Although Gong Shaoqing is looking at the scenery outside, but his eyes are also dribbling around. What about Luo Zhuo? There is no doubt about it. What is the purpose? It is to seize the interests, but how much can the interests be snatched? This really depends on the changes in the situation in the province!

What about the wind now? It's also quite tight, but the tight wind doesn't mean that you can't start. What's more, it doesn't involve too many problems. The most important thing is to talk to Luo Zhu, but I don't know what Ding Yu thinks. This is the main purpose of his coming here this time! So many people are watching from behind!

What about the Wang family, the Su family and the Zheng family? The demand for politics is not very big. Even with Ding Yu's support, there is not much movement in recent years, and there is even considerable convergence! But the problem is that Ding Yu's opening here is a little bit too big. We have also expressed considerable concern about this!

We can say that the people of the first and second echelons have attracted considerable attention. Ding Yu is an uneducated man. No matter who you are or which aspect you are, as long as you have the ability in this aspect, Ding Yu will give considerable opportunities. Although the time may be slow, once these guys get up! Who can hold it in the future!

Who in this, specifically refers to Ding Yu! You know Ding Yu is too young! Even if we wait for another ten or twenty years, compared with those in the official career, they are still small. But the question is, can we not be sincere to him? It's impossible!

Since Ding Yu began to accumulate, other aspects must also follow up on this pace. If one step is backward, then it will fall behind step by step, even from time to time? To give Ding Yu the same blow! But what about Ding Yu? It's not a person in the system at all! What about his moves? There are so many scratching across the shoes! It doesn't work!

What about the people below? There is no way to do it! What about those who have a little bit of revenge? Basically, they are boring and obscene. When they wait for the opportunity in the future, they will show their heads slowly. No one will show the limelight at this time, because this is a political taboo!

Therefore, although we are aiming at Ding Yu, we really don't have many good methods. It's hard to face up to the farm. I'm afraid that there will be many people who will stand up against Ding Yu! That pressure is too much for one political force to bear. It has nothing to do with money!

Ding Yu's farm is a combination of several provinces, including the universities, scientific research institutions and farmers behind it. Even now, it has a lot to do with Lao maozi. If the development is really not good, it may be even if it is, but the farm has begun to grow slowly! So finding trouble with the farm is not a smart choice!

More frankly, what about Ding Yu's farm? Let everyone get the benefits in return, whether it is Ding Yu's supporters or opponents, Ding Yu did not deliberately clear out who, also did not deliberately target who, but who has a little vision? Will choose to support, even wilfully block will not!

So what about you now? Just for Ding Yu, but never for Ding Yu's farm. Of course, what about farms? It's also the caretakers who don't want to make more achievements on their own heads, stabilize the local people and activate their own economy.

Fortunately, Ding Yu? Right and left are not reliable now. If we are really close to any party, what will be the suppression? Maybe more serious than now! What about this guy? It's really not difficult to deal with in general. What about China for the time being? It's such a farm, at least on the surface! A little more, I don't know what will happen?

Gong Shaoqing has a lot of anecdotes about this, mainly the satellite released by Ding Yu? It's too big! Everyone only saw that the vegetables produced on the farm were delicious and expensive, but they didn't see the problems behind it!

It's like agricultural research institutes and schools, including professors and students. What happened in the original time? We are doing experiments in the laboratory. There are at most two experimental fields, but what about the funding? It's not enough at all. It's not what you want, how can it be!

However, a considerable part of the profits made by the farms have been converted into experimental funds, making some old experts nearly die of blood. In addition, the farm also provides a considerable amount of venues and experimental equipment. I am afraid that you will not toss about, but you will not!

What about talents? Better to say! In the original time, the pure unpopular majors were basically from pesticide companies and seed companies, but now? But it's definitely not what you imagine. Huge investment? In exchange for a huge return, in this point, whether you admit it or not, Ding Yu is a powerful role!

There is an intention in this respect. What about the farm? It will continue to expand and drive a larger industrial chain of economy and research. Of course, this is only about agriculture. What's more important is Ding Yu's idea? Let the top management have other ideas, such as industry! The above is absolutely not aimless!In summary, what about Ding Yu's investment? It's hard to say how much support and support will be given by the state! Because of these? After all, it's just the news on the trail, which has not been confirmed!

As for other people, do they have any ideas about this? Of course, the naked interest is not there? But the problem is that the investment is too large. The problem can not be solved by 1.8 billion yuan, nor can it be solved by 10.8 billion yuan!

It needs a huge amount of money, not to mention, but also needs massive investment from other aspects. What about this investment? In three years and five years? Even can not see any effect, the important thing is that once a link has problems and conditions, it will lead to the collapse of the whole subject! Who dares to do it? Who can do it?

Just think about it in your dream! As for the real thing, let's forget it! With such a large amount of funds and resources, it will be effective in two years if we invest in real estate or other industries. What do you think we should choose?

When waiting for the car to stop, Gong Shaoqing also suddenly woke up. After the door opened, she walked slowly down! It seems that the place where you get wind seems to be very different. What you walk through is also a special channel! But Gong Shaoqing doesn't care so much about it! What haven't you seen in Beijing? Is it here? At most, it's just a special taste!

The room is warm as spring, and the blooming flowers are also relaxing! Waiters are also careful to help the palace Shaoqing clean face, Emperor version of the service, is to let the guests have the most sincere enjoyment!

"Gong Shao, it's rare to visit here!"

"Yangzi, it's a little too much!" Gong Shaoqing said in a low voice, declined other arrangements, "well, since all have come, say something serious!" Come here? It's not for fun. If you really want to play, how can these things be put in your eyes!

Yangzi waved to the foreman, and soon everyone went out! Xiao Ni didn't stay. There were only two people left in the room: Lai Gong Shaoqing and Xiang Xiang! "Gong Shao! If you come here in person, you're not sure about that Yu Shao! " What about the face? Is that what you mean, in the dark? Yangzi has some satire!

For Yangzi's slightly provocative words, Gong Shaoqing really didn't mean to put it in his eyes. "I don't know the situation in the province. Xiao Ni, how to do this, may need your help, but what about Luo Ji? Be sure to clear the disk! If he's smart, two days is fine! "

"I really don't mean to really move Luo Zhuo. This guy is very smart. I got in touch with someone and asked him to go in to assist in the investigation, which is to remind him of the fierce relationship among them! Now he should have understood something! But just let him let go, the pressure is not enough

"If you have time in the evening, find a chance to see you! It may be better to say something clearly in person! "

Now, I think about it? Is it too abrupt! You know, he is now assisting the investigation. The eyes of the investigation team and the inspection group are all staring there! If you show up now, it will inevitably attract considerable attention! "

"He runs a consulting company, doesn't he run a business? This time Xiaoni went to Beijing to carry out business. Anyway, Xiaoni has come back now. It's better to explain some things face-to-face! Let Xiao Ni go there for a visit! What's more, Xiaoni is Luo Zhuo's Secretary! The relationship between the two is also relatively familiar

"The complex is reasonable, but this is too reasonable! I'm afraid what about the investigation team and the inspection team? What other ideas would you have? I don't worry about Luo Zhu, but it's taboo for the investigation team and the inspection team! "

Obviously, Yangzi didn't want to cause this trouble! After all, what about the situation in the province? There are so many inexplicable, what is your attitude towards the above? Not so clear! In such a case, the action is too big, will cause other reactions!

"Others may not know, but what about Zong Taiping? How can I not know? This guy has a considerable relationship in Beijing. This matter will never cause too much reaction! " Gong Shaoqing is quite sure about this, so what about this? Also has the unusual self-confidence!

When Luo Zhuo got down from the car, looking at Xiao Ni standing beside him, he was stunned. He even rubbed his eyes in disbelief, but then his face sank! She came back, and still in such a time, if this can not explain the situation, what can explain the reality in front of her!

Without speaking, he walked straight to his office. However, as he passed the front desk, Luo also knocked on the desk where he served the front desk, "send two cups of coffee here!" The front desk is a little puzzled. What does it mean to send two cups of coffee! Did you hear me wrong?

"Just give me a glass of boiled water!" Xiao Ni didn't give face at all! Luo Zhuo snorted, and then opened the door of his office. After all, the time to leave was not long, and there was no change in it!Sitting on his sofa, Luo Zhuo looked at Xiao Ni who was sitting in front of him. He also suddenly laughed, "the wings are hard, and I'm going to fly, but I really didn't expect that you would choose such a time! What about the truth? It seems that I have been treating you well over the years. It seems that it is not appropriate for you to do so! "

"Mr. Luo is still a gentleman. I'm still scolding him because of Luo? I've even made considerable preparations! "

When speaking, the front desk also sent a cup of coffee and a cup of water, respectively placed in front of Luo Zhu and Xiao Ni. When leaving, she also took a careful look at Xiao Ni! But he didn't speak. When he came back, he looked at the people around him and drove them away! It's better not to say anything at this time!

"Let's call it a day." Luo Ji waved his hand. "In the past, it might have been done, but now? There doesn't seem to be much point in doing this, but what if it comes to it? I didn't treat you badly when you came to the company! It's nothing more than money. I don't give enough wages and rewards? "

"Thanks to Mr. Luo's care over the years, I have made great progress, but everyone's ideal is different! Comparatively speaking, I have a lot of salary and reward, but others give more. I don't want to continue working after I am over 40! That's a punishment for me

Just give yourself a reason! Luo also did not really as a thing, "no wonder the recent time has been so some constraints, the original is really you!" Now that this has been said! Luo Zhuo has no meaning to hide! "But I really didn't expect to end up in this way! It's a pity! "

Luo Zhuo's calm, let Xiaoni quite disappointed, this is not really the result that he wants, "Mr. Luo, people go up to the high, water flows to the low, this time, I did not do too right, too much, please forgive me!"

"This time it's not about apologizing." Luo Zhuo knocked on the table with his hand, "I really don't like such a straightforward way, but after working together for so many years, there is no need to be so implicit! If you have any words, just say it directly! "

"Mr. Luo, then I will be abrupt! Someone wants to see you and talk about the company! " When talking, Xiaoni also looked at Luo Zhuo's expression, "Yang Shao? We are waiting for you

Luo Zhuo snorted with his nose, "where is Yangtze? Now it can't be said that he is too busy, but he definitely doesn't have so much energy to overturn my old base. It's not good for anyone. You just made a change in the morning and went to the capital. Now you are back. I think he has found a lot of help to come back! There is a set! In the past, it was too much for me

"Mr. Luo called me a few times. I saw it when I got off the plane. It's too bad for me! What's more, I got the news, Mr. Luo, you went to assist in the investigation! It's really a pity! But Luo always can come back so quickly, really did not think of! "

"Ha ha, that is to say, if I don't go, I may be detained next time, right?" Luo Zhuo looked at Xiao Ni carefully, "in the past, I didn't really see it. You still have such a means, but do things? I don't think I have any handle on it. You will catch me! "

"Mr. Luo, how about one person's correction? It may not be enough, but I am your secretary or your close secretary. At most, I am just a person who does things, but what about you? I'm afraid it's not just about introducing the crime of taking bribes! Then other charges will be put on your head! It won't be so good! "

Since all have torn the skin, then there is no need to be friendly, so Xiao Ni also chose to turn over the face directly! Anyway, now that we have enough confidence, there will be no other worries. What about the provincial capital? Yang Shao is responsible for taking care of it. The palace in the capital has also come. He has quite a card face!

"So you must get me in?"

"Three or five years! There must be a time after all

Luo Zhu this time also did not know whether should be angry, or should giggle! "If you don't let me touch it for three or five years, you just swallow everything in your stomach. What about me? Busy living so many years of time, can only be a pat on the buttocks to leave! Miss Dong, isn't this a bit unreasonable? "

"Mr. Luo, don't you often say that? The situation is better than the people! What's more, you still have so many responsibilities on you

"It's a little bit wide! I have worked hard to accumulate so many years of family wealth. As soon as you reach out, I have to give it to you? That's too much to say! For these things, I have worked hard for these years, just watching with such open eyes, I am really unwilling to do so! Why don't you give it a try

"Then in the evening, I'll be waiting for Mr. Luo!" When she got up, Xiao Ni looked at Luo Zhu who was drinking coffee and said with a smile, "Mr. Luo, your coffee is really not very good. I just make a small complaint. After all, the company is so big that it is better to buy a coffee machine than instant coffee!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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