When Ding Lin got up in the morning, he went to exercise with his son and his little lazy, many of them were old guys like Ding Lin! When we saw Ding Yu, we didn't have much surprise, but they were all cordial greetings. Ding Lin beside him was elated. After all, he was his own son! There's light on the face!

After walking for a short time, Ding Yu saw Hou Tianliang not far away. He said hello to his father, and then left the army. Hou Tianliang was also very close to him!

"Didn't you have a good rest last night? I feel a little dark under my eyes! Isn't it the first time you've left home This remark is very funny!

"The phone call didn't stop until the middle of the night. Everyone wanted to know something about it. Now everyone is not sure what the situation is." Hou Tianliang also helplessly explained, "the capital is very anxious there! Obviously, I didn't expect the director to have such a hand all of a sudden! "

"If you are in a hurry, hurry up!" Ding Yu said, "I have nothing to do these days. I'm basically at home. Maybe I'll go to the hospital two days later! That's it! You! Whatever you want

Got it! Hou Tianliang knows exactly what the director said to himself! This is also for their own rescue! Although said that he is also in the director's home side! However, he can not follow the director's side position! Some things are helpless, don't you think?

"Director, then I will be presumptuous!" Hou Tianliang is really not polite to his director, because the director does not like hypocritical people, so he does not need to be too polite in front of him!

"I can't do it at noon today. I'll take you to my old classmate in the evening. It's such an arrangement for the time being. It's a temporary notice." Then Ding Yu also waved, "OK! What should I do? I'm not a young master. I need someone to follow me, not to mention many people around me! One more than you is not much; one less than you is a lot! "

Since the director said so! Hou Tianliang did not stay for too long, and then he ran away! Although the small county town is not so big, but there are really a lot of personnel, and compared with the big city, the air is fresh, and relatively speaking? Go to bed early and get up early, not as fast as the rhythm of big cities!

After a round of exercise, Ding Yu found his father and went home together. His mother just came back! Compared with her own and father's exercise, my mother's exercise is not very large. Generally, she only does Taijiquan or jogs on the treadmill at home. The reason why she went out today is mainly to go shopping for Ding Yu in the morning market!

"Take care of your own things! Your father and I have other things to do today. I can't take care of you! "

Mom is still the same as before, the wind and fire! It seems that age is not a thing for her at all! Now the work of supporting education has given her a new spring, and her attitude can be said to be extremely positive! As for his father, he doesn't bear any pressure at all. Does the hospital and the health bureau work? That's it! Unless necessary, otherwise, they often go to the countryside for free clinic, and enjoy life more!

In fact, this is also very good! People! Or a mental state of the problem, good mental state! Good health! Do anything is quite pleasant, but mental state is not good? The body may have other problems, chain to all aspects!

"You drive my car! I'll take a taxi to the hospital Ding Lin did not mention his wife to send his thing, the main thing is now moved to a new hospital, with his wife is not the same direction, although the small county is not big, but that is really had trouble! "It will not be so convenient for you at that time!"

"No, there are still some things not delivered. They have special vehicles!"

Ding Yu explained a little, while Zhao Shuying snorted. Although the eldest son is not so extravagant as he imagined, this ostentation seems not small. Every time he comes back? It seems that there are a lot of staff. The hotels over there are always ready! Ding Lin is a smile!

The son is not a problem of too much ostentation, but his son's career is a little too big. He and his wife in the United States have not been there once. If he is a doctor, how can there be such a luxurious villa? Besides, Ding Ding Ding's domestic involvement is all given by his brother!

At that time, the real estate was not so prosperous. It was astronomical. Now the real estate is so prosperous. How much money is there? I'm afraid it is impossible to estimate! But whether it is their eldest son or old girl, when do you hear them waving their teeth and claws? Not at all!

Frankly speaking, I have my eldest son and my old daughter. In this small county, let alone go sideways! Even if it is crawling, no one dares to say anything, but is it really interesting to live like that? Don't disgrace yourself! At the same time, don't disgrace your son and daughter! People live a face, live a skin, their own or leisurely!What about lazy and Labrador? They were left at home today, mainly because Ding Yu stayed at home today, so they were all handed over to Ding Yu! Ding Yu looked at Xiao lazy and Labrador, but he also snorted. Xiao lazy looked at Ding Yu with a smile. He didn't mean to be afraid at all. Instead, Labrador sat down on one side!

Let the following people pack things, and then also drive to grandma's home, aunt alone at home! My uncle has something to do. I went to help today! Anyway, there are not too many things at home, not to mention the previous time has promised! Today when I left, my aunt complained a lot!

Here comes my nephew! You've gone to help! Isn't that bullshit?

But Ding Yu doesn't have so much conditioning. No wonder! Grandma is the same as before. How about this time? Let Ding Yu go to the Kang! But that's it! Still did not give Ding Yu much good face! Ding Yu is chatting with his aunt, mainly talking about the family.

Aunt there is also very comfortable, now the elderly do not have to worry, children do not have to worry about this life has no any worry! But she is also very clear, can have today's life, exactly how come?

There are not only old women in the village, but also other old people. But whose elderly people can have such a life, if it is not because the old lady is not suitable for the outside life, they may be taken away! Even now the old lady's vegetables, meat and food are deliberately prepared!

I've tasted those things myself. It's really good! It's better than what I planted at home, and I don't know how it's grown. It's similar to what I planted in the field when I was young. It doesn't look like it's in the field now. Although it's said that it's home grown, how can there be so much farm manure? A lot of it is chemical fertilizer!

As for the old lady has never changed her ideas, no one can say that! The old ladies are so old. Who dares to say so! However, Ding Yu's child is really speechless. Now, whenever it is mentioned in the family, it is all about stretching out one's thumb and praising it!

At noon, Ding Yu stayed at Grandma's house for dinner. As for his uncle, he didn't come back at noon, but he came back soon after eating! Is your nephew here? It's really helpless for me to go to help at noon today, but if I always don't come, it's really not decent!

"Your grandmother didn't give you a look?"

Looking at his uncle's appearance, Ding Yu also sighed, "but it's much better than before! I gave grandma a check in the morning, and my health is really good! At such a big age, I didn't take good care of it in the early years. Even in winter, I held a warm basin on the Kang head. It's really incredible to think about it now

"I don't know anything else, but I don't think I can live to that age! But if you really want to talk about it, it's lucky that you have the intention. Otherwise, I don't know what the situation is After saying that, he also raised the wine cup in his hand. His uncle's mouth was a bit stupid, and he didn't know what to say. In other words, all of them were in the wine!

"And me? It's just a snack! If you want to take care of them, do you still need you and your aunt and the elderly? Need is care, need is comfort, I can help is just appearance! Everyone will say beautiful words, not to mention money, but who can do a good job, everyone has a good idea

This is also Ding Yu's sincere words. If the old lady is taken care of at home, his parents will be able to take care of her, but will it be good to know her uncle and aunt as well? Ding Yu really dare not make any guarantee about this!

What about uncle and aunt? They have lived with the old lady all their lives, and they have never heard of any conflicts or even red faces. It's really hard to see such a scene! Ding Yu also feels admiration from his heart, which is why the army's affairs are so attentive!

"This is what I should do. I am a son, and your aunt is a daughter-in-law!" Uncle's face is a little red!

"Don't talk about the society now! Even if it was a little earlier, there were people who didn't support their parents? What's more, you and your aunt are hardworking Speaking of this, Ding Yu also stopped for a moment, "by the way, how's the army and Qianqian there? I've been busy with things outside. This time, I didn't even go back to the capital! "

"Good! Don't worry about your work now. What about your family? We have nothing to say here. Anyway, as long as they are happy! Xiaoyu, as you know, your aunt and I have never chosen a place. In any case, their future life is theirs. Isn't it? We old farmers, we don't know much. We talk too much! It makes them uncomfortable

"That's not good. What should be said is like my mother. Ding Ding and I are back! Happy to say two words, not happy to directly open to beat, regardless of who you are! At home, she is the eldest. After all the big and small came back, they saw that she was honest and honest. No one dared to say a word! "Ding Yu is very happy to talk with his uncle, and the consequence is that his uncle drinks a little more, but he doesn't have any drunkenness. People are happy at happy events. If his nephew doesn't drink much, he has to drink with him. After lunch, Ding Yu also says goodbye to his grandmother. The old lady said two words!

It's not the same as before, but this should not give Ding Yu face, but to his son and daughter-in-law this face! Anyway, my old lady is like this. What can you do?

However, when he came back, looking at the dogs in the car, Ding Yu twisted his nose, playing a little too happy, and his body was covered with mud. After going back, he really needs to clean up. Otherwise, when his father and mother come back, they will teach him a lesson!

However, just after Ding Yu entered the house, he found out all the messy tools. Ding Yu's mobile phone rang and looked at the incoming call. Ding Yu also put the mobile phone on the side of the room and said, "what's the matter? Are you two out of school

"Dad, Dad, what are you doing? Why don't we video it! "

Soon two small with Ding Yu video up, see their father's situation, also is the giggle up, "Dad, what have you done? How did you make such a mess? Little lazy, little lazy? "

Looking at the two villains in the video, xiaolazy also moved his big head and laughed, not to mention, they were really very beautiful. As for Labrador, he was silly. Ding Yu combed his hair first and saved knotting. This is mainly used to deal with xiaolazy. Its hair is a little long. As for Labrador, it really doesn't need to be combed. It's short hair Yes!

Usually, we don't bathe the dogs every day. If we are diligent, we should once a week. If we are not diligent, we should clean our paws at most. Because if we go out for a long time, there will always be contamination.

"I went to your grandma's today! Also did not look at them two guys, they are also in the yard, very fierce, originally black and white, now? They're all yellow people! " Ding Yu worked patiently, "how are you two at home? What about little four eyes and those puppies? "

"At Grandma's today! They haven't gone back yet, but they are all very well. We have to take care of them! " The two children were also turning their eyes. "Just now we called my grandfather and grandma. They still need a long time to go home. Dad, I'm afraid you will be alone."

"I'm not a big man, I'm not small in mind!" The two of them even took the lead in calling Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying, the two grandfathers and grandmothers, and then gave them a video, "but I have them with me. What's more, at night, we have an appointment with Uncle Hou Tianliang and uncle Hou. We have an appointment to have dinner together in the evening! Eat seafood

"Hum!" The little girl hummed, "I'll eat it after I go back!" This is obviously angry words. For their two children, it doesn't matter what they want to eat. Now there are only two babies in the family, which are also the focus of attention in all aspects. Even Ding Yu doesn't need to speak, everyone will send the things to their desks!

"I'll ask you Chen Ming and Uncle Chen to prepare them for you. When you come back, you will have ready-made ones!"

In fact, what to eat is not the most important. It is just a feeling. What is Ding Yu's status now? What can't be eaten and what's good can't be eaten. But Ding Yu is really not picky about this. He feels like going to Chen Ming? More comfortable and comfortable!

"Dad, grandfather, let's ask you, when will you be back?"

Oh? Ding Yu responded, and then tried the temperature of the water test. It was OK. "I have some things on my side. I'm afraid I won't be able to come in the first stage. In two days, I may still need to go to the hospital for help, so I don't have so much free time! Are you at home? Study hard. If you have a holiday, go and see your mother

"We all called mom!" Two small Ji how how of say, have been waiting for Ding Yu to give small lazy they wash bath! Just turned off the video, Ding Yu wiped them, and then gave them two blow dry! It's not suitable to go out now! Ding Yu didn't go out in a hurry, waiting for his mother to come back! Ding Yucai goes out!

"Director!" Hou Tianliang is already ready! At noon, I ate some of the local specialties, such as noodles, which I had never seen before. Stir fried with clams produced in the Yellow Sea, the taste was really different. If you really use one word to describe it, it is fresh! Relatively speaking, the capital and other aspects of food are mostly Bohai Sea food! The taste must be different!

In the morning, Ding Yu called Chen Ming, so Chen Ming deliberately prepared some things for Ding Yu. When he came, Chen Ming was busy. The store was changed again. The interior was renovated, but it was still an old brand. In the small county town, it was quite famous!

"When will you be back? When I went to see my uncle and aunt two days ago, they didn't mention it! "

Taking over the things in Ding Yu's hand, there is no politeness. The relationship between each other is really too familiar! If again polite words, then appears too hypocritical!"If I come back temporarily, I will stay for a few days." Ding Yu looked at the clothes on Chen Ming's body and jokingly said, "when did it change again? It looks good! "

"Adapt to the development of the trend, right? Eating is one aspect, and environment is another. We can't be vague! "

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