"Can't you? How far will things go? " Hou Tianliang looks at Ding Yu in surprise!

"You! Still too young! I haven't had so much experience! Don't stand in your position to see this matter, also do not stand in my position to see this matter, learn to look at this matter from a higher position! Maybe you can see one or two of them! " Ding Yu also explained patiently.

"Director, this is a good thing for our country!"

"You just see one aspect, but on the other hand, this is all about winning. The first echelon, the second echelon, and then the third echelon. What do you think of the Party school and so on? Is it that I, Ding Yu, can teach alone, and no one else can? It's not like that at all

Ding Yu also said with a sigh, "what about these people in the first and second echelons? They all have one thing in common, whether you admit it or not, they all exist in reality. Their origins are quite different. They don't even need to learn how to play the game. Even after they end up in person, they can quickly control it. What about this? No matter you or I, there is no way to compare, because the gap is too obvious

"The director's words are too absolute! At least you are an exception, director! When anyone mentions your ability in business, you should give your thumbs up! " Hou Tianliang also said carefully.

"Bullshit! What do I have in business? What you see are just appearances. If you let me do it, I'm afraid it won't be sold in two and a half days? And maybe help people count money! What about the only better one? Maybe my vision is a little higher, so I'm just responsible for the things above the general direction, as for other things? Let professional people do professional things! I never get involved. "

"That also shows that director, you are a genius! Isn't it? "

"I never think so. I don't know if you have read my materials, but if you can come to my side, you should know more than others. I have been on the battlefield and experienced many problems and situations. What about all the time? Did not have any awakening, until later was fried dizzy vegetables! Between life and death, there is a feeling! After retirement is also this sentiment is more and more! But that's all. The so-called genius? I feel that this is just a reward for my efforts! I didn't read so many books, didn't have so much experience and experience, ha ha! "

For this point, Hou Tianliang really did not have any doubt, because all of his own is to see in the eyes, even if it is now out to play, but when did the director go to bed early, when did he get up late? Even if Li Fu Zhen was here for a few days, the director did not slack off.

It's almost every day. Who knows how much accumulation the director has after such persistence? Because no one can see, everyone just saw how fierce and even domineering the director is on the surface!

"Director, are you trying to be clever? But it can't be cut across the board, can it? "

"Trick? Hi! How to put it? Everything has two sides! I can only explain this now! These guys from the third tier! Is the qualification good? We all know it in our hearts. What's more? If I really step in, I will not be able to get rid of it. I don't have so much time and leisure! "

When talking, Wang Xiaogang also ran back and circled around his uncle! I don't know where his energy comes from? Ding Yu reached out and lifted Wang Xiaogang, "let's go! If you walk up the mountain by yourself, you will be tired and down! "

Wang Xiaogang's one hand around his uncle's neck, the other hand is also to greet Hou Tianliang, and then pull his own voice shouting, a little bit crazy! Hou Tianliang also pulled his hat. I don't know where the director came from!

Ding Yu and their side play is very happy! But this side of the capital is not as pleasant as you can imagine! The matter of the third echelon has been revealed, but there are too many problems in it! Even if all the preludes are ready! But Ding Yu didn't show up, didn't he still pull?

If we want to use the power of the state to find out Ding Yu, let's not say whether it can be done or not, but where will the national power be located? In order to find Ding Yu, he has to use so much power. Is Ding Yu not a criminal? There is no other mess, just go out and have a rest!

Just because of this, you want to get Ding Yu out? Is it reasonable to put them in the sun?

What's more, there is another problem! What about Ding Yu's body? There is no identity on the surface! Whether it is a medical school or a hospital, it is the same. What about medical schools and schools? It's just a verbal agreement! There is no practical significance at all! Directly speaking, Ding Yu is not making it up!Just want to drag Ding Yu back in this name? Medical schools and hospitals must not do it! Medical schools and hospitals are holding Ding Yu as a treasure in their own hands. If anyone moves Ding Yu, it is smashing the faces of medical colleges and hospitals. Who can bear such a thing?

Even with the whole medical system? It's possible to riot! Because over the years, Ding Yu has made the whole medical system benefit too much! Medical equipment, equipment and personnel training and so on, even including the building donated by Ding Yu, these are real things! It's not a joke!

It's been about two weeks, and we haven't finished it, because we really don't know how to do it. What about this time? Ding Yu has brought Wang Xiaogang to the airport side, "Xiaogang, you go home first! If I have other things on my side, I won't take you with me! "

Ah? Wang Xiaogang's mouth immediately drum together, Ding Yu also pointed to the airport, "see the big plane, this time let you sit enough! I have other things here, so I can't accompany you! What about going back? You can go home and have a look, but what about food and accommodation? Better in the courtyard? Do you hear me? "

Yeah! Wang Xiaogang is also kicking his feet, playing with Uncle outside for such a long time, of course, is happy, but now uncle suddenly threw himself down alone! This feeling is really very bad! So Wang Xiaogang is also a little sullen! But it seems impossible to keep uncle by this!

Ding Yu and Wang Xiaogang got on the plane directly. When he saw his father and mother, Wang Xiaogang screamed and ran away like a dog. Then he threw himself into his mother's arms, whining and crying, and even tears came out!

Wang Yang is also touching his son's head. How long has it been since I saw him? I feel a lot taller, and a little fatter than before. Of course, this is my feeling. But Lin Qiuyan is holding his eldest son and he is still dying. The time to leave is really too long! This tear is also uncontrollable!

"Brother Wang Yang took the lead to come over. Lin Qiuyan relieved her excitement. She also came with her son in her arms. At the same time, she also called out, "big brother!"

"All right! Just let your family reminisce! There are other things on my side! "

Looking at the meaning of his elder brother to leave, Wang Yang also called out, "brother, you don't go back together?"

"I have other things to do!" Ding Yu said, "what about Xiaogang? I have roughly arranged for his nanny, you can also have a look at the specific content, go back to live in the courtyard for a period of time, don't go home first, it's not easy to adjust! If it is abolished again, it will not be able to adjust it! "

"Brother, Xiao Gang is on your hand! I'll rest assured that you don't really go back to the capital? Now the capital has all kinds of wind? If you don't go back at this time, will you come up with other problems and situations? "

"It has nothing to do with me, it has nothing to do with you!" Ding Yu waved, "the plane is about to take off! I have other things to do. Let's go! I've got my stuff cleaned up! "

Looking at the big brother who left, Wang Yang was helpless. When he returned to the plane, his wife was holding his son there in a low voice. He didn't know what to hide and say. Wang Xiaogang couldn't sit still. He was eager to visit the big plane. He had to sit enough this time!

Lin Qiuyan looked at her husband, and then let the crew and nanny take Wang Xiaogang to visit! "What did you say? He's not coming back with us? Thanks to elder brother's care

"I don't want to go back. Where's the capital? There are dangers everywhere. I have been so restless these days. If elder brother goes back, who knows what will happen? So many pairs of eyes are staring at it

"Oh! We're coming out this time, aren't we? "

"Don't worry so much. Since the elder brother asked us to come here, it shows that he doesn't care about this matter at all. If you really don't want to let people know, just send Xiaogang back! Why make such a thing? Some things? We don't need to worry about it. We'd better worry about Xiaogang. "

"I don't know about other places, but they've grown tall! Some of them have grown up! Temperament is the same as before! Anyway, I was honest when I was young! It's not like that! Although I didn't say it for a long time, I really didn't think of it

"Xiaogang is enlightened! Big brother led out a trip, other people did not take, with Xiaogang and Hou Tianliang, is not general! However, after Xiaogang went back, the elder brother asked him not to go home for a period of time, so he developed those good habits, especially from his mother's side. If he really took it back home, he would become the ancestor again, but what about staying in the quadrangle? Although she said that she would watch, it was not easy to do anything! "Lin Qiuyan also stabbed Wang Yang. He knows this truth. In fact, he said this to himself. If Xiaogang really went home! My mother-in-law will certainly take it away. When it comes, it's not good for me to do anything to stop her. But what about staying in the courtyard? I'm afraid no one will do it, even if it's father-in-law!

"My father and my mother go there, they will certainly understand, Xiaogang is afraid to go to the courtyard will also be happy, there are people to accompany him to play! But speaking of, Hou Tianliang still follows elder brother? This is not a common thing to value

"Who said no? Anyway, I did not see too many people can be so respected by the eldest brother, even the first and second echelons of people are also the same, Zong Taiping, they can be said to eat a flat this time! Hou Tianliang is also the same, but Hou Tianliang is left by his elder brother. The difference is a little big! "

When the couple said this, the crew members put everything on the plane. When the plane was about to take off, Wang Xiaogang came and threw himself in his mother's arms. However, the golden cudgel in his hand didn't mean to put it down. If it wasn't for the inconvenience, he might have come to the plane!

"Director? Where are we going? " Looking at the private plane in front of him, Hou Tianliang also felt that he had some toothache. Even though the previous private plane was ignored, now he transferred another plane to come over. It's too exaggerated! This is not a car? If you want to buy one, you can buy one. This is a private plane!

"Back home, there's something at home!" While talking, Ding Yu is also walking quickly to the plane. Hou Tianliang is following. What's the matter with the director's hometown? I haven't heard of it! What is it that makes the director so impatient?

"Director? Would you like to inform the relevant authorities? To do something else? "

"No, what about my hometown's graveyard? Some of them are not enough, so we need to open a new one! It's said that our ancestral grave is smoking! So some people are more violent, but the matter has basically been solved! My father told me to go back and have a look, I can't refute his face

I'll go! Hou Tianliang also put his heart down. It turned out to be such a thing. He thought something had happened? But it's also good. What about the director's hometown? It's really a forbidden area! No matter what aspect of the matter, it seems that we all have some meaning of turning a blind eye to it!

What are the main reasons? Or because the director is too fierce! What about the rest? The director really didn't see it on his mind, but what about his hometown? It's the bottom line in the director's mind. Who touches it! The director will definitely break the sky, and no one will be able to deal with this situation at that time!

Do you know the forces that can be contacted with the director now? All of them are not small forces. Although they are ruthless and ruthless, they are basically left with a little spare force. But once the bottom line of the director is broken, I am afraid the director will be really unscrupulous and no one can bear such consequences!

"Can I follow you, chief?" Hou Tianliang also licked his lips! Because Hou Tianliang remembers very clearly that when he went to invite Ding Yu, Wang Yang and Xiao Bao both went, but they were expelled directly! Although he is not the identity of Wang family, Su family and Zheng family, but also seems to have the identity of the emotional management department!

Ding Yu also snorted, did not say anything else, Hou Tianliang also ha ha a smile, the director did not speak, is already the best answer! So there is no need to continue to be annoying! Director with himself, and still such a private matter, it is obvious that he did not treat himself as an outsider!

All the way up, Ding Yu didn't say anything, but looked at it carefully with the book. From time to time, he would do some writing. Hou Tianliang didn't mean to disturb him! At this time, to talk to the director is to make yourself uncomfortable.

After the plane landed, the car was already ready! Ding Yu also called his father and told him to go back later. Ding Lin was scared by this. How did his eldest son come back! Before waiting for a couple of words, Zhao Shuying answered the phone.

"You just came back? What about Taixi? What about the kids? They have no sense of loyalty? Is it alone? "

Ding Yu patted himself on the head with his hand. "I was busy with some things before, but now I just have nothing to do. So come to see you and dad. There is work to be done in Taixi, and the two children are at school."

"All right! I know you have many reasons! " Zhao Shuying immediately threw the phone to her husband. Looking at this meaning, she was also preparing to go to the market. When her eldest son came back, she must have prepared for it. The dead child came back too suddenly! Let oneself have no preparation in this respect, really!

Ding Lin answered the phone, but he also laughed, "slow down on the road! Your mother is going to the market. What would you like to eat? I'll get your mother ready for you! "

For himself and his wife, it is a happy thing that the eldest son can come back. As for Taixi and his two children who can't come back, it's totally understandable. His wife just made a joke before. He didn't see his action, so he was about to rush out of the house! I'm afraid she's happier than anyone else at this time!www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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