What is the purpose of his father's phone call? Ding Yu's heart is still clear, but let Ding Yu take care of it for a while, there are still some things that can't be done. Although his father said it, Ding Yu still didn't mean to put it in his heart.

In the morning, Ding Yu deliberately cleaned up some things, and Wang Xiaogang was also the same. It was quiet to go to Uncle Luo. What about the gifts? Besides the words written by Ding Yu himself, it's just a little wine! There is really not too much valuable things!

Too expensive, Robert will not accept, and even make the feelings between each other problems and conditions, not to mention between each other is not so! Moreover, Ding Yu and Xiao Gang, even Hou Tianliang, could not enter the house of master Luo! What's more, he didn't mean it.

"Robert, I'm here. What are you going to have for me at noon! I don't have much choice, but the problem is that I have another guest with me

"I cook myself, and I promise you'll forget to come back!" Luo looked at Wang Xiaogang, but also bent down on his body, "are you wang Xiaogang? With the bumps of your uncle? Isn't it very hard? "

"It's not hard, it's fun, it's fun!" Wang Xiaogang is also very clever.

"Do you want to stay with my grandfather for a while, and then pick you up when your uncle's business is finished?"

"I want to follow my uncle. I still have a lot of things to learn from him. I can't delay it!" This is really not Professor Ding Yu's, and I don't know where he learned from!

"Good boy, you know how to learn. This is a good thing." Then they were allowed to come in, and the things were put down casually, but the gift box in Ding Yu's hand was placed on the top of the position rather than randomly! The things that Ding Yu can take in person will not be too light!

What about the so-called light? It refers to the meaning of the gift, not the value of the gift!

"Yu Zheng gave me a call earlier, and there are many complaints in the phone."

"Hi! I thought it was something terrible? I didn't mean to get involved in the affairs of the province. If it wasn't for Zong Taiping and Luo Xuan who suddenly came out with some qualifications, I really didn't have much interest. Do I have any requirements, I just want to take Xiaogang out for a visit! "

"You're relaxed, but it's also very good. I've been resting for a long time! It's a kind of people who don't ask about the world. This time, if you throw away your old skin, you can also protect Luo Xuan, a rabbit. But what about this sentiment? It's almost used! "

"Are you always in town? This itself is a giant Buddha! Who dares not to give you this kind of affection Ding Yu didn't really believe it. It was just a polite saying, "I may be leaving in two days."

"Xiaoyu, I have heard that Yi Xiaoxi has been transferred here, and the specific position should also be arranged. Such transfer is really unusual. It is said that he is your student!"

"Now it's only half a bottle of water, maybe in terms of economy? Some of their own unique views, coupled with the extraordinary family, have different understandings of politics. They can't be said to be old-fashioned, but they have some skills. As for others? Grind it slowly! But it's not good to say that he is my student! "

"A lot of people are looking forward to it, but you are better than that and are not moved!"

"Too much trouble, too much involvement in the future! What about the so-called chance? Once it is involved, I can't get rid of it, so I seldom contact them. It's not that I am heartless, but the fact is that the situation is like this, forget it! Don't say, the old man cooks in person today, but I want to ask for some advice! "

"I have nothing to do at home, so I have studied it carefully. You are not generally lucky today, but since you have all come, you need to show your skill and see how you do it!"

That's the end of the conversation. Both of them didn't want to continue to talk deeply. The next process was boiling, steaming and frying. Wang Xiaogang also ran to the kitchen and ate a piece from time to time. The children's family didn't need to care too much, not to mention there were no other outsiders!

After lunch, Ding Yu left. He didn't really stop for a long time. When he got on the bus, Wang xiaopang patted his stomach. Obviously, he ate so much. The nanny didn't know where the Hawthorn water came from!

"Uncle, my stomach is swollen!" Wang Xiaogang said with some emotion.

"On purpose! You can't control yourself! So say it! How about being a man? The most important thing is to be able to self-control. If a person can be self-control, then he may not be a person, but a god! "

"Gods?" Wang Xiaogang's eyes also turned. At this time, Ding Yu's hand was rubbing back and forth on Wang Xiaogang's body, relying on his own digestive system. I don't know when to wait? He ate a little too much today! Although has own intention to indulge!"Yes! If people can control themselves, they are gods! It's just that you are a little boy. You may not understand too much. The world is so big that I'm afraid no one can control myself. I can't, you can't, and other people can't. at most, it's just going to get close to you! "

"I want to be a fairy too!" Wang Xiaogang argued.

"Immortals are not so easy to be!" Ding Yu sighed, and then changed the topic, "there is nothing to do these two days, but can accompany you to have a good play! What are you going to do today? But I advise you to go back to the hotel first, or you will need your own laundry then

When he arrived at the hotel, Wang Xiaogang also tried to bear it. His face almost turned red. He ran to the bathroom and took a long time to come out. Later, he also asked the nanny to take a bath and change clothes. The stink was too long! The smell on my body is too strong!

Wash again, change clothes, Wang Xiaogang is also pestering his uncle to go out to play! Ding Yu really didn't mean to refuse. He has been hiding his light these days! There's no need for that now! Taking Wang Xiaogang to eat, drink and walk with him is really not the general carefree.

However, although Ding Yu had fun with Wang Xiaogang, he did not forget to pack up his things. It is obvious that Ding Yu is not ready to make any stay! There are not too many things to stay. The provincial capital has been settled down.

In the evening, Ding Yu accompanied Wang Xiaogang to eat outside. Looking at the ringing phone, Ding Yu also glanced at it, and then threw it to Hou Tianliang. Hou Tianliang couldn't help but be stunned. How about throwing your mobile phone to yourself? This is your mobile phone, not your own?

"Hello, I'm Hou Tianliang."

The person on the other side of the phone was stunned for a moment, and then said in a voice, "Hello, Secretary Hou. I'm Yi Xiaoxi. I went to the organization department to report earlier. There was nothing wrong in the evening. I want to see the director! I don't know if it's convenient! "

Get it! "The director is eating with his nephew!" he said Hou Tianliang is just stating the facts. Can you find Yi Xiaoxi? This problem has nothing to do with me! After hanging up the phone, Hou Tianliang also paid back his mobile phone.

Ding Yu took off the plastic glove of his left hand and said, "what about you at dawn? It should be regarded as a top person, but what about Yi Xiaoxi? I'm not willing to get involved in this relationship. I don't want to use you as a shield. But I did. What do you think is the reason

"Director, Yi Xiaoxi came to the Organization Department of the provincial Party committee to report. I don't know much about it in my original work! But I can still hear a little wind! "

"It's very implicit. What about emotional governance? It's not that you can't make achievements, but you can't get to the surface. You need to endure the loneliness and hardship in your heart. To be more presumptuous, it's not human's work! "

"I understand, director. Since I entered this door, I didn't think so much about it!"

"You don't think about it, but I really can't afford not to think about it. When I'm a secretary, I may not be able to give you the so-called fine clothes and food, but what about your family and life? I still need to think about it. I'm not a person who likes to take people's lives to fill the hole, but what about you boy? It's better to expect not to fall into my hands! "

Although this sounds like a warning, Hou Tianliang is very clear that the director has pressed a talisman on his body. As long as he doesn't fiddle, there are not too many problems. But if there are problems and problems in his own body, he will not use other people or departments to do it, and the director will take the lead to kill himself!

The director is good for the people below, but the same reward and punishment, and the intensity of the punishment is also very serious. Hou Tianliang reminds himself secretly in his heart, but at the same time, he is really lucky. At least, the director is very attentive to himself!

If you don't wake up with the hammer, then you will not let yourself come back! It's really not easy to have such a good leader!

"Director, can I ask you wantonly When he saw Ding Yu nodding, Hou Tianliang tentatively said, "Zong Taiping, they can be said to have made great efforts. I'm not pleading for them, but I feel a little confused. I don't know who can get into the director's eye?"

Ding Yu, who was asked, was stunned for a moment, and then sighed, "I really want to find two apprentices for myself. The original Taylor is in line with my standard. Although she is not my race, all aspects of his conditions are really suitable! But she didn't have such a chance! As for Guo Li and Shen Mingzheng, they are two! There may be some development in medicine, but only in western medicine! They are barely able to be regarded as my medical students! ""Chance?"

"Yes, chance. This word originated from Buddhism. I was born in Taoism. In essence, I have read several Taoist books and studied some things. It's really nothing. What about Buddhism? It is also between ambiguity, we have different pursuits and beliefs! It's a good word to use, but take it! The so-called chance can be met but not sought, even forced but not! Trouble

"Director, there are so many people that you can't see!"

"There are too few pure minded people! What about the people now? Too much insight! So this mind is very vivid. What about my things? It's not that you can't teach, but after you learn it? Even if it can't benefit the country and the people, at least there won't be any other problems. But if it goes astray, it will bring disaster to the country and the people! So I've been looking for it all the time. If I can't find something better, I can't help it! "

"Director, don't you have two children? I think Xiaogang is good too! "

"What I have taught them, they are not willing to learn. Even if they have learned, it may be something above the surface. Moreover, it is easy to form a family study and can't broadcast far away. Even in the end, it may be because of my humble self-respect that other problems and situations may arise."

Hou Tianliang did not know how to describe the problem that the director was considering? With their own consideration of the problem is really so some not the same! "Director, what are the so-called opportunities? Is it impossible for a man like you

"Can't you force it? But what do you think of my fortune

"I don't know how to judge! But the director is definitely a man of great fortune

"And me? It's not the right path. If I really go on the official career Road, even if I'm not dead, I'll talk about it. So I never mean to develop my official career. I'll just play with some unorthodox things! Use an idiom to describe, that is, don't be too ambitious

"Director, you are looking for a needle in a haystack! It's not as good as layer by layer selection? Maybe more reliable! "

"Selection? What criteria are used for selection? Using Taylor's criteria? forget it! What about people like Tyler? You may not know too much about their family education. Anyway, I am not willing to contact with them. It completely destroys human nature, but it also makes you maintain an independent personality! That is to say, a considerable number of elites were collected, but in the end? I don't know if the one left will be the one you need. What do you think

"Can't afford it!"

"Yes! Can't afford it! We are all human beings, not animals! What's more, it's just that it's not a big deal. I'm not in a hurry. What are you worried about? "

When speaking, there was a knock at the door, and then the door was pushed open! Yixiaoxi also came in from the outside, but it was not empty handed. There were still some things in the hand. It seems that there are quite a lot of them! Hou Tianliang also stood up for the first time.

"Hello, director." Yi Xiaoxi put the things inside on the table, "when I came, I knew you were here, so I brought you some home-made things. This is for Xiaogang!"

"Thank you, uncle!" Wang Xiaogang also stood up, saluted with a tiger's head and brain, and then sat down again. Ding Yu looked at the things on the table and snorted, "OK, since everything has been sent here, open it! Also taste what taste, find a seat by yourself! Open everything in the morning

Contrary to common sense, Yi Xiaoxi seems very happy. At least, the director does not regard himself as an outsider. If he is an outsider, the director will not open the box at all, so he will place it. As for the consequences? It's likely to give up.

Ding Yu took the chopsticks and tried two mouthfuls. The taste was OK. What about the snacks next to it? Ding Yu also picked a plate for Wang Xiaogang, but also deliberately put out a shape, let Wang Xiaogang happy.

"When the report is over, come to me. If you know that I can light a lamp now, you are not afraid of any problems? Now my reputation in the provincial capital is not as good as I thought, and it is not as good as everyone yells and blows, but we are all quite on guard

"Director, I'm here anyway! Even if the sky is falling, there are tall people standing on it, isn't it? "

"You are as smooth as you can be!" Ding Yu didn't scold like that in the past years! "And the details? You must also know that I played with Uncle rob, which can be said to have put all the people in. You have your own channel. This doesn't need me. You should know more about the way in here than I do! "

"I still need to borrow the name of the director, otherwise I can't live! I am a sparrow

"Have you ever heard of it? Although sparrow is small and has five internal organs, you! The stomach is full of bad water, but it is also indifferent things, within the scope of our ability to do some good things for the country and the people! I'm not a good man, but I try my best to make my heart comfortable"Director, although I have always been a sparrow, but only now!"

"Mirs spread their wings and hate the sky is low. It's good to have this idea! But need to take root in reality, can not be divorced from the foundation and foundation! You! There is an opportunity, but can we make good use of it? No one can guarantee that. It's up to you! "

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