent from the capital. I bought some things here, and the price is not cheap! I don't know what it's used for, but what about the security posture around? It's extraordinary. If someone goes by! There's no problem with a few more holes in my body! ""Nothing has happened since he came?"

"What about the news? Not at all! I have already told you about the small hotel! But in addition to the rest of the people have so many do not understand! I asked Luo Zhuo and Xiao Ni to visit. It can be said that it has no effect. Someone from the inspection group has also been there! A curse is coming out! This is roughly the case! "

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