"He is the target of the British government, but Ding is not interested in this aspect. I can hardly tell what his interest is. In my opinion, this guy is just like a saint. It is too rare!"

Yeah? The old man was slightly stunned for a moment and asked Lily to say such a thing. Was it intentional or unintentional.

"Our first meeting was not very pleasant. At that time, I was chatting with my old friend at the meeting. I happened to meet him and I didn't know why. I got a very special first impression. Later, I accepted his great favor. Today, I can still sit in front of you. Thanks to his help, I might be in the graveyard Buried. " When it comes to grace, Lily's tone is very heavy.

Father song's eyebrows also beat twice, and lily also said. "He came to the UK mainly to study. His personal conditions are excellent, but is his personal life? It makes me feel like an ascetic! This is roughly the situation. "

"Ascetic? And he's still in school, isn't he

"It's not very big. Similar to me, he usually gets up at more than four o'clock in the morning and practices martial arts. Then he goes back to school in the daytime and comes back to read and practice martial arts at night. He goes to bed from 11 to 12 o'clock. Anyway, he has lived such a life in recent years, with occasional exceptions, but few of them!"

After that, Lily sighed. She didn't know why Ding Yu gave herself such a harsh atmosphere. There was no need for her to do so. But this is someone else's life, and he can't interfere with it. However, master song over there also swallowed his own saliva.

"Every day?" It is obvious that the old man of Song Dynasty did not believe it.

"Every day in my impression!"

Song Laozi also took a breath of cold air, such people in modern society, really few and few, even if he such an older generation of people, can adhere to this, it seems that there are not many, not afraid of your talent, afraid of you perseverance, no wonder he can catch Xiao Qi with one move, not without reason.

"Lily, introduce me! I'll see him myself After saying that, the old man also sighed, "I haven't seen such a child for a long time. It's always a pity if I don't see it!" At this time, the old man is also thinking about other aspects.

There are also reasons why Lily introduced Ding Yu so much. The old man has opened a martial arts school in this place for so many years. All aspects of the relationship are also very good. Lily needs to sell the face of the old man. If lily doesn't sell this face, maybe she will suffer in the future. What's more, the martial arts school is not easy to get along with.

I'm afraid of them when I don't see them. But all the people who eat this bowl of food in the river and lake don't look up and look up. What's more, the old man still shows kindness to himself. It's not the way of the people in the river and the lake, and it won't be long for Lily to talk about Ding Yu in front of the old man.

When Ding Yu knew the news, she was stunned for a period of time. Lily told herself this thing in person. She should have bought this face, but this time it really made me feel so angry.

First of all, the childe who didn't do anything would suffer a disaster. Second, the two so-called bodyguards who had already let in a step earlier and still didn't know good or bad. If they hadn't been diligent in practicing martial arts in the past two years, they still didn't know what the situation was.

"He is an old man of mine. He took good care of us at that time."

Since lily has already said so, Ding Yu is not very good at refusing. In fact, Lily doesn't want to be like this. However, human relationship is just like something happened to Ding Yu. No matter whether Ding Yu knows or doesn't know, some problems need to be dealt with by himself. This is human relationship.

It was at night. Ding Yu didn't have much time during the day. Although he said that he had been injured, it didn't hinder his study. Ding Yu really didn't have this delay.

William is very respectful standing at the door of the position, welcome the arrival of guests, although it is a small apartment, but they need to hold their own sense of propriety, when entering the door, lily is a little thoughtful to see William standing at the door, he is the person Ding Yu is looking for! I little interesting.

However, Lily didn't pay much attention to it. Soon William brought coffee and then disappeared. Master song took advantage of this time to look at the layout of the whole apartment. It was simple, but it revealed some luxury. Think about it, people who can afford to hire a housekeeper should look like this.

"Ding, this is master song!" Master song also looked at Ding Yu for a long time, looking at his own eyes? Very calm, without any waves, but very energetic, and then master song also took a breath, slightly wrinkled his brow, because he vaguely, smelled a little flavor.The smell is very cool, but I can still smell it. Obviously, the back of this guy is not as simple as imagined. This guy has seen blood. Only when he has seen human blood, can he get such a smell on his body. It's a very special smell, which is unforgettable.

But I'm afraid it's hard for ordinary people to smell such a smell, especially the young people in front of them are so reserved, have seen blood, and can still be so calm. Such young people are really rare. Master song is also a man who has experienced the wind and rain, and he has pondered for a while in his heart. There are not many people!

Ding Yu looked at Mr. Song's appearance and rang the bell. Then William came over and said, "William, I've prepared something for Lily. You can take it and have a look." Lily's eyes are bright. Ding Yu is changing very fast! I was also a little embarrassed, but now I'm ok, the embarrassment has been resolved.

Lily also made an apologetic smile at the old man, and then left leisurely. Then Ding Yu and master song faced each other directly and said, "contain but don't leak. It's fierce! It's rare for a young man like you? "

Ding Yu is stunned for a moment. What does the so-called "containing but not leaking out" mean? Then Ding Yu seems to know something, "I was a soldier!" A simple sentence, but also let the old man a Leng, when a soldier? Isn't this a bit of a joke? He has already known Ding Yu's age, and he has been in England for two years. Does he have this time to be a soldier?

"It seems that being a soldier can't condense such a murderous spirit?" What about the old man's attitude? There are also some highlights.

"I've been a soldier for six years, and it seems like a long time!" Then he heard Ding Yu's voice suddenly turn, "I don't know what you think of him? Please see me again

Ding Yu's words are also quite impolite. After six years of military service, the old man obviously hasn't reflected from this incident. Is this guy a human? When did he become a soldier? I feel that I can't control it.

After a while, the old man looked at Ding Yu again, "Song Biao in shape and meaning!" Ding Yu slightly frowned his brow and hesitated a little. His kung fu was quite miscellaneous, and he had a little success? It belongs to the family Kung Fu. Now I can only say that it is only a little superficial.

"The master is a Taoist master! Excuse me for not showing my name! " Ding Yu can only say this, because he does not know as much about the old Taoist priest as he imagined. However, when he thinks of this, Ding Yu is obviously distracted. Should he go to find this Taoist priest?

"My two little apprentices have offended you. I understand that it is their fault, so I will ask Mr. Ding for a favor on their behalf." After saying this, the old man of song also stood up and bowed his hand to Ding Yu.

Ding Yu looked at the old man's appearance, but also pondered for a period of time. Then he also stood up and nodded his head slightly. His expression was very calm. There was not too much dissatisfaction, and there was no so-called unwillingness.

"Give me a hand?" In the face of the old man's invitation, Ding Yu was stunned for a moment, and then showed a little shocked expression. However, he did not allow Ding Yu to refuse. The old man took Ding Yu to a nearby place, because the old man had noticed some appliances placed in that place, and the two people were standing there.

The process of two people getting together was very slow, and then the old man also said a few words to Ding Yu, no more than 30 words. The so-called true story is that the old man did this to return Ding Yu's human feelings, which are really so big. But think about it, we have to say that the old man is worthy of living for such a long time.

Old but not dead is a thief. The old man gave Ding Yu the most important thing to look after his family. Although he said a few words, he resolved the contradiction between them. If you bear my learning, you can't embarrass my disciples any more! Although we said that there is no relationship between master and apprentice, we have the grace of inheritance!

And you are in the UK, I am in the UK, if I have anything and the situation, you can't just look at it like this! The old man's abacus is not smart in general, but what about Ding Yu now? He didn't really react. Although he lived a long time with the time in his dream, it didn't mean that he was superior to others.

It is obvious that Ding Yu fell into this trap, but this can only be said to be a kind trap, a way and method for the old man to solve the problem. After the old man sat down, Ding Yu also went to make tea again. As for the previous coffee? It has also been replaced by Ding Yu.

Coffee and tea are two kinds of treatment. The old man obviously felt the difference. "That boy is the grandson of an old friend. He is a bit wayward. He made trouble earlier. His family was not satisfied with this. So he sent it here and asked me to help him!"

He didn't explain the origin of that guy. After all, it was up to him. Ding Yu nodded, and the matter was over. Soon Lily came back with Charlie, and the old man didn't stay here too much, so he left soon. Lily saw him off in person.After waiting for the old man to leave, Ding Yu seems to suddenly wake up and come over. Has he been swindled by the old man? Why do you say that? It is obvious that the two guys had offended themselves to death before, but what was the result? Safe resolution.

After pondering for a period of time, Ding Yu also burst into a smile. After all, the old man was a man who had experienced the wind and rain. He solved the trouble of this time with the minimum value. It's so fierce! I also learned from it.

However, it seems that he didn't mean to suffer a loss. Immediately Ding Yu also made two phone calls. He didn't want to release people. One of them called sun Yingnan. He could make some contact with the British side and see the situation. What about the other phone call? That is to tell the British side that they can talk about it.

In fact, the reason why the British side is not willing to offend Ding Ding Yu is that, in addition to having a handle on Ding Yu's hand, it is considered that offending Ding Ding Yu will be quite troublesome. If he really wants to do something bad, from the perspective of his capital, the British side may suffer a huge loss.

What's more, Ding Yu is not a person who likes to cause trouble. From Ding Yu's daily style of doing things, we can see that some of them are rather dull, but this point is really valued by everyone.

At this time, the faction over there can be said to be quite upset about this. Originally, Ding Yu and lily were their people, but who could have thought that the people below were so stupid, and there was Ding Yu, this guy, can't you show a little bit? You have to wait for others to discover you. You belong to toothpaste. Can't you squeeze it out?

But now it's too late to say these things. Ding Yu is already from there. This problem can't be touched by any more. Although Ding Yu said that he was not the baby over there, he occupied a very important position. Moreover, the faction there is also covetous eyes on No. 10 of Downing Street. This is the first problem.

The eldest brother and Xiao Qi, looking at the policemen in front of them, also had some differences. Without leaving any records, they opened the door directly. Of course, there was also Mr. Zhou who was accompanying him. The matter was caused by him.

During the time here, I didn't suffer any crime. The police didn't do anything. It's normal that the treatment is good or bad. After coming out, looking at the people waiting at the door, the eldest and the seventh are also spiritual shock.

"Imperial city!"

"Second senior brother!"

The man who was called the second elder martial brother also gave a bitter smile, "is everything ok! The master is waiting at home! " As for the later Mr. Zhou? He nodded and said hello, that's all. There was no other expression. If it wasn't for him, how could such a thing come out.

After returning to master song, he didn't look at his two disciples. After all, his disciples were from his own family. What about the Duke Zhou? It's just by virtue of the honor of his ancestors. If he really takes himself out, it's not bullshit, but master song is not good enough to discipline others.

"Xiao Zhou, there's nothing wrong with it."

Mr. Zhou looked at Mr. Song and snorted. He didn't give too much good face. But what about the old man? That is to say, I have passed the age of Qi control. I have other plans for this matter, and I immediately asked my apprentice to send Mr. Zhou away.

"Master song, I will not let him go!" When he left, Mr. Zhou also put down a cruel word. Then he took a look at Xiao Qi next to him. Xiao Qi took a step forward and said, "master, Zhou Shao, please help me. I want to contact the society with Zhou shaoduo and have a look at it."

"Old seven!" Next to the two middle-aged people, the face is also mutation, and the old man? It's also the expression on your face? There are not too many changes, "Xiao Qi! I'll treat you as if your head was congested and you talked nonsense. I'll give you another chance. Remember, for the last chance, there's no room for regret when you make a choice! "

"Master! Please do it After saying that, Xiao Qi is also directly kneeling on the ground, and master song also suddenly laughed, "your mind is really big! Well, you are so old that I can't discipline you. In this case, the fate of our master and apprentice will come to an end! "

"Master!" The two middle-aged people nearby also changed their faces. "Needless to say, I taught you Kung Fu is true, but what about being a man? It's your own problem, so you Huang Haoran's future glory and wealth have nothing to do with me. Of course, life and death have nothing to do with me. The eldest and the second, you are the witness

After saying that, the old man also stood up, patted his table gently and left. The eldest and the second looked at the two people who had been sluggish there. They shook their heads helplessly, "brother Zhou Shao and brother Huang, please!"

"Big brother, I don't mean that!" Huang Haoran was totally stupid. He asked the master to give him a chance. But he thought that the master had given him such an answer? It's all about not responding.I also know that the master will not be very happy, but Huang Haoran wants to come and see the world by himself. Although the master will be angry, he should understand himself. But what about the master? Directly, he threw himself out of the school without any hesitation. For Huang Haoran, it was like a bolt from the blue.

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