"Uncle? Why don't we fly? " On the train, Wang Xiaogang asked some questions. Hou Tianliang, next to him, came to Ding Yu's carriage, including the nanny. For Wang Xiaogang's words, Hou Tianliang obviously had a clear understanding, but did not say the meaning.

"It's so boring to have a large group of people following you!" Ding Yu explained, "it doesn't matter if you are around, but if I follow a large group of people, it's not so comfortable! So there's no way to take a big plane! But if you really mean it, I'll let you sit down after you go back! Go where you want to go! "

Looking at Wang Xiaogang's little thumb, Ding Yu is also very patient, also the same stretch out his little thumb, hook together, shake each other, and then thumb pressed together! Looking at Hou Tianliang, I really don't know what to say. It's just a child, as for it?

But the director did it! Forget it. What about this? I really don't need too much attention. What about the director's consideration? It is obvious that the director doesn't mean to deal with the official. Maybe there is something wrong? Maybe you just don't want to be followed!

However, they paid close attention to the other forces of the plane. When the plane stopped at the airport, they suddenly found that they had lost the trace of Ding Yu. They could not find it at all! Who could have thought that Ding Yu even in such a situation, to such a trick, the success of all people to play!

Of course, if they can, they can certainly go to find the emotional management department. After all, Hou Tianliang is with Ding Yu. As long as you find Hou Tianliang, you can find Ding Yu. But there will be many problems. What about going to find Ding Yu blindly? In fact, there is not much use at all, what's more, Ding Yu is really what you can find if you want to find it? If that's the case, I'm afraid Ding Yu has long been dead!

Previously, Ding Yu was forced out of 49 cities, but what about now? Is really a troublesome thing, at least can not do quite control, Ding Yu really want to do what? This can be said to be quite bad! What happened in the provincial capital this time? It is completely under the control of Ding Yu.

Fortunately, Ding Yu is not interested in these things. If Ding Yu is really interested in these things, how will it come to an end? Even if you don't lose, the result will never be too good! This is the price of living in Dingyu, which you have to admit and bear!

Of course, Ding Yu is in 49 cities? It is also true to let everyone feel uncomfortable, even a little embarrassed!

I don't know what to do! But what about Ding Yu's habits? He may be going abroad next year. The time should be at least half a year. Maybe we will feel relaxed at that time. This is the time! Just bear with it!

In fact, what if we talk about it? What did Ding Yu really not interfere with? In other words, maybe everyone's ideas are not the same. There is another important reason, that is, we can't check and balance Ding Yu like our opponents. This is the main reason why we feel manic! Otherwise, you Ding Yu is a hairy?

"Director? Is there a lot of anxiety at home? "

"In a hurry what?" Ding Yu's eyelids didn't mean to lift them up at all. "I've already said that before. What about us? There is no special task. In the past, we still need to take care of Zong Taiping, but now we are just ourselves! Do we have any other identities? "

After a few words, Hou Tianliang was sent back directly. Hou Tianliang was also laughing. He was a little presumptuous in front of the director? It's really nothing. After all, it's been with the director for quite some time!

For the director's personality, Hou Tianliang is also able to do a little understanding, although the director is not old, but the style of doing things is really a little bit different, or even different, for the outside world? Really did not have too much attention, in the heart own attention and the idea, may look from the appearance? But what about the outside and the inside? But I have a feeling of being round and inside.

"Don't laugh! I want to ask you something! " Since Hou Tianliang is so free, Ding Yu doesn't mind looking for something to do for him. "We still have one major thing to do here. I asked the investigation earlier, but it seems that there has been no result? You don't have any news? "

For the director suddenly asked about this matter, Hou Tianliang also hesitated for a moment, "director, this matter is really not very easy to say, but as far as I know, some people withdraw!"

"Did someone flinch?" Ding Yu snorted, "it's a little bit obvious that there are some abnormal things! Previously, the intelligence department felt timid, but after I came here, I even retreated! This seems to be quite abnormal already

However, Hou Tianliang is just from the point to the end. Some words are not really what you should say. But I think the director should understand what he really means? What about this time? It's using the director's identity. I don't know what kind of consideration the director will have in his heart. It's hard to say!After all, what about the director's character? There, he seldom provokes anything, but it does not mean that other people can also provoke him. If the director is provoked, think about Britain! Will know exactly is what kind of taste, anyway Hou Tianliang is also slightly moved his buttocks! Just in case!

"There won't be too many people who can make you all feel difficult! However, since people have given this face, it seems that things have nothing to do with me! You are responsible for this matter, contact and account by yourself, that is to say

Is it really forgotten? Or that Ding Yu doesn't want to meddle in his business. It seems that this is the end of the matter!

Hou Tianliang's heart is also a big sigh of relief, but he is also very clear, the director really does not want to compare with his own meaning, otherwise, he is simply unable to resist! I am just a little secretary!

"Uncle! My belly is a little shriveled After getting off the train, Wang Xiaogang rubbed his stomach.

"I think you did it on purpose?" Ding Yu also snorted, but Ding Yu didn't really look for food in front of the station. Although Wang Xiaogang was very dissatisfied, his uncle insisted, and he had no way but to drum up his mouth! I want to wait for my uncle to give me an explanation.

After finding a taxi, Ding Yucai patiently explained to Wang Xiaogang, but soon the group also found a place for fast food. Ding Yu didn't have much interest in it. Instead, Wang Xiaogang stuffed things into his mouth, as if he wanted to compete with Ding Yu!

"Eat slowly, and no one will rob you!" Children's temperament, good education is! It's no big deal. To be exact, this is the experience gained from his son and daughter. Ding Yu is used to it!

"In the morning, you can follow me for a while, and let the security guards reserve their rooms! Just three of us, no one else! I want to be clean, and it's not so comfortable to make a lot of people out of it! " Taking advantage of the free time to eat, Ding Yu also directly sat down and arranged quite well!

Since the director has said this, don't follow me seriously! What's more, it seems that the director's personal combat effectiveness is not an ordinary table. Although he said that he had not seen much of it, at least he had heard of it. There are a lot of information about this aspect in the Ministry!

Of course, this is also because I am with the director's side position, so I deliberately read the relevant documents and information, otherwise I would not have so much understanding!

"Director, do I need to get ready?"

"No, since you are out to play, you should have a look of playing! Take a casual look at the scenery, accompany Wang Xiaogang to make a fool of, if possible, appreciate the details of the city! It's almost like this! "

Ding Yu has constructed the theme of this time. Hou Tianliang is puzzled. Is the director really free? But what about this? It's really not good to ask about it, so it's good to follow the director's side!

After eating, Ding Yu took Wang Xiaogang and Hou Tianliang to the next position. The three men walked out. When Hou Tianliang was sitting in the room, he also deliberately checked with his mobile phone. After all, he was the first time to come here. He really didn't know anything about it. Now learn to sell now!

Wang Xiaogang is at Ding Yu's side, bouncing around, but he can't get rid of Ding Yu's hand. However, Wang Xiaogang doesn't seem to have this meaning. It's very comfortable to follow him around. Is he trying to let him hold this thing? It seems that I haven't got too many responses all the time. It's not fun!

"Uncle, there are many people over there!"

Not only Ding Yu saw it, but also Hou Tianliang next to him! "Someone is singing! Yes? Are you going to see it? "

Children are very fond of excitement. Looking at Wang Xiaogang's eagerness to try, Ding Yu also holds Wang Xiaogang in his arms. There are many people around him, but they are relatively loose.

Inside is a girl, a guitar, a stereo, singing there! The song was very happy, but Ding Yu heard some sadness from it! But the girl is still very beautiful! This may be the main reason why so many people gather here!

Wang Xiaogang looked for a period of time, but also holding his uncle's neck with both hands, it seems that there is not much meaning! What do you think you're curious about? It turns out to be singing. Although the elder sister is very beautiful, looking at Wang Xiaogang's impatient appearance, Ding Yu also has quite a few helpless feelings, this boy! Just like something new!

The performance in front of him obviously didn't interest him at all! "There is a reason and a result. How about many times? You may also pass by at a glance, but there is always some contamination, since it is contaminated, then it can not be the fact but not! You can't take too much for granted! "

"Uncle, I don't understand!"

"You can't appreciate it, but you can't turn a blind eye to it! Maybe you don't get any so-called pleasure from it, or even get any feeling from it, but you are standing here after all. What about this performance? It may not infect you, but you need to respond fairly to it! ""Still can't understand!" Wang Xiaogang felt that his head was pumping. What did Uncle want to say to himself?

It was Hou Tianliang who wanted to do something, but Ding Yu's free hand slightly waved, "you brought us to watch this performance. What about you? Maybe it's fun to see if it's fun, but for the little sister there, it's a performance with heart. This kind of performance needs to be encouraged and praised! "

Wang Xiaogang tilted his head, "I can send a little red flower!"

Ding Yu is really interesting! Children's values and world outlook may be like this for the time being, but there is nothing wrong with it, because in Wang Xiaogang's opinion, little Honghua may be the best praise!

"Yes! There's a florist over there Ding Yu pointed to Wang Xiaogang, who nodded his head not far away, but also walked slowly to the florist's shop. He spent ten yuan to buy a small packaged safflower. If there was something wrong, he took it in his own hand and walked back to the original place. Wang Xiaogang also put the packaged bouquet in the piano box.

However, there are not only Wang Xiaogang's little Honghua, but also Ding Yu's small change. For Ding Yu, it's just a drop in the bucket, and there are even some shameful things. But Ding Yu has no such feeling. After putting down the things, he also left with Wang Xiaogang! I didn't mean to stay.

"Uncle, I just bought a little safflower. Why punish me with a sweet cone?"

"Do anything? There is a price for it! Pay and return may not be directly proportional, but in order to get return and pay, or to pay and get return! The question depends on where you stand! You don't seem to have the ability to control money now. In this case, you send out a little red flower

"Uncle?" Wang Xiaogang's mouth has shrunk again!

"In a word? If you are poor, you will be well off; if you are rich, you will be able to help the world! In a more popular way? Just do what you can What about Wang Xiaoyu's explanation? There is no money at all. In such a situation, you can appreciate it! Can also encourage! Because you don't have any economic ability, it's just the difference between the way and the method! But it is also a kind of help! As for the way the people who are helped will bear it, this is another thing

Hou Tianliang listen carefully, when he was a child? Have you ever received such education? Maybe parents have such behavior, but there should be no such explanation. Even if there is such an explanation, the expression may be quite implicit, because the parents' education level is not high, they can only influence themselves through subtle influence!

What is the director doing now? But it is another way, this way is more direct, also more clear, and even quite easy to understand, let Xiaogang can be said to be extremely impressive! No wonder the two children in the director's family are so excellent. How can such education not be excellent?

People die more than people, goods are still better than goods! There are really so many different! However, Hou Tianliang has carefully remembered that when he has children in the future, he will have to be educated in this way, although this idea has not sprouted for the first time! But every time I see the director educating children, the idea will come out of my head!

While talking, Ding Yu's mobile phone also rings. Ding Yu slides his mobile phone with his free hand, "Hello, I'm Ding Yu!"

"Hello, director Ding! I am honest

"Hello, director Geng! Is the sun rising in the West today? You even personally called me here, is really let me have so many flattered ah! I even feel that I can't do it myself! "

"Don't give me the evil spirit!" Frank is also very dissatisfied with saying, "if you have free time, say something!" Talk to Ding Yu? Can not be too tough, but also can not be too weak! It needs to be soft with hard, otherwise this guy is indifferent at all!

"Director Geng Da, I'm a little busy now. I made a big investment just now. I even deducted a considerable share of Wang Xiaogang's dinner!"

Hou Tianliang nearby is also a few speechless, but also to Wang Xiaogang to pick up.

"Don't complain to me! If you can't eat, I'm afraid we'll have to drink from the northwest! Say something serious, this investigation of things suddenly interrupted! Don't you have any opinion in your heart? "

"No! This matter has nothing to do with me, so I can't make a headache. I have a lot of things here, and I don't have so much leisure! If only you could understand more! "

"I don't know about you. I'm sure you're not willing to. But this matter may need to stop for a while! Something? Need to take into account the overall situation! We can't make a lot of noise just because of one or two places. ""It's your own business anyway!" Ding Yu replied, "if there is nothing, I will hang up first! I have other things to do on my side! "

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