"Peace, long time no see!"

For the arrival of Zong Taiping, Gong Shaoqing also went out to greet him. What about the essence? There are also some feelings, at the beginning, if you can enter the second echelon, maybe your identity will be different now?

Throughout Ding Yu's students, both the first echelon and the second echelon, have received considerable care from Ding Yu. But what about Ding Yu's development? They don't mean to be bound. They are basically sheep herding, but they also benefit from this kind of herding, so we can be more active. At the same time, what about this vision? It's also higher.

As for Zong Taiping, are they four? It is not to say how excellent their qualifications are, on the contrary, they are stupid to a certain extent! But with perseverance and perseverance, Yu Shao also looked at them more, and even spared no pains to hand it in person. I think this is also an opportunity! You can't ask for it! There is no way!

And even if he had occupied a position in the second echelon at the beginning, it was really hard to say whether he could endure the sand during that period! That is to say, Zong Taiping, some big idiots!

Forget it, it's over, there's no need to mention anything! What's more, what's more, it's a matter of fact? In fact, it's all sour water! Why make yourself more embarrassed? It's not worth it!

"Shao Qing, I can't help being so grand! It's not a Hongmen banquet, is it? "

The two people politely shook hands. Although they didn't fight too much when they were in the capital, they still had a passion for incense, not to mention what happened today? It's not a life and death thing, so each other will not make any embarrassing things!

Two people shake hands, Gong Shaoqing also deliberately introduced Yang Yang. For this local villain, Zong Taiping has heard a lot of things, but it is really the first time to see him! So it is also deliberately looked at a time, and then also out of their own hands, "Yangzi, Hello, more disturbing!"

What about the last sentence? Some smuggled goods! Yang Yang also shook hands with Zong Taiping, saying, "it's a pity that we haven't seen each other for a long time." Hate me? Am I afraid of you? Now that we have come to the provincial capital, it is the dragon that has to lay down and the tiger has to lie down!

Zong Taiping did not have too much anger, it was just a small trial, and it was OK to get the result that he wanted! As for the others? Pour also don't need so to care! When Gong Shaoqing saw this situation, her eyebrows also jumped a little. She had a lot of thoughts!

Come to the room, everyone to each other's seats! Zong Taiping took up the tea bowl without any politeness. The meaning was very clear. He had already come. If there was anything, he didn't need to be too polite. He didn't have so much time. We all went straight to the point and made things clear!

Gong Shaoqing looks at Zong Taiping. How long has it been! It's really a feeling that you can't see for three days! Is this the difference with Ding Yu? However, Gong Shaoqing did not hesitate for too long. She also picked up the teacup, made a small mouthful, and then slowly put down the teabowl in her hand!

"I heard Luo Xuan is in your hand?"

"I haven't talked to him directly, but Hou Tianliang has talked with him several times, and I have a deep feeling!" He didn't make it clear, but the meaning was quite clear. Hou Tianliang was the Secretary appointed by the director and came from the military. He was outstanding in terms of identity and ability.

Can let Hou Tianliang all feel quite troublesome person, Luo Xuan's fierce can see a spot! Gong Shaoqing also understood the meaning of the words and nodded her head slightly. "I heard that someone wanted to report him, involving some things, but it was some hearsay, and I didn't know whether it was true or false?"

"Is it? That would be interesting! " Zong Taiping said with a smile, "just before he came out, Hou Tianliang talked with Luo Xuan. He fell into the downwind completely and even lost two cigarettes to him! But it's also a joke. It's not true! "

What are the conditions? Just say it! Can give Luo Xuan two cigarettes, explain oneself and Luo Xuan side? We have also reached a considerable agreement. If we don't see it, we will stand by Luo Xuan. But at least we still have good cooperation. As for you, Gong Shaoqing? But we don't have any cooperation foundation and intention!

Hearing Zong Taiping's remark, Gong Shaoqing also took a look at Yang Yang next to him. "The stability and harmony of the political environment in the province is overwhelming. What about the unhealthy practices and heresy? Absolutely

What kind of conditions Luo Xuan can take out is not so clear now, but what can he take out here? Absolutely want to be dazzled to have weight! I believe this is what Zong Taiping is most interested in! Isn't that why your investigation team and the inspection team are here?

"Luo Xuan has a good life in it, at least very calm!"

You have conditions, but the problem is that Luo Xuan also has the same! What's more, it's not easy to say how much effect the things you know can play? It has to be said that the school of Taiping is a little bit bad! Eat both ends!"What about Yangzi and me? I hope the political ecology in the province is stable and harmonious. What about the two of us? I'm more interested in business! " Actually, all the words have been mentioned in this share! Then don't hide and tuck in! Tell me what it looks like! Your appetite is big, so is mine!

"We all hope that the political environment in the province will be clean and clear, and all the smog should be eliminated!" What's the meaning of this? Very clear. What do you know? I don't care about your business affairs. I don't care about it, but I need to get what I want.

"Luo Xuan is involved in some things. He may stay here for a period of time. Even if he doesn't stay, I'm afraid it will be hard to bear the exclusion of this industry in the future." Gong Shaoqing made his own conditions. What about the things in Yangzi's hands? Can be taken out one after another, no problem, but what about Luo Xuan? It has to be held down.

"If Luo Xuan has a problem, the law will not make him feel better! If there is no problem, what kind of industry is he going to engage in? It seems that I can't interfere with this problem! He just has doubts now

Things can't be done according to Gong Shaoqing's arrangement. What about Luo Xuan? If there is a real problem, you don't need Gong Shaoqing to start with them. You can solve it by yourself. But if Luo Xuan has no problem, we will not frame him up intentionally! What's the more central meaning? It's the fight between you. We don't interfere with each other at most! That's it!

Gong Shaoqing takes a look at Yang Yang next to him. Yang Yang points his head slightly. If he really can help each other, it is deliberate. Anyway, Luo Xuan is already in it! It's easier to deal with him!

So what about each other? It has also reached a considerable agreement, "what about tomorrow? May be a good start again! Another new dawn After that, he picked up the teacup in his hand.

Zong Taiping also slightly nodded his head, then also stood up, "I will not disturb! Waiting for good news from both of you Shake hands, then leave, without any detention! Yang Yang looked at Zong Taiping who left, but there was not too much joy on his face. He sighed a few times!

"I didn't expect him to be so difficult to deal with!" Having said that, I also took a look at Gong Shaoqing. Are all the people out of 49 cities monsters? It is true that their identities are different, but after all, they are all human beings. Why are they so different?

"Although he said that he relied on Yu Shao to be close, he was still too incompetent compared with some people in the first and second echelons. Therefore, Yu Shaocai personally adjusted himself. What a chance! Not everyone can have it. At that time, those people in the first echelon, each of whom spent 10 million dollars on exercise, thought about it and felt that there were some exclamations, at least I couldn't do it! "

"Ten million dollars per person? What's this for? " Yang Yang is also suddenly interested!

"Let them feel the power and cruelty of the capital market. If they don't do it themselves, how can they know the power of the capital market? Like a general, he has never been to the battlefield. How to command? Even the most basic operation is not clear, how to act as a commander, the follow-up will be, I don't know, but for this feather less spent hundreds of millions of dollars! These are basically consumed! But that's it

Yang Yang can't help but feel how tongue tied, there are so many too exaggerated! Even if it is money, it seems that it should not be so wasted! Ten million dollars per person! His uncle, I have seen that feather less before, and I don't feel much strange. But the more I know, the more I feel his extraordinary!

"Gong Shao, what are the first and second echelons? What do you mean? I'm sorry to hear that? " Yang Yang can be said to be quite curious.

Gong Shaoqing said, "what do they say? You can be regarded as a student of Yu Shao! But it seems that he has not been admitted by Mr. Yu Shao. At the beginning, he was also given to Yu Shao. At that time, they were all outstanding people in 49 cities. However, due to a period of confusion, there were some people who delayed and wanted to enter the two echelons? It can be said that the trend is like focus, but there are not many people who really go in. What about me? Although due to identity, I didn't get tickets for the second echelon! "

"Isn't it?" Yang Yang's mouth opened as big as possible? Your relationship seems a little complicated? "

This refers to the forces behind Ding Yu and Gong Shaoqing. It can be said that they are hostile. Under such circumstances, could Ding Yu give Gong Shaoqing to his family? If it's really like that, how can you deal with it?

"What about the people in the first tier? At that time, they were all experimental products, and the second echelon was almost the same. However, there were some changes. The vast majority of people in the second echelon were unable to withstand the test of lack of feathers. A large number of people were lost. Are the remaining people? Either it's the amazing and gorgeous one, which has already kept pace with the people in the first echelon, and even some people want to be better, or Zong Taiping is such a stupid horseYang Yang swallows a mouthful of saliva, live in peace like this? Another stupid one? Isn't this typical swearing?

"Am I really so unimaginable? Do you really want to meet those people? "

"Now you know why I took you to see Yu Shao? You know why you were beaten? " Gong Shaoqing is also a tiny smile, "feather less is not so good to see, no matter if really say it? He is also a kind of education without class, at least we people? He didn't really see it in his eyes! "

"These people are not his students? What about the students with less feathers? It's not the child I saw before, is it

"That's his nephew. It's said that he just brought it out to see the world! I have seen Yu Shao's son and daughter. Anyone who can say the number on the other side of the capital is now paying attention to the two children. However, I feel that it is difficult to keep one! I don't know who can have this luck and luck in the future

"When you are young, you will be better at the end of the year."

"Don't let the sour gas come out! You haven't seen those two children, so you have such a view. If you see those two children, I'm afraid they will have an idea to take them back home and raise them! As for Wang Xiaogang? It is said that the family is too spoiled! Therefore, there are few feathers that I can't stand! "

Cut! Yeah? No way! However, Yang Yanggang wanted to ask, Gong Shaoqing also waved his hand, obviously did not want to say, "Yu Shao's things don't discuss too much! In the future, if you have such a chance, it will be good. If you don't have such a chance, you will know it now and increase your worries! Let's talk about Luo Xuan! How are you getting ready? "

"I'm ready on my side! And I'm going to ask Dong Ni to see him again! Anyway, idle is also idle, stimulation is what bad thing! What's more? Even if it's between each other! But after all, there is still a sense of affection. I want to see you in the future

How much can Gong Shaoqing understand, Yang Yang? After all, it's in the provincial capital. It's true that Luo Xuan will be killed with one stick. It seems that this is not so realistic. What's more, Luo Xuan's counterattack? It will also make Yang Yang disheartened.

There is also a part of the reason is that the province is absolutely not to let the matter between them too big! Now, there is no problem filling in a little bit of leftovers, but if there are other things to add in, even Gong Shaoqing will not be able to bear it!

What's more, Gong Shaoqing? It's the people in the capital. To a certain extent, they belong to foreign forces. They pay more attention to the provincial capital, but will they really be reckless? But Yang Yang is not. If he left the provincial capital, I'm afraid he will have nothing at that time! This discretion still needs to be handled well!

"It's not a bad thing to see him. 200 million dollars is impossible, but it is possible to arrange a place for him! In fact, what about us? It's really shameless, but from my point of view, it's absolutely impossible for him to agree. It's really hard to say how much the fight between them will be

It can be said that Dong Ni is very complicated when she goes to see Luo Xuan. Luo Xuan doesn't mean to avoid seeing her. Anyway, she can't sleep. When she doesn't come, Luo Xuan also takes a box of cigarettes in her hand and borrows a box of matches from the guard. After all, the lighter doesn't feel too much! And matches are different!

"Mr. Luo!" Dong Ni saw Luo Xuan, but also a greeting, looking at Luo Xuan slightly relaxed look, but also pressure down their own heart curiosity! There are also reasons why they behave the same as before.

When I followed Mr. Luo to deal with affairs, I felt very relaxed and didn't feel too much pressure. But now I go out to handle affairs independently, even if there are gong Shao and Yang Shao who are supported behind their backs, or even come forward in person, it is very difficult. It is not to say that there are many regrets, but some exclamations!

Luo Xuan, who was sitting down, also cocked up his legs and said, "anyway, I can't sleep. I think it's a distraction! What about the others here? Can also say in the past, is that the space is a little bit too narrow! And there are more rules! "

"It's amazing that Mr. Luo can still keep such a normal mind!"

"Is it? I also feel that my mentality is very good! " Luo Xuan complacently said, "are you here? Should it be Yang Yang's meaning? This guy is smart! I know I can't be offended to death, otherwise he will never be too good! Let him rest assured! This is not a battle of will

Dong Ni was also shocked when she was pressed down. The so-called dispute was not between the will and the spirit. Then it means that other means should be used except that she would not die? Could be used! I follow Luo Xuan's side for so many years. I think I can see through it, but what about the actual situation? It seems that there is still a big difference!

"Mr. Luo, it seems that this is not your style!"

"Even if you can't keep your home, what style do you care about? Isn't that bullshit? " Luo Xuan snorted, "but I should congratulate you. Is this the way? It's not so easy to go! I hope you have a good journeywww.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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