Looking at Yu Zheng who is going to speak, Mr. Luo gently pokes him with his hand. He also understands the situation. What does Ding Yu say? It's similar to what the doctor said before! But master Luo is very clear, want to let Ding Yu this child take out the real thing? It really needs grinding!

Yu Zheng did not know why. Although the doctors in the back didn't sneer at the situation, there was a considerable amount of money in his heart. It turned out that this young man was like this! There is no real thing, which may be due to identity and other reasons, so old secretary Luo and Deputy Secretary Yu may be confused!

"Xiaoyu! We just had a little understanding of the situation, if it is surgery, the patient is too old! Therefore, we can only adopt conservative treatment, but some experts suggest that we should adopt the method of traditional Chinese medicine. You are a great master in this field, but I have heard about it! "

"You want to see my joke, rob? I can only say that I have a certain understanding of traditional Chinese medicine, but if I really take it out, I'm afraid it will not be as simple as humiliating! We still need to look at the patient's condition. It's not appropriate to start now! " Ding Yu also declined.

"When is the best time for you?" This word can really have so some forced taste! "Anyway, I am an old man who is also hospitalized here these two days. If you want to eat, there is no one to serve you at home. You will have to shut up the door when you get there."

Ding Yu also smiles, but the smile is also fleeting. "Robert, the patient's condition is not so suitable now. It needs to be observed for a period of time. Even if you force me now, there is no way."

"Then you can give me a definite number. You can't make everyone in a hurry here! Isn't it? "

"The problem of human beings is not very big. Take care of them in time and deal with them after there is no fever! Physical cooling can also be adopted. I just looked at the old man's body. The problem is not so big! If the care is good, there should not be too many problems! "

"Yes! It's OK to have you! Anyway, everyone here has heard it! If there's a problem, I'll come to your house at that time. Even if I don't look for the old chief, I'll go to your house to be a local tenant. "

"I'm sure I'll be happy if you ever go!"

After a few words, Ding Yu left immediately. Is the patient's condition now? Ding Yu has seen, if the operation is not so appropriate, but take TCM mediation and treatment, there will be no problem! But what about now? Not so appropriate!

"Luo Lao?" After settling down, they also went to the bench in the hall to rest! For Luo Lao's dragging Ding Yu over, Yu Zheng obviously feels quite a problem. Luo Lao no longer cares about political issues! Now the things in the province are basically over! Lao Luo pulled Ding Yu over. What does it mean!

"What about your father's condition? It's not so serious, but if you really look like Lao Huang, paralyzed on the bed, even the basic life can't take care of itself, it's troublesome! What about the others? Do you have this guarantee? I don't know, but what about Xiaoyu? The level of medical skills is quite good! You have a good fortune

"Let the old leader follow you suffer!"

"What an old leader! I've been out for so many years! " Luo Lao also does not care, said, "since all have retired, then don't follow the mixed up with messy things!" Since the words have been said here, then what should not be said should be well said.

"Luo Lao, how can I feel so confused?" They are already in the senior position of deputy secretary! But Luo laonao's things completely let Yu Zheng feel unable to understand!

"What have you done over the years? I've seen it in my eyes. I've done a good job. I'm more political and honest. What about my personality? There is no mess. There will be a good development in the future. In addition, you are so young. What's the matter in the province? It's over! But you can't live in the present

Yu Zheng immediately seemed to have figured out some things. What about this time? It's solved! But it doesn't mean that all the problems in the future have been solved! "I heard that someone has come to Beijing! Is that why Dr. Ding came here? "

"I haven't seen Gong Shaoqing's child, but I've heard from Luo Xuan of our family. I think you should be aware of the company in his hand. I have scolded and beaten him, but there is no way to do it. Now it's better! It can be regarded as breaking free from the whirlpool, and my heart disease is over

"Old leader, in fact, I don't want to hide it from you. Luo Xuan has visited me several times! But it's all blocked by me! "

Old Luo waved his hand, "I heard about this thing! This time he went in, it was also a lesson to him, let him know the power of it. What about Ding Yu? I don't mean to interfere. If I hadn't dragged him here, he would not have come to the province so soon! ""Old leader, you mean this time..."

Looking at the old leader's smile, Yu Zheng also understood that Ding Yu didn't mean to be involved. But this time, if Ding Yu didn't know, it was fooling the fool, and even Ding Yu was standing on the sidelines all the time! When I think of it, I can't help but take a breath of cold air.

"Xiaoyu doesn't mean to play tricks behind his back. He is more optimistic about Luo Xuan. What about Luo Xuan? There are still some small smart, so put him in the right place! The reason why I told you this today is that I hope you have some preparation. This time, the arrival of the investigation team and the inspection team, your performance and behavior have added considerable impression points to you! What about the external factors? It has a certain influence, but the important thing is that we still need to make iron ourselves hard! "

"Old leader, I can't guarantee others, but I have strict requirements for this, whether it's myself or other people around me! This also inherits the ideas of you and the old leaders! "

"Don't say anything nice. What about Gong Shaoqing and Yang Yang? It's just on the surface. Their previous cooperation did not have too many problems, but then? I don't know! So I hope you are also prepared in this respect! "

"I see, old leader!" Yu Zheng said modestly.

"There is also your father's problem. Ding Yu's medical skills are very good. I don't mean western medicine. Although he is more famous in western medicine, his attainments in traditional Chinese medicine are not low. What about his grandfather Su Lao? Is he has been taking care of! Mr. Su used to be my old leader. When I went to visit, I knew some details, so you! It's really a good luck! "

"Lao Luo, really or not? There are a lot of traditional Chinese medicine in the health committee, but it's not gray hair! The oldest are already 60 years old! This is a treasure of China, but it really takes a long time to settle down! I have also deliberately looked for them, and they feel quite troublesome in this respect! "

"It's really different. What about some of the problems? It's not convenient for me to talk about it with you! " The exchange of things has been quite a lot, and it should be enough! "What about the other things? There is no problem. Xiaoyu is not a publicity person. He is used to low-key and doesn't like to be disturbed. What about this time? He also brought his nephew out to play At the end of the day, Luo also made a point.

"Yes, old leader, I understand!"

The news that Ding Yu came to the provincial capital was quickly spread out. After all, Ding Yu didn't want to hide his meaning deliberately, and there were not a few people on the other side of the hospital. At that time, old secretary Luo and Deputy Secretary Yu were in the hospital! What about the effect of this? It was quite a sensation. It even detonated a big bomb.

"Did you hear that? Is Ding Yu here? I also met with old secretary Luo and now Deputy Secretary Yu! "

Gong Shaoqing's hands are playing with things and turning back and forth. From this, it can be seen that his mood is not as stable as imagined. What does Ding Yu mean when he chooses to come to the provincial capital? More importantly, he chose to meet Luo Xuan's father, Luo Lao and Yu deputy secretary! And still so high-profile and obvious?

"He chose to come here at this time? It's obviously late! Things are over here in the provincial capital! Even if he wants to stir up some waves, but the conditions are not allowed! It's not only the provincial capital, but also the 49th city. Ding Yu should not do such a thing in the face of the world's disrespect! "

Yang Yang is also holding his head, "I don't think about this problem. Earlier, Xiao Ni mentioned some things to me. Since Yu Shao has a good relationship with Luo Lao, then at the beginning, Luo Xuan and Ding Yu have already had a secret song style?"

Hiss......, Gong Shaoqing felt that a flash of lightning suddenly appeared in her mind, cutting through the whole night sky, and some things were immediately revealed in her mind! Luo Xuan is Ding Yu's man!

After trying to understand this problem, Gong Shaoqing didn't feel angry, but was rather confused and puzzled. Ding Yu and Luo Xuan played a double role! But why? For profit? Impossible thing! Because Luo Xuan can say is the thing inside the handle to give up!

Even Gong Shaoqing forcibly snatched this benefit from Luo Xuan's mouth, but he didn't have any opinions and ideas about these Ding Yu. What about Luo Xuan? In the end, I agreed with him! There are too many people can't understand? What is Ding Yu going to do?

With such a huge resource system, Ding Yu threw it out without hesitation. Did he want two peaches to kill three? But it seems that no one dares to be contaminated except Gong Shaoqing and Yang Yang! Want to understand some things, but there are too many things do not understand! So now this time is particularly distressing!

"This time Ding Yu came here for the sake of the hospital?"

"Anyway, I know so much about the situation. Ding Yu was invited by Mr. Luo. He went to the hospital to give a look to the old father of Deputy Secretary Yu. Then he left without any stop. Yu Hongjie went to the entrance of the provincial capital to pick up the people. However, the follow-up arrangement was equal to that Hong Jie didn't get in at all, and Ding Yu refused Good intentions of Yu home! It's really that some people can't understand it! ""Since Yu Shao doesn't care about the problems in the province, why should he be so abrupt?" After putting down the things he was playing with, Gong Shaoqing scratched his head too. "Didn't accept the reception from Yu's home, did Yu Shao treat Yu Zheng? I don't care so much. If it wasn't for Luo Lao's solicitude, Yu Shao might not have come so fast! "

"What are these things? Now it's understood! All of a sudden, this is what happened? Are you trying to warn us? But such a warning doesn't work at all. Everyone knows that! What's more, if you really want to warn us, wouldn't it be better to tell us when we went earlier? "

Gong Shaoqing reluctantly raised his head, "I really have some that I can't think of clearly, but it's not that I have no idea at all. It seems that I need to go back to Beijing! What about Yu Shao? Don't disturb too much! What's more, it's a provincial capital after all. If there's any trouble, it's too easy to be caught! "

"I'm too late to dodge now!"

Yang Yang absolutely does not want to see Ding Yu now, what's more, without Gong Shaoqing's shield, Ding Yu's failure to see himself is a matter of two things. He really should not give his face gold! He is in the provincial capital, the name is better, but in front of Ding Yu? It's another thing!

When Ding Yu came back, Wang Xiaogang had not come back. When he came to the provincial capital, he was also "unscrupulous". So many delicious and interesting things were totally different from those in other cities before! What's more, Ding Yu is quite indulgent in this!

"Director, many people seem to pay more attention to your situation!"

"We came here so suddenly. It's very normal to be noticed. If no one pays attention to it, it will seem unnatural." Ding Yu doesn't think so. Even if he is concerned, what can he do? What's more, it's just hiding in the dark. Who dares to show his face?

"Just now Zong Taiping called me, but maybe they can go home at night. Their tone is still very proud!" This is really not a complaint. Hou Tianliang knows everything that happened, but the problem is that he has no way to say it out. It can only be a simple hint.

But this hint did not play any role at all. Now Zong Taiping and the four of them could not recognize the flavor. Maybe at night? They'll remember something! But this is definitely where they don't want to remember.

In fact, Zong Taiping's parents at this time are almost all quite enlightened. After all, what about Luo Xuan? Ding Yu has no intention to hide. Luo Xuan is already Ding Yu's man! Can't they see the door clearly?

It can be said that Ding Yu deliberately used Luo Xuan to train Zong Taiping! What's more, they are still elated now. They really belong to the kind of people who have been sold to pay for the number of people. What about their faces now? How many also have so some not to hang!

Ding Yu didn't mean to do it in person, but let Zong Taiping go back by themselves! But what about your parents? At this time, the whip and stick are ready. Ding Yu personally teaches these people! And why? It's also that these guys are too stupid. At that time, we also had quite a lot of opinions and ideas!

However, due to Ding Yu's name and other reasons, it can only be kept at the bottom of his heart. But now that this matter comes out, it is not a matter of admitting or not recognizing it, but the established facts are put in front of everyone, and even such a simple thing can't be seen clearly?

What's more, even if you can't see clearly before, the reason is that Ding Yu personally set up the layout, not to mention Zong Taiping. Even though they are old guys, they have not been able to see through. Who can see clearly in the bureau? Who can think that Luo Xuan is Ding Yu's person!

But it's all over! It's not only that I didn't see it, but I was so elated that I couldn't accept it! Especially these parents!

You know, they are all from the second echelon. Although the qualification is quite different, the difference should not be so big, right? Take a look at those people in the first echelon. Although they are not so beautiful now, what is their personal potential? Also has begun to slowly highlight!

By comparison, we can see how venomous Ding Yu's eyes are? The second echelon of these guys is really too thorough to see! It is precisely because of this, we can not relax the education of Zong Taiping. With such an opportunity, we have not grasped it well. We are ashamed of our expectation!

Do you really think Ding Yu has nothing to do? That's why I'm going to train these idiots? What's more, I don't know how many pairs of eyes are staring at now? What about the first and second echelons? This is the end of the story! But what happens next? Will there be a third tier? This is not very easy to say!

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