Ding Yu talked to the old man in detail, but he didn't mention anything else. The old man was moved by tears. Ding Yu didn't mean to take away his grandson. He just saw that the child's quality was very good, so he made great efforts to cultivate him!

No one has ever done this! When happiness really comes, on the contrary, it makes the old man feel quite uncomfortable! If you can, you really want to send your grandson to Ding Yu's side. You know very well that only in this way can your grandson really become a talent!

"Thank you, Mr. Ding! Thank you very much indeed

"No thanks!" Ding Yu waved his hand, "he has better qualifications. What about this? It's really what I didn't encounter before! But what if I take him away? It's not that it's inconvenient. Even if you take the old man with you, there's no problem, but I'm afraid he can't hold on to it? " Ding Yu also felt it!

"Mr. Ding, I didn't think that much! But I must be optimistic about this child! You can relax! I'll throw away this old bone! It must satisfy you

What about the old man? In this way, it will restrict his development. Let him develop on his own! What if you put too much pressure on him? On the contrary, it will have the opposite effect, but what about you, master? You can't be too idle. After all, you are what he relies on and how he is. If you really have any problems and situations, then he will be very difficult. "

When Ding Yu heard the words of Ding Yu, he thought that he would not say it in his eyes

"Are you trying or not? This problem is not only up to you, but also to me! Only we work together! You will get better development. Now? It's too early to determine your future direction, so you are now! Still need to lay your own foundation, no stable foundation, even if the house is built up! Maybe it will fall down in the future

"And you! How long have you been? It's all about doing some labor. If you stop suddenly, it's not suitable for you. If it's possible to plant some food and vegetables, you don't want to earn how much money you can earn. It's enough for your parents and grandchildren to spend on your daily life! If he always eats meat, it will be more difficult to digest, and the nutrition needs to be balanced. "

"This is good, this is good, I can plant the land!" What else does the master want to say? In other words, as long as they are hardworking Chinese, few people will say that they will not farm! I used to pick up garbage and didn't give up my land. That's the root!

"Wang An, I won't stay here for a long time. In the future, I need to contact you through the Internet and telephone. How much space you can give you and your grandfather depends on your own!"

When he got up and left, Ding Yu also patted Wang Xiaogang, "you can make your own arrangements tomorrow! Of course, what about my personal suggestion? You can help to pack things up! Try it! Even if you have a look at it, it will be good for your personal growth. Of course, this is just my personal opinion. "

What about Ding Yu's whereabouts? It is not so important to know how it was revealed, as long as you can control Ding Yu's whereabouts? For many aspects, it is enough!

What about what we have learned? Ding Yu seems to have no other action and no intention. He is just wandering around with Wang Xiaogang. If that is the case, it doesn't matter. At this time, don't deliberately stimulate Ding Yu! It will cause trouble!

This time? Who knows if Ding Yu will be angry? After all, no one is Ding Yu. I don't know what he thinks in his heart! So now it's time to stop. Don't do anything else. What about the security department? This thing is made up by you. It seems that it has nothing to do with other people!

On the other hand, I don't want to touch the security department too much. The relationship with the information management department is quite poor! If you fall out with the security department again, isn't this the enemy everywhere?

In fact, there is no way! Who let Ding Yu this guy so cunning, everyone is really about to be tortured by him crazy! What happened there before is really a disgrace to everyone! Yes! Everyone is the master of playing chess behind his back, but at the end of the day, it turns out that Ding Yu has been leading everyone by the nose! Let's play around!

It's true that you can't be angry! So this time, it is also a small trick, successfully forced Ding Yu out. If Ding Yu doesn't stand up, he will offend the security department. The result is good! But the problem is that it makes some people feel bitter in their mouth!His side is active, Ding Yu is passive! But Ding Yu has nothing to do! He is just an idle man now! But what about your own side? There are so many things going on in 49 cities! If you really put all the attention on Ding Yu's body, there is no need to do other things!

However, it seems impossible to use someone to target Ding Yu, because Ding Yu is really not a person who can deal with it. Maybe Ding Yu is just a person on the surface, but what about behind it? He has a huge force, even so far, no one knows what kind of depth and thickness he has!

However, Wang An's grandfather, after Ding Yu left, sat at home and thought about some things. There is absolutely no good or hatred for no reason in the world! What about Mr. Ding Yuding's coming this time? It's this, it's that. What they do is to make people feel so confused!

But if you really want something from yourself or your grandson? It seems that it should not be. Why do you say that? Because the family is poor and there is no valuable thing at all. Even if the house is sold, it seems that it is not worth the property given by Mr. Ding! Is it because of your grandson?

Wang An, his grandson, is very intelligent and sensible. This is not only known by himself, but also obvious to many people. Instead, he did not abandon himself. On the contrary, it was due to his family's hard work that he got considerable growth. Of course, this is not what he said, but Mr. Ding said! The more I think about the old man, the more I feel that there is some incomprehension!

"Xiao an! How do you feel about Mr. Ding? "

Wang an looked up at her grandfather, and then looked down at the text left by Mr. Ding. There was a little more written on it. Fortunately, she knew all about it. The content involved made me feel that Alexander had everything. How much did it cost!

Although Mr. Ding, no, we should ask the master to wrap up everything! But Wang An is still feeling that there are so some uneasiness in his heart! Because I know how much already! Now all I have is just a little intelligence. If I can really master all the things that the master gave me, does it mean?

When thinking of this, Wang an also felt a little dizzy. This is why when my grandfather called himself, Wang an raised his head and then lowered his head. Because he didn't want others to see his red face, because he felt ashamed!

"Grandfather, we don't deserve it. To be exact, it's just that the master gave me a platform! If you can cross the dragon's gate, you will burn its tail and become a dragon. If you can't jump over the dragon's gate, you can only be with mortals. Although it's a metaphor, I think it's clear enough! "

The old man couldn't believe it. Looking at his grandson, he didn't think that he could say such a thing at his young age! But obviously Wang an didn't finish saying, "Xiao an?"

Wang an let his beating heart slowly calm down, because in the mind suddenly flashed out four people, abide by the original heart! I don't know how it came out, it was very abrupt, but these four people are like a bolt from the blue engraved in their own mind!

Other things the master seems to have never cared about, only these four people, the master repeatedly mentioned with himself! Money, money and other things in front of you are just like the devil! Always in seduce their own heart, so that they even have so many can not sit still!

Looking at the grandson who didn't speak, the old man also had some worries, but soon Wang an raised his head again, "grandfather! Master, this is a test for me. To be able to pass such a test is to make a step forward on the road, but can't pass the test? It can only be lost in the public! Now I understand why the master didn't take me with my grandfather! Because I can't stop being moved by foreign objects

"Moved by foreign objects?"

"Yes! I can't do that! I haven't experienced the so-called temptation, but I was faced with temptation when I went to school before, but most of them are just to humiliate me! Today, these things are just the beginning. Shifu is right. If I can't even do this, what's the use, even if I'm good at it? "

And at this moment, Hou Tianliang is also quite puzzled to look at Ding Yu, "director, don't blame me for my many words, I am really difficult to understand, Wang An is a very good child, your behavior will really destroy him!"

After coming back, Hou Tianliang thought about it for a long time. He also rushed into Ding Yu's bedroom. Sitting on the ground reading, Ding Yu didn't mean much blame. That is to say, after a glance, he didn't mean to put down the books in his hand! Hou Tianliang is also careful to sit in the position opposite Ding Yu, a face puzzling!

"Destroyed?" Ding Yu slightly hummed, "if you can't pass this level, you still want to be my apprentice?""But he is only a child after all! What's more, his family background is different from that of Taylor. Taylor has experienced different education since he was born. What about Wang An? He just honed himself in hardship! Two people's starting point is not the same! Now it's unfair to give Wang An and Taylor the same thing

"Unfair?" Ding Yu's tone was extremely cold, "the so-called injustice is just saying it! How can there be so much fairness in the world? If it's fair, where are Wang's parents? Why is it so hard to rely on my grandfather who is about to run out of oil and light. If there is justice, why does Wang an bear so much humiliation? "

"Director, this is not the reason why we can compare Wang An and Taylor."

"The world is the biggest melting pot. Taylor has undergone extraordinary education, but she has not been tempered by society. What about Wang An? Looking at the most realistic society, is it unfair to Taylor from this point of view? Wang An's ability to pass the test shows that he has the heart, but he can't pass the test. Like Taylor, he has no chance! Opportunity has been given to him. He doesn't cherish it. It's his own problem, it has nothing to do with other people! "

After saying that, Ding Yu also looked at Hou Tianliang with warning eyes, "you should be more careful. I have not settled accounts with you for the matter that I was found to come to me before? What's more, you and Zong Taiping were together before, but then you realized later, I will remember all of them for you

Get it! Hou Tianliang is completely understood! The director is warning himself that Wang An's affairs do not need any involvement from his side, otherwise the director will never be merciful! And this is what the director said in front of himself! If you can't ask for help, you've been well educated. How can you feel?

But what about this thing? I really can't intervene! Can only be helplessly so looking at, oneself really hope Wang An can jump over this pit? It is not trapped in this pit, but Wang An is just a child! Have not experienced such a thing, now such a big pie fell down? You'll be dizzy!

One night, Hou Tianliang basically did not fall asleep. He thought about Wang an back and forth. When he woke up in the morning, he had big dark circles on his face, which was quite different from that of panda. However, it was still too obvious. Wang Xiaogang was also very surprised to watch. When his uncle didn't pay attention, he deliberately pointed to Hou Tianliang Own eyes!

Hou Tianliang can only be a bitter smile, Wang Xiaogang today should be to Wang an there! I didn't know what it meant before, but now? How can Hou Tianliang not understand? Let Wang Xiaogang in the past exercise and practice is on the one hand, on the other hand? I'm afraid it is also to observe Wang An's performance!

Unfortunately, I have to follow the director today! There are a lot of things to follow in the hospital, and I have no time to be separated. I can only hope for Wang An? Can abide by their own heart! There is no other way!

"Who are you Just got out of the car, even before walking to the elevator, Ding Yu was blocked by yesterday's girl again! Ding Yu also took a look at his head. Hou Tianliang had already pushed the elevator.

"Doctor!" Ding Yu's reply was cold. Hou Tianliang, who was next to him, even shivered after hearing this. Because of Wang An's affairs, he was so upset, but now comes another one? Isn't it the same thing? What's more, the director is here to save people, not to explain to you!

To be more presumptuous, you are just a girl. What kind of onion and garlic are you? Come here and question the director? Is this brain really in water? Or is she missing a string?

"Can you save my grandfather?" This is full of doubts!

Ding Yu, who was standing in the middle, looked at the girl next to him again, "why do you ask? If it is from the doctor's point of view, I can only make sure that I try my best to complete the operation and treatment, as for the follow-up? Need to see the patient's physical quality, still personal willpower! "

"Which means you can't guarantee it, can you?"

Ding Yu suddenly hummed, "don't say you are married! I don't care about this issue. I'll just say, do you have a boyfriend? Can you be sure that there must be something beautiful between you? You can't, because this is a two-sided thing, but also vulnerable to external interference, this is the same as surgery! What's more, you are seriously disturbing me now

"I didn't!"

"You don't? This is just what you said, and it just represents your one-sided view! What about me? It's true that there is considerable doubt, because you can always find me, this is not such a simple thing as blocking the door! I hope you can think about it carefully! "

In fact, this is not what the girl in front of me said, but to the two people in the security department behind me. When I left earlier, this one was persistent, but now he came and was blocked again? What is this supposed to be doing?

The faces of the two people who are in charge of picking up Ding Yu are already dark! Such a thing happened, but it's not just that there is no light on the surface! They are members of the security department. Originally, Ding Yu's incident has put them under considerable pressure. Now, such a thing is happening again? This is really a slap in the face!So after Ding Yu entered his office, two people also took up their own phone and informed about the situation! Dingyu came here to save people by operation? It's not for monkeys to play? And was yesterday warned, but ignored? What does that mean?

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