Gong Shaoqing got Luo Xuan in, and then began to compile Luo Xuan's network. What about these things? Dong Ni alone is not able to complete, when necessary, you still need yourself and Yangzi to come forward!

But even so, what about the results? It's not entirely satisfying. The situation here in the provincial capital is weird. There's no way to calm down for a while. Do you want to get closer? There are more or less problems in itself. What do you want to win over? Always out of a wait-and-see state!

"I didn't expect that Luo Xuan had already gone in and had such a great influence!" Yangzi's hand inside shakes the wine cup, the dark wine in the middle of the shake back and forth, can not stop rippling up! "Now many people are in a wait-and-see situation. Although we sent Luo Xuan in, it is not easy to press Luo Xuan to death directly! It's even an unlikely thing, and there are many opinions in the province! "

"It's not in line with the plan to press Luo Xuan to death. Moreover, Luo Xuan has been in the provincial capital for so many years. What about his father? Now we are still in good health. We need to put too much into practice. What's more, we don't have much capital. Under such circumstances, you can carry the action? "

This remark has a taste of irony, but it is really a little beyond one's ability. You should know that you are careful when dealing with this matter. Yangzi even wants to solve the so-called problem once and for all?

What about politics? It has never been the east wind over the west wind, but to seek a balance! If the balance is broken, then I'm afraid everyone will be shattered in this whirlpool! No one can be an exception!

What's more, Ding Yu has been here for such a long time without any action. He is always wandering outside. What about this guy? There is not much interest in the provincial capital, but it does not mean that he will ignore Zong Taiping. It is a matter of two natures!

If Zong Taiping really had any problems and problems, would Ding Yu be able to hold his anger? If Ding Yu gets angry, can he bear the pressure and consequences? Even if the family behind him stood up, he didn't want to fill in the pit! Because it will be dead!

"As far as I know, Luo Xuan is very carefree after he goes in, as if he didn't take this as a thing at all! If you can't directly press him to death, then you need to take some other ways and methods! The so-called Wuqi does not need to show a little bit of despicability, but there are not too many ways to do it! "

"From those who were bitten out?" The reason is that this is the best way to solve the problem. It will not affect too many people. It's just waste utilization! Everyone can accept it!

As for Luo Xuan? What kind of response and reaction he will make is not so important. If he can, he really hopes to live in peace with each other, but the question is what price Luo Xuan offers? I can't afford it, and I don't want to pay at the same time! What about the entanglement between each other? That's it!

Towards noon, the security department also delivered a considerable message to Ding Yu. After hearing this, Ding Yu also slightly nodded his head. This is not satisfied with the news delivered, but very satisfied with Luo Xuan's response. He still understood his meaning! It's not easy!

"Uncle!" Wang Xiaogang was also shaking his hand. After seeing that he had attracted his uncle's attention, he also put his attention on the ice cream in front of him. He immediately said that the weather was getting colder, but for Wang Xiaogang, there was no so-called impact!

"What's the matter? Isn't ice cream very good? " Ding Yu made a mockery!

"No! I feel a little tired recently! " Wang Xiaogang bit the spoon, staring at his big eyes, looking at his uncle, "we have stayed here for so many days, the play has been played, the food has been eaten! It doesn't mean much! I'm a little homesick! "

Ding Yu knocked on his head with his finger, "what you are looking for is really speechless! Did your grandmother call? Your father and mother will never have such opinions and thoughts! "

Wang Xiaogang also giggled, "but what you said is also good. Are we here? Is it true that I stay a little longer and stay here all the time? It's really not that once, but due to other reasons? Now if this time to leave too far, it seems not too appropriate! What do you say? "

"Uncle, just find a new place! I've tried almost everything here! "

"It's OK. We'll leave in a moment." Since his nephew has mentioned this matter, Ding Yu will not have any refusal, say? It seems that the length of stay in this city is really so long!

Ding Yu's move to leave is not big, but the provincial capital side is still getting some news, we are a little bit confused about this, Ding Yu didn't mean to leave, just changed a city! However, there is still no intention of entering the provincial capital, but why does it not move at other times, but at this time there is action? I don't understand!"What exactly does Yu Shao mean?" Yangzi, who got the news, also felt quite confused. There were so many things happened in these two days. I felt that my head was not enough!

"There's no need to over interpret anything. It's just a change of place. It's not a big deal." What about Gong Shaoqing's expression? Not too much surprise, "good food to eat too much will feel greasy crooked, a place to stay too long, there will always feel some uncomfortable, this is not normal?"

"At this time?" Yang Yang asked, "the problem is that he has brought considerable influence to the provincial capital. What about the provincial capital? It's so big. Even if there's a little bit of wind and grass moving, it's all right. What's more, at this time, how can I feel that the feather is on purpose? "

"You! I really don't know much about Yu Shao! " Gong Shaoqing said with relief, "it's just you and me. He doesn't even have much lift on his eyelids. Even if the power behind you has some action, he may just take a look. With the influence behind me, he may slightly attract his attention. That's all!"

"That's arrogant, too?" Yang Yang hums a sentence, immediately also is wrinkling own brow, "wrong! Since such a force, how can we still run to this remote place? It doesn't make sense at all! "

"When I left, I went to consult some people specially! I mentioned something about Yu Shao with them. What about you? It is also quite helpless. In fact, if yu Shao doesn't leave, in fact, we can think of some ways, but we can only make each other very uncomfortable. What about the essence? It's just useless work! "

"That is to say, he came out just for the purpose? There are some... "

"Flying in the sky, isn't it?" Gong Shaoqing also shook his head, "although I'm here for? There are so many different things, but if you let me fight him, I will be the one who will go back. Even if you are a local villain, it will not play a very important role. What about this? Countless people have proved it! Although it sounds harsh! "

"He didn't want to move his ideas and ideas. Anyway, he didn't interfere with each other. If the well water between them did not violate the river, why should he find this uncomfortable? As for the provincial capital? It seems that there are not too many conflicts of interest. As for Zong Taiping? That's just the intercourse of normal work. Is it because of this that he would make a big fight, and it seems that some of them can't make it. But at the beginning, Luo Xuan paid a visit, but I don't know if he left any bad impression at that time? "

"I don't want to face Ding Yu. Similarly, there are not many people willing to face Ding Yu. What about him? Although they belong to different camps, from a personal point of view, I really admire him, but now that he has some news, I'm considering whether I want to visit him? "

What? Yangzi couldn't help but be stunned, "what do you say? To visit him? Is there no donkey's hair in my ears

"Less feathers? Although they belong to different camps, from a personal point of view, I really don't admire them in general, even many people in 49 cities? For Yu Shao, they are full of admiration. Of course, what do I say? For me, it's a kind of elevation. If I put it on the elders, it's almost like that! "

"I don't know much about it."

"Yu Shao is not a publicity person. There are many people who know Yu Shao in 49 cities, but there are few people who have met with Yu Shao seriously, even those who have contacted Yu Shao. He is low-key and makes people can't understand it! I've all come here, but I'm blind to this little feather. It seems that I can't explain it! "

"Are you not afraid to bump into your nose?" Yang Yang some not very optimistic said.

"It's hard to say!" Gong Shaoqing also couldn't help touching his nose. "He has a courtyard in the capital, but don't talk about us! Even if his younger brother and sister want to go in, it's a lot of trouble, but now it's an opportunity, and I want to test it out! "

The expression on Yangzi's face was slightly wry, "as a landlord, do I have to accompany you? Even those of you who feel difficult must let me follow. Am I trying to kill myself? "

"You don't have to be cheap and sell well! Not everyone has such a chance. Otherwise, if you go back and ask for instructions, I can guarantee that the elders in your family will know that if you don't go, they won't give you two slaps. This is light! "

For Gong Shaoqing's decision, Yang Yang really doesn't know how to refute it. Ding Yu has been here for quite some time! But I have not been able to meet, heard too many legends, do not see the last one, is always a pity, but after meeting, what will be the situation?

In the evening, Ding Yu is taking his nephew to eat outside. It's just a small noodle shop. No matter how simple it is, how is the food? Now did not eat in the mouth is really bad, but the taste seems to be very good, Wang Xiaogang has so many eager to try!"Sir, Gong Shaoqing and Yang Yang are here. They are outside!" Seeing Ding Yu nodding, the security guard went out at the first time. Soon Gong Shaoqing and Yang Yang came in from the outside, showing a little bit of a hurry! But this seems to be the best time!

If Ding Yu really went back to the hotel and wanted to visit again, it would be another thing! Ding Yu looked at the two people beside him and nodded slightly, "are you coming? Sit down Talking is like meeting a friend! There is no impatience, there is no false and polite!

However, Wang Xiaogang stood up with his face and said hello to his uncle. Then he ran to the table next to him with his legs. He wanted to be with his uncle, but now he can only be with his nanny and aunt! There are some that are not very happy!

"Yu Shao, it's so abrupt. Excuse me!" Words are so said, but can hear out, still very nervous!

"I haven't eaten yet! I'm also a new comer to guidi. I heard that the things here are very good Yang and Shao Qing served two more noodles! There is no luxury, just a small noodle shop, even if it is luxury, where can luxury go!

Soon the noodles were sent up. Ding Yu didn't mean to take the lead in using them. After Gong Shaoqing and Yang Yang's noodles were brought up, he took up his chopsticks. His eating speed was a little bit faster. A bowl of noodles was quickly given to his stomach by Ding Yu. Even the sauced beef and tendons on the table were eliminated by Ding Yu!

But seeing the meaning, Ding Yu didn't mean to put down his chopsticks at all. Soon the waiter sent noodles and meat. Seeing what he had sent, Yang Yang also took a look at Gong Shaoqing, who was sitting next to him. Is this the legendary Yu Shao? How is it like a bucket? How many days have you not eaten?

What's more, is the food here really so delicious? Yang Yang tried a few mouthfuls, which can be said to be quite ordinary. That is to say, the taste may be a little bit strange, but it is just relative to ordinary pasta. However, Yu Shao ate with great relish. I really don't know what he thinks?

"Little feather, your appetite is still so good!"

When Ding Yu puts down his chopsticks, Gong Shaoqing also puts down his chopsticks. There is no left on the table. This is more in line with Ding Yu's habit and does not waste!

Ding Yu waved to the nanny and Wang Xiaogang behind him. The little guy was impatient to wait. It was good to walk around and stay here to make trouble! After dealing with his nephew, Ding Yucai looked at Gong Shaoqing again. "When you first came to the ramp, you were not afraid to bump into a head and blood?"

Facing Ding Yu's question, Gong Shaoqing also thought for a while. Is Ding Yu a warning? Or is it unintentional? After thinking for a while, Gong Shaoqing slowly said, "Yu Shao, I'm a young man, maybe a little bit rash!"

"That's too general a statement But Ding Yu didn't mean to be embarrassed. "I heard that there was a lot of excitement in the provincial capital! But I don't have much interest in that area! Just take Xiaogang out for a stroll and see if Taiping has made any progress

Since you know how to praise him, Ding Yu didn't mean to be embarrassed. He said all the problems directly. After that, he also looked at Gong Shaoqing. "Yu Shao, the situation of the provincial capital is not something that people like me can stir up, just to see if there is any chance to find a meal for myself."

Gong Shaoqing puts her posture very low, but what about Yang Yang? This time is to face a smile, but there is no meaning to speak! After Gong Shaoqing came to the province, his posture and the present posture can not be such a thing at all!

In front of Yu Shao, Gong Shaoqing is as honest as a quail. She has to put her hands on her back to pack pupils! However, Yang Yang did not have any meaning to ridicule. If he was joking with Gong Shaoqing, it was no big deal, but now Ding Yu is here, we don't want it!

If you can't do it well, you'll put yourself in. These guys come out of 49 cities! The water inside the stomach can be said to be deeper than one, and the root is also harder than the other! Don't let yourself get into trouble!

"I've had my meal, too! Xiaogang should be worried! I won't be with you

After that, Ding Yu also got up and left, and Gong Shaoqing and Yang Yang quickly followed him to their feet. However, Ding Yu refused to see them off and walked along the road alone!

But Gong Shaoqing has been watching. After Ding Yu's figure disappears completely, he sighs a long breath. However, Yang Yang feels that he is so funny, "Gong Shao, how can you feel that there are so many names that are not true! This pair of skin and bone is very good, and the temperament is also very good, but I always feel that there is something less! "

Gong Shaoqing looks at Yang Yang and smiles, but he doesn't give any explanation. This idiot! Such a simple truth can not be seen, feather less did not take him as a thing.Because did not take a thing at all, so naturally also does not commit! But the problem is that Yang Yang feels good about himself. I don't know where his confidence comes from!

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