Even if the matter of the provincial capital is over, Ding Yu still doesn't mean to go to the provincial capital. He is still wandering around with Wang Xiaogang, but he just doesn't go to the provincial capital! If we don't understand the meaning of Ding Yu, we are really a fool!

Although the storm here in the provincial capital is becoming more and more serious, the above problems have been solved in general! Under such circumstances, even if Ding Yu came to the provincial capital, it would not have a special impact! That is to say, from the beginning to the end, Ding Yu did not have any intention to interfere! Not even a bit of interest in this area!

What makes us feel more incredible is Luo Xuan. He didn't have two days to go home. He simply dealt with the relevant things and then left! There's no intention of staying!

Do you know about Luo Xuan? Behind is Gong Shaoqing and Yang Yang two people drum, but Luo Xuan also did not know so fast to leave! Gong Shaoqing and Yang Yang won't be beaten up at all? But why is Luo Xuan in such a hurry? It's hard to think about.

But I can't think of any way, Luo Xuan has left! Even changed their own mobile phone, now even if you want to find Luo Xuan, do not know what kind of means should be used! Gong Shaoqing, Yang Yang and Dong Ni, who have been paying close attention to Luo Xuan, are also looking at each other! What and what?

"He just left? Not even a cruel word? Isn't that strange? "

"No, the company has changed hands! There is no nostalgia at all! For so many years, Mr. Luo has a chance to make money, but what about all the time? There are not too many reservations, they are used to structure the relationship! So he won't have much foundation and left under such circumstances! Even if you want to make a comeback, I'm afraid there won't be any chance without ten or eight years! " Dong Ni's words can be said to be quite confident.

"Spank your ass and leave?" Yang Yang pinched his finger, "pour is very happy! It is obviously different from his style in the past, but it still needs to be on guard. Who knows if there will be any other problems? "

Gong Shaoqing didn't mean to speak, but he was thinking that Yang Yang's so-called defensive skill was really unnecessary in his own eyes. The problems in the province were almost clear! Not to mention the important core? It's not on them. They're just business problems!

Luo Xuan also can't go to complain, Sue what? Want to pull everybody to die together? It's also impossible at all. Master Luo came forward personally! If Luo Xuan doesn't know what's good or bad, it's just to fill the hole with Luo Lao. I don't know what will happen outside. I'm afraid Luo Lao will do it himself!

Now Luo Xuan's entire network and architecture have been taken over by Dong Ni. There is still a period of time before the real start-up, but I don't think there will be too many problems! Yang Yang and Dong Ni are both a Li and a Wai, together with their own care in the capital, everything will come naturally! Nothing is more perfect than this!

"No need to be prepared! If Luo Xuan still has something to do at this time, it is to seek his own death. Originally, we were still robbing the network and framework, but now? The network and architecture are already in our hands! If Luo Xuan wants to do something again, he will hit the stone with an egg. He is not a stupid person! "

After saying that, Gong Shaoqing also looked at Dong Ni. "Xiao Ni, you have been with him for several years. He doesn't have much foundation and can't make a comeback. What do you think he will do at this time?"

"Mr. Luo has been in this business for a long time, but his influence is only in the environment of the province. If he is out of the province, he will not have much influence! So it's impossible to set up another stove. It's either to run or to avoid. But what does he mean? It doesn't look like you're in a constant state of anxiety! "

For Dong Ni's words, Gong Shaoqing obviously seemed to feel something, but after thinking for a long time, he didn't want to understand, so he finally sighed! "It's really a talent! But in the future? It depends on you! "

Zong Taiping, on the other side, is very arrogant. Their investigation team and supervision team have played a very important role in the provincial capital affairs, and even can be described as crucial. Otherwise, they would not have made such progress and achievements! Now it's all over the place!

Hou Tianliang was the first to come to Ding Yu's side. After the investigation, he felt that he had made a lot of profits this time! Their participation in this process does not have many problems, but if it is involved, it seems that there are some inappropriate! After all, he has the military identity, and is still the Secretary of the director.

These two identities restrict themselves and can't be seen in public at all! So after making considerable achievements, Hou Tianliang left and sat opposite Ding Yu, watching the director and Wang Xiaogang playing games!

"It's said that the things in the provincial capital are very lively. These two days, the news is open, and all of them are related contents."

"Director, things on the other side of the provincial capital have been basically solved! Considerable achievements have been made in the investigation team and the inspection team! " What happened to me just now has been simply repeated! As for the role played by everyone in this, there is no need to judge myself! That would appear to be too arrogant!Ding Yu looks at the chessboard and points it with his finger. Wang Xiaogang cries out, and then withdraws his pieces. He even takes two pieces of Ding Yu's pieces away! It is the so-called regret chess! Ding Yu didn't have any words. He was just fooling around with this asshole! It's not a big deal!

Don't win the house, don't win the land!

"It's said that you have talked with Luo Xuan several times. How do you feel?" Ding Yu asked this without salt or salt.

"It's very powerful. I've been led by his nose all the time, and I don't even have many ways to move back to the initiative. Later, I was found some places because of fighting with Gong Shaoqing and others. But from the beginning to the end, I felt that he was hiding something! And I've never been able to figure it out! "

Ding Yu placed a piece on the chessboard, while Wang Xiaogang beside him was thinking hard, "Luo Xuan is a smart man. What about you? I haven't pierced this layer of window paper all the time. It has a lot to do with experience and so on. I don't need to pay attention to it. But I think it's a good thing to do this time? "

Perfect? This word makes Hou Tianliang do not know how to respond! "Director, I don't know if it is satisfactory, but judging from the current results, we are still very satisfied! Can not say that there are no flaws, but it is still good! That's what I want to say

"It seems that there is no general hesitation in your heart!" Ding Yu is still not salty and indifferent, "what about Gong Shaoqing? He came out of 49 cities. He represents a considerable level of interests. What about Yang Yang? They are local residents, and they also represent a certain level of interests? What about the investigation team and the inspection team? It also represents a considerable level of interest! "

"The investigation team and the inspection team are also represented?"

"On behalf of the country and the people! Where do you think their rights came from? Are they themselves? Or it was given by that force, no! You have forgotten the fundamental problem! I don't know what you have done in this period of time! Just the right? It is often ignored and covered up by human nature! "

"Director, what you mean is that the interests of all sides have been agreed, so that we can get a satisfactory solution!"

"Not so stupid! No matter how to cover up on the surface, what about the actual surface? That is, the interests have reached an agreement, or in other words, all aspects have constructed this balance. As for whether the balance is permanent stability or temporary accumulation? You need to see your own judgment! "

Hou Tianliang's eyes were also slightly bright. Obviously, he learned something from Ding Yu's words, "director, this should not be a temporary accumulation. At least at this time, it has considerable stability, but it is not so easy to say from outside! Gong Shaoqing and Yang Yang are bound to have conflicts of interest in the future

"Why do they have conflicts of interest? There is also an extension to express your ideas! "

"The interests they represent are consistent for the time being, but with the development and promotion of time, disputes will inevitably arise, because on the one hand, they represent the forces of 49 cities, on the other hand, they represent the forces in the province. Now they have common enemies, so they will be consistent with the outside world, but when the interests are not consistent, they are bound to have disputes! ”

with this speech, Hou Tianliang's eyes became more and more bright. "To a certain extent, they are also the pillars of this balance, but if their pillar fails, it will lead to the overall imbalance problem."

"If you are gong Shaoqing, what choice should you make? If you change to Luo Xuan or Yang Yang, what kind of choice should you make? I'll listen to your practical ideas!"

"If I were Gong Shaoqing, I would never get rid of Luo Xuan." Hou Tianliang's eyes became more and more bright. "Instead, we should try our best to keep Luo Xuan. Although the profit pie may be smaller, the triangular structure will make the whole more stubborn and reduce the relative right to speak, but it can ensure the long-term interests. If I were Luo Xuan? "

Speaking of here, Hou Tianliang suddenly stopped, because now Luo Xuan has gone! Go quite happily, even give up all of their own things, pat the buttocks and leave completely!

If it was not for the director suddenly asked about this matter, Hou Tianliang would never have imagined here. If he were Luo Xuan, what kind of reaction would he have made under the circumstances at that time? Let's not say whether we can talk about this issue, even if we can, then we will be constrained everywhere? But also extremely easy to appear the question and the condition!

Now? All the things are gone! But what about yourself? Without debt, everything has nothing to do with yourself. You can even watch Gong Shaoqing and Yang Yang fight from a distance. Anyway, they are not good people for themselves. Is there anything better than watching them fight?

"If I were Luo Xuan, I'm afraid it would be difficult for me to get rid of the things in front of me, because these are all hard-working and painstaking efforts to build up. If it was me, I would probably unite with Yang Yang to wind up Gong Shaoqing. Even if I could not wind up Gong Shaoqing, I should try my best to unite Yang Yang and try my best to suppress Gong Shaoqing.""What if you were Yang Yang?"

"I never thought, what about the most important person? It is neither Gong Shaoqing nor Luo Xuan, but Yang Yang, who is the most humble. He is the most solid foundation stone. Both Gong Shaoqing and Luo Xuan need to try their best to win him over. He can do nothing and get the biggest piece of cake, but he is too eager to act! "

"Yes! Yang Yang's performance is too urgent! "

"He did not analyze the previous situation. Gong Shaoqing came with the prestige of 49 cities. What about Yang Yang? It should be that he wants to get through the world line of 49 cities, but the problem is that he has neglected quite a problem, that is, his foundation? It's not as stable as you can imagine. If you remove Luo Xuan's pillar, you can get considerable benefits now, but it will make him miserable in the future! And these are the things that are easy to get for him

"What about the whole thing? Gong Shaoqing and Luo Xuan are relatively smart people. What about Yang Yang? It's stupid, you guys! It's just a bunch of muddleheaded people! "

Ding Yu's comments can be said to be quite impolite, but Hou Tianliang carefully considered a time, it is really like this!

Obviously in this? Gong Shaoqing and Luo Xuan are absolutely intelligent people. At least their performance proves this. Gong Shaoqing has entered the sphere of influence of the provincial capital almost without any cost, and occupied a considerable part of the influence. What about Luo Xuan? Straight out! Get rid of all the trouble on yourself! one finished , all is finished.

Yang Yang will not say it! He is the biggest fool with abundant capital. He should have taken all roles, but he didn't make clear his position. As a result, although he ate quite a piece of cake in the end, it was not the most expected result.

As for himself and Zong Taiping? It seems that the scenery is boundless. It has solved quite a number of problems and made the political atmosphere in the province completely new. But what about the actual situation? It's just that. What about other aspects? Can be said to be confused, if a little earlier understanding, there may be different results?

The loss of their previous time was elated, but now? It's really a little bit down in the dumps! The director is slightly cruel, but Hou Tianliang is very clear. What about this kind of cruelty? For myself, it is a kind of experience, but also a kind of test! Not everyone has such a chance!

"Director, let you down!" Although he said that he helped the investigation group and the inspection group, and even achieved considerable results, from the results, it may be quite good, but in the end, I have not even passed!

"It doesn't matter whether you are disappointed or not. Can you have such an understanding? It's not a bad thing However, when talking, Ding Yu also flicked Wang Xiaogang's forehead with his hand. Wang Xiaogang was also shouting, but it was just waving his teeth and claws. There was really no other action!

"In two days? I'm going to the provincial capital to visit an old man! "

Yeah? Visiting an old man? Do you need to explain it to yourself? Hou Tianliang blinked his eyes, and then he closed his eyes. He thought bitterly. Before that, he didn't mean to go to the provincial capital, but this time he went to the provincial capital, and he still needed Yu Shao to visit in person!

There is something wrong with it! All of a sudden, Hou Tianliang had an idea. Suddenly, a character flashed out of his head. Then he blurted out, "master Luo?"

"Yes Ding Yu nodded with satisfaction and gave so many hints. If he was not enlightened, he would not be suitable to be the secretary! "I'll visit Roberto in the provincial capital in two days. At the beginning, I wanted to temper you and ask Luo Xuan to sharpen your swords. But I didn't expect that some of you were too incompetent. After seeing the situation in the province, I also wanted Luo Xuan to withdraw. The continued disputes must be a problem in the future! It's better to have it all done! He has gone to the farm now. I believe he will get better development in the new environment! "

Originally, there were still some feelings, but now they are really blown away and disappeared without a trace. They are directly knocked down to dust, and even have no trace left!

What about the whole thing? The director didn't even leave a shadow, but the director had absolute control over the whole thing. He didn't even control Gong Shaoqing, Luo Xuan and Yang Yang at this level, not to mention the power competition behind. The director looked at everything calmly from a higher level! This is the gap!

This has nothing to do with whether you are in a high position. Even if you are in the position of director, whether you can see through all this is really unknown! What's more, when did the director take Luo Xuan for his own use? Before or after?

Should be after coming? In my memory, Luo Xuan just came to visit the director once, which can make Luo Xuan give up everything in his hand. This should not be achieved by simple interests!

"Director, do you want to inform Taiping of all this?"

"Not for the time being. Let them go back to the capital and have a good understanding! What's more, there will always be people in the capital who can understand all this! I'm not their parents. I'm not responsible for this! "www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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