"Sir, how do you feel that Gong Shaoqing has so many things on purpose! Is he here to The security guard standing beside Ding Yu was puzzled and asked. Since it was intentional, why did Mr. Zhang meet him? At that time, he directly refused to let him out! I believe Gong Shaoqing dare not break in! Why bother?

"Now that we are here, we still need to give it a chance! Otherwise, it would be very inhumane! Although I am indifferent, I still appreciate people who have courage. Gong Shaoqing, whether intentionally or unintentionally, has at least this courage! " Ding Yu's words seem to be wordy.

"Sir, would you like to inform Zong Taiping and Hou Tianliang?"

"No more! The purpose of Gong Shaoqing's coming here is very simple. I want to know whether I am interested in the politics of the province? It really doesn't have much to do with others. This time I left with Xiao Gang very suddenly. What about the other side of the province? I'm afraid it also caused some fluctuations. Since Gong Shaoqing has come here, she naturally hopes to leave successfully. "

"Sir, he seems to have come for you on purpose! Is it true that nothing has happened? "

From the security point of view, what Mr. Zhang has done is a little inconceivable! Gong Shaoqing can be said to be completely standing on the opposite side of the position, but Sir? I didn't mean to hit the ground with a stick! This is totally different from the previous style! If put in the past, perhaps let oneself throw them out!

"Gong Shaoqing is not qualified. He understands this truth, and I also understand this truth. In other words, we are not at the same level. If I try to bully him, it would be a shame for me to bully him! It's like we don't do anything to the two children in the family! "

In fact, some of this explanation doesn't make sense, but since Ding Yu said so, the security guard will not have too many objections, "yes! What's the situation with Luo Xuan? Is he comfortable in it? "

"According to our observation, there is no problem. He is quite calm now. He does not show too much impatience. Moreover, he has the intention to guide Zong Taiping and Hou Tianliang intentionally. As for the problems exposed by him? It's true that there is no evidence to prove it! There are so many things out of nothing! "

"No evidence?" Ding Yu murmured, "the so-called investigation has no evidence? It's only temporary! " Seeing that the security guard wanted to speak, Ding Yu also waved his hand, "Gong Shaoqing came to me and has determined some things. What's the next step? He must have cut through the mess quickly

"Against Luo Xuan? But the problem is that Luo Xuan has already gone in! "

"Luo Xuan is just a suspect. To a certain extent, he is still in the process of assisting in the investigation, but after all, he is still in the middle of the whole, let alone the outside world? There are gong Shaoqing and Yang Yang, especially Yang Yang. He is a local villain. It's very convenient for him to do some things! "

"Is that a bit of a drag? Sir, why don't they want to solve this matter peacefully? Now even an ordinary person knows that the atmosphere here in the province is extraordinary. The investigation group and the inspection group are not included. Other eyes are always paying attention to it. If something happens, it may be a storm! "

"It must be that the two sides have not reached an agreement. Either Luo Xuan is too greedy, or Gong Shaoqing is too stingy. Anyway, we can't sit together. When there is no way to reach an agreement on interests, we need to adopt other ways and means to achieve our own goals. Is that all right? In fact, some of them are not worth mentioning! "

"Isn't it a case of extortion?"

"Is it? Capital has always been like this! " Ding Yu patted his hand, "so now Gong Shaoqing is very worried. If I put one hand across, they will certainly be constrained. But the problem is that I am not very interested in it. What's more, I hope I can take Luo Xuan for my own use."

"Sir, should I take care of Luo Xuan for my own use?"

"What do you think? What about the structure in his hand? It's really a hot potato. If he gives up on his own initiative, he will certainly not have any good fruit to eat. However, if he let others take it easily, there will not be too many people to believe. Since Gong Shaoqing and Yang Yang have emerged, let them solve the problem. "

This is also the reason why Ding Yu would like to see them on one side. They have already been made to bear the black pot. They can't give any sweetness at all! In that case, there are some too much! I can't say it afterwards!

And with the security behind Ding Yu has been thoroughly understood come over, the heart is really infinite sigh, the original can still play like this, he is really long sighted! Is it time to meet? What should we say after meeting? All this? There are traces to follow, not for no reason!

How about your own? Or be an honest security guard! What about the others? Don't think about it. You can't really play with your head like this! If you really get involved in it, I'm afraid you will not know how to die. As for whether you can find the grave, you should not think about it!And Ding Yu, looking at Wang Xiaogang holding the toy, also scratched his head with his hand. What about Gong Shaoqing and Yang Yang? I don't have any pressure, but in the face of my nephew, I really feel a little tired.

At the same time, Gong Shaoqing and Yang Yang are also sitting on the back of the car. Yangzi looks at Gong Shaoqing, and the expression on his face is not so relaxed, "what's the matter? I feel that after you sit in the car, I feel a little uncertain! Or is it because of the lack of feathers? I don't feel how he is! "

"That's how you feel!" Gong Shaoqing had some impatience, but then she also apologized to Yang Yang, "you! It's bad luck, but I advise you to be honest when you go back. Although you don't know what the result will be, a fight is absolutely indispensable. Don't ask me why! "

"A dozen?" Yang Yang looked suspiciously at Gong Shaoqing, "what do you mean? Who's going to hit me? There is no reason

"Don't look at me! The so-called "strong dragon does not oppress the local tyrants". I still understand this truth, and I can't make it. Because such a thing offends you, even the forces behind you, the cooperation between us is very good! " But at random, Gong Shaoqing also changed the topic, "what I'm worried about is that there's something wrong with it! It's been a great time

"Didn't you say that just now? The strong dragon will not crush the local snake

"That's me, not Yu Shao! You and my generation will never be put in his eyes, I have said it very early! Even if your father comes, will he see or not? Between the two! But today I saw us and even had a meal with us. There are too many explanations in this

Until now, Gong Shaoqing has not been able to interpret the reason why Ding Yu invited him to meet or even eat. This is not in line with common sense, OK! But he has already indicated his attitude and will not interfere in the affairs of the province! If this is said by someone else, there may be a problem.

But this is what Ding Yu said. It's absolutely a person who says everything. Since he has said it, it shows that he will never do anything about it. Such things may happen to him, but it will never happen to Ding Yu. Although we stand on different opposites, what about this? Everyone can see it!

Is Ding Yu really just concerned about Zong Taiping? But why don't you feel confident in your heart? Where did this uneasiness come from? The space of the car is a little bit small, and the air tight also makes Gong Shaoqing feel a little depressed. She can only push the window down a little!

"I'm not up to the mark this time?" Gong Shaoqing didn't understand Ding Yu's meaning, but Yang Yang had already interpreted the meaning of Gong Shaoqing's words, "in retrospect, it seems that Yu Shao just said two words to me!"

"Yu Shao's attitude towards you is normal. I just said a few words to him. The problem is not how you behave? It's your attitude, which I won't help you hide. I think your family is also very interested in this! So when something goes wrong, you can take care of it by yourself. "

"Mad!" Yang Yang low voice scolded a, such a thing is really no way to hide, because the cost of concealment? Perhaps more heavy, this is not Gong Shaoqing is willing to undertake! Gong Shaoqing came to the provincial capital. It seems that she is cooperating with herself, but what about the actual situation? It's working with the forces behind you.

Offend oneself or offend the force behind, this problem also does not need to express too clearly already! So Yang Yang will low voice scold up, "you also don't remind me a word!" With a bitter smile, Yang Yang was paralyzed in his body.

"Remind you? My whole human muscle has been very stiff, who do you think feather less is? I'm not right about this. I'll put it another way. Yu Shao, who came out of the sea of corpses and blood, died in his hands. There are not ten thousand but eight thousand! What I'm talking about is fighting with my own hands. Just like me, he just moves his little thumb! "

"Gong Shao, are you exaggerating? It's not like that even if you're scared out of your wits? "

"Scared?" At this time, Gong Shaoqing really felt that she was not in the capital anymore, so she didn't know about it But when Gong Shaoqing got to his mouth, he swallowed it and didn't mean to say it! Think about it or forget it!

Some things? Yang Yang know not too much benefit, and feather less is also know, who knows what kind of situation? I don't worry about Yang Yang, don't you worry about Ding Yu? If you really know that you say bad things behind your back, even if you don't find your own trouble, if you really beat yourself up, why should you come here?

Yang Yang's face is also flashing a trace of doubt, Gong Shaoqing said the words, suddenly stopped, for this feather less? I have also collected a lot of information, but what about what I have collected? Basically, it's all superficial news, and even a lot of it is just spread. It doesn't have much practical significance!Originally, I thought that I could get more verification from Gong Shaoqing, but I didn't expect that this guy should give himself such a hand. There are some things I didn't think of! However, he will not have too much to ask, now the words, it seems too much deliberate! It's really not what you expect!

Two people at this time are slightly dull, but after returning to the provincial capital, they separated from each other! Although everyone's direction is the same! But what about their goals? There are really some inconsistencies.

And the result? As Gong Shaoqing did not expect, the redness and swelling on Yang Yang's face can still explain quite a problem. Even the old folks in the province dare not underestimate Ding Yu. Which scallion and garlic are you Yang Yang? How dare you treat Ding Yu as a matter of course? Who gave me the courage?

When the two people met again, Gong Shaoqing also handed the towel in the hand to the past, "OK, you are already light! That's to say, you've been lucky for some people who lost their lives! It can even be described as a lucky star! "

"That's lucky. Are you sure it's not a mockery?" Yang Yang didn't have a good breath to say?

"You haven't experienced it, so I don't know the horror of Yu Shao. I told you earlier that Yu Shao came out of the sea of corpses and blood. It's not empty talk. What he played was not a conspiracy, but a real one shot. The smell of blood on his body can be said to be quite pungent!"

"Are you kidding?" Yang Yang a face of disbelief, "my hand also has, but three or five already great! At most, it's just a little more daring. What else can we do? "

"Three or five?" Gong Shaoqing snorted, "it seems that the elders in the family still don't teach you enough! If you have a chance in the future, you will know. What did I say? Certainly not too much shock, I don't have too many opinions on this, anyway, I believe it is! "

"Legendary people should have legendary stories, right? I've collected a lot of information, but I haven't found too much! "

"The information you collected?" Gong Shaoqing couldn't help laughing, "I really don't know what words should be used to describe you? able only to see the little patch of sky above? Or arrogant? What information do you collect? You know, even the CIA and the Bureau of investigation in the United States dare not say that they have collected complete information about Yu Shao, do you dare? "

"What does this matter have to do with the United States?"

"So say it! You are still too young! We don't even know the details of the target, but if possible, we should try our best to avoid this Yu Shao. Even if we can't avoid it because of political and other reasons, we should not be inferior to this Yu Shao, at least we are not qualified! There's no harm in keeping a respectful heart! "

"It seems that if you have time, you really need to do a good research!"

"All right! You don't have to study anything! I'll tell you that! What about what we value? Luo Xuan offered us $200 million. For Yu Shao, the money is nothing but a drop in the ocean. It's not worth mentioning! "

"No way!" Yang Yang almost jumped to his feet. "Even if I had so much money, I would have done nothing in my life! I've been retired for a long time

"You can't retire, nor can I, unless we are banished! This is another thing! Less feathers? I think you must have heard of the farm. Even if you haven't heard of it, you also know that you have eaten and used it. That is the feather less one! Don't tell me you don't know anything about it! "

"Yes, but I heard it was a joint venture!" Yang Yang's heart can't help but move!

"That's the one with less feathers, but don't try to make up your mind! A lot of people have paid attention to this aspect, but in the end, it's all sand and halberds! There's too much involved in it! No one can carry it! Everyone is the same! There is no lack of a member of the party, and even the relationship between some people is directly connected to the heaven, but there is still no way out! "

"How can you handle such a relationship? But it's deep and doesn't leak. It's not normal! "

"Of course not! But there are too many forces to unite! Schools, scientific research and other forces are entangled together! This community of interests is really so big that people are afraid of it. What is the only thing that can make it afraid? Only feather less! As for the others? They can't be subdued at all! "

"I have known about the situation, but I heard that the threshold is not generally high! Push a lot of people out of the door! "

"The so-called threshold is too high. It's really not a polite word. I don't know how much money Yu Shao invested at the beginning, but now it's an astronomical figure. We should know that at present, there is still no second home. It is not that we are not envious at the interest, but we are really powerless! "

"It seems to be really wonderful! But that dish is also really expensive! Although it is very delicious, even my home is full of praise, but it seems that the number is not as large as imagined, there are so many regrets! "www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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