"Awake?" Looking at Hou Tianliang who came in, Zong Taiping said hello, and then motioned with his eyes to Hou Tianliang. Two people left the office with their front and back feet and came to the balcony to smoke. After the cigarette was lit, Zong Taiping said in a low voice, "I got a piece of news earlier, no matter it's good news, but it's not bad news either!"

"Look at the expression on your face, it seems that you are not as happy as you think! Let's hear it! "

"In the afternoon, Gong Shaoqing and Yang Yang went to see the director by car!"

"What?" Hou Tianliang took out his ear and said, "did I hear you correctly? The two of them went to see the director? Is that a little bit of a joke? What kind of name do they use to meet the director? No way! Why do they want to see the director at this time and what is the purpose? Isn't it too unconventional? "

"We had a discussion earlier. What do you think of this matter? It can't be aimed at the director. It should be gong Shaoqing who wants to test the director's ideas and opinions. What is the meaning of this? It should be gong Shaoqing. They also control some situations in the province. They are not as good as they think! This is the judgment of everyone! "

"This is a very interesting thing! They care what the director thinks now? " But then Hou Tianliang also looked at Zong Taiping with a suspicious look. "The director will never call me. If you dare to call, I really don't think you have such courage!"

"I don't have the courage!" After saying that, Zong Taiping also looked at him with hatred, "but Gong Shaoqing and Yang Yang are really too conspicuous! So it's not particularly strange to know this news. The reason why I didn't go to the director to deal with it was that I didn't feel it was necessary. Everyone knew how it happened

Hou Tianliang tried to make himself sober. He just woke up, so his thinking was not so active. After thinking for a while, Hou Tianliang frowned and said, "do you want to continue talking with Luo Xuan? Pass this message to him. The question is, what effect can be achieved by doing this? He's confused? Or compress their space? "

"I don't think so? Luo Xuan was sent in. He couldn't have been prepared at all! But the problem is that he doesn't have any movement now. On the one hand, space is limited, on the other hand? I'm afraid only his own heart is the most clear! But what about these? It's not our purpose

Yeah! What about these things? It's not what Zong Taiping and Hou Tianliang need. They are now in the inspection group. It's the most important thing to investigate some things. What about the outside world? It has nothing to do with them! They don't need to get involved!

"Do you think Luo Xuan will agree?" Zong Taiping inquired and said, "this guy is very cunning. If I look at the details, I really have some worries! If you can't control this situation, there will be big problems! "

"Luo Xuan will offer quite a few conditions. I even think he didn't come in before? Having thought about these problems, we are waiting for us to take the initiative to come to our door. But the problem is that Gong Shaoqing will never let Luo Xuan go. What about the fight between them? It will never stop! I think this is a very good breakthrough point! "

"We are behind to add fuel to the flames, watching Luo Xuan and Gong Shaoqing fight with each other. Are there so many things that are too unreasonable?" Zong Taiping shook his head helplessly, but looking at his expression, he was obviously eager to try it, "but we still lack a person to persuade him, and the matter can only be left to you!"

Hou Tianliang did not really want to ask why I am? The reasons in this do not need to have too many explanations. What about yourself? Not exactly. Even if it's a member of the inspection team, what's more important is his own identity? It's also different. It's from the military, and it's chosen by the director himself! If there is any problem and situation, it's good to carry it on your own!

Now that I have come here, I need to have a certain commitment. What can I do without paying? So what about hou Tianliang's heart? There is really not too much burden! I am the most suitable and most appropriate person.

"Mr. Luo, have you had dinner? I don't know if it's good for you? "

"How are you! The taste is a little bit light! " Luo Xuan looked at Hou Tianliang, "by the way, I heard that Secretary Hou is a soldier, and his temperament is really extraordinary. He is young and promising. I don't know if Secretary Hou is married? If not, I have a sister, but I can introduce it! If you think about it carefully, you two really match each other! "

"Thank you for your concern. I already have a girlfriend! The relationship between them is very good! "

"Oh! It's right to think about it. There will always be people to appreciate such an excellent person! " Luo said, "it's a pity that some people don't want to rest in the evening, even if they don't want to rest too much."

"Does Luo always need to guess?"

Luo Xuan rubbed his hand, "let's make a bet! I want two cigarettes! " Seeing Hou Tianliang nodding, he heard Luo Xuan continue to say, "who can stir up the storm in the province now? There are only two, one is me, but I'm already here! What about the other one? It's Gong Shaoqing! Obviously, what about Gong Shaoqing? Something's going on! ""It seems that this is not enough!"

"Gong Shaoqing wants to do something. If this is inevitable, what about the provincial affairs? In fact, it's easy to handle. After all, he still has Yangzi. What's more, he comes from the capital. Naturally, he has other identities. But what about this? There is also a premise that he must make sure of this! Am I right? "

"Make sure what's going on?" Hou Tianliang's smile is a little reluctant.

"Yu Shao has been in the province for quite a long time! But he has never come to the provincial capital. If Gong Shaoqing wants to do something, he has to solve the problem. But I really don't think he has the power and courage. But he still has some movement. There is only one reason. He has guessed Yu Shao's idea and purpose through some aspects! To put it bluntly, Yu Shao is not interested in things in the province! "

Hou Tianliang raised his palm and clapped it hard. The analysis is wonderful. It's just two cigarettes. He paid and paid. It's no big deal! Seeing Hou Tianliang clapping, Luo Xuan is not so happy as he imagined, and even the expression on his face is so black.

"If I'm not wrong, Gong Shaoqing should have gone to see Ding Yu?" Although there are some uncertain things about this statement, it's just that I don't know what way Gong Shaoqing took to meet Ding Yu. That's all!

"Mr. Luo, I have given you two cigarettes, but you seem to have paid nothing. From the perspective of business, although I have no loss, the problem is that I am not the demander now! Of course. What about Mr. Luo? Not the supplier! Everyone actually has their own needs, such a situation is really to let each other to re positioning themselves! It's interesting! "

Luo Xuan's arm is supported on the baffle, and two hands are put together at the edge of his mouth. "Yu Shao can't have too much interest in the things in the province. At most, it's just a matter of ignoring! But what about this? For Gong Shaoqing, it is enough, he will be short of the biggest constraint! If he wants to incorporate the forces and structures in my hand, then there is only one thing left! Do it to me

Looking at Hou Tianliang, who was sitting opposite to him, Luo Xuan snorted slightly, "is this the purpose of your coming to me? It seems that some of the previous time really underestimated you too much! And the consequences of this underestimate are likely to be exploited, there are so some gains and losses are not worth the loss

"It doesn't matter if you underestimate me. But Mr. Luo, you can infer the whole thing through simple words and expressions. I really admire him. Gong Shaoqing and Yangzi went to see the director and talked about something. I don't know, but we should follow Mr. Luo's expectation. The director has a good understanding of the situation in the province What about things? I don't have much interest, but we can't live up to the director's expectations. "

"I see! Let me go directly with Gong Shaoqing. What about the provincial affairs? You don't care, but I can't afford to be indifferent. Neither can Gong Shaoqing nor Yangzi. We can take what we need. " After saying that, Luo Xuan also snorted, "still really did not see, originally Hou secretary is so clever!"

"Different problems need to be dealt with in different ways, as long as there are no problems on the whole! As for the others? Targeted is good! But this is what I have learned for a while. I'm afraid that even I can't tell whether it's right or wrong. Maybe I need more guidance from Mr. Luo in the future. "

Luo Xuan nodded, "no wonder you can become feather less secretary, if it is extraordinary!"

Hou Tianliang listened to Luo Xuan's words and closed his eyes for a period of time, "as far as I know, you should not know much about the director, but from your words, I can clearly feel that you seem to have a different understanding of Yu Shao!"

"Is it?" Luo Xuan at this time also can't deny smile, "you have your idea, I have my secret, everyone? Standing in different positions is just to achieve their own goals. What about you? for the state and the people! What about me? For yourself, for your own sake! There are really some differences between us! "

"There are many problems in the province, and there are many investigators. I don't believe you don't know at all!"

"Painting dragons and tigers is hard to draw bones. It's very normal to know people's faces and not their hearts. Would you tell me how much money you have in your family? Where is the money spent at home? In turn, may I tell you everything about my family? impossible! What's more, what about me? Not too much interest

"You are implying to me that the so-called lack of interest does not mean that you do not know!" Hou Tianliang nodded slightly, "maybe tomorrow? I will bring you unfriendly news. I believe you will be prepared. For Gong Shaoqing, as long as you are dragged here! Let you have no time to separate, as for the follow-up? Maybe it will come true! "

"Who knows? Maybe! " Luo Xuan is very indifferent, "people are not enough to swallow the elephant. If they really have the meaning and idea of this aspect, they also need to worry about it. Instead, they choke themselves to death! It's not that such a thing can't happen, it's hard to guarantee it! ""It's a pity that people try their best sometimes."

Luo Xuan suddenly burst out laughing, which made people feel puzzled. Hou Tianliang also felt quite puzzled. What happened to Luo Xuan? Crazy? He has always been a reasonable person to give himself the feeling that he should not have done. Under such circumstances, what does the sudden laughter convey?

"Very well!" After laughing, Luo Xuan also calmed down his mood. Hou Tianliang could understand this level, which was really what he had not expected. His progress was really too fast. No wonder Yu Shao personally took him to the position around him, with unique vision!

Zong Taiping? After all, it's still a little bit worse, but relatively speaking, I've completed quite a task! As for the network on your hands? Even if it's lost, it's no big deal. Yu Shao will definitely compensate him, just like his own Laozi said. What's the point of having such a chance to lose his family and property?

"Why is it good?" Hou Tianliang subconsciously asked.

"You'll find out later!" Luo Xuan also closed his eyes immediately, "I'm so tired. There may be so many things to face tomorrow. It's really not so comfortable to be bitten by someone! But really, what if we talk about it? You have to be a little bit sincere, don't you? "

When Luo Xuan left, he also carried two cigarettes in his hand. This is Hou Tianliang who lost his bet and admitted to lose. Hou Tianliang really didn't have much interest in it! What's more, this is what Luo Xuan should have.

And Zong Taiping, the four of them outside, are not in general big heads at this time. What's the summary of the news? It's hard for them to digest for a while! Luo Xuan, this guy! What a reputation! What's more, it's also quite correct. There is no empty scholar under the fame! It's true!

"Luo Xuan is really prepared, and what about this preparation? It may still be quite sufficient! "

However, after Hou Tianliang entered the room, he did not mean to open his eyebrows. Even if Xiaomiao poked him, Hou Tianliang just gave a sound. After Zong Taiping called himself a few times, Hou Tianliang suddenly woke up and then pointed to his own brain bag! Obviously, I was thinking about other things just now!

"Morning? Are you OK? How do you feel there are so many not in the situation, otherwise you don't have to be on duty tonight! I.... "

Hou Tianliang waved his hand, "it's not for this reason. I always feel that there are other things hidden in Luo Xuan's words with me, but what is it? I can't say clearly now! If there was a feeling at that time, it might be realized! But now it's too much of a time! On the contrary, there is so much chaos! I'll watch the video again later. Maybe I can find something different! "

"Before you watch the video? I want to tell you something bad. Just now, Gong Shaoqing called me and asked me to go out and have a seat. " Zong Taiping talked about this matter directly!

"Is he worried that we will sit on Luo Xuan's side? Is his reaction too fast? "

"He should be worried about this! After all, Luo Xuan is in our hands. He needs a lot of time to control some aspects of things. Is the final result? Let's be neutral! That's all! "

Although Hou Tianliang didn't know that much about the flowery guts of the 49 cities, he had seen some of them. As expected, they were not for nothing! Do something! It's also quite spicy!

"The question is, what kind of conditions will he offer?"

"Gong Shaoqing has no chips! He's from the capital! But the problem is that Yang Yang is a local villain. What about his hands? There must be something quite interesting, and what about these things? This is exactly what the investigation team and the inspection group are interested in. I think this is what Gong Shaoqing will bring out! "

"This is very interesting! Congratulations on your victory, I won't go there! I also need to study the video carefully. I always feel that there is something on the other floor! " Whether invited or not, Hou Tianliang will not be involved in this matter. We belong to different nature, and each other's identity? There are also many differences.

All Hou Tianliang really did not mean to be involved, and even kept a considerable distance up to a certain extent! As for whether Zong Taiping can feel it, this is another question!

Zong Taiping really didn't mean to be forced. Hou Tianliang had a good sense of propriety when he came here. Now he didn't want to see Gong Shaoqing. It's common sense that he didn't have much interest in it!

Of course. What about inside? There may be another meaning, that is, what about the director about the provincial capital? Is really not interested in, but where there is a little interest in this area, I am afraid that Hou Tianliang will have a hint!

But from now on, Hou Tianliang didn't get any hint at all, that is to say, the director is really not interested in the provincial capital at all, but if there is any interest, it will not be the current situation!www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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