The boy drank two sips of water, and then squatted there to rest for a period of time. Then he carried the two woven bags slowly forward, but he didn't let go of any garbage can. The car was also slowly following behind!

But this time is really so long! Wang Xiaogang felt that the things in his hands were cold!

"Director, how long has this child gone? It's almost an hour and a half for us to keep up with the previous one? " Hou Tianliang is also very surprised to say that Wang Xiaogang is staring at the front of the little brother! It's really hard for him to have such attention now. It's really not easy!

"Basically, he didn't stop his own pace. Although he said that he didn't circle around and had his own fixed route, he came and went back and forth, which was quite a distance! If we just walk in a straight line, it will probably take more than ten minutes! What about the pressure to survive? Let him only choose like this? There's nothing wrong with not stealing, not robbing, not breaking the law! "

After waiting for about an hour, the little boy walked on the normal road, but before long, he saw a tricycle slowly moving to the position in front of the little boy. An old man who looked a little older stopped and two people put things on the tricycle!

The tricycle is quite old! After putting the things on, the boy didn't mean to get on the bus. He walked beside him and the old man rode a tricycle. The speed was very slow, but the contrast was very big.

"Xiao Gang, how much money do you think he can earn for such a long time?"

"Should be quite a lot?" Wang Xiaogang didn't have much insight into this! Because I have never been contacted!

"What about a plastic bottle? Although there is no capital, also paid a little labor, but a plastic bottle? What about the price of recycling? Maybe not as good as a French fries in your hand! At least what about the boy's income this afternoon? It's not as good as these things on your hands

Wang Xiaogang exclaimed, hearing Ding Yu continue to say, "this is the difference in fate, family origin? Create a different situation, but whether it is to bow to the fate, or rise up to resist, it is worth saying well! What's more, I seldom have anything left when I eat, because I know it's not easy to get one meter and one millet! I teach your brother and sister the same, I have money is my business, they are now? No money yet

It is ah again, Wang Xiaogang feel that there are so some silly eyes, right? I don't know if the potato chips in my hand should be eaten or put down! But Ding Yu has absolutely no intention to put it down. "Your brother and sister usually clean the house, bathe the little four eyes and so on! These are all labor services, so I will give them a certain amount of labor payment. Although you are young, what about when it is necessary? You know that! "

"Sir, just now I went to find out where the little boy lived." Then he also pointed to the house in the distance. It was very dilapidated, and there were a lot of things piled up inside the house, showing a little messy and unbearable! "The little boy's parents are not here. He is a left behind child. He lives with his grandfather. His grandfather is a little disabled, and the government has some subsidies, but his health is very poor. The government's subsidy is just a drop in the bucket! The little boy is now in the third grade of primary school! The academic record is very good! "

"Parents are not here? What's the situation? "

"Parents divorced! My father said he went out to work? But I couldn't see a person for a long time. My mother remarried! With a sister! The specific situation is not so clear now! " Such a short time to be able to inquire into these situations, is also quite a difficult thing!

"The little boy's personal situation?"

"Since I was not in school, I began to collect waste products with my grandfather. I was highly praised in the village. I was very filial and polite. Because everyone was from the same village, I took care of myself. But I was always self reliant and had no other performance."

"Xiaogang, you are not allowed to get off the bus. You should follow me at dawn."

Wang Xiaogang had some jumping feet, but he didn't dare to listen. He just puffed up his mouth and looked at Ding Yu. He tightly held the golden cudgel in his hand. He found out about it. Why didn't he take him and "I'll explain it to you later!" Hearing this, Wang Xiaogang's face relaxed.

"Director, are we just breaking in? How about this one? "

Ding Yu didn't speak. He just walked to the front of the house, but he didn't mean to go in! But standing under the tree roots not far away to see the situation in the yard, the weather is not dark, so you can see very clearly.

The little boy took some water, not only himself, but also his grandfather. The washing time was a little long, which left a good impression on Ding Yu! Because Ding Yu in some aspects also has his own small cleanliness addiction! At least the appearance should be quite clean, the first impression is still very important!

Then the two began to busy with each other. The little boy made a fire to cook, and the light smoke also came out. Ding Yu looked at it all the time, without any action. It could be seen that it was just a simple thing to heat the food, and there was no boiling and frying. It was just a simple thing!After eating the meal, the two men also sorted out the harvest of the day! It seems that there is no talk between each other, giving people the feeling is very insipid, but from another point of view, it is so heavy!

"Director, for a child, such a test is so big! There is no need for him to bear so much pressure at such a young age! The parents are really, since they are all born? Why not

"Life has never been easy." Ding Yu said a word, and then also turned to leave, but with Hou Tianliang's imagination is not the same, there is no intention to go in to disturb! Hou Tianliang took another look, but he didn't speak!

Seeing Ding Yu coming back, Xiaogang also jumped out of the car, "you are too young, there is no qualitative analysis at all! Don't let you stand for an hour! Even if you just stand there for ten minutes, you can't stand it

"Didn't you go to see a little brother? Hamburgers are already cold

"If you stand too close, you can't see clearly! So it's better to stand a little farther, so that you can see more clearly! " Ding Yu takes Wang Xiaogang to the car again!

"Uncle is a liar. Of course, the closer you are, the clearer you will see it!"

Ding Yu immediately put a newspaper on Wang Xiaogang's face. "You are very close to this newspaper now, but do you see it clearly? You can't see clearly at all, but if you take a distance, you can see clearly! Don't take too much for granted when you talk in the future

Hum! Wang Xiaogang lifted the top newspaper and placed it in front of his eyes. He really felt dizzy. If he was a little bit far away, he could see clearly. He didn't know all the words on it, but the pictures could still be understood!

On the way back, Hou Tianliang wants to stop talking, and Ding Yu has never given him any chance to speak! Instead, he went back to the hotel after playing with Wang Xiaogang for a period of time. When he was free, Hou Tianliang could not help asking, "director, do you think this child is OK?"

"I don't know!" Ding Yu was very direct and said, without any hesitation, "OK? Not one-sided, but multifaceted! Unilateral to look at the words, will be very biased! Who knows what will happen? Do you dare to promise? Or do I dare to make this promise? "

"From the present situation, this child is still very good! Very filial, very sensible! Moreover, he is quite smart. At such a young age, he can handle these things. It's a rare saying! The children of the poor are in charge of the house early

"What about that? In fact, there are many biases? Is it growing in the process of tempering? Still lost in the midst of hardship, this matter no one can say good! Maybe it is a simple thing, maybe it is a casual, it may destroy all of it! Because the children of poor families don't have so many choices! For children who understand, this sentence is actually a kind of unspeakable pain. For children who do not understand, it may be a joke! "

"I don't understand it so deeply?"

"Who is willing to hone himself in pain, who doesn't want to grow up in a good environment? After all, life is not like talking, can be so casual! Even desperate! I was very desperate at the beginning, because I understand the truth, if you and I are children of family origin, if you do not struggle, this life will not be too good! And some children of family origin, as long as they don't do too much death, this generation will not be too bad! "

"Director, I can't say anything about it!"

"I've known your family. It's too ordinary! What about my family? Compared with that small city, it is good. If there is no accident, this life may not be too bad, but at that time, there was a deviation, and pressure from all aspects came. To put it worse, I have no blood relationship with them! But they pay a lot for my growth! Do you understand? "

Hou Tianliang didn't take this word, but it can be seen that the director is still a little excited, think about this truth! At the beginning, the director's adoptive father and mother could have ignored him. After all, he was not his own son, but adopted! There is also a biological daughter at home!

But what about the director's foster father and mother? It can be said that they really paid everything. What about this price? Is it the director's adoptive father for so many years? He has been wasting his time in the hospital, and his adoptive mother has only been a teacher for so many years!

If we can see from what we have learned, the director's adoptive father and adoptive mother have considerable ability and knowledge, but because of the director, they have been delayed. Fortunately, the director did not fail to live up to their expectations! The same is also a considerable return!

But these are all afterthoughts. Did the director's adoptive father and adoptive mother really want these? Not at all! They just hope that the children can be good, in addition to any other requirements, even if it is paid a considerable price, they also have no regrets!I'm afraid that's why the director is the eldest grandson of the Wang family, but he has never meant to go back. Even if it's not absolute, it should have a certain relationship. Of course, this is just his own personal guess. What else is involved in it? It's not just a hairy boy like himself who can ask about it!

"Morning, do you know what I do after I make money?"

"Not so clear!"

"I bought ding ding a house! And it was directly transferred to my parents. At that time, Ding Ding had not yet been admitted to university. At that time, she did not know what the reason was. From now on, the house is not worth mentioning, but think about it? At that time, I was extremely afraid of failure, afraid of problems and situations. Once I had any problems and conditions, at least Ding Ding Ding didn't have to be affected! That's the idea of the time

"Looking at problems now is totally different from what we saw in the first place!"

"In fact, as long as the parents are happy and Ding Ding Ding is happy, what about the other problems? It's not a problem! Now what about that? Maybe in many people's eyes, there are so many gnashing teeth, because there is no lack of material life! But I still want to say, plain light is the greatest happiness

Maybe it's also because of emotion, so Ding Yu and Hou Tianliang talked for a little longer, but the next morning, Ding Yu still had the same habit as before, and got up early! Wang Xiaogang just got up after getting enough sleep, but after getting up, he also asked to see the fight! Yesterday's impression is still very deep!

Ding Yu followed his request, but this morning Ding Yu used t stick. If he didn't accept it, Hou Tianliang would definitely be beaten into a dog's head! However, most of them are performing. It's not a real fight at all!

How can the actual combat take such a long time? And it won't be so flashy in actual combat?

To a certain extent, K1, iron cage and so on are competitive sports, because there are considerable restrictions, it is not allowed to attack the back of the head, crotch and other parts, but in actual combat, there are so many concerns, how to be vicious, how to come, what is particular about is to use the shortest time, the fastest speed and the most effective way to knock down the opponent!

Because of Ding Yu's deliberate drainage, Hou Tianliang is not as tired as yesterday. After washing and eating, everything seems normal! "I won't be with you this morning! Let aunt accompany you out to play? Eat together at noon and then in the afternoon? How about it? "

Wang Xiaogang nodded, it is obvious that it is the same! I don't want to pester my uncle!

After eating breakfast, Ding Yu took Hou Tianliang and left soon! "Director, you see, that's the child!" Ding Yu has already noticed that behind the little boy's back is a schoolbag with a lunch box in his hand. How many children are still carrying rice when they go to school? Even if the school does not have a canteen, they will eat at the small dining table outside. It's rare to see such a situation with box lunch!

What's more, Ding Yu also noticed the bag in the little boy's hand. The lunch box should be a very old-fashioned one. Basically, there is no heat preservation effect. What's the weather like now? Maybe it can be better. If it is colder, there will be no temperature at noon!

"At dawn, did you bring your meal to school?"

"No experience like that!" Hou Tianliang shook his head, "at that time, they all went home for dinner! In my impression, my classmates don't seem to have the kind to bring rice! "

"I've brought a lunch box!" Ding Yu recalled, "at that time, my parents didn't have so much free time because of their work. At that time, the school was still a kind of stove with no heating. At that time, the box lunch was placed on the stove. Sometimes, before lunch, the classroom was filled with all kinds of flavors! Of course, it's not without the taste of paste. At that time, the food was very happy

When talking, the little boy has already walked to the school gate. When walking, he also said hello to some of his classmates. We really didn't have any dislike. Even when many parents looked at the little boy, they also deliberately said hello, with some envy in their eyes!

It is not so lonely in the imagination, that is to say, the character is not so extreme as imagined. Ding Yu is more and more interested in this child! After all, such children are really not so many!

Children growing up in such an environment have not grown crooked, and even some of them are not stained with mud. It's really unusual! This is also the reason why Ding Yu came over again and again!

"It seems that we need to have a good chat with his teacher!"


"No, wait a while!" Ding Yu didn't let Hou Tianliang act immediately, "what about the children? Besides family, the most time to hang out is probably school! What about teachers and students? It must be quite intuitive, but it doesn't need to be so deliberate! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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