Honest can deliberately call to explain, is quite not easy! But Ding Yu really doesn't have much to worry about! At least for such a matter and care, a little bit more than a little too much!

In other words, Ding Yu is really not willing to back the pot for the emotional management department! And Ding Yu has other feelings vaguely, but if you touch it now, it's too early, so it's better to step back! Let's look at the situation!

But when Ding Yu put down the phone, he found that Wang Xiaogang and Hou Tianliang had already run far away! The square in the distance seems to be surrounded by a big circle. The sound of Huha inside is also quite clear. Ding Yu is stunned. It's really surprising to hear such a sound!

When you go outside the circle, you can hear the wind whistling inside. Wang Xiaogang may have seen his uncle, and he is also greeting his little hand. Ding Yu sees the people in the circle. A small child is practicing martial arts there. In his hand, he is carrying a long stick which is about two times higher than him! It's very smart to dance!

Ding Yu is squinting his own eyes, Wang Xiaogang also can't stop waving his small hand, usually in the courtyard, he likes this, carrying his own golden cudgel, drive away the animals in the courtyard! Now seeing this little brother dancing a long stick, he is naturally more interested!

"Director! This child's stick skill is very good! "

"Well!" Ding Yu also slightly nodded his head, and then sniffed his nose, "you see, there are not too many cocoons on your hands! But to be able to dance the stick to this level is not to say that it can be done in a short time, and there is a certain smell on his body! Do you smell it? "

"Director, you are a little difficult for me!" Hou Tianliang also said with a wry smile, "he holds a stick in his hand. I can't see what the palm of his hand looks like. As for the taste, I really don't have much feeling."

"Just look at his mouth!" Ding Yu didn't mean to investigate Hou Tianliang. After all, he didn't come from a warrior's background, which varies from person to person, so he really couldn't force him to say, "and the long stick in his hand should be made of white wax! It's not easy to experience the transmission of power at a young age! "

"Anyway, I can see that they can shake out quite a few gun flowers and then dance on the top of their heads. They are still too young! Otherwise, it might be better to see it! " Hou Tianliang can only see this, after all, he is not from this origin, "but in my personal opinion, exercise may be good, not too much combat!"

"If two people fight or practice, in order to feel the transmission of strength, the white wax pole is the best choice, because you can feel the transmission of strength most easily. It has an extremely good effect on the control of one's own strength and the use of strength. But if it is said that life and death are fighting or on the battlefield, the white wax pole is not a good choice Yes! But now there are some myths about the white wax pole! We're just going to track a heat! "

"Director, do you use wax sticks, too?"

"Use it! It can be said that there are quite a lot at home. It is not only me, but also my two children. The practice of inner family is not that we don't pay attention to the outside world and complement each other. Similarly, the cultivation of the outside family can't be separated from the inner family and take care of each other! The so-called boxing has no up and down, people have high and low! Nothing is the most powerful, only your own best

After the children in the middle of the field had finished their exercises, many people gathered around the past, praising and asking for advice. However, Wang Xiaogang ran to the shelf not far away and looked at the things on it, showing a lot of curiosity! For one of them, he expressed a strong interest in the long stick which was almost as high as him!

"Little brother, can I have a look?" Wang Xiaogang squatted there, staring at the stick on the shelf!

The children standing there were also stunned for a moment. There were many people nearby, but they all inquired about when and where they were practicing martial arts. Even if they were more interested in weapons, they were more interested in long sticks. However, they were rarely like the children in front of them. They were interested in the short sticks on the shelf!

"Is this one?" The little boy looked at it, and then took the stick in his hand from the shelf. However, when he handed it over, he held the stick in both hands. Wang Xiaogang also stood up and stretched out his hands, which was polite. However, when he held it in his hand, the little boy did not immediately let go, but tentatively let go!

Ah? Wang Xiaogang also called, originally thought is a wooden stick, but there thought unexpectedly so heavy? I almost sat there all by myself! Although excited the curiosity in the heart, but tried two times, still did not lift the stick in the hand! Just looking back at my uncle!

Ding Yu also felt so funny, and then he squatted in the side of Wang Xiaogang. Hou Tianliang also noticed that the director's squatting action was obviously different from that of ordinary people! Obviously with considerable vigilance! I don't know if these actions have been integrated into the director's bones! It may also be related to the origin of the director!"Is it flat?" Ding Yu also said mockingly!

"I wasn't full just now!" Wang Xiaogang also argued that he spat out his tongue at Ding Yu, "actually, I can't take it when I'm full! I'm afraid it will be wobbly even if it's taken up! I didn't expect it to be so heavy! "

"This stick is not something you can touch now! Even this little brother can't touch it! Their own strength is not enough, it is easy to split the household registration, and even cause considerable damage to the wrist and even the arm! Now it's time to contact more softer sticks, or this kind of wax stick is the best

"Why? It's very similar to my golden cudgel

"Standards vary from person to person! Your hand is so big. If the stick is too thick, you can't hold it. If you can't control the stick, you can't give full play to your strength. It's like my hand can hold a hamburger, but what about your hand? You can only pick up an egg tart When talking, Ding Yu also stretched out his hand! The size gap is slightly larger.

"What's more, the stick is the closest to nature and the best transmission tool of its own strength. You can regard it as an extension of your arm, not just as a tool!"

"Uncle, isn't it better to use iron bars?"

"Out of control!" Ding Yu was very clear and said, "you can let it out, but you can't take it back! At your age, what you should know now is how to control your strength, not how to hit people. If you really want to fight, t-stick should be the best choice. However, in the ordinary practice, you can't feel too much strength, and it is easy to misjudge yourself. Therefore, it's better to use a stick to connect with you in ordinary times. "

After a little explanation, Ding Yu also looked at the children in front of him. He was more elegant and said, "how many years have you practiced? Good posture! The basic skills are excellent. " Then he looked at the child's hand, "good bone! Can withstand the test of time, there will be future sublimation! Try hard

"Hello, uncle!" Children are not afraid of life at all, "practiced for four years! I like it when I was a child! I like it very much now, and I will stick to it in the future! "

"Like it? This is really not enviable, my little nephew also likes it, but more often than not, he likes to play the monkey king and chase away the little animals in the house with the golden cudgel! " While speaking, Ding Yu also stood up and hesitated for a moment. Then he saw a coin between his index finger and middle finger!

Also don't know where Ding Yu actually clip out the coin, so suddenly appeared in Ding Yu's hand! "Never forget, there will be a response!" Looking at Wang Xiaogang's curious look on his face, Ding Yu sighed, "as long as you have faith, one day there will be a response. Even if it is temporary fruitless, there will be harvest in the future."

"Gone Ding Yu also pulled a hand of Wang Xiaogang. When he turned back, he gently spread his thumb, and the coin flew up in the air. He drew a beautiful arc in the sky, and then fell into the little boy's hand. Someone noticed it! But I really didn't care too much. It seemed that it was just a coin of fifty cents. It's no big deal!

"Director, when have you been so generous? Good luck for the little one

"If you can't forget it, there will be echoes. This is the annotation of master Hongyi, which should be from the Vajra Sutra! The so-called cause must have effect, is a pursuit of their own spirit! The so-called Buddhism talks about cause and effect, and Taoism talks about fate. Who knows what will happen to us? They are just secular people! "

Hou Tianliang is confused. Wang Xiaogang doesn't know why. But this time he lies on his uncle's body again. The novelty just now has passed! Now need to find their own interest again!

However, the little boy looked at the coin in his hand. He was stunned for a long time and didn't respond to it. He had been waiting for the stick inside the handle to put it in his pocket thoughtfully! Plus there are a lot of people around, I really don't have time to tell my grandfather about it!

On the back of the car, Wang Youfu looked at his grandson who was a little stuffy. He was also more curious, "Xiao Hao, what are you thinking? Were you tired just now When I speak, I feel my grandson's head!

"Grandfather, a little boy just came here and was very interested in your stick. His uncle said something to me! I also mentioned in particular that if I can't forget it, it will reverberate. I feel very much How to describe this word, Wang Chuanhao really can't say, "right! He gave me something back! "

Then he took out a coin from his pocket, a very different coin. Wang Youfu was puzzled and took this coin. The weight of the coin was heavy! Turn on the lights, looking at the coin, Wang Youfu can't help but stupefied, put in the hand to weigh twice, as if it was gold!

What about the logo on it? It's really not as much as I imagined, but the feather still left a very deep impact on myself. The carving is lifelike, and even has the feeling of some art works. Such things are thrown to my grandson? What's the meaning of this? To pay attention to nothing is to be a thief or a thief?"If you think about it, it will reverberate? Can you say something like this? I don't think you can watch a movie, do you? What did you say, Xiao hao? " Wang Youfu is also frowning his brow, there are so some doubts asked.

Wang Chuanhao looked at his grandfather, but also repeated the previous words, listening to Wang Youfu also can not help feeling a bit silly, get! I met an expert! People just look at their grandsons? There may be some potential, so I gave a little encouragement! That's it!

But what about Wang Youfu's heart? It's true that you have something to say. It's not ordinary people to be able to say that, but it seems that you haven't heard of it? Is it the dragon that crossed the river? So young have such a feeling? Why do you feel so unreal?

"He said your bones are good?" Wang Youfu seems to have thought of something. How about Sun Tzu practicing martial arts? I used a special prescription in my home. Could it be because of this? But after thinking about it, what about this one? It seems that it is not so precious as I imagined, because many of my friends have used this prescription, which is a little expensive! So it didn't spread widely!

"A glance at my hand means a glance at it!" Wang Chuanhao said faintly, "but the taste of that uncle is very special, which makes people feel very close. There is an involuntary closeness. As for the little brother? The smell on the body is not the same! It seems that I have used medicine, but I can't tell you the details! "

Wang Youfu immediately handed the coin to his grandson, "this coin still has considerable value. It should be made of gold, but the important thing is that the gold mark on it is not pressed out, it is more like carved out, which is extraordinary and has considerable artistic value! You must keep it well

"Grandfather, what would that uncle look like?"

"I don't know, but I don't think it's a mortal. Ordinary people can't afford such things." At least the general family is not able to take out such things, even if it is their own home, also will not be so extravagant, without knowing each other directly gave a gold coin, even if the black sheep also did not do so!

"But that little brother is very interesting. By the way, he also mentioned his brother and sister. It seems that the training is similar to mine! But it's not a lot to say, so I don't know that much! "

"There is nothing extraordinary about the greatness of the lake. The generation of Hidden Dragon and crouching tiger is just like the Qing Dynasty crossing the river. How about the cultivation of Kung Fu? It's not a matter of a day! If it's competition, it's better to practice fighting. If you want to practice good things, you should be patient and calm your mind! The so-called "never forget" will reverberate, but also hope that you can keep your heart and stick to it, so I deliberately gave you a coin, I hope you don't let down this friendship! "

"Grandfather, if this is gold, it will be too expensive!"

"You still have some that are too small! They just left a coin to show you are now! It hasn't been seen in the eyes, but what about your efforts? May be more appreciated! If you really have this chance in the future, you can go and ask for advice! " Wang Youfu also said with a sigh.

However, the driver in front of him seemed to hear something, but he kept waiting until he got off the bus and whispered, "master? Shall I arrange it? It should not be difficult! "

Wang Youfu shook his head. "There's no need. If there's a real situation, I'm sure I'll find you. But what do you mean? I didn't leave any words or any other actions. Obviously, I didn't want to meet! In this case, if you really want to find the door, isn't it embarrassing? "

After thinking about it, Wang Youfu also took out a coin, which was just a coin of one yuan. What about the control of this strength? Need to be impartial, because his grandson was still holding a short stick in his hand at that time, distance! Strength and so on! Even if it's yourself? It seems that you need to spend some experience, maybe you can do it!

What about the coin in your hand? Hesitated quite a time, also did not throw out, also really worried about disgrace!

"Director! I'm afraid no one can afford your education. I'm afraid that if I have children in the future, how can I educate them? Your way is good, but isn't the cost too much? "

"Different ways, different methods!" Ding Yu looked at Wang Xiaogang, who was bouncing in front of him. He also turned his neck. "Where are the two rabbits in the house? How about spending a little money? It's not so much on the heart, but this effort to pay a little more, this is the most unbearable

"Director, you're making a little bit of a joke!"

"The conditions at home are so good! Good, even people have so many confused! Can let them grow up normally, world outlook, values and consciousness do not deviate, I already feel powerless! As for the others? Let it be! Because that's all I can do

"Director, if you say this, many people will be ashamed!""What's your shame? How normal! How much time can I spend with them all year round? For children's growth, money is important or not? Important, this can not be denied, but accompany? More important! "

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