"Mom and Dad!" Ding Yu walked into the house and called out sincerely. Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying looked at their son with joy on their faces. The eldest son did not come back for a period of time. Zhao Shuying also patted her son. No matter how old he was, he was his own son, which will never change.

"This is my secretary, Hou Tianliang!" Ding Yu also introduced the following attendant!

"Hello, uncle and aunt."

"All right, all right! Come on, come in The Secretary of the son, Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying don't know about this situation. But it's not easy for the eldest son to say such words. When she enters the living room, Zhao Shuying goes to the kitchen without saying a word! I'm afraid it won't take long to eat!

What's more, the eldest son came back with his secretary! No matter how you say it, it's a guest!

"Don't you have to be busy at work? So leisurely? " To Hou Tianliang handed fruit, Ding Lin turned to ask his son! There are still some who are not at ease!

"Two days ago, I was busy with some things and had a big operation. I just took this opportunity to have a good rest! You can't run around all the time! " Ding Yu also echoed and said, "the two living treasures at home have performed well during this period, so I didn't go back! Come straight back

Ding Lin a smile, and then also looked at Hou Tianliang, "dawn, eat, eat more! Don't mention it when you come home Originally, I wanted Hou Tianliang to eat more fruits, but I got half of the fruits, and then I put them down, "or don't eat so many fruits, leave some belly for dinner! This is serious. Since I'm at home, I'm not an outsider. I'll try your aunt's craftsmanship later. Everything else is OK, but sometimes my mouth is a little bit heavy! "

"What are you talking about?" Zhao Shuying just came out of the kitchen and heard her husband's words, she also called out! Is very dissatisfied with a glance, "give me quickly wash hands, and then ready to eat!"

For his wife's loud voice, Ding Lin did not have any way, Hou Tianliang also peeked at the director, he did not seem to have too much reaction, is obviously used to it! I know this aunt through quite a lot of information, but it's really the first contact. It's so great! The director obviously inherited uncle Ding's personality. Otherwise, he could not bear it!

In fact, the food is not as salty as expected. The food in the North tastes so heavy. This is a very normal thing, because the living places are different. Director to eat is really a lot of, Hou Tianliang did not show too presumptuous, the director with himself to the home is a thing, but if he is not sensible, it is another thing!

After dinner, Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying also went out for activities! Of course, I didn't forget them. Ding Yu shook his head. I didn't like dogs, but I felt that my position was taken away by them! In fact, think about it. What about Ding Ding Ding? Can not be at home for a long time, parents really do not have too much sustenance!

But what about letting them live with themselves? They are not used to it. This is really troublesome!

"Let's go! Go out and eat! " Ding Yu said to Hou Tianliang, "by the way, go to the place where you live. I've already had people handle the accommodation. When I come back, I basically work there, and the conditions there are OK. If you feel inconvenient, you can choose another one, and I have no opinion!"

"Director, don't make fun of me!" Hou Tianliang also said with a wry smile, "in fact, I don't eat much today!"

"Just a joke! After all, this is the small county where I grew up. What about me these years? It's also a secret that people have subsidized a lot. If you don't boast about it, it's still making the small county get some development. Who doesn't want his hometown to be better? Children don't dislike mother ugly dog don't dislike family poverty, are very simple! But similarly, although it is said to be a forbidden area, there are many forces in all aspects, but they are still honest! "

"I've heard of some! Director? Do you mean not to touch them? "

"What are you doing with them?" Ding Yu may also be home! So this mood is also quite relaxed, "let them stay here! What about the climate here? Four seasons, small county city is not big, but the people are also good! Everyone's own peace and quiet, can see more, listen to a bit more, that is, as a vacation! It doesn't matter! "

For the confidence shown by the director, Hou Tianliang did not know what to say! If you really want to investigate, I believe it will never be difficult, but the same thing? Want to completely strangle is also not realistic things, so it is not as good as control in a certain range!

Such words have quite good for everyone, won't make any trouble, Ding Yu has been so reasonable! Then other forces are also their own abatement, because Ding Yu gives this face very much, but on the contrary, if you don't give Ding Yu this face, it will be another thing!Ding Yu gives everyone this face, but in turn, we don't give Ding Yu this face. Ding Yu will definitely make life worse than death. After all, what about here? It's Ding Yu's "soft spot". If Ding Yu's weakness is removed, what degree will Ding Yu be presumptuous in the future? Who can guarantee that?

Two people are walking. Anyway, the distance between the hotel and the hotel is not as far as you can imagine. When he arrived at the hotel, Hou Tianliang found that he really underestimated the hotel! Not to say how high-end it is, but the environment here is really good! The first impression is very good!

"Director, the environment here is still very good! It's really unique! "

Ding Yu and Hou Tianliang came in and the night manager was the first to come. "Mr. Ding, I welcome you on behalf of the hotel, and the hotel will serve you sincerely!"

This is a big customer! Almost every time? It's not for one person or two people. It almost covers the whole floor. Even the upper and lower floors should be isolated! For a hotel, it is absolutely a big customer. It is not easy to have such a big customer in such a small county.

The so-called every year for this reception, is also extremely strict and enthusiastic! Hotel is to serve customers, not to mention Ding Yu such a big customer! However, this customer left a very good impression on the hotel. There was no default. Similarly, it was not as high-profile as expected. Even the accompanying people were quite peaceful!

It's not like that some people come to the hotel and how to shout! It feels like the earth can't hold them any more!

Ding Yu and Hou Tianliang find a more secluded place. They just sit down. The hotel gives Ding Yu a drink. "Director, it seems that we need to stay for a while."

"Now go back to the capital, there are too many things! And it's too much trouble. What's more, if I stay here? No one dares to reach out and no one dares to go beyond it. But if I leave here, things will be very troublesome. What's more, it's home after all, and it's more comfortable to stay here, you! It's also a matter of fact precipitation. Don't go too far! "

"Director, I want to float? But I also have to float up

"You've seen a lot of things during this period. I thought I'd send them back to you so that you can have a good silence. But after thinking about it, what if you go back like this? All aspects will give you considerable pressure. For a small body like you, what about the pressure? On the other hand, you won't have too much time. Don't waste such an opportunity. It will have unexpected benefits for your growth in the future. "

"Director, it's hard for you!"

"Is it hard work? That's it! In the future, you still need to learn to eat by yourself. Don't wait for someone to feed you into your mouth. At the same time, you should learn to digest by yourself. "

Ding Yu did not sit for too long before leaving! There's no problem working here, but staying here? There is really no need for this! This time, they didn't bring Fu Zhen with them, so they could live at home! When I came back, I just met my father and my mother. As for the little lazy, they were playing around!

"The Secretary, who values you so much, is going to arrange it in person?"

"It's a good young man! It's just that I have nothing to do. I'll go out for a walk after dinner! "

When the father and son talk, the other people in the community also greet each other. Everyone has a very good sense of Ding Lin. from the community to the residents and down to the security guard, no one says that they are not the two of them. What's more, the two people are quite warm in peacetime.

When greeting, it is inevitable to have a face-to-face with Ding Yu, and even say two words. Although Ding Yu and Ding Ding Ding don't go home for a long time, they are well-known in the whole community, especially Ding Yu! Can the old Ding family have its present name? Ding Yu played a very important role!

So when you see Ding Yu, they greet each other warmly. After all, Ding Yu is not so common. It seems that it is very good to talk about the relationship between them, isn't it?

Ding Yu doesn't seem so special either. They are all from a community. The so-called distant relatives are not as good as their neighbors. No matter how beautiful they are outside, they are all the sons of Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying after they come back. If they deliberately pose any posture, they will definitely smear old Ding's face!

Fortunately, we all know that there are so many inappropriate time, so each said two sentences, and they all left one after another. But even so, the delay was a little bit longer. Zhao Shuying was not very satisfied. When she returned home, she also nagged!

"I think they are all idle!"

After Ding Yu changed his shoes, he also said with a smile, "Mom, doesn't this just show that you and my dad have a fairly high level of education? If it wasn't for you and my dad! Ding Ding and I don't seem to be so excellent! Do you think so? ""The eldest son has a point!" Ding Lin sent them to wash them! But when I walked away, I also drew my thumb. The expression on my face was very happy! This is what he said in his heart.

"Come on! Just your dad? If you say something more, I'm afraid he's going to heaven! " But Zhao Shuying is also very happy about her eldest son's words, "by the way, are you free tomorrow? If you have time, go back to see your grandmother. She is so old! "

"Yes! It happened that I didn't have too many things these two days. I also brought some things back. It's still very good for the old people, but the old lady's health is really good. She is so old! It's not easy to hold on to it! "

It's already at home! Ding Yu will not talk about any national affairs with his father and mother. There is no need to close the door and live a small life in his own family! This is the idea of Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying. Within the scope of our ability, we should do something beneficial to our physical and mental health or repay the society. It is enough!

After helping Xiao lazy and Labrador clean up, Ding Lin also came to the sofa in the living room, sat down, read the news, said something about his family, and really didn't ask Ding Yu too much about his work! Although Ding Lin is also a doctor, what about himself and his eldest son? There is still a considerable gap!

This does not really have much to do with face. My son is now a doctor! What about yourself? Maybe I have more experience than my son, but that's it! I still need to see my son in the future!

So a family of three is also gossip light, talk about the things in the family, more than nine o'clock, Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying went to have a rest! As for Xiao lazy and Labrador, they have their own resting places. When Ding Yu returns to his room, he also opens the computer, picks up a book and sits on the carpet!

But Ding Yu didn't sit down for a long time. He heard a burst of sound. He saw Xiao lazy leaning his big head, sticking out his tongue and squinting at his face. He looked like a smiling angel. From the beginning, he followed Ding Yu's side, until now he stayed with his parents. His age is really not small!

Seeing Ding Yu waving, Xiao lazy trotted to Ding Yu's side, and then lay down on his legs. Ding Yu touched two of them. Then he picked up the books around him and sat there to read. There was no movement or sound between them. It was very harmonious! Also very natural!

As for the capital, after hearing Ding Yu's news, he also felt that he was gnashing his teeth. Did Ding Yu go anywhere? Everyone may find a way, but only Ding Yu returned to his hometown, this matter is really too troublesome, too thorny! I don't even know how to deal with it!

Because everyone knows that Ding Yu's hometown is completely a forbidden area. Even the Wang family, Su family and Zheng family are still at a standstill. It is really difficult to say if anyone really broke into the forbidden area without any scruples! So no one dares to take risks!

Although it is a small county, it is really Longtan tiger's den. Hou Tianliang's following is quite unexpected, but it seems to be within the scope of tolerance, but it is just a Hou Tianliang. The role it plays will not be as much as imagined. Even if it can play a role, it is two things to say!

What about everything in the third tier? They are all in the process of preparation, but the problem is that there is still no leader. That is to say, Ding Yu has never intended to take office. Even if he wants to force him to be tied to this ship, it is impossible because Ding Yu is now in his hometown!

If you want to force Ding Yu again, Ding Yu is a little bit more ruthless. He has been waiting for the Chinese new year, and then he pats his buttocks and goes to the United States. How to deal with it then? For Ding Yu, such a thing should have no pressure at all!

But for the third echelon, can we wait such a long time? It seems that this joke is a little too big! If Ding Yu doesn't come for a day, the third echelon will take off everyday? impossible!

Who could have thought that Ding Yu this guy unexpectedly suddenly came to such a hand! Let people not a little bit of preparedness, all the steps have been laid! Just wait for Ding Yu to step onto the front desk! What about the journey? For Ding Yu, it may be slightly passive, but you are not so! Right?

Can't you look at it so eagerly? Previously, Ding Yu deliberately dodged. Now it's OK! What did Ding Yu avoid on purpose? He showed up! But it's better not to show up? In this way, everyone's heart may be more comfortable! It won't be as embarrassing as it is now!

Think about it, is it because Ding Yu was forced too much earlier? That's why Ding Yu made such a choice now? What's more, this is what happened? It's not as strict as you can imagine. Everyone knows the news of the third echelon. The wind has already spread out!Under such circumstances, Ding Yu could not have heard any news! After hearing about it, would Ding Yu be indifferent? It's impossible. This guy is better than a monkey, but he covered it up so well! So that we did not do this aspect of preparation.

When the reaction comes over, Ding Yu has been hiding in the old nest for a long time. No one has any movement. The matter is so rigid here. What should we do?

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