"Hello, what are you doing? What do you do with this garbage? " Wang Xiaogang asked curiously.

"For money! Eat The boy looked at Wang Xiaogang, but there was no fear or shame. The expression on his face was very indifferent, at least it gave people a feeling of quite peace! Very patient, but the same is also a small away from Wang Xiaogang, not too close to the meaning!

"What about your family? Didn't they make money? "

"Why are you so interested in me? We all look away from me! " Boy and Wang Xiaogang have quite a year difference, but maybe because of too much contact, so the perception of the world is quite different! When talking, I didn't forget to classify the garbage! Orderly!

"I don't know? I just follow the uncle to have a look! But I have never seen such a scene! So I'm very curious! " Wang Xiaogang is still squatting there! "Do you do this every day? Are you not tired

Wang Xiaogang did not deliberately stay away from the boy because he had a special smell on his body. He still squatted there, holding his golden cudgel in his hand. "My uncle often says that childhood should be happy!"

"Little brother knows a lot about it." At this time, the boy has put everything away! Back in their own back above, but also turned away! It is not too much to pay attention to Wang Xiaogang's meaning! Just look at the clothes on my little brother! Than their own classmates with the best family conditions to see the difference!

Such person oneself still don't too much go contact! People may be interested in themselves for a while, but that's all! If you really cause any trouble, you can't afford it, and your family can't afford it!

Looking at the boy who left, Wang Xiaogang was also a little puzzled. Then he turned his head and looked at his uncle. Seeing that Ding Yu did not move, he ran back in a flash! And then hold on to Ding Yu's thigh and don't let go! "Uncle, uncle, do you see that? He's the same age as his brother, but he's picking up garbage here! Why? "

Ding Yu looked at the little boy who left. After two eyes, he also looked at Wang Xiaogang, who was holding his thigh. "What's wrong with him? You seem to be very concerned about this problem. We are not familiar with the place of life here. Why are you so interested in him all of a sudden? It's just a chance encounter! "

"Uncle, you met that uncle just now in the car? No, I'm still talking Wang Xiaogang argued.

"Do you know that ordinary children will never go forward or even run away when they see such a situation, but do you deliberately move forward? This is quite a bit of curiosity! What is it for? "

Ding Yu is very patient to hold Wang Xiaogang up, but the rest of his eyes is looking at the boy not far away. He has passed the corner, is there secretly looking, but that is to see two eyes, reluctant to leave, but there is no stay, this makes Ding Yu is quite curious, but did not say anything!

"I feel that the little brother is very different! There is no avoidance, and there is no dislike! " Wang Xiaogang couldn't say the superfluous words. Although he had a lot of knowledge, he was still a child who had not yet entered the school, but had undergone quite different preschool education!

"Although it is said that the subway has been built here, the child's residence is definitely not too close to here! Do you know what the reason is? "

Looking at Wang Xiaogang who didn't speak but just shook his head, Ding Yu also took a look at Hou Tianliang. Hou Tianliang thought for a moment, "there is a subway station here. At least, it is not so far away from the subway station. There is a considerable flow of population. This also means that there will be a lot of garbage in our hands. What's more, there is a lot of dirt on his feet! There's no wind here? The so-called soil contamination in the city, is not so common! "

"Yes! Two very important reasons! What's more? From the cost point of view, if he lives in the city, the cost of living in the city is too high! If he can survive in the city, even if the family conditions are very ordinary, he does not need to come out to do such work! "

Ding Yu explained this problem from another angle! Wang Xiaogang is also relying on his uncle, "uncle, why does he want to come out to work! Doesn't his family care about him? And his parents? "

"No one can choose his origin. You may not have seen it, even at dawn? I haven't seen it either. I read a comic book when I was a child, and later I saw this movie, called red light! There is a libretto in it to be the children of the poor and be in charge early! At that time, I didn't quite understand this sentence! "

"I've heard of the saying that the children of the poor are in charge of the family, but where did it come from? I really don't have much impression on this one! " Hou Tianliang also did not deny the fact, because he had heard this very early! But it's also true that I didn't study where the words came from!

"When I was very young, the conditions in my family were average, even some poor people. But because one of my parents was a doctor and the other was a teacher, I was a double worker! Later, the conditions gradually improved. At that time, I didn't really have much feeling. Until I was about to take the college entrance examination, and even when I finally retired, this feeling was particularly strong! ""Uncle, grandfather is not a doctor, and grandma is not a teacher?"

Ding Yu didn't force to explain to Wang Xiaogang, but Hou Tianliang understood it very well. He heard Ding Yu clearing his voice a little bit. "The basket seller picks up coal cinders, carries water and splits firewood. She is a leader at home and abroad. The children of the poor have been in charge of the family. What kind of seedlings and fruits are carried, what seeds are sown and what flowers are planted?"

Ding Yu sings the excerpts of Beijing Opera very fluently, which is totally different from the pop songs. But listening to Hou Tianliang's heart, he has a very different feeling!

"Relatively speaking? You and that little brother just now are children, this may not be too much difference, but how come your family background is not the same, your family conditions? Don't talk about China! Even in the world, there are not many people better than you! Food and clothing, food and clothing, in such a premise, you can do too many choices! But that little brother is different! Limited by his body and age, as well as other external factors, he must first ensure his own food and clothing! "

"Uncle, does he have no parents?"

"Parents are as powerful as ever! What about your parents? Can guarantee all this, but can not guarantee that all parents in the world can meet all this, but one thing needs to be explained, the vast majority of parents are able to give their best to their children! It's just that children sometimes can't see it! "

"Uncle, were your grandparents very strict with you at the beginning?"

"When I was a child, I didn't live with your grandfather and grandmother because of the accident. I didn't meet with each other. I grew up in another family. The parents of that family did their best to cultivate me. Although I didn't understand it at that time, I have quite a feeling now!"

Ding Yu did not completely avoid this topic, "at that time, the conditions at home can be said to be very general, usually is not meat! What an egg! Sugar and so on are even more invisible! As for the so-called snacks? Sweet potato and sweet potato are already quite good snacks! Peanuts can not even be seen, we can only take advantage of the dark wind to dig a little bit in the ground! Still need to be furtive! "

"Uncle, what did you eat at that time? Don't you have hamburgers, fries and drinks? "

"What are you eating? Cabbage, radish, sweet potato and potato are basically this kind of diet in ordinary times. If the staple food is corn cake, rice is rarely eaten at that time, which is limited by the conditions at home! Even if you can steam a pot of rice, there are old people on the top and children at the bottom. Parents basically eat one and a half mouthfuls! And then pretend to be unwilling to eat! I can still remember it now! "

"I still remember clearly that my mother was pregnant with Ding Ding Ding and wanted to eat biscuits. At that time, I was still young, and I was very greedy to see biscuits. They were big biscuits, rectangular ones! There are still some sugar dregs on it. At that time, the market was basically invisible. My mother's greedy eyes were full of tears! But it stayed for me

Hou Tianliang was quite touched, "director, do you still remember such a thing?"

"Of course! Later, the family conditions gradually improved, and my parents separated after marriage! Ding Ding was born for two years. After all, because of her work, she was a doctor and a teacher. At that time, she was also a highly respected profession! I can also see some snacks and other things at ordinary times! But basically I eat more, and Ding Ding eats less! For this she still complains from time to time

"Now Miss Ding Ding will never worry about snacks!"

"What about what I owe my parents and Ding Ding Ding? Still too few! " Ding Yu also looked at it indifferently, "I've always wanted to take my parents to my side to live, but they are two of them! Personality is also quite stubborn, have free time even to do teaching and support doctors, rather than play! But what can't be denied is that their personal influence on me has always been integrated into my blood and will not dissipate! "

"Parents are children's first teachers!"

"What about most of the children? From the time of birth is accompanied by parents, so the impact of parents can be said to be the biggest! The subtle influence is the most profound! " Ding Yu also touched Wang Xiaogang's head, "what about me? Although you are your teacher, what about the person who has the greatest influence on you at this time? It should be your parents and your nanny! I just change your direction sometimes! "

"I still think uncle is the best!" Wang Xiaogang this time is also very lovely!

"Speaking of this? I have a classmate, senior high school classmate, surnamed Tang, long can be said to be very thin, the shortest girl in the class is even taller than him. At that time, although I did not participate in the college entrance examination, but I know that he was admitted to Peking University, the major is atmosphere! At that time, it can be said that it was not a very good major! "

"Atmosphere? This major is very good now! "

"What you said is that at that time, even many of our classmates had never heard of such a major! What a surprise! Only later did he know that he was worried that he would not be admitted to other majors, Peking University! A school like that? We are just a county-level city, one year of high school graduates admitted to Tsinghua University and Peking University, is absolutely where the satellite! At that time, all the tuition fees and usual expenses were sponsored. Of course, there might not be much tuition in Peking University. At that time, it might be about eight thousand a year. I remember it was like this, but for his family, it could not afford it at all! ""Change fate!"

"Under the circumstances at that time, there was really no other way except reading to change his fate! I remember when he was too thin! It's not to say that it's against the wind, but a slap can definitely go on! No one wants to work? What else can you do besides reading to change your destiny? "

"Director, is there a theory that reading is useless now?"

"Bullshit!" Ding Yu disdained to hum a, "to be more popular, how about reading? It may not be possible to determine what a person's upper limit is? But can definitely determine a person's lower limit there! How do you write without reading? How do you charge? How to calculate? Just modern society? Sometimes we feel confused, so we don't know how to read? That's all! "

"Uncle, would you like to read?"

"I read a lot of books, but sometimes I don't want to understand, but let's say it! No matter what kind of family children come from, reading is relatively fair for them. It can't be absolutely fair, but this at least gives us a platform for relatively fair competition, and it is also the most direct way and means to change their fate. It is very simple! Think about it carefully. Is it like this? "

"When there is no other way to change your destiny, reading is actually the best choice!"

"What about fate? This is not a dirty word, but a helpless expression of life change Ding Yu is also quite emotional, "whether it was not in high school at the beginning, or later retired, or now out of 49 cities, it is a choice. Under such circumstances, then read more! To determine how much water a bucket can hold, it is not the highest piece of wood, but the lowest one! "

What about these big principles? Wang Xiaogang certainly does not understand, but the relevant education, Ding Yu still needs to transmit to him, leaving a considerable impression in his mind! Wang's family will certainly have other children in the future, which is certain. But what about Ding Yu besides Wang Xiaogang? You really don't want to have other mixed up!

"Uncle, can my little brother change his fate by reading?"

"I don't know, you don't know, even God? I don't know, because in this process, there are bound to be quite waves, such as family, life and so on. What about these? It is possible that the road will break, so the fate is very fucked, it depends on how you choose to do it! "

"Uncle? Can we go up and have a look? "

"I was going to take you to the amusement park, but now you are interested in it! Now, it's a very difficult choice for me! You can make your own decisions. "

Wang Xiaogang also held the golden cudgel in his hand and hesitated for a long time, "uncle, I want milk tea, French fries and hamburger! Then go and see the little brother! By the way, bring one for the little brother

Ding Yu made a finger ring, and soon a black business car stopped by. Three people also filed to get on the car. Wang Xiaogang was lying on the side of the window. He didn't need to open the window. The one-way glass could clearly see everything outside! Very convenient!

The driver himself is one of the security guards, so he soon followed the little boy in front of him. However, the distance of meeting was a little bit far away, just hanging from a distance. It really didn't mean to go forward. Sometimes, he even deliberately drove to the front of the little boy to wait!

"Have you found anything?" Sitting in the car, Ding Yu also asked Hou Tianliang!

"There are a lot of people around, but not many people pick up rubbish! I just looked at the map with my mobile phone, which is still within the scope of the city! But not so close to the city! It can not be said that it is suburban, because there is a considerable distance from the suburbs! Six in the city, four in the suburbs. "

"What about this range? It's very special. It's so special that not many people even pay attention to it. Even if it's not carefully planned, it must have taken quite a long time to explore. It can be done again and again, and there won't be too many left behind. It's also a good way to avoid the garbage truck! "

"I really didn't pay attention to it!"

"With the least time to grab the most benefits, this child is very smart! Birth doesn't decide everything! The problem is how to choose on the road to walk

No matter how smart the little boy was, he was just a child. After walking for a long time, he also found a step for himself, but he didn't mean to sit down. Instead, he squatted there, opened a dilapidated kettle and poured himself two mouthfuls! When he saw the kettle, Ding Yu also let out a cry, which was quite touching!

Such an old military kettle is not common!

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