Sitting with her father and mother for a period of time, Zhao Shuying seemed to suddenly think of something, "by the way, the two children called us today! Don't you mean you're a dad? Before you left in a hurry, I didn't ask? You're all right now anyway! "

Get it! Start criticizing yourself again! I don't know if my mother is used to being a teacher! There is an inevitable connection, but Ding Yu's heart is really afraid to say what! Otherwise, my next life will never be too good!

"They had a video with me! The performance of this period of time is still very good, I also look in the eyes, when they have a holiday, let them go to see their mother, my side is not so convenient, it is not good to go back to the capital directly, or trouble too much! There are always people coming to the door! "

"Is there anything? I don't care, but you are a father after all. Even if your father and I had a job, the children were taken care of! It's like you don't care there! " Zhao Shuying is obviously dissatisfied with her son's words. Since she is dissatisfied, then criticize her. This is her character!

"Dad! Mom! I know it's wrong! " At this time, quickly pull your father in! I can't bear such fire on my own. What's more? On Friday, I will pick up the two children and let them live here for two days. On the contrary, there is not much delay on the right way. It's a good thing!

"I had this plan before! Let them do a plane to come over on Friday, and it doesn't take too long. I haven't seen them for a while! I think so! "

"I think you're just talking. Think about it!" Zhao Shuying is satisfied with her son's answer! At least I know I'm wrong! "But there is no need to come back! It doesn't look good to toss back and forth! "

"They are also herding sheep everywhere at home. They have run all over the capital. Only what they haven't heard of, there is no one they haven't been to. I'll ask Ding Ding Ding tomorrow to see if she can't come back. Just bring those two little guys back together. If there are too many people, it will be more lively."

"You can do it yourself! Don't let the child get too upset

Get it! This is over! Ding Yu is also aimed at his father picked his eyebrows, Ding Lin is also smiling, his eldest son is really have a way! "Yes! What are you looking for Zhao Hongyang! He has a good reputation. I heard about him in the previous meeting! We still have a good evaluation of him! "

"He helped me deal with some things. I think he is a good man. Everyone has a young age. He is willing to bear his own mistakes and has considerable courage and responsibility. Therefore, give him a chance to see if he can grasp it."

For the arrangement of his son, Ding Lin really did not say anything else, if it is a medical problem? How much can I discuss, but I really don't know anything about business. I really see the power of my eldest son in business! It's really not a joke!

The next day, Zhao Hongyang got up early! Clean up the very spirit, but think about, their own such wear really good? I really hesitated. When I met with Yu Shao yesterday, Yu Shao dressed casually and didn't have a suit or suit at all. What's more, if I went to the farm today, would I be disliked if I dressed like this?

After thinking about it, I found a suit of clothes for myself again. I looked at the ordinary jacket and a pair of high top shoes! They bought them from Italy, but they didn't wear them several times. The main reason is that they don't feel so suitable. But what about today? It's going to the farm. The environment is different! After thinking about it, Zhao Hongyang asked his own losers to find a pair of travel shoes!

Put all the things in the car to see what Yu Shao and the Secretary Hou are wearing. Just change it when you get off the car! In this way, he won't be embarrassed, and Yu Shao will not look at him differently!

"Zhao, what do you want today? Blind date? "

"Get out of here!" Zhao Hongyang also scolded, "I have something to do with Yu Shao today! Don't give me back leg, come back to tell you specific things, I don't know if I can get into other people's eyes! "

"Little feather? Ding Yu The woman also opened the box and took out a pair of sneakers from the inside. "This is what they brought in from the United States. You didn't wear it after you bought it. Today it's a foreign meat drive! When you bought before, you didn't allow to buy it, but now it's all over the box! When did Yu Shao come back? Would you like to invite him to dinner? "

"Did you miss a meal? I met with Chen Ming yesterday. Didn't I take Lao Jiang and them to open my eyes? Did not expect to meet feather less! Later, I learned that Chen Ming and Yu Shao had a very small relationship. No wonder Chen Ming's business is so hot there

"Chen Ming's seafood is more popular, that's because people's food is good!"

"What a good thing to have an egg for? You've got to be supported! No one to support you, the year of the monkey Ma Yue can get up, but it seems that Lao Chen's seafood really has years! I've heard of it before, but their family is really inclusive! All these years? It's really the first time I know that their family has something to do with Yu Shao! ""Absolutely family! It's said that there is a secret recipe in your hand. Otherwise, the product will not taste like that, but what is the secret recipe is unknown! People depend on this skill to eat! " The woman tried on shoes and jackets for her husband, and then walked away and looked, "OK! I think it's very good. Don't make it public! "

After receiving Hou Tianliang's call, Zhao Hongyang also drove to the hotel alone, and changed his wife's dress for his son. After seeing Hou Tianliang's dressing up, Zhao Hongyang was also determined by his heart, woman! At this point, it is really different! Absolutely more than men have advantages too much!

"Good morning, Secretary Hou!"

"Good morning Hou Tianliang and Zhao Hongyang say hello, because the time is really so early, so two people also go straight to the restaurant side, Ding Yu's side is also just arrived, said hello to each other, sat down to eat, slightly different from the usual breakfast, are big dishes and bowls!

It seems that Ding Yu's eating speed is not very fast, but the frequency is a little bit high, and meat and vegetable are not taboo! Zhao Hongyang really did not dare to have a try, how big his stomach is, he still has a few! But how can this little feather have such a big belly? Can't be what hyperthyroidism inside symptom?

It shouldn't be possible! Feather less itself is a doctor, if it is the disease within hyperthyroidism, feather less can not know, if even this point of their own problems do not know, how to be a doctor!

The location of the farm is a little bit far away from the city. Basically, it is in the towns below. If it is too close to the city, on the one hand, there is not much land and there is no way to integrate it. Moreover, it is easy to bring about considerable problems in the follow-up. There are not so many problems in the township side!

"Come here so early in the morning. There won't be any complaints in the Zhao family."

"Dare she? You can't beat her Zhao Hongyang is also taking advantage of his own neck! Because Ding Yu drove a car in the morning, Zhao Hongyang didn't drive his own car. He just sat in the business car. After all, there were not so many people!

"I don't seem to have much confidence in hearing this." Ding Yu said a sarcastic remark, but this remark can bring the relationship between each other closer! "I heard from my father that you, Lao Zhao, are quite afraid of the interior!"

"Nothing!" Zhao Hongyang also deliberately waved his arm, "in modern words, this is respect for women! When I was young, I didn't dislike me, and took care of my mother so well? There's no problem in playing games, but harmony and stability at home is the most important thing! "

"Morning! Do you hear anything? "

"I hear that!" Hou Tianliang also followed and said, "Zhao Zong is quite a set! But director, I'm not married yet? You can send me something like this, if I get married in the future! My daughter-in-law will certainly come to her door! "

"Shit, it's a rake ear at first sight!"

There is more than one farm here. Ding Yu's farm is about an hour's drive from the city. When he came to the farm gate, he found that there were many motorcycles and electric vehicles parked in the field in the distance! There's no clutter!

"Mr. Zhao? It's the same thing they usually do? "

"Almost! What about the countryside? There must be no bus or commuter bus. It's unrealistic at all! What about this time? It's also a little bit early. It's all about six o'clock in the morning, so that we rural people can get up. Would you like to have a try? Get up a hammer! Motorcycles and electric vehicles are more convenient. Are they neatly placed? If you restrict yourself a little, we will not be unreasonable! "

When talking, not far away, also called out a high command, and then a dull voice slowly passed over. Two columns of people slowly ran over, turned at the gate of the farm, and went straight to the farm. There was no meaning of staying at all!

"Yu Shao, do you see that this is the security guard of the farm. I heard that they are not ordinary soldiers. The farm gives them generous treatment. When they should work, they can work on the farm when they are not working! Earn more! That's a lot of money! It's all hot stuff now

When he arrived at the farm, Ding Yu hung a special sign on his chest. Hou Tianliang also handed a special sign to Zhao Hongyang, but he didn't want to explain what it represented! A group of people into the canteen, Ding Yu is also in the canteen this side to have a look!

It's not that no one came to the farm, but he was rejected by Hou Tianliang! The director just walks around and has a look. He really doesn't mean anything else. What about the farm people? They are all the creators of interests. Making them stop to work and serve themselves is relatively to reduce the interests. For Ding Yu, such a black hearted capitalist, the gain is not worth the loss!

The food in the canteen is steaming hot, and the big glass window cuts off everything. However, the situation inside can be said to be clear. The food is not good or bad, but it looks very clean, leaving people with "can we guarantee the diet for the Spring Festival?""Yes! And absolute guarantee, if not guarantee, my position will be replaced! I'm still alive at this wage! " The words also revealed a very simple concern, this job is very good, the same supervision is also quite strict, not a joke!

During the Chinese New Year Festival, there is not much rest time, so the farm also gives the workers considerable subsidies, not only in terms of wages, but also some other subsidies, such as the most basic food. Can't let everybody take up the bowl to eat, put down the chopsticks curse mother. What's more, it's not a unique business. It makes all aspects of the business contaminated and everyone's common prosperity! This is what Ding Yu wants to see!

"Lao Zhao? How do you feel? " From the canteen, Ding Yu also asked Zhao Hongyang next to him!

"Good management! There are too many people in the canteen, and they come and go, but the allocation of staff is orderly. I just looked at the menu, and there are dumplings once a week! Dumplings and steamed dumplings have, to know so many people, this is not a small number of ah! Aiming at this point, I feel that there are some unusual! If you go to my place, at least one factory director will do it! But I'm afraid I can't dig it! What a pity

"Let you come and have a look at it? It's pick up, not flattery

"Yu Shao, what I said is true!" Zhao Hongyang said, "where can I find such talents? Where are we? After all, it's a small county. What about a better one? The university entrance examination is gone! Although there has been some development in the past two years, it is just these two years. The foundation is too poor! It's not a big city! I can't get people! What about the rest? It's a bunch of old timers

"I really didn't find the fault! Don't talk about cooks, even if they're cooks? There are white towels all over the neck. How clean is this? If I was in charge, I would never have thought of it! As far as I'm concerned, it's enough to make them eat well! As for whether it is clean? I really don't have too much attention! "

"Modern enterprise? To develop to the high-end, you need to pay attention to all aspects, just as you do. In the original time, you didn't pay attention to clothes or travel. It's most important to eat well and eat well. What else can you say if you can't even fill your stomach? But now? Are you able to attend some occasions as before? It's not only to have a full and good meal, but also to have higher requirements for the environment, quality and so on! "

"This is also true. Today's trip is still dressed up by my wife!"

"Don't show love! How old are you Lao Zhao! What about me? Not in front of you? Hou Tianliang hasn't seen his girlfriend during this period, so he can only comfort himself by chatting on video! Is it appropriate for you to show like this in front of us? "

"I really didn't pay attention. Yu Shao, why don't you bring your daughter-in-law back?"

"She has her own business to do! I will not interfere in this respect either Ding Yu also avoided some problems of Taixi!

A few people slowly and leisurely walked to the idle land in the distance. The land had been turned over, and the traces on it could be clearly seen. A technician next to Ding Yu also explained that, "previously, we had ploughed deeply and had a new pregnancy. This is the second year! Judging from the conditions, we still need to wait for two years! "

"Two years to go? Let it be idle for two years? Are there any other arrangements? "

"It's not that it's completely empty. In spring, it will be heavier than mung beans and other legumes. In the future, all the legumes will be returned to the ground. They can be used as green manure, and the land where legumes have grown can promote other planting in the coming year! It's complementary! "

"All these open spaces are like this?"

"Not all of them. Those lands in the north have been planted. We need a new pregnancy sample this year, because some standards are not suitable any more! The things planted will not meet the standard! We need to be responsible for the whole farm! At the same time, it is also responsible for the customers. If we can't even be responsible for the customers, we can talk about how to be responsible for the farm! "

"I'll wipe it!" Zhao Hongyang at this time is also true, there are so many want to curse mother, have been planted, continue to plant good! Take out again pregnant like, that is a white silver! Is that all waste? This is money, no place to spend? Or what? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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