When Hou Tianliang woke up, he didn't feel sore all over. The result of the massage and beating was quite good. He washed and rinsed again, not to mention, it was really refreshing and refreshing. He had a taste of it! But on the other hand, what about your physical fitness? It's still quite different. At least, it has no comparability with those security guards!

They exercise with the director from time to time. They don't see that they are massaging and beating, just like ordinary eating and drinking water? Although the division of labor between each other is different, but the difference is still some big!

What about Wang Xiaogang? Lively, completely full of blood recovery! This time is just dawdling Ding Ding Yu to go out to play! What about eating in the hotel? Don't think about it! It's impossible! Ding Yu doesn't seem to have too many rigid requirements!

The three people are all casual dress up, and the elegant ones come out from the hotel! Wang Xiaogang has a sweet cone in his hand! What you eat is a joy! Ding Yu has rigid requirements for Wang Xiaogang, but what about these requirements? There are also quite a premise, not too much!

Wang Xiaogang's interest now can be said to be quite extensive, but also seems to be in a certain range! After all, it's totally different to be with your parents, grandparents and grandparents! But the joy is not the same!

"Uncle? Where are we going? " Sitting on the subway, Wang Xiaogang did not know why! But Wang Xiaogang is not unhappy, just feel quite strange! Of course, because the cones were eaten before we got on the bus! So the cudgel came back to his hand again!

"Nothing to do! So now it's just hanging out! " Ding Yu said with great interest, "really, what if we talk about it? It doesn't have much purpose. I do, and you seem to do the same! "

Hou Tianliang also felt quite speechless. The director walked around aimlessly, which proved another thing. How about the director coming out this time? In fact, there is nothing important at all! Even if it was in the provincial capital? If it was not for chance, the director would not even intervene!

"Xiaogang, the north and the south are different! What do you think is the biggest feeling? "

"The weather?" Wang Xiaogang is sitting next to Ding Yu? And this reaction is also very fast. "When I was at home, it should be cold now, but here? It seems that there is not too much feeling, it is warm! What's more? It's just that the food is different! "

"There is a big difference between the north and the south! But what do you say? Is also quite obvious difference, the climate difference comparison big, the diet habit is also quite different! There are many other differences! For example, humanities, industry, architecture, transportation and so on! These are all very different! Do you know the difference? "

"I don't know?" Wang Xiaogang is shaking his head! Because I did not express too much concern about this!

"Humanities! From a historical point of view, since ancient times, how about the South and the north? The north is a place where the military and politics are relatively developed. The resistance to foreign invaders and the establishment of capitals are basically placed in the north. What about the south? Because of the coastline and other reasons, the economy and trade are relatively developed! The spread of culture is also relatively faster!

What's more, in terms of transportation, what about the north? In the past, mules and horses were used as the means of transportation, because the climate in the North was mostly arid and semi-arid, and the grassland was developed, so the animal husbandry was relatively more prominent. What about the south? River broadcasting, coupled with rich rainfall, so more often to water transport, the so-called South boat North horse is the origin!

Even in modern times! What about mules and horses? Not all of them have been eliminated completely. What about the ships in the south? Is also thriving! It's just that everyone has changed their ways! "

"Uncle, if we go to the north, it's more convenient to take a bus, but in the south, it's more convenient to take a boat, isn't it?" Wang Xiaogang is also smiling at Ding Yu! This is very easy to understand!

"Yes! And because of the different climate, what about architecture? It's also quite different. Even modern buildings are the same. It's like a courtyard in the house. It was also called Beijing Ping. The roofs of the houses are basically flat. It's not like the south. It's more steep! "

"Not much attention?" Wang Xiaogang also scratched his head! It's obvious that I haven't had much contact with them at ordinary times! So I don't know how to deal with it!

"The South shed and the North nest are also used to describe the differences between the buildings. What about the south? The climate is warm and humid, so the frame is open, because the ventilation fan is hot! What about the north? Climate difference is very big, so need to keep warm and close! The courtyard in the house is the most obvious representative. If you close the door, it will be a world! "

"Wow!" Wang Xiaogang also exclaimed, "uncle, what are the differences in industry?" Because of Ding Yu's explanation, Wang Xiaogang's interest is also greatly increased, which is usually not heard! Now it sounds like I'm very interested in it!"Light in the South and heavy in the north, what about the north? Heavy industry is the main industry, while light industry is the main industry in the south. There are many reasons for this. What about the north? The resources of heavy industry structure, kerosene mine and so on are very rich! What about the south? There are more high-end industrial raw materials such as rare family members and non-ferrous metals! What about the south? Economic comparison of the active and open, circulation is also more rapid, so create differences between each other!

There is another aspect of the reason, is the military above! Relatively speaking, even if the light industry is damaged, it will recover faster. What about heavy industry? If it is destroyed, the recovery will be very slow! What about the south? Not as safe and deep as the North! "

"Uncle, do you see all these from the books?"

"Yes, most of them are from books! If you like any major in the future, you can look at it from these questions? It's just the difference between the north and the south of China! What if you look at it from the perspective of the world? Is that the difference between East and West? More interesting! "

Wang Xiaogang blinked his eyes, and then he picked up the golden cudgel in his hand, "uncle, what about Kung Fu? Is there a big difference between the north and the south? Is there any big difference between the East and the west? "

"This question is about your children now! Ask Uncle Hou, what does he say? "

"Go all out and do all kinds of things!" Hou Tianliang also said with a smile, "I remember when I saw this movie at the beginning. What was the content of the film, I had already forgotten it! It seems that there will be a TV play later! But I forget it too

"I saw that movie when I was a child, and I was still in the countryside at that time! In the evening, people from the whole village came to watch the movie. At that time, it was similar to Xiaogang, but all children were basically humming. If there was a stick in their hands, it would be even more amazing! The most influential is Shaolin Temple, but the most widely spread reputation is still the South fist and North leg! The name is too appropriate

"Uncle, is it Southern Boxing? Northern legs

"The literal meaning is like this!" Ding Yu explained patiently, "this involves a physical problem. The south is short and the north is high. What about the south? The weather is a little hotter, the weather in the north is colder, people in the south often sweat new, so the metabolism of the body is faster, the body develops faster and matures earlier! What about the north? The metabolism is a little slower, and the periodicity is also longer! The storage of body nutrition and energy is more, and there are obvious differences in physical quality between the north and the south! The so-called northern Han, tall horse! What about the south? It's short and sharp! These idioms are very good descriptions

"There are so many ways?"

"Yes! What about southerners? The body is thin and small, and the developed boxing skills pay attention to the later, the first to fight, the leg not over the knee and so on! What about the north? Tall and big! The developed boxing is fast and fierce, open and close. Generally speaking, the North pays attention to attack, while the south? Pay attention to is to keep the main! But the end of martial arts still needs to pay attention to both attack and defense

"Uncle? What about the differences between eastern and Western boxing? What's the difference? "

"Want to know the difference between eastern and Western boxing? First of all, you need to understand the differences between East and West! If you have a chance in the future, you can take a look at Mr. Feng Youlan's brief history of Chinese philosophy, which has a considerable exposition on the development and progress of the geography and history of the East and the West! It's not something that can be described in one sentence or two! "

"Uncle, what I want to know is the boxing difference between East and West!"

"What about China? It belongs to the inland civilization, but what about the west? It belongs to marine civilization, which I think you should know. What about China? It belongs to a farming society. "What about the west? It's a business oriented society! The origin and development of each other also determines the follow-up quite a lot of problems and conditions! So what about the development of boxing between each other? It is also from this background!

As I said just now, because of the different geographical conditions and diet, the difference between the north and the south is relatively large, and from this point of view, the difference between the East and the west is greater! For the East, it is more inclined to the south, while what about the west? More inclined to the north, so the Western boxing more emphasis on offensive! What about boxing in the east? Emphasis on Conservatism!

But there is another problem! Is that thought? That is the problem of learning! The long history of culture gives the East more details behind, and everyone gives boxing more connotation! When practicing kung fu, you should not only make yourself higher, faster and stronger, but also pursue more spiritual pursuits! This is unique to the East! "

"Or are there so many who don't quite understand?"

"In this case! What about western boxing? More emphasis is placed on the cultivation of foreigners, but what about the east? It is not only the practice of the outside world, but also the practice of the internal and external! For example, what about ordinary people after they are over 50? Physical fitness has begun to decline significantly, but people who exercise regularly are still in good health at the age of 50, but what about those who practice both inside and outside? They may be as light as a swallow, just like ordinary people in their 40s or even 30s! Walk like a flyHou Tianliang, sitting on one side, is simply amazing. What about these things? I didn't really study it. I knew there were many differences between the East and the west, but I never studied it from the aspects of geography, humanities and history! And this time, the director's explanation is easy to understand! Also really let oneself widen the horizon!

"Uncle, I also want to grow up well!"

"How about growing up? It's just basic! To grow healthily and healthily, we need to add some fertilizer at the same time! Like cooking! The same is cooking, a nothing, the same can eat, but eat up no taste, but put salt, soy sauce, vinegar and so on, will immediately become different! Your growth is the same. If you don't learn anything, you will grow up in the future! But it doesn't have any significance and value, but after learning a lot of knowledge? It may be a Buddha jumping off the wall! "

Wang Xiaogang also touched his mouth, saliva is about to stay! I've eaten Buddha leaping over the wall there! That taste even now, still can't forget!

"Uncle, I need to eat when I go back!"

"It's not suitable for you to eat too much. At least it's not suitable for you to eat too much at this age, but it's OK to taste it!" At this time, Ding Yu also looked at his nephew with a crooked head, "but your recent study seems to be a little less diligent, even when you write big characters, you are not so attentive! I need to criticize you! "

"Uncle, I know I'm wrong!" Wang Xiaogang is also very sincere to accept his uncle's education! This is totally different from the usual time. What about making mistakes? Even if they are educated! It's more about fear, but what about uncle's education? More on the spirit and consciousness!

Of course, now Wang Xiaogang still can't say why! But at least he can understand! And a man sitting next to them, when he looks at Ding Yu, is completely dull. He has already sat down at his station just now! But Ding Yu's words made him feel deeply!

"Man, if all the children are your education! I don't dare to promise that I will definitely be a good one in the future When speaking, I also deliberately put out my thumb! "It's said that the scholar is powerful, and I'm also a scholar of half pull, but today I really know what a scholar is!"

"I can only be regarded as a monk in the middle of the road! Say? I can say two words, but that's all! There are two big demons in the house! Now it can be better, but it's also a frequent one! "

"How modest! You like this? At least it should be a doctor! At first glance, they are cultural people! "

"I'm just a doctor! If you ask me to see a doctor, you'll know that I'm not a very nice person to be with! " Ding Yu also said with self mockery, "people are different! No. 1 scholar comes from 360 lines of practice, not to mention that we are all human beings

"I have been taught today! Ready to go home and find my wife again! There is also the previous king eight lambs, also need a good education! It doesn't seem like the best way to beat him! "

"Do you want to beat it or not? It's another thing! But I grew up with stick education when I was a child! The two evil lords in the family have also been beaten! I beat them very heartache, but always better than others hit them heartache? What about the kids? They are all good children, just different ways and methods! "

After chatting for a couple of words, when we got to the station, Ding Yu still recovered from the previous situation, followed Wang Xiaogang's position behind him, but there was no deliberate request. When you go there, I will follow you there? As for Hou Tianliang, it is even more so! Honestly followed Ding Yu's side!

"Director, you usually educate your two children in the same way?"

"Yes! It's the same way to educate people in ordinary times. Of course, doting belongs to doting. But when it comes to education, it's absolutely necessary to do it. Even when I'm helpless, I'll slap you in the face! At this point, I compare with my mother, whether it's mine or Ding Ding Ding, as long as they make mistakes? Ding Dong is a fat beating! There's no love to tell you! "

"I heard she was a teacher!"

"What's wrong with the teacher? The teacher's requirements are more strict! " Ding Yu also shook his head, "at this point, I have inherited my mother, but the way of expression is so different! If you don't believe it, ask the two children, even Ding Ding Ding's two children, when they go home, they are honest, just like quails

"It feels incredible! There's even some dreamy feeling

"The world is so big! What's wrong with that? " While talking, Ding Yu's eyes are also looking at Wang Xiaogang in front of him. At this time, he has gone to a little boy not far away!

Looking at the director stopped his own pace, Hou Tianliang was also stunned for a moment, and then also stopped his own pace, did not want to go forward! Wang Xiaogang is also careful to go forward! And then stopped their own steps!"Director?"

Ding Yu slightly waved his hand, not far away so looking, Wang Xiaogang is not so much feeling, carefully lean on the past!

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