Ding Yu is walking at the edge of the field. Because of watering, Ding Yu's shoes are inevitably stained with mud. The researchers beside him are not so concerned. He is wearing rain shoes. It's really easy to deal with such an environment!

But Ding Yu didn't care at all. He just walked on the edge of the field and picked up the soil beside him in his spare time. "How about pollution control?"

"The government has given strong support. Before we moved in, the state started to close the mountains for afforestation. The problem of pesticides is still a little big. In the early days, we did not pay attention to this aspect. There are not too many small fish and shrimps in the river nearby, and even the River is going to dry up! Now the river is there, but there are not many fish and shrimp! It will take a while! "

"Lao Zhao, did you catch fish when you were a child?"

"Of course! I'm also a good hand. In those years, a group of big and small guys went into the water wearing pants! Fish and shrimp, there was Wang BA at that time. I clearly remember that at that time, we caught a lot of them, and then we carried them to sell them. No one bought a dollar. At that time, the money was hard! Later, there was no way out, all of them were thrown back into the river! No one wants it, no one eats it. It's better now! Don't say 100 yuan, even 1000 yuan, you can't buy the original Wang Ba! Think about it is also very regret, the original time is too cruel! It's a little too much! "

"It seems that Lao Zhao didn't eat less?"

"It's made by the black sheep in the house, not to mention the taste. I don't know if you have this time or I'll let the black lady stew it in the evening! Have a taste of the craftsmanship of our Laozhao family

"There's nothing wrong with eating, but Zhao, it's OK to have one meal a month! It's not good to eat too much. What about these things? Don't use it indiscriminately! Don't think that if you are strong, you can be unscrupulous. Your body is not iron. The more polished you are, the more you use it, the more light it will be! "

"Almost forgotten! You Yu Shao is a great doctor! This point needs to be well told with my family in the black lady, these years is really what is good to buy what? I don't know what the use of buying it back is! "

A few people walked in the field, almost all morning, not only in the open space, but also in the greenhouse and so on! But did not go to the laboratory, because the body is quite contaminated, even if it is no longer pay attention to, because simply can not control! Hou Tianliang and Zhao Hongyang two people above the mud a piece of soil!

He ate in the canteen at noon. Zhao Hongyang took a full plate, and Hou Tianliang was about the same. But Ding Yu didn't have a lot of things to do. Zhao Hongyang was puzzled. Hou Tianliang also poked a little at the back, and then said in a low voice, "the director's habit of being a doctor is that he has no time to eat at noon because of long-time operation Rice, mainly to add some high energy things, such as coffee and chocolate

It's not that I dislike it, but because of my own work. This is really admirable. Ding Yu was the one who operated the operation on his old mother. The effect was incomparable. How could there be a return without paying? All saw the scenery on the surface of Yu Shao. Who saw that he couldn't even eat lunch sometimes?

Ding Yu doesn't eat fast. What about the workers? It's really delicious, because the things are really good, chicken, duck, fish, have! Two meat and two vegetables! No limit to rice and steamed bread, and soup! From this point alone, it is not the general unit can bear, no wonder so many leaders are willing to come!

There are some jokes about this, but some problems can be found. The treatment of the farm is really good, but what about this job? Ordinary people really can't bear it! Not to say that there is no mechanized labor, but relatively less, there is high-tech, this ordinary people can not do!

But for the common people, what can or can't bear? Isn't it just farming? Although the requirements of the farm are so strict and even nitpicking, they are just careful and careful! There's no big problem! Why do you get such a high salary? That's why!

More importantly, it is close to home! What's more, the canteen provides three meals. Basically, it doesn't cost too much. It doesn't look like working outside. You can't save much money in a month! What about staying on the farm side? Almost all the money you earn in a month!

By contrast? Who would like to leave home! Of course, some people are willing to go out and wander, not to be bound at home. That's another thing. But what about the vast majority? All of them are young people, but the farm really doesn't need such young people. It's not as good as middle-aged people!

For almost a day, Ding Yu has been immersed in the farm. Ding Yu and Hou Tianliang really have no feelings, but Zhao Hongyang's legs are already soft! I don't know how long I walked today. I changed my clothes and shoes, but I couldn't hold on to it!

Take a look at Yu Shao and Hou secretary, they are not red and breathless! This man and man! There is really no way to compare! Anyway, Zhao Hongyang felt that he wanted to die! This is how they walk. What about the people working on the farm? They work like this every day? What is the situation?"Yu Shao, I really can't walk!" Squatting in the position of one side, Zhao Hongyang also said with a wry smile.

"Lao Zhao, it's time to exercise more!" Ding Yu already has a number of farms on this side! And what about Zhao Hongyang? Is also really can't carry! So I don't have much to insist on, "the people on their side are very busy, so let's not disturb their work! Go back to the car and have a rest

Back on the top of the car, Zhao Hongyang also opened his voice and filled two bottles of mineral water. That is to say, he had been wandering for a day. But he thought that he would be so tired? "Let Yu Shao see the joke!"

"Lao Zhao, it's really time to exercise!" Ding Yu sat down on one side and wiped the dust on his forehead, "but you also followed me for a day's sightseeing. Why? Do you see any business? "

"I don't understand the high-tech inside. As for the cold storage, I can be responsible for solving part of it, but it seems to me that people are not so big! In terms of transportation and manpower, I might be able to help out! "

"Yes!" Ding Yu really didn't mean to refuse Zhao Hongyang's request. "The farm needs a lot of manpower and material resources. What about the demand for high-level talents? Although you can't help, the recruitment of workers has always been a big problem, because it requires some training. "

"Yu Shao, I don't know how to speak, but I'm sure it's Yu Shao's advice! Just look at it

I am a local. I have my own unique channel to understand the farm. I have been driving for a long time! But I haven't seen anyone come to their trouble all the time. How can it be possible that there is no way to do it? Cheat the ghost!

Now people bring themselves to the farm because they get along well with each other, so they are willing to help themselves! That's it! Such an opportunity has come! If you don't hold on to it, don't say what you regret, maybe when you can't think of it! Just find a washbasin and drown yourself!

"Go back! Find a place to take a bath on your own. If there is an old master, you will be beaten. Otherwise, your whole body will be very sore tomorrow Look at everybody rest almost! The driver in front is also driving!

"Yu Shao, I really know a place! It was opened by a little brother of my family. I can guarantee that there is absolutely no mess in it. Would you appreciate it? "

"I'll let daybreak alone! The identity of dawn is not suitable to go to such places, whether it is formal or informal, what about me? I really don't have this hobby! Let's talk about it later! What's more, I have to go back to have dinner with my parents. I didn't accompany them last night. I'm going home for a good meal

"No! Dean Ding and Miss Zhao dare to accuse you? "

"No, my position in the family? Maybe it's a little bit higher than Ding Ding Ding. It's more than me! Little lazy, Labrador are higher than my position, at least in my mother's eyes, our family is like this, who dare not angry, ask her whether she agrees or not! "

On the way back, everyone was laughing and joking. Hou Tianliang also found that after the director came back, he said a lot more! The whole person seems to have let go a lot. I don't know if it's because I'm back home. Maybe it's because I don't need to bear so much pressure! Besides, I didn't find any other reason!

To the hotel side, Ding Yu is also directly home! Houyang is polite enough to drive to the hotel. If you don't know who else you want to drive to, you can't tell me who else is wrong with you! This is really not a matter of money!

"Second brother, what's wrong with you today? How soft? This is not yet in the evening? Is it cleaned by my sister-in-law? "

"Don't bullshit!" Zhao Hongyang patted his leg, "give me a pool of water, I'll take a good bubble, and master Dajiang is there! I'm tired today! I've been walking for a whole day, but it's really worthwhile. Let me give me a good knock and a pat! Otherwise, I can't hold on to it! "

"Let's go! Anyway, I have nothing to do, I'll accompany you

"I'm lucky today. I was going to invite someone to come to your place. I said, this place is absolutely clean, but it's not a good place to eat!"

"No! Second brother, there are people who don't come to you. This is not common! "

Two people went directly to the private room, changed clothes, took the elevator downstairs, looked for a small pool to soak up, "Ding Yu, Yu little know this person?" Looking at his old brother's appearance, he may not have heard, "come on! You are a mallet. You must have heard of Ding Lin Ding, Dean of our city hospital? "

"I seem to have heard of this man, but I don't know anything about it! They have nothing to do with each other

"You! Let's just lean on it for one acre or three. " The water in the pool is very hot, but two people are not so concerned, "Yu Shao is the eldest brother of the Ding family, and there is a younger sister below. Now they are all in the capital! In the early days, we made some troubles with our former Secretary Ma! ""I seem to have heard of it, but I don't think many people know it now! The Ma family and Song family were very powerful in our city at the beginning, but now there is no movement at all! In any case, there is some circulation now. I don't know whether it is true or not, and there is no exact number! "

"At the beginning, it was because of Yu Shao that Yu Shao was given Yin by their two families! However, after 30 years of Hedong and 30 years of Hexi, you may not have heard of it. When Yu Shao came back, he met Secretary MA in the hotel and directly connected him to the south wall! I can't get down from it! But Yu Shao doesn't want to see them in the same way, otherwise, hum

"I've never seen such a man before! I'll see you that day! "

"You can pull it down! Don't be your brother! Today I went to the farm! "

"Farm? That's the... " The middle-aged man sitting next to him also straightened up his body, "isn't it! Second brother, can you find a relationship with the farm? I wipe, now many people are looking red, but now there is no one to start! Who touches who dies! This is really not a joke. We all hope that there will be a leak in the farm, even if it is, it will be enough to make a pot full of money! "

"I originally wanted to invite Yu Shao to come here and let you see you too! But feather less bad this one, I also have no way, we how many years old brother, I alone? It must not be able to support this stall, so we still need help! "

"Second brother, this is not said!" The middle-aged people next to me also have some red eyes.

"What about Yu Shao and the farm? The relationship is extraordinary, I also took a considerable relationship, we were mixed together in the original time! However, some old brothers are floating and sinking, we can help one by one, do odd jobs every day, and it's not such a thing to carry dishes! I don't like it! We're sitting, they can't even ride a motorcycle! At the beginning, we were all together. We may not be able to help, but we can have a good meal! "

"Second brother, everyone remembers your kindness! Everyone can understand. "

"Understand or not understand? Another thing, we help each other, mutual support, so many years of time, we have a considerable understanding of each other, good or bad? It's all that once! Can you drive? The farm needs to do farm work. The farm also needs those who can do farm work at home. But there is a saying, don't mess up the mess, and there are those little turnip heads. If you make them, you will not have a good face! I can't make a lot of money, but the family has a meal and the children can go to school without any problem! "

"I'll call right away, second brother. You don't know. People who want to go to the farm are really crazy now! That treatment is really not said! What about the world now? What about the rich? The rich die, the poor die poor, what's more, people never refuse to pay their bills. Even when they are busy, the short-term work is also a day-to-day settlement, but it is difficult to enter! It's said that there are more people looking for relationships, but I don't seem to have heard of anyone getting involved in it! "

"Who doesn't have three or five poor relatives yet! Anyway, we can help you. At the beginning, I asked Yu Shao's knee. Later, I helped Yu Shao to deal with some things. It was considered that he was in the eye of Yu Shao's law that he had such an opportunity. Anyway, it's impossible to be rich and prosperous, but there is absolutely no problem to eat a full meal! "

At this time, the people next to him also came out of the water pool and pulled the bath towel around his waist to pick up the phone. He made a call less than half an hour later. When he came back, Zhao Hongyang was beaten by master Dajiang!

"Second brother, I've contacted some old brothers. We have them on the 20th and 30th! But a lot of the girls in their house are with you! Everyone wants to get involved in it. I'm afraid I can't come here too busy! "

Zhao Hongyang turned his head. "I don't know they can stay. I will not stop them if they want to. If they are not suitable, they will go to my place! Definitely need to hire! It's all about taking care of these old brothers. Now that you're ready to go out, I'll never stop you. "

"Second brother! We can't all go in a swarm! You're still working or not! We come in turns. Before we eat rice, we smash our own pot! The gain is not worth the loss

"Yes! You are responsible for telling everyone about the arrangement. I'm responsible for contacting with them. I don't know if these guys can stay. Of course, I hope they can all stay. At least they can have a decent meal. It's not so easy to go east or west! What's more, they are all family members now

"Second brother, in fact, you don't have to worry about that much. You've helped a lot over the years."

"All the old brothers who came out together in those years! At that time, we didn't do those things that would harm the nature, but we didn't do a lot of fighting, right? What about me? If you don't have these old brothers to support you, you can't help or not in today's industry. If you give me face, I have to give you something, right? "www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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