"Mr. Ding!" When the middle-aged man who knocked on the door saw Ding Yu, he also rushed forward two steps.

The old man behind looked at Ding Yu and shook his head helplessly. He saw that the middle-aged man was very apologetic and said, "Mr. Ding, I'm here to apologize. My tutoring is not strict. Let Mr. Ding laugh!" Immediately after the girl is also low head walked in, the middle-aged people see their daughter, is not angry.

Her head is broken? Or did you take ecstasy? How could you do that again and again? I don't know when it is? You care about your grandfather, don't you care about your father? But care also needs ways and methods! Reckless rampage!

Can't we have a good communication? Yesterday, I blocked the door, and then I went after people! Today, Ding Yu was blocked in the elevator again. What did the magnanimous people say? But it doesn't mean there is no temper at all!

"Dr. Ding! I'm sorry The girl lowered her head, but she could still feel the obstinacy revealed in her voice when she spoke! Ding Yu also slightly nodded, "I know! okay! For the time being! I still need to do some preparation for the operation! We won't waste our time! "

This is very polite, but the middle-aged people understand the meaning of Ding Yu's words. After leaving the room, the middle-aged man looks at his daughter and frowns, "Linlin, I don't know what makes you make such a choice, but this matter will be investigated in the end."

"Dad, you investigate me?" The girl's voice is so sharp!

"I investigate what you do?" The middle-aged man shook his head slightly, "don't you know who invited Dr. Ding? The efforts of both the Ministry and the provincial government can be regarded as inviting people here. Now you are intervening without authorization. This is to hit the faces of the Ministry and the provincial government. Do you know that? "

"How could that be possible?" The expression on the girl's face is all surprised!

"Don't be so conceited! Who do you think you are? You Tian Linlin may have someone in the province who will give you some face, but that's just for your grandfather! Now come to save your grandfather's life, your behavior will make people misunderstood, so think about it, what happened these two days! I won't say the extra words! That's your grandfather, but it's also my father

Ding Yu has made considerable preparations here. The operation can not be completed by one person. Before this, Ding Yu also communicated with the doctors who performed the operation. Of course, some precautions should be taken! Because the age of the elderly is really too old, if there is an accident, there is no prevention, then there will really be problems!

It's almost a day from entering the operating room to coming out! When the operation is done! Even the old man is also directly sitting on the ground, tired that called a remnant! Other people are even worse? Lying in disorder, is really unable to hold on!

The operation is too large and high-end, and I dare not relax for a moment. It is a kind of test for everyone's spirit and physical strength. From the above results, it is still very good. But we still need to see the postoperative reaction of patients after the operation, but what about these? It has nothing to do with Ding Yu!

"Can you hold on to it?" Ding Yu did not leave the operating room immediately, but looked at the old man sitting there. Some jokingly said, "you are quite different from the old hospital director! Although the old Dean Retired! But standing for a day, it would never be like this, if he saw it! Promise to kick you

"Don't mention it! The old Dean and his generation are just like gods. They thought our generation could take over! But when I think of you coming out again, they say that the back wave of the Yangtze River pushes the front wave. I haven't started pushing the back wave yet? You are good! It's directly on the beach! Who am I going to reason with? "

Most of them are joking. He has a good understanding of Ding Yu, not only himself, but also the whole medical system of the capital. He is not interested in the so-called rights and reputation? What about research and learning? There is considerable interest, such people put there, will be quite popular!

It's not the first time that we have set up a platform with Ding Yu, but today we are out of the eye? It's true that there is considerable admiration, the most tired person in the whole operation should be Ding Yu! But the operation is over! Ding Yu can still stand there intact, and say this to himself, and look at his appearance, there are even some unfinished ideas!

"Don't argue with me!" Looking at the old man resting almost! Ding Yu also stretched out his hand and pulled it up for the old man. As for other people, it was the same. The operation seemed to be finished! However, there are still a lot of problems that need to be dealt with by doctors!

Moreover, this operation has its own particularity and needs to be well sorted out. After a short rest, everyone struggled to stand up. Some people exchanged greetings with Ding Yu and Lao Xuan, while others came out of the operating room one after another."Dr. Ding, Doctor Lin, you are hard!"

Not only middle-aged people, but also some other people are gathered outside. The operation has been carried out for a long time, and the difficulty of the operation is too great. It also makes many medical personnel present feel their heart sigh! It's really a man who is more than a man! So young, they lead such high-end surgery, what about themselves? White life is so old!

Ding Yu and his family simply held a hand, but they didn't have too much greetings. They were really tired here. Then they also cleaned up and went back to the office. After closing the door, everyone entered the sheepsy with hungry wolf. Fortunately, Hou Tianliang must have prepared quite a few things. Looking at the crowd, houtianliang was also very grateful!

All just saw the scenery in front of the surgery, but did not see what the doctor paid and cost behind it! Success if it is commendable, but what if it fails? Is it really the doctor's responsibility? Is it true that doctors have not made efforts?

"What's the matter with Xiaogang?" Dingyu just drank a cup of coffee and ate two cakes. Then he looked at houtianliang on his side. The expression on Hou Tianliang's face was slightly odd. "It was very good, but for work? Obviously not very adapt! That's what it is about? "

"Not very adaptable? That sounds like that! " Ding Yu said something.

"Xiao Gang is very complete, gloves, hats and masks, etc! But not long time is almost tired dizzy! There is no discomfort to the environment over there, but there are obviously some maladjustments to the labor! At noon, I was eating there too. I fell asleep after eating a few of them! "

"It's not a general shame to say that!"

"The cleaning up is done in general! There are so many things in the old age, and there are still some follow-up processing, but now, how many can see some appearance! Director, what do you mean? Wang'an seems to be doing well. Without supervision and supervision from other people, he seems to have realized some problems! "

Dingyu did not have too much expression, slightly point a head, see director's action, houtianliang also left, Wang an performance can really be said to be perfect, security first time to pass the message to themselves, after all, the director was in the operation, there was no time!

I want to do some small actions, but I think about it! Something impossible at all! The security is just listening to the director, as for themselves? They don't even put them on their hearts to some extent!

So I want to be a terrier? It's also impossible! On the other hand, Wang An is worthy of being valued by the director! Naturally, he has a prominent side, but in the past, we did not find out! So young, can withstand such temptation, others can not do their own do not know, but they can not do!

Because this is not to say that such a simple, as Guo Li at the beginning of the same thing! Although the process itself is not as detailed as it is, but billions of dollars! Don't say it all my life! Ten lives are enough! So big temptation is put in front of you! I don't know if one of the million can carry it? It's not human!

Maybe there are so many absolute words, but it is not exaggeration! So now houtianliang is secretly to Wang an! Although there is a long distance from the final test, what is the most difficult one? He's all passed! Believe that even if there are problems in the future, it will never be too big!

After a while of rest, Lao Yi also took a person to check the room. Dingyu also walked in the front position. "Dr. Ding, are you going back together this time? Or is there anything else? "

"What? How to talk and talk? It's not like your style! "

"Don't mention it! This operation can be said to be quite perfect. What about the hospital here? Want to learn from us! "

As soon as he heard this, Dingyu knew what it meant! I also slightly ordered a head, "I don't have so many idle time, this time is not the old Dean and your chief, I am not lazy to care about this business, I have other things here, I am afraid that I can not get away from it! I'm afraid I won't go back to Beijing in a short time! "

Yes! Old man has already heard what Ding Yu means! Who wants to divide cakes in this matter, it doesn't matter, anyway, he doesn't want to follow the meaning of mixing! But old man is not really a woman who married the door and the matchmaker threw the wall! Besides, this man is still coming! Don't joke, OK!

"By the way, the people who went to Harvard general school are coming back in succession! All of these are your younger brothers and sisters. Now these people are all rush goods. The old Dean is impatient every day and can't even sit at home! There are people coming to the door to play autumn wind every day! "

"This has nothing to do with me!" Dingyu's mouth also slightly raised, "what they learn and achieve is the result of their efforts. We just push a hand because they have the heart of learning, even if they have such things for themselves! Easy to be rewarded! ""You! It's a deliberate diversion of the subject, isn't it? " Lao Tan was also a little dissatisfied, "they are all from our school and our hospital. This one has just come back, and his buttocks are not hot yet? Some people want to be robbed, there is no door! You are also from our school. You can't elbow out, can you? "

"Gold is shining there! Life in the world? Especially in today's society, we can't pay attention to dedication! I'm afraid it's useless to arrange a position for an assistant. It's all in our basket anyway! It can also be regarded as fat water does not flow into the field, let them choose by themselves! Not better! "

"Forget it! This question is treated as if I didn't say it! " Old man is also very dissatisfied, "if you open this gap, it's over! Those guys in other hospitals have green eyes now. Seeing them is like seeing wolf cubs! It's just a hard fight! Anyone who is cheap can't get rid of them! "

Two people said to each other came to the ward. There were really not many people outside the monitoring room, but when they saw Ding Yu, they were also in a hurry to let out the position, which had been visited by a doctor before! But after all, Ding Yu is the doctor of the main knife, and they have more say!

Postoperative reaction is still relatively good! So after a simple instruction, we all came out of it. It was the middle-aged man before, "Dr. Ding and Dr. Fu, it's hard for you today! I made a banquet in the evening and invited you to come! There is no other meaning, that is to say thank you

"Yu Shao, why don't you attend the meeting? I still need to see the patients here. There is no problem now. But once there is a problem, we who are the main swordsmen are not here. It is not appropriate!"

Ding Yu shook his head slightly, "I'm a helper, OK? Don't hit my attention! What's more, I have a big devil there. He came out with him. Now I'll throw him away. I'm afraid there's no way to explain after I go back! When the time comes, whether or not to enter the house is a matter of two words

If Mr. Ding Yu's time comes out, it's time for him to come out The words were very beautiful, and then Ding Yu left and threw the old man down alone. Anyway, the fire was not made by himself.

When he looked at Ding Yu, he was very angry. However, he had no choice, because in our hospital, he was just like this. You said he was aloof and arrogant. It was not because of his personality! Of course, there may be other aspects involved in this!

For the middle-aged people who hold on to their own hands, the director does not know what to say! It's really a problem! And Ding Yu over there came back to the office, simply cleaned up and then drifted away, there was no meaning to stay at all! It's all about it. Brush your body!

Ding Yu backed up halfway, and then went straight to Wang'an. It was already late! Wang Xiaogang even went to bed early, so did Wang An. Today's work is so tired.

"Mr. Ding, the conditions at home are so poor!" Seeing Ding Yu's arrival, the old man was at a loss. When his grandson was there, he really had courage. But now that the grandson has fallen asleep, he really doesn't know how to do it!

"It doesn't matter. I used to live in a place even more humble than this. The more difficult the environment is, the more able to train people!" Ding Yu didn't ask about the performance of the two children today, just look at their appearance! "Wait a minute? I need your help! If you don't mind! "

"No mind, no mind!"

Ding Yu boiled the water and massaged Wang Xiaogang for quite a long time. During this period, he also smeared some drugs. Then he was Wang An, because he had Wang Xiaogang's pearl jade in front of him? So the old man did not have any objection. Although I don't know what it is, I can still feel it when I smell it!

After finishing, Ding Yu also wiped his hand, "master, have a rest! I'll go back first! What about tomorrow morning? Let them work a little light. I'll take them out for a walk in the afternoon! What about Wang An? It's not good to stay at home for a long time

"Ah! Mr. Ding, you're wasting money again The old man also rubbed his hand, but Ding Yu was not satisfied with it. "It's not easy to encounter such a good seedling! I don't want to give up halfway either! "

After leaving and returning to the place where they stayed, Ding Yu and Hou Tianliang ate some food together. Although they had taken a bite in the hospital before, the consumption today is not so big!

"Director! We've all been exposed to some people's eyes? "

"Exposed, exposed! Don't let the small lose the big! What about Wang An? You need to take it easy for me. If something happens, it will not be easy to settle accounts with you! You need to be remembered for me"Director, even if you give me two courage, I dare not!"

What about the other things? Hou Tianliang may need to weigh it, but this thing is really dare not move half of the mind, when the director is really angry? The information management department will also be affected!

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