"Everything is ready for you, sir."

Ding Yu ate dinner on his own, and then drove to the hospital again. However, when he stopped the car, he found a very interesting thing. There was a person on the side of the car, but he was helped down by others, and then he was put in a wheelchair!

The person in the wheelchair also looked curiously at the car next to him. However, when he saw the person standing beside the car, he was so scared that he didn't stand up. However, there was a whoop. Ding Yu also slightly nodded his head, "how about this time? Even if it's a test, doesn't it? When did you come back? Is everything ok? "

"Feather less good!" PI Luan saw Ding Yu, the scalp is really numb, "today just came back, there are so many at home are not at ease, so deliberately arrange for me to come over to check! Yu Shao, you

Taking a look at the woman beside her, Ding Yu also nodded her head, "I'll have a look at the patient." After thinking about it, Ding Yu also said in a voice, "go upstairs with me first, and the inspection will be delayed for a while." I can't refuse it at all!

See his mother to talk, PI Luan is also in a hurry to pull, other people can offend, but the Lord is really offended! I am really afraid! Think about the original scene, I have so many doubts, how did you come here? "Ah! Less feathers Then he was also in a hurry to let the driver push himself to follow Yu Shao's side. While walking, he was careful to say, "Yu Shao, the previous thing was my fault, I knew it was wrong!"

After Zhang Yumei heard her son speak like this, she pinched her other hand's account. Is this what her son said? I'm not dreaming, am I? When was he so obedient?

"Did Luo Xuan call you?"

"I called him, and he asked me to apologize to you. I just came back. I called you earlier. It was a child who answered the phone. I didn't make it clear. So I came to check my body and thought I would call you again tomorrow! I didn't expect to meet you here! "

Ding Yu was stunned for a moment, and then he remembered something. He took out his mobile phone and looked through it. Sure enough, a phone call came and it was connected! "It must be Xiaogang, a jerk. My little nephew, who has not been fully sensible, has made you suffer from it."

"No, I'm still surprised! Yu Shao, when did you come to the provincial capital? No matter what I say, you are half a local snake? Although the legs and feet are not so flexible, but also need to do a little bit of friendship with the host

"Bullshit! As you are now, you'd better take good care of yourself at home! The so-called one hundred and fifty-five, honestly accept their own temperament While speaking, people also entered the elevator, "where's Luo Xuan? I have plans! Do you know that? "

"Rogge is very strict. I asked, but he didn't say anything! But he's always been like this, and I'm not surprised! "

"This time, his loss can be said to be very large, but in the end, he needs some compensation. What about it? Although I broke your legs and feet, you are really interesting. I'm still smiling. Why? Don't you fear that I'll break your arms? "

After listening to Zhang Yumei, her heart also moved, but hesitated for a moment, but she didn't mean to speak. Although that is her own son, she also has heartache, but what about herself? Also feel strange place, first of all, his son did not have any dissatisfaction, even a little fear!

It's true to protect your calf, but it doesn't mean that you don't reason with anything! So now that is to watch, there is no meaning to say anything, and now it's not time to talk! That's how you watch.

"Hi! Yu Shao, you are joking! At that time, I was not big or small, and I didn't know the so-called weight. Hong Kong affairs also let me have a new understanding. At the same time, lying on the bed also made me understand a lot of problems and situations, especially the affair of Dong Ni, which also made me realize my own shortcomings! What's the point? It's just a piece of dog meat. It really can't go on this table, but it makes you laugh at Yu Shao! "

"How about breaking your leg? I have a lot of revenge, but how do you say that? " As he spoke, the door of the elevator was opened, and Yu Hongjie was standing there. Someone had already told him that Ding Yu was coming, so that he did not think of it!

But no matter it is out of etiquette or other considerations, he needs to come and wait in person. However, looking at the people in the elevator, Yu Hongjie is also stunned. He even sees Ding Yu and piluan standing together, which is a very strange thing.

"Less feathers!" Yu Hongjie also bowed himself to show his respect! Then she also looked at the back of Zhang Yumei, "Aunt Zhang!"

Ding Yu also nodded, and then took the lead to go forward, "this is pi Luan, just met in the parking lot below the building! At the beginning, I let you break his two legs, but I didn't expect to meet him here today! How about the old man's health? Is there anything else? ""No, now everything is quite normal, but there is no way to eat and water! Fortunately, I didn't have a fever. I'm still in the process of observation. However, my grandfather always wanted to eat and drink water. There was no way to chew. Even a little water would choke, which made me feel a little painful! When I just cough, there are still some blood threads! "

"It should be stomach bleeding. In the afternoon, you may have fed a little more times. Now it's not suitable for you to eat and drink water. You don't need to be so afraid! I'll go and have a look Went to the doctor's office over there, but before going in, Ding Yu also looked at PI Luan, "you go to check, after the inspection, I find you something!"

"Ah! Yu Shao, you are busy first. I'm not in a hurry! "

When Ding Yu goes in to change clothes, Yu Hongjie also looks at Zhang Yumei, "Aunt Zhang!"

"When did the old man get sick? We haven't heard from you either! How is it going? "

"A fall, other problems are OK, is that the nerve was quite oppressed!" Yu Hongjie also simply explained, "what's wrong with piluan's leg?"

PI Luan is also helpless exclamation, "come on, have this cent above, also don't conceal! At the beginning, I didn't know which tendon was wrong! Go to the pole to fight less! This is not education! I don't know why I was so brave at that time? Now think of it is also quite afraid! Fortunately, Yu Shao did not care about this matter! Today, I met Yu Shao here, which is also a matter of mind! "

Yu Hongjie is also a smile, but did not express too many opinions and views on this matter. The things in the province probably know some, but they are not so clear, but about Luo Xuan's things, the channel that he knows must be much more than others, and PI Luan is in Luo Xuan's side!

Just as the two men were talking, Ding Yu changed his clothes and walked out of the room. The security guard beside him also handed it to Ding Yu. Ding Yu took a look at it and said hello to Hong Jie. Other doctors and nurses followed him into the room!

"Less than, take off the old man's coat!" Ding Yu was preparing acupuncture needles nearby. "When I use the needles later, please be careful and don't disturb me! What about the security outside? Be careful not to let anyone else in! "

"Yes, I'll arrange it right away!" Yu Hongjie also immediately responded! Help to take off his grandfather's coat, and then almost trot out! With the outside security account, but also to his father and mother there called, and then rushed in!

Ding Yu is ready! Take up the acupuncture needle, very thin, but also very long, when standing upside down, it is like a willow with the wind, shaking back and forth! Ding Yu has made considerable preparation in advance, mainly for the modulation of some drugs. Yu Hongjie is looking at it with eyes open!

I found that the acupuncture needle shaking back and forth suddenly became like a willow, and its swing back and forth became abnormally straight. Although I said that I found the difference, I couldn't tell what happened. However, the doctors in the back of the hospital saw this, and their eyes were about to stare out, as if they were bull's-eye beads It's all out!

With such a long acupuncture needle, Ding Yu slowly went down to the top of his head. Was Yu Hongjie stupid? From the length of the acupuncture needle, the head should have been punctured! Why can't you see the tip of the needle? Where did the needle go? What's going on inside? See it with your own eyes? Is this magic?

There are not a lot of needles on the head, but Ding Yu's under is very gentle and very slow, and then it's on the body. And Ding Yu doesn't mean that after the needle has been put down, it's ok? Ignore, it is really not like this, from time to time to go to twist the acupuncture needle above!

And Yu Hongjie also noticed that the heat was rising from Ding Yu's forehead? Don't know it's your own eyesight? Or something else happened! There are really so many uncertainties! After mediation for a while, Ding Yu sat down on the seat beside him, "keep it for half an hour! Now start the time

Then Ding Yu took out a notebook and wrote and painted on it. He didn't know what was recorded. Yu Hongjie was looking at his wrist watch and taking care of his grandfather's body. The doctor and nurse next to him looked at Ding Yu, just like looking at a fairy!

Yu Hongjie doesn't know why, but he can see that Yu Shao is absolutely not simple. He pricks the needle into his head with such a long needle. What about his grandfather? It seems that there is no previous kind of pain, it is particularly leisurely and natural, which is enough to explain a lot of problems!

Ding Yu's writing time is a little bit longer. He almost stands up with a pinch and puts his notebook in the small box, but it doesn't show the meaning! Check the old man's body acupuncture needle, and then slowly start the needle, but the whole process is not over!Very careful in the old man's head and spine rubbing, from time to time also contaminated with some drugs, what is really, no one can say clearly, even if there are doctors and nurses, also do not know so much about western medicine, but it does not mean that we have the same understanding of traditional Chinese medicine!

After finishing, Ding Yu also asked Yu Hongjie to put on his clothes for the old man! "That's all for the evening! Let the accompanying staff pay close attention to the patient's relevant conditions. I need to have a look when I come tomorrow. What about the medicine? Don't stop! As for these acupuncture needles, you are responsible for handling them. They are no longer useful! It's all waste needles! "

"Ah! Less feathers! Let you work hard

While talking, Ding Yu has already packed up his own box. The notebook is naturally placed in the box and handed it to the assistant on the side to let him take it! When Ding Yu came out, he found that Deputy Secretary Yu Zhengyu was waiting outside? I don't know when I came here!

"Dr. Ding!"

Ding Yu shook his head slightly, "I'm sorry, I'll clean it up first." Yu Zheng was also stunned, and then nodded his head to give way to his body. The doctor behind looked at Ding Yu who left, and was so astonished. When the deputy secretary asked, he was also very excited!

When Ding Yu comes back again, Yu Zheng is also holding Ding Yu's hand. "Thank you, doctor Ding, for your hard work." When the doctors at the back looked at Ding Yu, they also had some eyes shining. When Ding Yu came over earlier, we still had some disagreements. But after hearing about the treatment just now, we were also secretly upset!

When can you come? I have to wait until this time! Come here and come? But don't be in the ward when you are in treatment! There are still a lot of operating rooms in the hospital, mainly because we have heard the expression of the doctors and nurses who assist them. They are all yearning for it! This young man doesn't seem to brag about it!

"I am a doctor, I should be! Pay close attention to the patient's changes tonight and tomorrow. I'll come back tomorrow afternoon or at night! We'll see the patient's condition then. "

Although Ding Yu didn't say that, Yu Zheng also noticed a little tired feeling in Ding Yu's eyes, "doctor Ding, I'll arrange you to go back to rest!" Ding Yu is also a smile, to the next doctor slightly nodded a head, declined everyone's send off, called a distance sitting in a wheelchair piluan, is also together to the elevator!

Yu Zheng wanted to see him off, but Ding Yu refused. He was not too tough. But Yu Hongjie was not in the line. He didn't even need his father to express. He accompanied Ding Yu to the elevator, but he was an elevator man honestly! Don't say a word of superfluous words.

"How is the inspection going?"

"No problem. In fact, it's just that I don't feel at home. The doctor has already mentioned the situation in detail and there is no problem!" PI Luan is not as serious as she was just now, and she has recovered her former playful face.

"I broke your leg. At that time, I had to warn you, frighten Luo Xuan, and send a signal to the outside world! But what about me? Pay more attention to chance. What about doing things? I also like to be more complete, and I don't want to leave any regrets, so what kind of compensation do you think is the best! "

"Yu Shao, it's lucky to see you! Although the leg is broken! But what else do I want to have such a sense of life? " PI Luan is also very serious looking at Ding Yu.

Yu Hongjie, standing at the door of the elevator, looked back at PI Luan. He really didn't expect that this rebellious guy could say such words. In the past, there were really some underestimates! Think about it is also, can mix up here in the provincial capital out of a little reputation, who are not in vain!

What about the family situation? It's just one aspect, but if you really don't have the ability, it will be eliminated soon! Where will be like now, can also be feather less to see high? It's impossible!

When he got out of the elevator, Ding Yu asked for a cigarette from the people next to him, and then gave a sign to Yu Hongjie and PI Luan. Yu Hongjie didn't mean to reach for it, because he didn't smoke at all, and PI Luan didn't have any politeness. He quickly took a cigarette and put it in his mouth! Having a look at Ding Yu, he also put the cigarette on his hand.

PI Luan has smoked a lot of cigarettes, domestic and foreign, expensive and cheap, but really never smoked this cigarette, the taste of the entrance is very different, abnormal special! Take a look at the cigarette case, there is almost no sign on it! It's just a little feather!

"What about me? I don't know if it's stubborn or unwilling. I don't like to keep things, so it is! I'll give you two choices. What about one? It's with Luo Xuan. Anyway, you two have a good cooperation. Going to the farm is also a job. Whether you can develop in the future depends on your own development. What about the other one? If you go to Hong Kong or Europe, don't answer me in a hurry. Everything depends on your willingness! "www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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