Luo Xuan face on the expression of some displeasure, but the heart is very calm, there is no need to take other people's fault to punish themselves! It's a pity that Xiao Ni has so many! After all, I spent a lot of time with myself.

It's not to say that she has mastered her own secrets and has nothing to do with it. She has the ability to do this, which is true, but this mind? A little bit bigger! Even the whole person is a little bit floating now! After all, it has not been rooted down, so it is very bad!

If the foundation is not well laid, it means that one's inborn is subject to considerable constraints. Even if it is how to develop the day after tomorrow, there will be considerable problems, in other words? Those guys behind Xiao Ni! It's still not calm enough.

And less feathers? It's very different at this point! Although I don't know the situation of the capital, I know the problems and conditions in the province! What is the essence of politics? Compromise? It is very important, but the essence of politics is balance! This is the most important point!

If you can, I really want to meet Yu Shao now and have a chat with each other all night. It seems that Yu Shao's time here is not short! But Yu Shao also came to pull the provincial capital once. No matter it's awe or other reasons, Yu Shao has never wanted to take the initiative to break the balance! Always let the situation out of a stable state!

Even though he has become a bridgehead, Yu Shao still does not have any action and does not take the initiative to break the balance. On the contrary, it is the people from the provincial capital? There are so many press can not bear their own! Now you have to get yourself in. What about this? This balance has been broken!

Once the balance is broken, then the associated reaction will be great! However, they only consider the gains and losses of interests, and do not consider the so-called issues from the overall perspective. Even if what they have gained now, in the long run and as a whole, the gains and losses are not worth the losses. There is a time for them to regret!

After Dong Ni left, she also made a phone call to Gong Shaoqing in person. "Gong Shao, I just met with Mr. Luo. At the beginning, he was still a little emotional, but soon he calmed down and behaved appropriately. He was not so anxious as he imagined! He should show up at night! "

"What kind of conditions do you think he will offer? What about a thing like "empty handed White Wolf"? There may not be too many problems, but for him, it is impossible. But there is still a problem. I don't have too many resources and chips in my hand to get on the table! "

Said about equal to did not say, but Xiaoni is completely understand! "Gong Shao, it's not so important how many chips there are at this time. The important thing is to be able to sit down with each other. That's enough! But what about now? Should give luo general manager certain pressure! Let him sit down and think about it! "

"I'll talk to Yangzi." Then Gong Shaoqing also hung up the phone.

Finding Yangzi again, the expression on Gong Shaoqing's face is still a little pleasant, but the expression on Yangzi's face is more or less heavy! "I just got the news. Zong Taiping has learned that you have come to the provincial capital."

"This guy has made considerable progress after Yu Shao's training." For this news, Gong Shaoqing is not too abrupt. After finding a position, she sits down and acts casually! I don't mean to take this to heart!

"Gong Shao, you don't worry at all. Will this cause other reactions?"

"He! This is intentional! So say it! He knows! That Yu Shao must also know! Even if the message comes to you? There is a certain possibility that Yu Shao's inspiration, this feather less is definitely more difficult to deal with than imagined! But now? It's not that important! "

"Yu Shao will look at it like this. This is a good opportunity!" What about Yangtze? There are also some worries in this respect. It's not so comfortable to have such a person staring at him in the back, which makes people feel stuck in his throat. But if he wants to remove this stone, Yangzi has estimated it, and I'm afraid he has really done that!

"This is definitely not a good opportunity, but if there is a chance, we can sit down and have a good chat with each other." Speaking of this, Gong Shaoqing suddenly sighed, and then copied the tea cup next to her. This action also slightly narrowed her eyes!

Although the action is not so big, but how much still can explain some problems! Gong Shao's heart is definitely not as calm as he appears to be! For feather less, he still has quite scruples!

Time passed a little bit faster, and the evening was just around the corner. When Luo Xuan got off the car, looking at Xiao Ni waiting by the car, he also slightly nodded his head. This is a basic quality and has no relationship with other people! In other words, how about getting angry with her? Not at all!"Mr. Luo, long time no see!" Yangzi looked at Luo Xuan and was the first to put out his hand. He was ready to take down the dish at night! What about the means? Maybe a little bit too much, but what about that? Therefore, there is no problem to give some necessary respect at this time! As pity!

"Yang Shao, I can't bear it! Welcome yourself! My face is shining! Thank you very much

Heard Luo Xuan so said, Yang Yang also laughed, two people's hands tightly nest together, Yangzi also deliberately with his free left hand to beat Luo Xuan's arm, give people the feeling, two people are really very familiar!

"Sir! Luo xuanluo always went to meet Gong Shaoqing and Yang Yang! " Security immediately informed Ding Yu of the relevant news, Ding Yu let Xiao Gang sleep down, and then turned back to his room!

Listen to the security news, that's just nodding! Show that you know! Judging from the current situation, does Luo Xuan go in and stay for two days? This should be inevitable! But what about Gong Shaoqing and Yang Yang's appetite? A little bit bigger!

Do you want to do it now? It's definitely not the best time. Maybe there won't be too many problems and situations for the time being, but what happens after a long time? The flaws exposed will only be more and more serious, and even in the end, there will be no conflicts of interest between them, so Ding Yu? I really don't want to add a hand!

What's more, he is just a gong Shaoqing. Ding Yu doesn't mean to put it in his eyes! If the family and power behind him stand up, Ding Yu may have some interest. Gong Shaoqing himself is too contemptuous of himself! I still think highly of Gong Shaoqing!

Luo Xuan is already one of his own! As long as he stands out, he can deal with all the situations in front of him! So Ding Yu didn't mean to stand up at all. Did he save the game? Still need to let them go on their own, if too many people involved in it, can only make the situation more chaotic!

"Let's not interfere! What about the problems and things in the province? We are just superficial understanding of it! What's more, this is not the purpose of my coming here this time. Even if I want to worry about it, it's peaceful. They worry about it. It has nothing to do with us! "

Ding Yu said so, but also has some admonishments to the following people. It can be said that things have nothing to do with us. If we do something, we will probably break some of the above layout. That would be not beautiful! Although the matter can be remedied after the event, why should it be so noisy?

"Yes, sir. We will pay close attention to the safety of general manager Luo!"

See Ding Yu did not have any reaction, security is also the first time to leave! Everyone's heart has a bottom! It's enough to know what to do next! Others don't need much attention.

But what about Luo Xuan? It's really not so wonderful. It's not that he's under any threat, but Gong Shaoqing? Directly sat in the opposite position of Luo Xuan. It seems that he is ready to be direct. He knocked Luo Xuan dizzy with a heavy hammer! Don't give him any chance to react!

"Gong Shao, Yang Shao, this seems to be a little too much?"

Luo Xuan wrapped his hand around the mouth of the teacup. His expression was not ferocious, but his words seemed to have some profound meaning. "I just came to have a meal. Did I meet Gong Shao and Yang Shao? Still very happy, but encountered such a thing, is there not so much to say! What do you think? "

"Mr. Luo, it's different now! What about the situation in the province? You must have seen it! What's the end of sticking to these things? I don't think there is any feeling in general Luo's heart! This morning was to help with the investigation, but what about tomorrow? Even tonight, it may be another result! "

"If you don't feel guilty, you don't have to worry about ghosts." Luo Xuan also vowed to say, "I didn't do anything messy, so I won't worry about it. Let's filter it out!"

"Mr. Luo, it's not the best choice to be stubborn now!" Yangzi also comforted him and said, "when it comes to the end, the fish will die and the net will be broken. Why? Do you think so? "

"The fish is dead and the net is broken?" Luo Xuan murmured a sentence, and then he also snorted, "who is the so-called fishnet breaking point? Are you worried about Yang Shao? There are so many did not expect, I put so many years of efforts, not only want to take away so simple, or even pat the bottom to leave? It's not supposed to be like this, is it? Even if you don't pay attention to love, don't you even talk about morality? "

"What if you look at it from this point of view? Maybe it's a little too much! " Yangzi took a look at Gong Shaoqing beside him, and then he also laughed, "but general manager Luo! This is a different time! What about the situation in the province? You see it too! Some things? It's not just about saying it! What's more, Mr. Luo, you are still in trouble"If that's the case, why make such a fuss?" Luo xuansi said rudely, "since I want to be a whore, I don't have much meaning! So let's be straight forward! That's good for everyone! "

"Is it not enough to save Luo Zong from fire and water?" Gong Shaoqing said coldly, "what did Luo always put into his back? We still know one or two things in our hearts! But this is not enough to support it! "

Two people face Luo Xuan, one needs to sing red face, the other? You need to sing white face! What's more, this is to fight for naked interests, not to talk and laugh, so there is no need to have any so-called taboo between each other!

"Save me from fire and water, and then take away what I've been working on for years! This abacus is so good! Should I stand up and clap at this time, so that my magnanimity can be more reflected! "

"In this way, there should be some conditions in general Luo's heart! The words have already reached this point! Then we will make the announcement between each other! There is quite a gap in the hearts of all the provincial people! "

"I want to go abroad now, though temporarily? Maybe not, but there should not be too many problems in the future. After so many years, I still have some confidence in my heart! " This saying is also quite skillful, "but I can't leave without wealth! Just be simple! Two hundred million dollars will do! I don't think this kind of condition is too much, and everyone can accept it! "

"How much?" Yang Yang also did not hold back for a while, even if let you lion big mouth, you also can't open mouth so big! Give back 200 million dollars, and you're not afraid to choke yourself to death? "Mr. Luo, this joke seems to be a little bit too exaggerated! It makes me feel so funny! "

"200 million dollars, is that really a lot?" Luo Xuan looked at Gong Shaoqing, "the framework of the provincial relations for so many years can not be completed in a moment. Otherwise, I would not be so poor that the people below would be starving!"

A little ironic, anyway, what about the price? They have already opened the car and paid back the money on the landing. The price they have opened is really not expensive, but the question is whether they can take it out? It's impossible. Luo Xuan is also aware of this. It's just to weigh two people's measurement!

Looking at Yangzi who wanted to talk, Gong Shaoqing slightly waved her hand, "Mr. Luo, 200 million dollars. If that's the case, then there's really no way for them to continue talking! So many years of time, Luo always paid a lot, but this time and that time! I think so! Two million dollars! Mr. Luo has been studying abroad for three or five years! "

"Is that what business talks about? I offered 200 million yuan. You cut it 100 times! Even if I have no value any more, give me a price of 20 million dollars! At least this face can look better Speaking of this time, Luo Xuan is already angry and laughing! "Since there is no point in going on! be it so! I really want to see what will happen next

After propping up the table, Luo Xuan stood up directly, "thank you for your hospitality today. Although it's not the first time Gong Shao has come here, I'm still half the master here. If you have time, I'll certainly invite Gong Shao to show you!"

After that, Luo xuanyang went away, and Yangzi slapped the table heavily, "this guy is too arrogant! Even if he has a lot of things in his hand, but 200 million dollars, he has never seen money, or does this guy really don't take his life as a thing?! Nima's! "

Gong Shaoqing, who was sitting on one side, did not have much anger. Instead, he took a quiet look at Yangzi. This guy is really like him! "200 million dollars? Yangzi, do you think his offer is high? " Without waiting for Yang Yang to speak, Gong Shaoqing then said, "in my opinion, what's his offer? It's really not high! At least it's not out of my mind! "

"Gong Shao, I don't understand what you mean!" Just now, I was pretending to a great extent, in order to test gongshao, but since gongshao has said so, don't be nervous!

"Two hundred million dollars! The price is really not high, but the problem is that we don't have the capital! " Gong Shaoqing is also very straightforward, said, 200 million US dollars, who will pay this money? Is it yourself or Yang Yang?

What's more, how much trouble will such a large amount of money transfer cause at this time? Maybe Yu Shao is waiting by now! What will happen if he catches such a handle?

"So we must take the last road?"

"We don't have any way. We can't just watch! I hope Luo can understand, otherwise it will be too embarrassing! No one wants that! " I don't know why, it makes people feel so shameless? But it seems that both of them did not take it as a thing!After Luo Xuan came out, he looked at Xiao Ni waiting by the car and snorted, "Oh, isn't this Ms. Dong?"

"Mr. Luo, in my impression, you are always a person who knows the current affairs! Today's performance is too low! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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