Yu Hongjie's eyelids beat twice. What about such treatment? Is there a little exaggeration? I still have quite a channel to understand Yu Shao, and my father has mentioned something about this with him!

Luo Xuan went to the farm directly. I heard that Yu Shao had subsidized a considerable amount of shares. If you want to know the things on the farm side, you can say that you are robbing your head! Who doesn't want to eat something clean, safe and nutritious at this time, but it's really hard to find such a thing!

But what about the produce on the farm? It's very different, especially the label on the top, which can be quickly transmitted out by scanning with a mobile phone. What kind of seed is used, when it is planted, what kind of planting method is adopted, what kind of growth is it, and the final picking and transportation are clearly written on it, and the back of each item is clear It has the signature of a special person.

Not counting these, there are even these vegetables. Where are these vegetables planted and how many are produced in the first phase? How many are qualified and how many are destroyed. This can avoid other problems in the process to the greatest extent! Even more exaggerated? You can also see real-time monitoring!

Lin Lin all kinds of information revealed is really let people sigh! Although farm produce is very expensive, but how about this kind of expensive? But it makes people feel at ease and comfortable, and we are also willing to do so! But even so, there are too few things on the farm! Few people even feel that there are some speechless.

Can't farms be expanded? Why can't such money be earned? It's really hateful! Of course, on the other hand, it's also eye-catching. It's really white money!

But soon Yu Hongjie also woke up and personally sent Ding Yu to the car. People came to this trip hard. Although it is still unknown what the result will be, he still has this heart? Is already quite not easy!

After Ding Yu left for a long time, Zhang Yumei came out of the building. Although her son left just now, what about herself? There is no way to follow, encountered by the deputy secretary, he must stay, such an opportunity is quite rare, if you change to normal, can you enter the ward, this is the two things said!

When she saw her son, Zhang Yumei was surprised, "why do you smoke again?" Then also opened the window, sitting in the back of the piluan looking at the driver, but also blinked their own eyes, and did not want to speak! Zhang Yumei also felt quite strange! "What happened? Didn't you talk to Ding Yu? It seems to me that he is very kind! But when you were at the beginning, you had to provoke him! You are so big! I'm still disobedient

"Mother! It's not this thing. Yu Shao didn't want to continue beating me? I'm already like this! Now I'm half disabled. It's mainly because Yu Shao introduced me to a job. Now I'm considering whether to follow Luo xuanluo or go to Hong Kong or Europe! I'm depressed now

"And your father? Did you tell him? "

"Yes! My father respects my opinion, but he doesn't have any opinion! " This is also the main reason why PI Luan feels so depressed. In the past, my father always asked him to do this and that, but now he asked his father's opinions and ideas, and was so hated? Make yourself speechless!

Zhang Yumei didn't mean to say anything. After returning home, she looked at her husband who was sitting there watching TV. She also sat down, "I said that director PI, are you so relieved? Not even a word! It's safe to sit on the Diaoyutai! "

"What? What about the father of Deputy Secretary Yu? "

"It doesn't look so good! I inquired about it. Today, Ding Yu came to treat her deliberately! Although Ding Yu is young, his medical skills seem to be very high! The doctors in the hospital have straight eyes! When I came out, I regretted that I had not been able to enter the room. I didn't appreciate Dr. Ding's demeanor! "

Listening to his wife's words, PI Heng also nodded, "what's your feeling when you see Ding Yu?"

"Today, I learned that he broke your son's leg. I asked your son, but your son didn't say how it happened!" Then he also looked at piluan on the wheelchair beside him, "your father is here too! The situation is almost all known. Tell me how it happened? "

"Dad! This thing is when I was confused! I wanted to give Yu less power, so I made a fuss about it. I thought at that time that he was a dragon crossing the river. What could he do? I am a local villain to teach him a lesson! As a result, he had me sent back to Hong Kong city that night! I don't know how to get it back, although it was sent back to the port city! What about the results given to the outside world? I was in a traffic accident in Hong Kong City. I took care of everything! Even I almost believe that I was involved in a traffic accident in Hong Kong CityPI Heng looked at his son, "so, at the beginning, Ding Yu had put the target on Luo Xuan's body?"

Eh? This question PI Luan really has no way to answer, but after thinking about it, PI Luan also tentatively said, "from today's conversation with Yu Shao, it should be like this, breaking my leg! Its root cause should not be that I provoked him, but to kill a chicken and a monkey! Otherwise, there is no need to make a big fuss

"But the problem is that until now we can guess that Luo Xuan has been taken by him for a long time. But what about Luo Xuan? Gong Shaoqing from the capital and Yang Yang from the provincial capital went out in liquidation! What is the purpose of this? "

Is this a question or a question?

"I know something about Luo Ge's situation. He gave me a lot of compensation in the past, but I really don't know about the matter of going to the farm. Today, Yu Shao mentioned it to me! But Yu Shao has put forward quite a few opinions and ideas to me in turn. I have some doubts about it! "

PI Heng looked at his wife and said, "what do you think? Let me first tell you my opinions and thoughts. What about this son of our family? It's not the material to mix up official career. After so many years of performance, it can explain all the problems, but what is the victory? Be more outgoing! This is one of the few advantages! "

As for her husband's comments, Zhang Yumei sighed and said in a quiet voice, "after all, it's your son and also my son. I hope his life in the future can be better, so that we can not worry about it!"

"I don't know much about Ding Yu, but today old secretary Luo and Deputy Secretary Yu have come out! The meaning of this itself is very different! This is definitely not because Ding Yu's medical skills are superior. Piluan can be valued by Ding Yu. I think it's inside? There are two reasons, one is because of me, and the other? It's a kind of compensation for the broken leg of PI Luan! We should pay attention to the perfection of things. "

"You? What does Ding Yu mean by this

"What about PI Luan and Luo Xuan? Originally is a line of people, Luo Xuan let PI Luan back! The meaning revealed by this itself is quite obvious! Of course, this may not be the benefit of Ding Yu. It is just Luo Xuan's idea. But Luo Xuan is the son of old secretary Luo, and vice secretary Yu? He is the successor of secretary Luo! "

"Is he more valuable than you?"

"Is it worth it? There are not too many relationships. I hope that my ideas are a little bit too many. There have been so many things in the provincial capital before, but Ding Yu has no idea, and even has no intention to move? It shows that he is not interested in the current situation of the provincial capital, but does it give me personal feelings? What about the future provincial capital? It's impossible to have no meaning at all. Since it is not suitable to plant thorns at this time, we should plant two more trees! "

"Dad, you prefer me to stay at home!" Sitting on one side listening to pilun is also suddenly talking!

"And you? Although said to have a quite outgoing personality, but whether it is Hong Kong city or Europe, it is a place for outsiders! What's more, because of your personality, you are directly in charge of the leadership. You are not suitable. You are only suitable under the leadership of others. Luo Xuan is not bad for you and is also a relatively reliable person! "

"Dad, you underestimate your son too much!" PI Luan also complained.

"You were born by me, and I grew up looking at me. If no one looks at you, it's really hard to say whether you will be in heaven at that time. You must find someone who can watch you! At the same time, there is a need to find a place where you can give full play to your potential. Since Ding Yu is willing to give you such an opportunity, you need to grasp it! How about glorifying our ancestors? I don't expect you! But you should be able to make a difference

"Dad, I still can't tell whether you approve of me staying at home or letting me go abroad!"

"At home, with Luo Xuan to take care of you, you will go relatively smoothly. At least you can't go abroad now. It's hard to say whether there will be such a chance in the future! The important thing is that we are still in the stage of laying the foundation! Ding Yu's farm, I have carefully read quite a document, now it is just a start-up period! There's a long way to go? "

"Can't you? Is that all that expensive? It's no exaggeration to say that if there is no vegetable farm in any famous place now, it is almost impossible to open the door! Or the soup is made by its special ingredients or by its own taste! "

"So your eyes are still too narrow!" "The structure of the farm is multifaceted, the government! a farmer! Schools and research institutions! It also includes investors, etc., but what about the right to speak? Always firmly controlled in Ding Yu's hand! And from the geographical location, it is basically in the North! In the future, they still need to break through. They can't just live together! "

"I see! Now it is still in the stage of laying the foundation! "

"Good! Now the farm is just a newborn! But what about Ding Yu? Always able to control this structure, fully considering the interests of all aspects, so the farm can get very good development, but this development can not be too fast! Determined by their own conditions! But everyone knows that outside, it will become a giant! ""Limited by land, resources and other reasons, the farm can only be carried out slowly. Even if there are sufficient funds, the problem is that the farm has its own limited conditions! But Dad, under such circumstances, there should be a lot of people are covetous! Even if the feather is small and extraordinary, can he carry it? "

"I don't know how I was born, you son!" PI Heng was very dissatisfied and said, "what about the structure of the farm? It is in many aspects, whether it is farmers, government, schools and scientific research institutions, they all get considerable benefits, but Ding Yu is able to control this discourse power very well! Do you understand? "

"That is to say, if you want to get involved, you will be tested in many aspects."

"What about farmers? It has always been the country's most concerned, but in this area, Ding Yu fully considered their interests! Whether it is land, or planting and other aspects, frankly speaking, let the people see the money! What about the government? Ding Yu's farm has provided quite a lot of jobs. This does not include the introduction of talents and the tax revenue of the government. Will the government allow others to smear such a bright picture?

What's more, it's the problem of schools, scientific research institutions and graduates! Research issues, including future enrollment and so on! It's all in one continuous line! It was originally a discipline that no one paid attention to, but now it is about to break the head!

Finally, investors? They don't care about the government, the peasants, the schools and so on! And this benefit you just said! That dish is too expensive! For investors, the interest rate of return is great!

To sum up, great benefits have been obtained in all aspects. What about this huge benefit? In turn, it also promotes them to protect their interests. You also said that scanning with a mobile phone can find out everything about agricultural products, including from birth to the last table! We supervise each other and supervise each other. No problems are allowed in any link. In other words, we are cooperative and antagonistic to each other! "

PI Heng said a little bit more, so he also took a drink from the water cup, "what about these? It is also to urge Ding Yu to control this discourse power, as long as to make the adjustment above the general direction! So although he is young, he can do it? It's not by chance. You have such a chance. I even envy you

"NIMA!" Before PI Luan really did not consider such a problem, is to know that this dish to buy expensive, the interests inside must be great, but who knows there are so many ways, no wonder no one dare to touch, just think it is Ding Yu's power is too big, the original is not like this!

"Luo Xuan has this chance. What about old secretary Luo? There should be a considerable relationship, but this relationship will never be too big! It should be that he moved Ding Yu in some aspects, so Ding Yu is willing to pay a lot! But now I want to understand a question? Why did Ding Yu pick Luo Xuan out of the province! What's more, let Gong Shaoqing and Yang Yang swallow the things in his hands. It turns out that this is the attention

"I don't understand!"

"Luo Xuan has built a platform for so many years. This platform can't be taken to the top of the table, and some of them play edge ball. They often walk by the river. Where can they keep their shoes wet? This time, there is no problem. Is there no problem next time? The platform inside Luo Xuan's hand! It's not that he can't resist. He should give up on his own initiative! It's amazing

"That is to say, if there is any problem in the future, it has nothing to do with Rogo?"

"This time, the problems in the province are not small. They are not only very concerned about the province, but also very concerned about them. Now, the problems above have basically been solved! What about Luo Xuan? It is also with the end of this thing to draw a full stop! Let him have no worries in the future

"Just for Rogo? Is it worth paying so much? "

"Of course! What is the most important talent in the 21st century! But are there really so many talents? All the families in the province have said it. It seems that there are a lot of them. But how many children can really take out their hands? Most of them are tiger father and dog son. I'm ashamed to see people like you

"Dad! I know how bad I used to be! But you can't look at people the same way

"Ding Yu bought Luo Xuan with considerable benefits. He meant to buy horse bones. Relatively speaking, he didn't violate anyone's interests. At the same time, he left a good impression on everyone. If you really want to be stationed in the provincial capital in the future? You can get twice the result with half the effort! How much money can't buy this one! "

"Is this still a fuckin 'man? Is it true that the elite and the top people have not reached this level? "

"Is there any other problem? I don't know, because I can only see this? This is also because of you, otherwise I would never understand! Do you have the chance to break your legs? Even if you break your five limbs, I have nothing to say"Dad, you don't have a grandson yet? You can't do this! "

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