"Is this a mockery or a pity?" Luo Xuan also shakes his head and smiles, "say? I feel sorry for you, though you take over the position? Maybe better than me! "

"I didn't even hear the irony!" Dong Ni looked at Luo Xuan, and didn't mean to fall behind! Direct hard connection!

"Why ridicule?" Luo Xuan patted the roof beside him, "Xiao Ni! You're a smart man. What about me? I've been silly for a while, but I'm not a real fool. Since everything has happened, the rest doesn't matter! right now? All things need to see the major bureau! You! You should stand higher and see farther! "

With that, Luo Xuan got on the bus and left, regardless of whether Dong Ni really understood! However, before returning to the downstairs of their own home, someone has been waiting there, which is the meaning of Zhang net arrest! Luo Xuan just stands up his shoulder for a while, it's not a big deal! Pour also need not so care!

When Ding Yu knew the news, he also put down the document in his hand, "this reaction is so fast! Are you really not afraid of too much? Is there nothing in the province? And what's the reaction from Luo Xuan? "

"Sir, Luo Xuan didn't have any reaction. He didn't seem to care about things. He didn't know whether it was because he had the confidence in his heart or because he had the backing behind him!"

"This fellow! Smart! I'm not his backer at all. At most, I'm just fishing him out. But I'm more optimistic about him. Luo Xuan can't feel at all. He's right now! To prove their own value! This is the most important thing! So now he has no fear at all, but is eager to try! However, there is no response in the province, which makes me quite different! "

He knocked on the table with his hand, which was the end of the topic just now, "when the intelligence department comes, give me a task. I have completed this task! Even the whole process makes people feel extremely smooth, even my trial has not played any role, which gives people a feeling of quite a door! Are there any findings? "

"I don't have too much information about this aspect for the time being. It seems to be very deliberate. There is no tail for the two children! We've looked into it in detail! But it's not that anything useful has not been investigated. All the people who went to trouble with their two children have disappeared! "

"All gone?" Ding Yu suddenly laughed, "this is a very interesting thing! How many people, all disappeared? In modern society, such a thing can't be done unless it's a real expert! Even we are the same! "

"Yes, sir, even if you are an expert, you also need to have a considerable network of connections to make it disappear. However, our domestic relations are not so well laid. There are even many related units that we can not enter, so the investigation is much slower."

"I see! It's good to investigate, but it doesn't need to be so anxious. There won't be too many people who can do such a thing, and it will be easy to do if the tail is exposed! As for the others? Let's look at the situation. "

For this matter, Ding Yu's heart can be said to have considerable doubt. Previously, he left the matter to himself, and the emotion management department was quite sad. But when he came, he even stretched out his hand, and then all the things were settled down. Is this too abnormal?

If the matter is really so simple, why did the intelligence and management department behave so embarrassed at the beginning? As soon as they came forward, all the things were solved? Do you have such a big face? Ding Yu really doesn't think so about this!

If he really had such a big face, he would not have been forced to leave the capital in the past. Of course, there are quite a few reasons for this. Ding Yu took the initiative to leave. But what are the problems? Ding Yu is quite clear.

Stay in the capital, too much constraints! All aspects will feel that there are so many people in this stone, even if it is the third uncle there? I have a good relationship with myself, but I have caused quite a lot of trouble and problems. I'm afraid the third uncle will be very embarrassed at that time! So it's better to come out on your own initiative.

Over here? It's also very good. Although there are many people who pay attention to it, what about the attention? It's totally different from that of Beijing! So Ding Yu is also happy to have such a situation happen now!

As for Luo Xuan? It's an unexpected surprise. If he can jump out, it's a good thing. If he really can't jump out, he will take it as a help for uncle Luo. It's no big deal. There are many kinds of trees and few thorns. There's no harm in it. Ding Yu is not a domineering person!

Luo Xuan was taken away, and Zong Taiping got the news at the first time. What happened all along? Everyone has not grasped Luo Xuan any handle, but now Luo Xuan is suddenly caught up, the taste inside is unusual!Therefore, Hou Tianliang is also forced to bear the tiredness of his body. He came back from the provincial capital. When he came back, he was just right. Ding Yu had not had a rest. Hou Tianliang simply washed himself and rushed to see Ding Yu at the first time!

"Director, you haven't had a rest yet?"

Yeah! Ding Yu just said, but he really didn't have much reaction. He put the file upside down on the desktop, and the other folders didn't mean to open. After a look at Hou Tianliang, his eyes were black, and the whole person was bearded, but he was very energetic! Standing there is also an inexplicable temperament, it seems that this period of time some harvest!

"Should I say you work hard, or are you too stupid?"

Ah? For the director's evaluation, Hou Tianliang also felt for a moment that there were so many muddled circles. What and what are these! "Director, did I do something wrong?" Don't pay attention to others, just look for your own problems! With the director's side, or a little more smart than good!

"I want you to go to zongtaiping. I don't want you to report information or to be abused. You won't do anything. Won't you learn? How can you be so stupid when you look at it before

Report through the wind? Masochism? Is this about yourself? But the problem is that I don't seem to be like this! So Hou Tianliang's performance can be said to be quite skeptical! "Sir, Luo Xuan was arrested. I heard that it was not only the internal accounts of the company that had problems, but also some other situations! But I heard that someone came to Beijing! It seems that it involves quite a lot of relations. We all pay close attention to it! "

"You are stupid, Zong Taiping and they are also stupid. How can I teach you such a group of idiots?" Ding Yu sighed with emotion, "where did you come from? Get out of here! What a shame Then Ding Yu waved his hand and did not give Hou Tianliang any chance to argue!

It can be said that after Hou Tianliang came here, he washed his face, tidied up his clothes, and then he was expelled! When you come out, Hou Tianliang is also a head of fog, what are these and what? But Hou Tianliang didn't really mean to stay. It must be meaningful for the director to drive himself away.

Sitting on the back of the car, Hou Tianliang is also turning his head. What kind of problems are there? Judging from the performance of his husband, it is obvious that he didn't pay attention to Gong Shaoqing who came from the capital. Even they moved Luo Xuan? Sir, I don't have much interest!

But the problem is that Luo Xuan is an important breakthrough! Everyone knows this truth. Under such circumstances, as long as Luo Xuan can be caught, it is bound to open up this breakthrough. At that time, all aspects of the problem will appear. This is also the purpose of the investigation team supervision group here!

Can't the director fail to see that? Since the same can see this, but the director still said his side is stupid, why? Even this stupidity also includes Zong Taiping. Don't they look at the problem from a certain height?

Did you move Luo Xuan? So it is bound to affect the whole provincial capital? There may be some problems in this aspect, but it is definitely not as large as imagined. There are quite a few problems on the provincial capital side, but now there is a lack of practical evidence! It can even be said, sooner or later! It's going to come out!

Hou Tianliang is also more confused at this time, but it is obvious that he is so tired! Have not yet waited to go out how far, has fallen into a deep sleep!

When I wake up, I look at the black sky outside and shake my head. When I see the Xiaomiao on duty, I shake my head, "don't say anything! After I went back, I met the director, and then I was scolded and sent back! " Repeat the matter in detail!

Xiaomiao took a bottle of water to come over, and her eyebrows were also tight, "we can contact Luo Xuan tomorrow! The relevant procedures are also in the process of handling, the whole process can be said to be exceptionally smooth, there is no obstruction in all aspects, but some people seem to be more anxious! Besides, there is no other abnormal situation

"Luo Xuan, are there some pieces that are too big?" Hou Tianliang held his chest in both hands. "As far as we know about the situation in the province, he can be said to be an important pillar. If this pillar falls down, will the house collapse? Is there really something wrong with this? And the director? He didn't pay so much attention to Luo Xuan's being arrested, but obviously he was dissatisfied with my way! What's all this about? What's more, it's such a big thing. Why is there no news in other aspects? These questions are too weird

After Zong Taiping got up in the morning, several people also touched their heads. Zong Taiping also ground his fingers. "As far as we know, Gong Shaoqing is here. When he comes, he meets Luo Xuan and throws him out. There is something wrong with it! And it's a big problem! "

"Luo Xuan was abandoned! But what was it that was abandoned? Is Luo Xuan the so-called white glove? According to our investigation, it is not at all. If Luo Xuan had white gloves, he would have been in the line of sight. But one thing is certain, that is, they have not reached an agreement on their interests! "Hou Tianliang blinked his eyes, thought for a while, then slowly said, "this word seems to remind me! Their interests did not reach an agreement, so Luo Xuan was thrown out. What about the many people under investigation? The relationship with Luo Xuan is extraordinary, but Luo Xuan is still lost. Is he confident in Luo Xuan and he won't say anything, or do they want Luo Xuan to say something? "

As soon as this word was said, Zong Taiping and the four of them were stunned, right! Throwing Luo Xuan out, do you want Luo Xuan to say something or not to say anything?

Looking at several people who fell into meditation, Zong Taiping also said, "as far as we know, Luo Xuan is a cautious person. He has never been involved in too many things. From the information and situation we have learned, it is the same. But now he is suddenly thrown out. What is on his body What kind of thing is valued so much that Gong Shaoqing can be so reckless? "

As soon as the words fell, Zong Taiping and their heads were suddenly lifted up. They were all living in 49 cities at the beginning. Hou Tianliang was not clear about the way in which they lived. Did they not know?

"Damn it, no wonder Gong Shaoqing came here in person. Did he fall in love with this?" Seeing that Hou Tianliang was still a bit confused, Zong Taiping also took a long breath. "Luo Xuan has been wandering in the provincial capital for so many years, and he has constructed a considerable network of relations!"

"A platform?"

"Not a platform!" Zong Taiping denied, "Luo Xuan is very smart. If this is a platform, there are too many problems in it! He did not have any problems, but now he was thrown out, which has explained a considerable problem, someone can replace him! Gong Shaoqing, they have found someone who can replace Luo Xuan, or even this person? It's the people around Luo Xuan

"There are not many people around Luo Xuan! Although this guy has a company, to a certain extent, he is a lone wolf! " Hou Tianliang casually said, "but his secretary seems to have disappeared these two days!"

"Dong Ni!" Zong Taiping snorted, "it seems that she should be gong Shaoqing's person! At least for now! These guys! This move is really extraordinary! No wonder they dare to throw Luo Xuan out, because they have already calculated! After Luo Xuan came in, he didn't dare to say anything at all! "

"If he says so, his death will come! And what about his network? Even in a split second, this is the root of Luo Xuan, so Luo Xuan can't take risks with this! If the outside people once hear some news, then ah! It's hard to say what will happen

So far, the above situation has been explained clearly! Luo Xuan is arrested, but want to pry the mouth of Cairo dazzle, it is basically impossible, unless Luo Xuan is dead! And what about this deadly result? Can only let him compensate himself, still can't give Gong Shaoqing how!

Hou Tianliang finally understood why the director said he and Zong Taiping were stupid! Damn it! However, Gong Shaoqing from the capital city is really cruel enough. He can even think of such a method, which is understatement, but it has a certain meaning that there is no leakage!

"Luo Xuan really can't say anything?"

"That's not true. He will still say something. There is no better understanding of the situation in the provincial capital than he does, not to mention the people who are being reported now? Our investigation team and supervision group have already understood it! It is possible for him to say something about this! As for other aspects? We want to know, this is too difficult! "

Having said that, Zong Taiping and his colleagues also looked at Hou Tianliang. As far as they know, when they were in the capital, the director took Hou Tianliang to the prison, and seemed to have participated in the work of interrogation. At least, compared with them, Hou Tianliang has considerable experience!

What's more, the person who followed him was the director! If you really don't learn anything, I'm afraid you can't convince yourself! However, Hou Tianliang looked at the four of Zong Taiping and sighed helplessly. After half a sound, he said, "I can try, but I don't think it will have any effect."

Zong Taiping and the four of them looked at each other. Luo Xuan has not exposed any problems and conditions in the provincial capital for so many years. Compared with them, they are always old foxes. What about them? It's just a young rabbit just entering here! Want to beat the old fox? Some are too demanding!

But if you don't touch this old fox, they will never grow up!

Let's go and see you! But what about it? It's true that the top has already seen through, so there's no action at all. Since Zong Taiping and himself are willing to try out, we'd better leave the trouble here!

If Luo Xuan can really explain something, it shows that Ding Yu's professor still has quite a result. Of course, if nothing is asked, it is not that Ding Yu is nothing, only that Luo Xuan is not famous! That's it!www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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