However, just after finishing this sentence, I heard a sharp siren in the distance, and then several cars also drove by, which was quite different from the usual experience. The people who came down from the car were fully armed, which was completely armed to the teeth, and the insurance of all guns was opened.

"Get down!"

Who are you at this time? All the same do not give face, William is also so some silly eyes looking at Ding Yu, he now this time is also so some hesitation, this lying down bag does not include himself? The police are very careful to go to the small seven and the middle-aged man's side position.

Without saying a word, to the leg bend is a direct kick, and then the butt hit on the back, dishonest? The result of dishonesty is to knock more and wear masks. Do you know who did it? This scene also makes Xiao Qi feel a little silly. He made a fist before, which made him feel very happy. But after that, what happened?

Middle aged people also know? This time it was definitely the one that caused big trouble. In Britain, the police rarely wear guns. There are not many such heavy police in London. But now? The muzzle of the gun is all to oneself and small seven, want to know the distance to make a phone call only how long time!

So soon, what is the identity of this person in front of you? How many people came to a phone call? You know, Xiao Qi just hit someone else. It's not just a matter of having an account. In the rules of the lake, this place needs to be found back.

You know, this is not to ask the police to take them away at this time. The so-called scene hunting is that you hit me and I also hit you. I received you a punch earlier. Then you must take me. As for whether you can catch this blow, it is not in consideration.

After pressing two people on the ground, they were immediately handcuffed, and then they were immediately thrown onto the car. Don't pay attention to the so-called human rights with these people in front of you. There is no need and unlikely thing in this respect. These guys in front of us are completely the organs of violence.

William stood timidly behind Ding Yu. Then he saw a middle-aged man with a straight suit and an umbrella coming down from the car. He came to Ding Yu's position in front of him, "such a big battle, Mr. Ding, is always such a thing, which makes me very difficult!"

Ding Yu also did not have a good look, "such a big battle, should I say have a heart?"

"I heard that miss sun came back. I just brought a message. By the way, I would like to deal with the matter. You should know that you are the one who makes the final decision. There is no way to change this. I believe everyone knows how this is going to happen?"

"Need to be so direct?" When talking, Ding Yu also coughed a little, and then wiped the blood on the corner of his mouth with a towel. After seeing this situation, the visitor also sighed in his heart, "I'll send Mr. Ding to have a check! It will never be a small problem! "

Ding Yu didn't refuse. It's just human nature.

The result of the examination is still good. Ding Yu's physical condition is very good. Otherwise, even if Ding Yu is not shocked there, it will not be very good. At the time of leaving the hospital, the doctor also deliberately told some.

"Doctor, is the problem really serious?" After Ding Yu left, the former official also made a new comeback. He always felt that Ding Yu came to the hospital with some artificial meanings. Anyway, he did not understand some of them. At least at this time, he deliberately came back alone.

The doctor was puzzled and then helped his glasses. "The situation is even more serious than expected. The strength of this fist is even better than that of a professional boxing champion. Fortunately, that gentleman's physical quality is very good. What's more, he didn't hit the right part in the middle just now, otherwise he would lie in the morgue!"

"It's so serious!" The official standing there murmured to himself that the doctor would not cheat himself, because if he cheated himself, the consequences would be very serious. I believe he also knows that Ding Yu didn't mean to come to the hospital. He was really hit hard.

What about the conflicts at the door of the hotel? I almost know, and Ding Yu does not have too much to do with it. It can be said that Ding Yu was just unlucky to urge him. That childe drank too much, and it seems that his identity is not so simple! After all, it's not cheap to hire a bodyguard like a champion.

But what about status? At this time, we still need to be honest and upright in prison. As for why the British side takes care of Ding Yu, it is not that there is no reason. They have also investigated sun Yingnan's situation, and know more or less about her situation in the United States.

This money is very clean, and there is no fault in all aspects. Such a clean source of funds is what the British side needs. After all, it is not a small sum of money! What about Ding Yu? Personality may be a little bright, but very smart, with all aspects of the relationship is also good.It has a good relationship with all aspects. It mainly refers to the political faction behind Lily and Charlie. They now need Ding Yu to come forward and solve certain problems and situations for them. They can cooperate with each other. Other aspects may not reach an agreement, but they are all pursuing interests, but the direction of interests may be different.

"Master, senior brother and Xiao Qi have been arrested!" A middle-aged man quickly walked into the courtyard, looking at the old man sitting there drinking tea, respectfully said, but this voice slightly showed some urgency.

The old man, who was drinking tea, was a little surprised about this, but the tea hand didn't fluctuate. After putting the teapot away, he looked at his apprentice and said, "Xiao Qi is a little impatient, so I asked the eldest to take him with him. How did two people go in together? Did you call? "

The apprentice standing there nodded, "I called, not only the senior brother and Xiao Qi were arrested, but also Mr. Wu went in. I called, but there was no attention at all!"

In fact, the actual situation is even worse than this. I even moved out the master's name. After all, the master had a certain communication with the police. I thought that this face should be there, but it didn't play any role there. I didn't even have an explanation, so I dismissed him.

"No attention?" The old man looked at his apprentice, and the middle-aged man standing there nodded, "I want to find out what happened, so that we can have a response, but there is no reply at all, as if we don't know us!"

The old man thought for a while, but also took a mobile phone, looked for the phone number from it and dialed it out. It was different from the past when the phone would be connected immediately. This time, the interval was a little longer, and then it was connected. The old man also felt that things were more serious than they imagined.

"Steven?" Strictly speaking, this guy is not an apprentice of the old man. He is just a registered disciple. However, he has learned a lot in the martial arts school. He has great respect for the old man.

"Master, I already know the matter, but I can't explain it to you now. I'm just from the police system. I don't have the right to do this time!"

"It's a big deal?"

"As for the senior brother, I don't think it's very important for them to wait for a moment, but they don't have to wait for a moment, but they don't have to wait for a moment! If there is any situation, I will inform Shifu of you! "

After the old man put down the phone, he also sat there meditating. Steven is quite well-known in the police system. Even he can't solve the problem. It can be seen how much trouble it is and what kind of thing it is that has implicated everyone?

"What did the boss and Xiao Qi do?" The old man also looked at the middle-aged man beside him and asked casually.

After waiting for a long time, the old man didn't wait for any news. However, Steven called and said, "master, I didn't understand the situation of the elder martial brother, but I can arrange to see him. What's more, I met the elder martial brother just now. He meant to ask Shifu to go there. It seems that there is something wrong with you!"

The old man's heart thumped at once. I still know what kind of character the eldest is. After all, he is his first disciple, not necessarily the most powerful one, but definitely the most stable one among many disciples. Now the eldest has opened his mouth and said such words. He needs to think about it carefully.

The old man finally went. Steven still had some influence. The old man also met his two disciples in the prison. However, in another prison, he also saw Mr. Wu. Now, he seems to be a little impatient and impatient. Obviously, he has no preparation for such a thing.

"Boss? What's the matter? "

The eldest brother looked at Xiao Qi next to him, and then he said respectfully, "Mr. Wu drank too much when he was eating that day. When he came out, he bumped into someone. As a result, he bumped himself to the ground. Then he also went up to kick others, but he was dodged."

"Say the point!"

"When Xiao Qi and I went over, Xiao Qi went up to theorize and made a move, but he was caught all of a sudden!" Speaking of this, the eldest brother also took a look at the younger martial brother next to him. Now it's no good to conceal it at this time. "When I helped Mr. Wu, Xiao Qi was released, but he was young and vigorous, and didn't resist it!"

The old man took a look at Xiao Qi next to him. He knew what level his apprentice was. If he was able to catch his apprentice at once, it was impossible to defend him? There are other reasons. If this is the case, it will not bring everyone here! "Go on!"

"The man seems to be angry. The situation at that time is very dangerous. If I don't make a move, Xiao Qi may be abandoned!" The eldest brother also said cautiously, "he stopped in time, but Xiao Qi didn't stop. He punched him in front of his chest. At that time, he vomited blood. He said that mountains and rivers meet each other!"When he finished this sentence, the boss also looked at his master carefully. "Then the police came and brought all of us. Up to now, we have not inquired about any reason, that is, we were locked up here, but the one left on the spot!"

Mountains and rivers meet. When I heard this sentence, the old man shivered a little. He had already analyzed the previous situation. If he could resist Xiao Qi, he would never be a mediocre. As for being beaten by Xiao Qi, he could only say that he had already stopped at that time, but Xiao Qi was too careless about the rules.

This is the main reason for the saying that mountains and rivers meet each other later, but it is not easy to say it. After it is really said, it must be followed. Otherwise, the signboard will fall. What do you earn in your whole life, is not it a signboard?

Sometimes I hope my apprentice can make a reputation, but I'm afraid that my apprentice will ruin his reputation. Obviously, Xiao Qi is one of the latter. Of course, it can also be understood that at that time, the blood was too hot, so some of them could not be collected for a while.

But now things have already happened, which makes the whole heavily armed police attack. I'm afraid the identity of that person is not as simple as imagined. Such a person belongs to the object of friendship, but now? Not only offended so simple, but also let people say such words, a little sad!

"Do you know who he is?"

This is not to the boss, but to Steven. Steven hesitated for a moment, and then nodded, "I asked the owner of the restaurant to learn about the situation, but to find out some information." But Steven's words that is to say that, after all, if the disclosure of Ding Yu's news, will take a lot of responsibility.

The old man also knows the situation very well, so he doesn't mean to ask again. Steven has given himself clues. The rest depends on how to deal with the rest. I believe it won't be difficult to talk to the owner of the restaurant. Steven is smart enough.

He took the lead in picking out the first one, but at the same time, it was also to let himself understand how things happened. This guy was not so smooth. It was really not a free gift to be able to sneak into that position. It seems that this apprentice needs to think about it. It seems that there was some loss in accepting him as a registered disciple!

Soon the old man inquired about some news. After all, he owned a martial arts school. Although he didn't know who William was, he couldn't stand his own relationship! So it's not hard to find out something.

But it was also because he had inquired about some things, so soon someone came to visit him, "Hello, master song!" There is something stiff and helpless in the words. There are not many foreigners who can speak Chinese neatly. The master song is also a little surprised.

As for Lily, I have heard some news, but my relationship with her is not as much as I imagined. There is not much contact between them! Now Lily suddenly comes to the door. Is it because of the Lord? If that's true, that guy is amazing.

Black and white are all inclusive! In such a situation, seven offended him, really have the so-called good fruit to eat? Maybe lily is not worth mentioning in terms of force, but what about Lily after the old man has been in England for so many years? How much has some own opinion, even can survive for such a long time, lily is absolutely not easy to provoke.

"Hello, Miss Lily! I don't know what I can do for you

As for the old man's impoliteness, lily also smiles, "I heard that the old man is inquiring about Ding. Ding is my good friend. I need to help him solve some unnecessary troubles without knowing him. What do you think of him? So today, I'd like to ask you something. Please give me some advice

Although the tone of the voice is very strange, it is very clear. The master song looked at Lily carefully and said slowly after a long time, "my two disciples protect an old friend's little grandson. There was some conflict at the door of the hotel!"

Hearing what the old man said, lily also laughed. What the old man said was a thief! A conflict? This can't be said incorrectly, but what about that? It's the same as covering up her own mistakes. Since lily is here, she can't understand the situation at all.

"Mr. Song, as far as I know, Ding is a very good tempered man. I really haven't seen him lose his temper. It's true that he has some expectations!"

Since you are not polite, I don't need to be polite. Lily dare to say this because the matter has been investigated clearly, so what about this attitude? It should also be higher.

"I'd like to see you. I wonder if Miss Lily can arrange it?"

For the request of the master, lily also hesitated, "master, I can't give you too many answers to this matter. I have a good relationship with you ding, but it doesn't mean everything. Now that I've said this, I'll give you my opinion. What's the matter? It's better to happen within the allowed range! ""Is that your attitude?"

"No? It's not just my attitude, it's the attitude of many people. I'm just one of them. I respect Mr. song very much. When you were merciful, we always remember this friendship, but it's exactly what we remember. So I don't want too many unpleasant things to happen! "

Hearing what Lily said, Mr. Song's face was much better. "What's the relationship between Lily and Ding and the British government? I didn't hear much news before!"

The title has changed, and the relationship has been drawn closer. Lily looks complicated and looks at the old man. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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