For Luo Xuan's relaxed performance, Dong Ni still felt quite admirable. If it was her own, she would never be so calm and stable at this time! Will not be so insipid and fearless!

"Mr. Luo, I'm glad you can keep such a mentality! It's a good thing to be thankful for, but as you may know, where's Luo Lao? It's your father, and he was once a political giant in the province. What about the climate in the province? Must have its own unique feeling! I believe that if he hears about you, he will not be as happy as he imagined

Originally, Luo Xuan was indifferent, and her face suddenly changed. She looked at Dong Ni with her eyes fixed on her. After a long time, she said coldly, "they all say the most poisonous woman's heart. This is really not what you said. I believe Yang Yang absolutely dare not play like this. I didn't expect that you, a little girl, dare to face the sun! Are you not afraid to break the sky? "

"Or do you hope Mr. Luo can understand that I need to be on the top, but on the top? There must be quite a number of names! This investment certificate can't let others say that I need to get it myself. This is the best! I have learned a lot from Mr. Luo before. I haven't expressed my thanks. I don't know that Luo is always satisfied with this gift? "

"Little girl, are you so overestimating yourself?" Luo Xuan said grimly, "I don't deny that the relationship between me and my father is a little awkward, but you want to take advantage of my father. What about such behavior? It will cause other problems and situations, even if you can't afford it then! "

"I don't know what kind of consequences, but I know that doing so may get the results I want. Mr. Luo, you are a graceful gentleman, but I am just a woman! Maybe I am a little greedy, but there is no way, because I want to get more! Will Luo not blame me? "

Luo Xuan takes out a cigarette from the cigarette box and points it to himself! "I wanted to say something to you, but I don't think it's good to say something now! That's it

Yeah? What's the meaning of this? Dong Ni also broke the words, rubbed them up and thought carefully. After thinking for a while, Dong Ni felt that she understood Luo Xuan's words and nodded slightly, "I can't take the place of Gong Shao and Yang Shao, but what about 200 million dollars? It's impossible at all. But I think they are willing to change your position for Mr. Luo. Isn't it better to leave here and find a place for self-development? "

"I beat down the mountains and rivers, you take my place and kick me away! Ha ha Luo Xuan shook his head, "if I don't strive for it, what will other people think of the so-called compensation? In fact, it's just a matter of time, but I've put so much effort into it that I'll fight for a breath. "

"Is this not enough? What about the end? Or Mr. Luo, you feel that the interests are not enough, but how can Mr. Luo not understand such a core issue? " Dong Ni said painstakingly, "I know that Mr. Luo has quite a means. On the one hand, he is old Luo. No matter how he is, he is a piece of sky. On the other hand, what about him? Mr. Luo won't be alone for so many years, but he's just a person when he's in a bolt! "

"Your mouth is really experienced! It's not so sharp before

"Benefit from Mr. Luo! You put in a lot of effort, but the same, what about this benefit? I think it should be very simple to distinguish between the sunset and dusk people or those crying for food. Everyone has seen this benefit, and now you have been eliminated! The eliminated people still want to be contaminated. I don't know Luo always takes too much for granted! "

Luo Xuan closed his eyes. After taking two puffs of cigarette, he did not mean to move again. "It seems that someone really wants to nail me to death! I think Gong Shao and Yang Shao should have met many people! If what kind of agreement has been reached in the province, even if the old man comes forward, he will have nothing to do? Good means

"Maybe someone will correct Mr. Luo tomorrow, but we don't know what he means now! I have to go to see you! My little girl has no such fortune! What a pity

"I see! You can leave now. But before we leave? I'd like to comfort you that life and death are still unknown! "

As for Luo Xuan's indifference, Dong Ni also smiles, and then turns to leave. Luo Xuan is always sitting on the position, carefully thinking, if there is no feather less this external response, he is still in the current position, how to deal with the things that happen in front of him!

What did Dong Ni say? It's really a wake-up call for myself! This little girl is not so cruel! Even want to move the old man! Originally I was going to remind her, but after thinking about it, forget it! Since she has chosen to betray, why should she care about the so-called incense?

The next morning, the correction about Luo Xuan has been sent! Hou Tianliang also put these things directly in front of Luo Xuan, and read by himself! There are many things involved in it. I am not interested in the fight between him and Gong Shaoqing!I believe that Luo Xuan will bring out a lot of things that interest him when he sees these things. In addition to some evidence that Zong Taiping brought back earlier, what about some doubts of the investigation team and the inspection group? It's all unraveled! The next work can be carried out very smoothly!

Having achieved such a result, Hou Tianliang still feels very satisfied. What is the purpose of his coming here? Also has achieved, at the same time also learned a lot of things, I believe the director will not once again to scold himself out!

After reading the evidence about himself, Luo Xuan also laughed, and then patted on the document, "Secretary Hou, I believe justice is in the heart of the people. These things should have not been verified, right? I don't mean to admit it! Is this a pure frame up? Anyone with a clear eye can see it! "

Hou Tianliang got up and took the document out from under Luo Xuan's hand and went back to his position and sat down! "Mr. Luo, I believe you should also feel quite sincere! What about the relevant issues? We still need your help. We all believe that Mr. Luo is willing to help, and I believe Mr. Luo will not let us down! "

"Hey, people have to bow under the eaves!" Luo Xuan shook his head, "but what about this way? Is it really not so agreed and the way of doing things? It's not so aboveboard, but it doesn't matter! Do you do things sometimes? It's understandable to do whatever you can to achieve your goal! "

After patting his hand, Luo Xuan took a deep breath, "say it! What kind of assistance do you need? "

For Luo Xuan's performance is so happy, Hou Tianliang is also in the heart of joy, immediately also put forward the corresponding question, Luo Xuan roughly above also made quite the answer, these answers? Compared with the answers sent by Yang Yang, the effect is absolutely huge. For the supervision group, it is a new victory.

For Zong Taiping, he has achieved the desired result. As for the fight between Luo Xuan and Gong Shaoqing? It's good for us to watch the tiger fight across the mountain! It doesn't matter who died or who was hurt when they fought with each other!

"Sir, this is the general situation." The security guard immediately sent all the relevant information collected to Ding Yu, so that he could make the next judgment and arrangement.

"In this case, the monkey should have felt something, but in the end, he failed to break the window paper. What about Zong Taiping? Is it a pure fool? It's been covered in the drum from the beginning to the end, and there are still some self righteous? "

The security guard nearby didn't mean to speak at all. You can say so, but it's really inappropriate for you to say so! Seeing the appearance of security, Ding Yu has no intention to investigate. This matter has nothing to do with security.

"Would you like to say hello to them, sir?"

"Why say hello? From the beginning to the end, Luo Xuan played with him between his metacarpal bones. He didn't mind being disgraced! I always feel that I have mastered some, but what about the actual situation? Or the pieces on the chessboard, even if it's a spectator! At least it can be a little more clear, but also can see a little farther! "

However, the security guard didn't want to answer this question. Instead, he asked, "Sir, what should Luo Xuan do to deal with and arrange for him? In the confrontation with Gong Shaoqing, it can be said that he was badly damaged. It is said that old Luo also made a speech! It can be said that the entire network and architecture have been robbed in the past, even his own? Or because of Luo Lao's appearance, only then said clearly own some problems! Things are not so good now! "

"Ah! He! It's true that the more miserable the chaos is, the more you can see his skill! However, to be able to get such a talent, this time is also no white out, fuss up to now? What about all that he has? It's all gone! Although I mean to cut off his past, it's not appropriate. I really need a good compensation! "

Since Ding Yu wants to make up for it! Naturally, it won't be too stingy, "Well! Go to see Luo Xuan, take some shares from my farm and give them to him to sign. Also, go to Mr. Luo and say that I'll visit him in two days. I'm a big man, so I have to prepare well. "

"Yes, sir, I'll do it right away!"

Soon, the lawyer also found Luo Xuan. He is still in the condition of being escorted. Although some problems have been explained clearly, they will not be put out immediately. It will take a long time for him to wait!

Seeing the two documents handed to him by the lawyer, Luo Xuan was also quite surprised, and the expression on his face was also a pair of fright, while the lawyer directly handed the pen inside to Luo Xuan, "sign it! Although the matter is not finally finished, there will be no change here! "

"It's a little too expensive! I can't afford it! " Although Luo Xuan offered Gong Shaoqing $200 million earlier, what about the actual situation? Is it worth it or not? His heart can be said to be the most clear, but feather less to give their own equity, capital can be really too high!Although I don't know much about the farm, this is the original stock! So give yourself, thousands of gold to buy horse bone, is it really worth feather less so pay? I feel so ashamed!

"Here you are! I don't mean to take it back. If I have a chance in the future, I just want to work hard! " The lawyer also said calmly, "don't be ashamed, this intention is! That's the best return! "

Luo Xuan hesitated for a moment, and then also signed his own name. Previously, he was really worried, but now, all the worries are gone! Feather less is worthy of less feather! No wonder his father so highly praised, although there may be su Lao's reason, but the role will not be as big as imagined!

Ginger is old and spicy, which is true! I have been educated again!

Because of our cooperation, what about the province's affairs? It can be said that considerable achievements have been made, in which the achievements of the investigation group and the supervision group are quite remarkable! Zong Taiping even has such a feeling of floating. If you go to see the director again at this time, it should be another scene, right?

"General manager Luo, I heard that you came out today, so I'll pick you up!" Gong Shaoqing and Yang Yang also deliberately came to pick up Luo Xuan, but they didn't mean to be sarcastic. The main thing is that the matter is over. They are very successful. What's left? It is a good solid foundation!

Luo Xuan looked at the three people standing in front of him and observed for a long time, "there is no need to meet the wind! Failure is failure! It's no big deal. Since I'm separated from it, I won't get involved in it any more! You can rest assured! What about the credit? There is still Luo! Today, I still want to go home to see the old man. Excuse me

"Mr. Luo, wait a moment!" Gong Shaoqing also stopped Luo Xuan, and then took a bank card. "Previously, I couldn't help myself. I hope you can understand the number in this? Although not much, but a little bit of heart! If you offend Mr. Luo, you can't make amends. Please forgive me! "

"It's already a winner and a loser! Compared with what Luo got, these lost things are nothing! " Luo Xuan was also a copy of it. He looked at Gong Shaoqing and said, "Gong Shao, the past has disappeared. What about this road? I have been cut off, active or passive, all past! Farewell

There is no intention to pick up the bank card at all. Luo Xuan also crossed over Gong Shaoqing and left directly! Although there is still a considerable distance from the taxi, for Luo Xuan, walking is not a bad thing!

"How do you feel there's something in his words? Is it possible that he still wants to make a comeback? "

"No chance! All networks and platforms are under our control! Even if he has a considerable relationship, it can not form any impact on us. What's more, this time, Luo Lao also personally came forward to protect him. His face has been exhausted! What's more, you didn't hear what he said. There was only exclamation in his words, but there was no resentment. I didn't think about this point! "

"Isn't that a good thing? What's so hard to understand? "

"Don't you think it's a little bit smooth this time?" Gong Shaoqing asked, "although Luo Xuan said that he fought fiercely, I always felt his resistance? It's just a feeling to have some reservation, but I can't tell what it is because of

"What if he had reservations? If he is not afraid of death, will you still be reluctant to part with the coffin? "

"That's not the reason!" Gong Shaoqing shook his head, "give me personal feeling and intuition, he really gave up! In the future, there should not be any more fingers, but also struggle, also resist! He even brought Luo Lao in, but I don't know why he always feels uncomfortable in this aspect

"I think you are coquettish! let's go! Now that everything has been settled! Then don't talk about anything else! You have been here for quite a long time! I didn't have a good reception Yang Yang also greets Gong Shaoqing to get on the bus. Dong Ni behind him looks at Luo Xuan who leaves, and also slightly frowns on his brow.

Gong Shao has such a feeling, his heart also has such a feeling, although said Luo Zong also resisted! But give oneself the feeling, Luo Zong is even so some hand in hand flavor! Although not so obvious, but there is a kind of unspeakable taste! Very strange!

Luo Xuan returned home and saw his father, who had been standing for a long time. Luo looked at his son and shook his head slightly. Relatively speaking, his appearance was OK! "I've been here for a long time, so I must have felt a lot about it? What do you think? "

"Deep feeling! At the beginning, it was too small! At the same time, too much self! Life can be confident, but if you are overconfident, you are conceited! Now I think I used to underestimate others! I think too much of myself

"It's a good thing to know a little, but what about better? It's cut off from the past! This is the most gratifying. In two days, Xiaoyu will come to eat at home, you! It's up to you! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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