At dinner, we didn't drink. We just sat down and ate something and said something casually. As for Wang Xiaogang? After eating and drinking, he also ran away. Ding Yu didn't expect him to stay for long. Instead, there was a nanny watching him, so he didn't need to worry about anything! Let him suffer here, seems to be quite inappropriate, after all, he is just a child!

Training needs to be done step by step! It can't be too rigid!

"Director!" After a cry, Yi Xiaoxi also took a look at Hou Tianliang beside him. Seeing that Ding Yu didn't mean anything else, Yi Xiaoxi said aloud, "we heard some news in the capital, and we don't know whether it's true or not. Anyway, there is news about this aspect now! Some people are also talking about it! "

"Just because of this one?" Ding Yu hummed and laughed, but also sighed, "but I don't seem to be tossing about anything! Is it a bit too much to be asked to come to you under such circumstances? "

Too much bullying? It's not a good thing to say in reverse. Although the director did not interfere with the investigation team and the inspection group this time, or even did anything in the province, we can't say that the director didn't use his heart at all. It's really not like this! What's the problem! It's true.

"Director, when I came here, I had a certain understanding of the things in the province. Some people wanted to reach out. Gong Shaoqing has been embedded like a big nail. What about my arrival? To a certain extent, it can only be regarded as a stepping stone. If there is any problem, I will be "director, in fact, we really hope you do it, and then their faces will be as long as horse faces!"

"Losing face? Even if it's OK, but if you really grab the interests in their hands, it's another thing! What's more, what if we really talk about it? We are just a little different in concept and idea. What else? Is there really any problem? I really can't say that, seek common ground while reserving differences! "

What about what the director did? Yi Xiaoxi really does not have any refutation, after all, he is a parallel character with his father, even to a certain extent, he is more confident than his father, do anything? They won't have any independence. What's the qualification of a new kid?

"Through this incident, I think they must be very regretful now, so they also drum up a so-called third echelon, but whether it will succeed or not, we are not sure."

"What? Are you going to be the lobbyist? " Ding Yu said without hesitation.

"Please forgive me, director! I don't want to work on the square again now? It is really a deep memory, Zong Taiping and their four guys this time can be said to have suffered, almost no whip fried meat! But I'm afraid that this spirit has fallen, and it's hard to recover for a moment and a half! "

"Too stupid! After such a big circle, they didn't respond. I was quite speechless. I really doubt who's idea was to let them enter the second echelon at the beginning? How do you like them! But now I really don't want to take care of it! Let them be quiet for a while! If you can live in silence, you can still use it in the future. If you can't, you can let yourself go

"Director, you are a worried life!"

"Do it well! It is not an easy thing for life to go on such a right path. It is also not an easy thing to go down smoothly! " After thinking about it, Ding Yu also blinked his own eyes, "you just took office, and I am the director? If you don't give you a little gift, it seems that there are some things that can't be said, but it won't be anything valuable. It's just a word! I hope you can have a good future

"Thank you, director."

"Don't be so sensational. What about life? It's diversity. The question is whether you can control yourself. Xiaogang asked me about this before. I said that if a person can control himself, then he is a fairy! We are all human beings, not immortals, can not achieve perfect self-control, and live like that is too hypocritical, too tired! But you all have to step up to your posts. I hope you can consider this problem well! "

"Director, it seems that I don't know you very well!"

"Just a little joke! At the beginning, there were some strict demands on you. What about you at that time? Already belong to semi-finished products! It doesn't need to be tempered again. It just needs a lot of processing! In fact, my little interference has not played a big role. I know it well. Does it work? Or you! It's just that you don't realize it! "

"Now you have to go to your posts one after another. Look back and see whether your efforts are worth it or not? It's your own business! Is it to continue to work hard, or feel that they can indulge? You also need to see yourself. The road of life is very long and short. It's up to you to stop and have a look at the scenery now, or wait to see the scenery after lying down. The right to choose also lies with you! ""Director, we all follow your example!"

"No, don't. what about me? It is not a good man in itself, nor a good example! " Ding Yu's words have some self mockery flavor, "follow the good man to learn the good man, follow the witch to jump the God, follow me? You are likely to learn a mess. What about life? Is to enrich their own process, and then come out of their own way! That's it! No road is the same! "

This explanation really made Yi Xiaoxi so confused. I really didn't expect that the director could say such words in his mouth. It was really that the brain hole was so open! Let a person really have so some reaction not come over.

"Director, it is said that many people want to break their heads and squeeze in. Suddenly, there is a Hou Tianliang beside you. Besides Chen Feng's husband, this may be one of the few people who really want to break their heads."

"Dawn has quite a qualification, but what about this qualification? It's different from you! Who knows if he can come out in the future, or is it that everyone only sees the glory on your surface, who sees the hard work behind this? "

"Yes, everyone can see the scenery in front of the director. But who knows, the director doesn't sleep until early in the morning and wakes up at dawn. Even we can't do it! It can only be done reluctantly! "

"Don't boast! It's like it's true! " Ding Yu snorted, "there are quite a few reasons why I can do this. I can't explain the situation, but there is no harm in the end, so I'm used to it! But I can't do it all day. Sometimes I'll be lazy

"Director, it may not be so clear that other people have not experienced it, but those who have experienced it will know what the taste is like, and you will know what it is like! But plum blossom fragrance comes from bitterness and coldness. Only after experiencing it can we know what kind of sweetness is behind the pain. That kind of joy can't be replaced by anything! "

"Come on, stop bullshit! I'll leave tomorrow. If I don't leave, I'm afraid some people won't want to! Nine times out of ten people are unhappy in life. It's a normal thing. But speaking of it, I'm really worried about your arrogance. But what if we talk about it? I can't discipline this matter. In the words of idealism, character decides fate

Having said that, Ding Yu also knocked on the table. Before long, Hou Tianliang came in from the outside with a pot of tea. Yi Xiaoxi looked at Hou Tianliang and nodded. The director remembered what he said! However, there seems to be another thing to say. The director seems to have promised to prepare a gift for himself.

"Director, you seem to have some worries about Yi Xiaoxi?"

"He? I really don't worry. Although I'm not a grandson monkey, the energy behind it can't be underestimated. At the same time, what about him? There is also some ink and oil in his belly. If he can calm down, he is really a talent. I just didn't expect that they would transfer Yi Xiaoxi here! "

"Director, do you mean they want to fight the ring?"

"What about Gong Shaoqing? It's just a kind of cooperation! But what about the arrival of yixiaoxi? It's another thing! It can be said that it is forced to insert, but it is really a troublesome matter. It seems that I really want to drag me into the water! "

After saying that, Ding Yu also smiles, "by the way, I promise to give Yi Xiaoxi a gift. I will write a letter in the evening and let him come to take it by himself. We will leave tomorrow, so we won't be so happy at last! Hi! These guys! It doesn't stop at all! "

For the director's impatience, Hou Tianliang also saw in his eyes, which revealed too many things, and these things? I can't see clearly for the time being. After all, I don't stand at such a high position, and I don't have so much experience. Even if I stand on the position, I'm afraid I can't see clearly.

Back at the residence where he stayed, Ding Yu also wrote a piece of Chinese characters for Yi Xiaoxi, but there was no title or signature on it. However, there was a special mark on it. A small feather made people feel like a drop of ink accidentally stained on it! It's a bit of an eyesore!

Yi Xiaoxi got Ding Yu's word the next morning, but he didn't have time to open it to see what was written in it. "The director said, it disappeared. I wish you a smooth and healthy work."

"I want to send off the director?" The tone has the flavor of negotiation.

"The director told me! Don't need anyone else to send you off. I'll see you again when you have a chance! Take care Now that everything has been delivered, there is no need for Hou Tianliang to stay! Their own side of the schedule is also relatively hasty, there is really no leisure!

"Secretary Hou, I'd like to say, take good care of the director. We are not around the director any more! If there is anything, we can still help, at least there is no problem running errands! "Hou Tianliang looked at Yi Xiaoxi, but he didn't mean to speak. He turned around and left! I can say this to the director, but I can't get involved in it. I'm so quiet and weak that I can't bear the responsibility!

Ding Yu and Wang Xiaogang left the way is not through the train, but by their own private plane, this is really let many people did not think, Ding Yu came very quietly, but went so much movement, is it necessary? You know you have a lot of capital, but there's no need for that, right?

In the evening, Yu Zheng also deliberately went to see old secretary Luo. After he left office, he moved out of the courtyard of the Standing Committee of the provincial Party committee. He lived a little far away. People could not understand this, but Yu Zheng admired it! Not everyone has such foresight, nor does anyone have such courage and courage.

How many people are greedy for the rights in their hands and refuse to let go. Even if they leave office, they will not leave if they stay here. What about the old secretary? There is no such meaning at all, and now it is really a idle cloud and wild crane! Ordinary people are really hard to see!

"Old secretary? Are you out for a walk again? This state of mind is really good

"If you go out and do a square dance, it will be regarded as exercise!" Luo Laozi did not because of the arrival of this evening, deliberately to wait, there is really no need for this! It doesn't involve anything messy! So I even have supper at night? They didn't mean to prepare, just a glass of water.

"My father's condition has recovered quite well, and now he can even eat and drink water! But now I want to express my thanks. I don't know who I should go to? So I can only come to express my thanks to the old secretary! "

"After all, it's for the sake of Xiaoyu, a child. In fact, it's not a big deal. It's not for us to see it. It's noisy." Mr. Luo didn't care about this at all. "Some people have to argue about something, so let them go and make trouble."

Yu Zheng pondered for a while, but also slightly nodded his head. Although the old secretary said that he was retreating, the wisdom and experience in his head did not degenerate with it, and it was still maintained very well! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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