What about the director's explanation? Hou Tianliang really don't know what to say! Listen to it is true that there is a considerable truth! Anyway, what about the children in the director's family? It's really not that kind of children who don't know the pain, they know how to eat, drink and have fun! At least the director's requirements for them, for the outside world, there are so many over standard!

What about someone else? I'm afraid it's really difficult to make such a decision. It's just a child. You can educate and educate! There is no need to send them to the countryside and take part in labor again! It's carrying water and feces again! Even two children are sick! You're not allowed to come back and visit! There are so many unbearable!

Don't say it's such a big family! Even ordinary families don't do it! Now the children in the family, which is not a baby pimple, work? What do you think? That's what you should enjoy!

Don't look at Wang Xiaogang following the director's side position, looks like happy at ease, but actually what? It's hard to eat. Every morning's exercise and other aspects of training in the morning and afternoon are not inferior to the two children at home. It may be because of the different ways, so Wang Xiaogang happily accepted it!

On the way back, Wang Xiaogang also dragged Ding Yu to eat another night snack. He didn't eat so much, but how could he miss such an opportunity? But even if it is eating, the golden cudgel in the hand has never meant to be put down!

Ding Yu did not force Wang Xiaogang to put down the golden cudgel in his hand. However, when eating, he should not wave it at will! What about this kind of interest? It should be stimulated by the little boy before, but it's not a bad thing! Interested? It can stimulate the enthusiasm in his heart!

Back to the place where I stayed, Wang Xiaogang washed and changed clothes under the guidance of nanny and aunt! After a few times, he fell on the bed. He was tired from the car and played for such a long time. Hou Tianliang also simply reported the relevant situation to him. However, since the leader of the family did not ask where he was, Hou Tianliang didn't mean to mention it. In fact, everyone was just made by heart!

But after Ding Yu washed up, he was dealing with his own business and controlling a huge consortium. How could it be so relaxed on the surface? Don't even think about it! Although Ding Yu only controls the things above the general direction, the more things on the big direction, the more cautious and careful they need!

Hou Tianliang didn't really mean to disturb Ding Yu. He knew exactly what the director was doing now! Stop talking about yourself! Even if Mr. Su and Mr. Wang come, I'm afraid they can't go into the director's room. What's involved in the room can be said to be very important. To put it bluntly, even a few digits behind the decimal point are astronomical figures.

The public affairs that have been handled are distributed to other people's hands at the first time. No matter sun Yingnan, Shasha, Li Fuzhen and Dashan are used to it! Although they are all in charge, but let them control such a large situation, we are so difficult to continue!

This is not only need to involve a considerable amount of energy so simple, but also need to consider all aspects of the matter, although every day sitting a lot of time, but the energy consumed is definitely much more than exercise!

When I get up in the morning, Wang Xiaogang's hand is still carrying the golden cudgel, which is actually just a toy! But Wang Xiaogang loves it! So it's also not willing to let go! In addition, Ding Yu did not have any rigid requirements for this, Wang Xiaogang also let it go! "Good morning, uncle!"

"Nothing happened this morning. Let me show you something new." Looking at Hou Tianliang, Ding Yu also greets his hand, and then throws the t-stick in his hand. Hou Tianliang takes the t-stick above his hand and turns it twice with his grip. He looks at Ding Yu with some unknown reasons!

"You attack me!" Ding Yu didn't say much. Hou Tianliang blinked his eyes and then nodded, "director, you should be merciful! Although I said that I had received considerable training, I did not have many opportunities to really use it! "

Ding Yu's hand is a short stick! With Wang Xiaogang in the hands of the stick is about the length of the stick, it seems to be very casual to take on their own hands! Wang Xiaogang was sitting not far away! Eyes wide open!

Hou Tianliang took a deep breath. Although he said that he had received considerable training, Hou Tianliang really did not feel that he was the director's opponent, but even if he was not the director's opponent, he could not be taught by the director like Sun Tzu! So Hou Tianliang also mentioned his own spirit!

However, it is a kind of progress for Hou Tianliang to be able to cause a little trouble to the director. Looking at the director standing there, Hou Tianliang also deceives himself and moves the t stick in his hand with him!

But a meal of operation, so that Hou Tianliang is as if he was fished out of the bath, but he did not touch a hair on the director's body. What about himself? If it was not for the director's leniency, I'm afraid he would have broken his leg and broken his arm! It's not an equivalent at all, OK?Comparatively speaking, Hou Tianliang is not even an amateur. What about Ding Yu? He has already broken through the boundaries of the champion for a long time, but Hou Tianliang is very clear about how difficult it is for him to get such a chance. He will never give up any chance when he does not fall down!

As for Wang Xiaogang next to already see silly? The golden cudgel in the hand is also dropped on the ground, such a wonderful fight even in the movie seems to have never seen it! How can you be so powerful?

Seeing that Hou Tianliang was already staggering, Ding Yu slightly waved his hand. When he just passed by, he had hidden the t stick in his hand, "OK! Let's call it a day. Go wash and get a massage at the same time. Otherwise, it's hard to recover! "

Hou Tianliang almost sat there. If it wasn't for the help of security, Hou Tianliang really had some doubts about whether he could walk out of the room! I can say that I was defeated in the process of comparison!

This is just an ordinary skill. If you really want to fight life and death, I'm afraid I've already been lying there. Maybe the director will leave a whole body for himself in his heart! Stop talking! When lying on the bed, when the masseuse started, Hou Tianliang also wanted to cry!

Wang Xiaogang is also wrapped around his uncle, the golden cudgel in his hand is also swung, Ding Yu also let him follow his own practice, swing a few movements, let Wang Xiaogang practice on his own, once he is impatient, let him practice with himself, Ding Yu is squatting on the ground, otherwise Wang Xiaogang's body is not high enough!

Wang Xiaogang has been waiting for the golden cudgel in his hand to be torn apart! The confrontation between each other is the end, of course, there is Ding Yu's intentional element in it! And Wang Xiaogang is tired, just like a big macaque lying on the carpet! Is really can't move!

"Too much force! Not able to coordinate their own strength, some waste! It needs to be improved! "

After all, it's still too small, and there's no need for too strict criticism. Wang Xiaogang doesn't want to say a word. He was very happy when he played just now. But who can think that it will be like this in the future? He really doesn't want to move now!

Ding Yu took Wang Xiaogang to take a bath. During the process, Ding Yu also gave a little massage, had breakfast, and didn't mean to go out in the morning. No matter Hou Tianliang or Wang Xiaogang, they both fell down on the bed and snored. Could it not be that Ding Yu could go out alone? Let's forget it! He is really not a very active person!

Ding Yu is right here in the hotel and contacted Li Fuzhen. After all, she is in China during this period of time! It's not convenient for you to come out on business! So it can only be arranged for her! What's more, she now has a considerable identity in China. After all, as the leader of Asia, this identity also makes her have to be involved in some aspects of things!

"How leisurely are you today

"It's not easy to break free!" Ding Yu is also sitting on the carpet, looking at the scenery outside. He is also very happy and says, "previously, he was always dragged by other things, and there is no way to get away from it. Now? Is it better? How are you doing? How are you in a good mood? "

"Don't be numb!" Although I'm very happy to hear such words, it doesn't mean that Li Fu Zhen needs to admit defeat in the same way. "By the way, the child went to the United States earlier and had a good time playing there. I wanted to express my thanks in person, but I didn't have so much free time!"

"I feel that there is something in this word!" Ding Yu also asked in a funny way.

"It's just a little bit too noisy!" Li Fuzhen also felt a little guilty. In fact, he also knew that this matter was not worth mentioning for Ding Yu. However, in his own heart, he still needed to mention one sentence, "but they really like your gift!"

"Just like it! For the time being, we can only achieve this level! " Since you have chosen to be with Li Fuzhen, you need to accept everything from her. For Ding Yu, this is a man's commitment. If you don't have the courage, then there is really no need to be a man!

"To be serious, I have carried out preliminary integration of the domestic machinery manufacturing industry, but what about the next development? However, it has become a considerable problem. If you take the road of farm, it is quite inappropriate! There are quite a lot of problems involved in this, and it is easy to become the target of everyone's attention! "

"In other words, the periodicity will be very long, and what about the profits? It's not as high as you think

"Well, what about farm investment? Compared with the mechanical aspect, it is still a lot lower, and can let you see some benefits in a considerable period of time. Therefore, with some promotion, the farm has been very good development, but the mechanical aspect is not good! "

"I understand! I'm not an eager question. What about our generation? Maybe it can only lay a foundation. As for whether it will sprout or even result, it will be handed over to the next generation! But someone needs to walk on this road! Can't just be watching and not doing it, is it? ""You can understand! But what about the investment? Is bound to be a huge amount of funds and resources! And it's long-term. Now, due to the outside world, we can only develop quietly, and we can't make a big fuss about it! " Li Fuzhen is also very patient to explain, because this is the most practical situation in front of us!

"It's a good thing for you to have this confidence!" Li Fuzhen is still a flirting tone, "but I don't have much time recently. It seems that it is the same with Taixi. However, when I went back to Korea, she seemed to complain to me! You left your two children at home, which is quite a little grudge

"Is this provocation?" Ding Yu is very dissatisfied with a hum, "it seems that the last lesson seems some not enough?"

Hang up the phone in the sound of laughter, Ding Yu can only call Taixi in the past, but no one answered the first call, Ding Yu didn't want to find out the reason, what else can make a fuss!

When the second call came to mind, someone finally got through and said, "Hello, sir!" It was Taixi's assistant who answered the phone, but when he answered the phone, he was also nervous. "Madam is just in a meeting. Maybe you need to wait a little bit longer!" When I said that, I almost cried!

"So busy?" Ding Yu can understand, so there is no need to blame! "When you are free, ask her to call me and say that I miss her very much! by the way! I remember there is a very good refreshment in the company Simple account of a time, Ding Yu just put down the phone!

If it's something else, Taixi will never play the so-called pettiness with himself, but it's different about two children! What about Ding Yu? There are not too many good ways, even in Ding Yu's heart? For two children, how much also feel a little debt!

But I do this job! Maybe in other people's eyes? They are all envious, but in Ding Yu's own eyes, there are a lot of helplessness, even if it is a fairy, there may be no way to do it! What's more, he is just a mortal! Life in the world always worry!

Tai Xi looks at the coffee and dessert placed in front of him, as well as a bunch of chic flowers. His heart is quite sweet. If there is no word from the father of the child, the assistant will not do it!

I didn't answer the phone on purpose just now. I went to a meeting on purpose! He took the mobile phone in his hand, hesitated for a moment and called in person, "how? The meeting is over

Although I was very angry at the time before, but after hearing Ding Yu's voice, the mood seemed to settle down all of a sudden. I don't know how it happened? It seems that the father of the child has no resistance at all!

"It's over! I've received coffee and desserts, and flowers. I love it Although there is no personal recognition, but Tai Xi's heart has forgiven the child's father, what else do you want? In a country like South Korea, women are the vassal of their husbands, even worse than Japanese women!

"I'm away from home. What about the things at home? You pay more attention to it, what's more, I'm not as careful as you women! "

To coax girls, we need to have patience and stimulate their desire. Ding Yu is already familiar with this! What about Taixi? She is not a very competitive person, especially in the family, which may be related to her background and education!

"I see! But the two children are alone at home! I can't get through here, and you're not at home! They have so many grudges about it. You should take Xiaogang with you instead of them! "

"It's true that there are so many wrongs against me! However, I have some responsibilities in this, and I should not deny anything! " Since Taixi has already said it, Ding Yu has no intention to argue, "but there are a lot of things sent back to them. These two little people have no conscience! I'm still complaining all over the place

"I also received the things you sent me, but a lot of them were cleaned by Li Guan!"

"Just like it!" Ding Yu is really not so concerned about this, "but you also need to pay more attention to the company's affairs?"? There is no need to be hands-on, in any case, it is in your hands to control, but also do not need to care so much! "

Ding Yu didn't ask for this, but he didn't want Taixi to be so tired. As for being a canary at home? Ding Yu has no idea in this respect? You don't have male chauvinism to that extent? Taixi has a job of his own, which is also very good! If you really want to stay at home, it will be too aggrieved!

"So are you. After all, you are out there alone! There are a lot of people at home, so don't be too friendly! "

What about this problem? It's hard to say whether Taixi is good or not? Anyway, the father of the child has his own unique thinking in this respect, and he is not too good to interfere in anything, but he is the father of the child, so he can only comfort him!www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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